A Retrospective Look: Bound For Glory 2005


Getting Noticed By Management
So BFG 2015 is coming up and I remembered that someone in this forum did a series of retrospective looks at the course of WrestleMania's over the years so I decided to do one for Bound For Glory.

The Actual Card:

Pre-Show:Sonjay Dutt def. Alex Shelly & Austin Aries & Roderick Strong in a Four Way Match at 12:07.

1.Samoa Joe def. Jushin Liger in a Standart Wrestling Match at 07:27.

2.The Diamond In The Rought (David Young & Elix Skipper & Simon Diamond) def. Apolo & Shark Boy & Sonny Siaki in a Six Man Tag Team Match at 07:03.

3.Monty Brown def. Lance Hoyt in a Standart Wrestling Match at 06:29.

4.Team Canada (A-1 & Bobby Roode & Eric Young) def. 3Live Kru (B.G. James & Konnan & Ron Killings) in a Six Man Tag Team Match at 06:08.

5.Petey Williams def. Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley in a Three Way Ultimate X Match to determinate the No.1 Contender for the TNA X Division Championship at 13:13.

6.America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (C) def. The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) in a Tag Team Match to retain the NWA World Tag Team Championship at 10:37.

7.Rhino def. Abyss & Jeff Hardy & Saby in a Four Way Monster's Ball Match at 12:20.

8.AJ Styles (C) def. Christopher Daniels in a 30 Minute Iron Man Match with the result of 1-0 to retain the TNA X Division Championship at 30:00.

9.Rhino def. Abyss & AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy & Kip James & Lance Hoyt & Monty Brown & Ron Killings & Sabu & Samoa Joe in a Ten Man Gauntlet Match to determinate who will replace Kevin Nash in the main event and challenge Jeff Jarrett for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at 14:12.

10.Rhino def.Jeff Jarrett (C) in a Standart Wrestling Match with Tito Ortiz as the Special Guest Referee to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship at 05:30.

How would I do it?

World Title Scene - First of all Jeff f***ing Jarrett should NOT have been in the main eventof this show. In my opinion he should have been a part of the feud between Team Canada and 3Live Kru and team up with Team Canada to face 3Live Kru & Kip James in an EIght man tag. The real main event should have been Rhino vs Raven for the world title. I know that when you have a guy like Kevin Nash on your show he should be on the main event but I believe that a mid-card match with Abyss who have been much better for him (because he got hospitalized the day before BFG Abyss would face someone else on the show).

X Division Title Scene - Actually I really liked Styles vs Daniels but for god sakes I think they missed a great oppourtunity to make a big impression on their PPV audience by delaying the triple threat between Styles & Daniels & Joe from Unbreakable the previous month which is the only match in TNA history to get a 5 star rating from Dave Meltzer to the Inaugrual Bound For Glory. About the No.1 Contenders Ultimate X Match I think it was good but because if I will have it it will be the 2nd three way on the card then I would add the stipulation to the pre-show that the winner (Sonjay Dutt) will be the 4th participant in the match.

Upper Midcard Matches - The four way monster's ball match was stupid in my opinion and I think it would have been a lot better if it would have been replaced. First of all Hardy should have faced Sabu in a dream IWC Dance match in my opinion. To make this even bigger I would have the two face off in a Full Metal Mayhem Match with ths stipulation that the winner will earn a future NWA World Heavyweight Championship opputrtunity. Monty Brown and Lance Hoyt will still have their match as it deserved it's spot and the same goes for the NWA Tag Team Championship match.

Final Booking Time:

Pre-Show: Sonjay Dutt def. Elix Skipper & Austin Aries & Roderick Strong & Alex Shelly in a Five Way Match to determinate the 4th participant in the Ultimate X Match later on the night.

1.Monty Brown def. Lance Hoyt in a Standart Wrestling Match.

2.Jeff Jarrett & Team Canada (A-1 & Eric Young & Bobby Roode) def. Kip James and 3Live Kru (B.G. James & Ron Killings & Konnan) in an Eight Man Tag Team Match.

3.Abyss def. Jushin Liger in an Open Challenge Standart Wrestling Match.

4.Petey Williams def. Chris Sabin and Matt Bentley in a Three Way Ultimate X Match to determinate the No.1 Contender for the NWA X Divison Championship.

5.America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) (C) def. The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) to retain the NWA X Division Championship.

6.Sabu def. Jeff Hardy in a Full Methal Mayhem Match to determinate the No.1 Contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

7.AJ Styles def. Christopher Daniels (C) and Samoa Joe in a Three Way Dance to win the NWA X Division Championship

8.Rhino def. Raven (C) in a Raven's Rules Match with Tito Ortiz as the Special Guest Referee to win the NWA World Heavyweight Championship.

Liked my booking? Think you can do better? Show me what you got!
First of all... what is a standart wrestling match? Do they roll around in paint and create art on the canvas while giving suplexes and piledrivers? Then cut the canvas up at the end and sell it off on a plaque for $49.99 on the website?

Also.. you're probably the only person alive that remembers anything about the booking up to this show. I don't even know if TNA was on television at this point. Maybe it was? I think it just started on Spike like 3 weeks prior to this so who the hell would have even seen any of it? I could be wrong.

This will end up dead in the trash where bad threads go to die. I would put it there if I could.
Yea I'm definitely with you that the Jeff Jarrett-Rhino match had no business being a PPV main event at this point. In my opinion Styles-Daniels should have been the Main Event.
Although I feel that Jeff Jarrett's heel act was beautiful, the vast majority believes that he shouldn't have been in the NWA Heavyweight title scene for so long... I guess the majority is right and I'm missing some major shortcoming of his (apart from that he was a mid-carder in WCW).

Btw, Simon Diamond's team was called Diamonds in the Rough, not Diamond in the Rought :D

What do you like to see in an Iron Man match- a 1-0 score or a 5-4 score? I personally like the bigger scores since the action is more back-and-forth with less resting time, each finisher scores a pinfall or submission, and the match sees the employment of strategies like an early tap-out to preserve the body for later on. However, on the other hand, someone that got pinned 4 or 5 times isn't really an Iron Man, is he?

Isn't Tito Ortiz that bald-headed guy who awkwardly interrupted Mr. Anderson couple of years ago? Why would you want him to be involved in the main event of your biggest show? If Rhino and Raven are fighting, they should go at it clean (dirty?) and all-out, without any outside interference.

I used to love the Monster's Ball matches back in the day when the company actually had hardcore "monsters" that would be fighting for something, and it wasn't just a 1-on-1 gimmick match thrown around at certain points of the year. If we count house shows too, there were 19 Monster's Ball matches in 2010 alone! Wow.

Overall, both cards look good to me. I don't remember the storylines from that period, so it's hard to judge them for the matches they had on the card; they had to connect the event with the past and the future angles.
Honestly I wouldn't have changed much about the inaugural BFG. Moving the Unbreakable triple threat up to this show is a damn good idea. But you're assuming that match goes exactly the same way. Sure they would've had a good match, but who knows if it woulda been the 5 star classic it was at Unbreakable. I was ALWAYS under the assumption that once Kevin Nash had to be pulled from the show, they should have changed their ENTIRE creative direction.

What TNA did was have Rhino win a brutal Monster's Ball, a 10 man gauntlet battle royal, THEN win the World Title in the main event. That is one helluva a night. Then the next week on IMPACT he promptly lost the title back to Jefff Jarrett. Thus, accomplishing nothing. An ECW has been and WWE never was DOMINATED your brand new PPV that you want to use as your WrestleMania equivalent... and what came of that? Nothing. Like nothing AT ALL!

I've been saying for almost 10 years now.. it should've been SAMOA JOE! Let Joe dominate the gauntlet then go out and overcome all the odds Jarrett throws at him to surprisingly win the NWA World Title. It's a shock to the wrestling world that probably pulls in any indy fan not already paying attention to product, and helps legitimize Joe for any of the older fans watching TNA for the likes of Jarrett, Nash, Rhino, Raven, Hardy, Sabu etc. Someone winning three matches in one night and the World Title is a big move. So INVEST IT WISELY!

Joe doesn't lose the title back to Jarrett 3 days later. He WHOOPS Double J and continues to do so every time he comes for the title. Let Joe's undefeated streak coincide with a dominating World Title reign. Joe keeps a DEATH GRIP on the World Title all the way until Bound For Glory 2006 when he faces a very heel Christian Cage at the top of his game. Kurt Angle is TNA's new blockbuster acquisition and is assigned special enforcer for the match. Angle inadvertently costs Samoa Joe the match and the year long title reign and 17 month undefeated streak is BROKEN. Christian is now TNA's champion and we've perfectly set up an epic Joe/Angle feud.

Like I said, much better investment.
There is a lot of things I would change about this card tbh, it was just crazy booking from top to bottom and didn't make sense really. I disagree with some people, I feel Jarrett should of been in the main event PURELY for the fact that he was a heel and I would have him defend the title against Monty Brown, because I feel this guy was over.

I would have Jarrett still beat raven for the title in Canada and have Raven go on a hiatus till BFG and have him come back, my card would be:

1)Sonjay Dutt Vs Alex Shelley Vs Austin Aries Vs Roderick Strong
4 Way, X-Division Number 1 Contenders Match. I saw someone else post this and I liked it, I would have Aries win the match and move onto the Ultimate X match later on.

2) Diamonds in the Rough (Young, Skipper & Diamond) Apolo, Shark Boy & Siaki
Six Man Tag Team Match. I would keep this the same except bump it up to the pre-show.

Main Show
1) Samoa Joe Vs Jushin "Thunder" Liger
X-Division Showcase Match. Stays the same and it opens the show with Joe getting the win.

2) Team Canada Vs 3 Live Kru
Six Man Tag Team Match. Stays the same with Team Canada getting the win.

3) Lance Hoyt Vs Kip James
Singles Match. I would have Kip take on Hoyt with Hoyt getting the big win.

4) Petey Williams Vs Chris Sabin Vs Matt Bentley Vs Austin Aries
Fatal 4 Way Number 1 Contenders X-Division Ultimate X Match. Stays the same except I would add Aries to the match and have Williams still win the match.

5) America's Most Wanted (C) Vs The Naturals
NWA Tag Team Title Grudge Match. Stays the same except have the Naturals win the titles as a sign of respect to their late great manager.

6) Rhino Vs Jeff Hardy Vs Abyss Sabu
Monsters Ball Match. Stays the same with Rhino getting the win.

7) A.J. Styles (C) Vs Christopher Daniels
30 Minute Iron Man X-Division Title Match. Stays the same, I wouldn't change it.

8) 20 Man Gauntlet Match. I would keep this match with Raven returning and winning the match to get a title shot at the winner of the main event.

9) Jeff Jarrett (C) Vs Monty Brown
NWA World Title Match. This should of been the main event for BFG with Brown finally winning the title and going on a decent run after months of build up and move onto a feud with Raven.

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