A question that came to mind

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Reaper of Miracles
Amazing Kong debuted in TNA last Thursday (As Awesome Kong)

Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim


Does anyone find it strange that TNA exaggerated Kong's Height and weight? She went from being 5' 10, 230 lbs to 6' 2, 275 lbs. I see no other reason for TNA to do this except if their planning to push Kong into the men's division. TNA has already given Kong a squash victory over Gail Kim, whose arguably the face of the TNA womens division right now. Another thing that could prove this happening is if it takes EVERYBODY, all the divas, to throw Kong over the top and she just bats them all away before being double teamed again before finally being thrown over. IMO, I think that when TNA hired Kong odds are they weren't going to use her for the womens division, I think its beginning to look that way with TNA altering Kong's height and weight to make her look bigger and stronger, having her squash Gail Kim and If TNA makes her look larger than life at BFG, then odds are that she could be headed to the men's division.

So what does everyone else think? Personally I think Kong could fare well in the Mens division if she's built up right.
that is a scary lady!
i think amazing kong could do very well in mens. ok, she's never going to give the most exciting, high-flying matches, but if they book her in x-division, they'd probably give her a shot at the belt eventually.
Either that or a mark henry style approach of taking smaller wrestlers out.
But The thing is, Kong is really the same size has Christian or AJ (in that 220 to 230 lb range) TNA is exaggerating her size. Kong can do some amazing Ariel maneuvers for a woman of her size, but she's not as fast and as agile as men who are in her same weight class. Hyping her weight up also presents a problem because many fans , at that point, expect Kong to be super strong. And while she IS very strong (strong enough to body slam or powerbomb someone the size of Rhino or Tomko, but I'd bet money she'd be unable to even budge Abyss or Junior Fatu, as many people would be expecting a 275 lb woman to be able to lift these huge men, and I doubt she can.) I'm really interested to see what TNA does with her.
yeah i see where u'r coming from. my theory - it's cos she looks big. i mean by looking at her she looks huge compared to christian, in my opinion she's similar in size to rhino (who is billed as being 270).

the only way she's losing at BFG is everyone'll get rid of her first and then they'll give her a run at the title for a while before having her destroy a few x-divisioners.

anyone else any opinions?
TNA's women's division is shaping up far better than the WWE's. The reason I don't think Kong will go to the men's division is because TNA actually seems commited to women's wrestling.

They may use her as an unbeatable monster for the first few months, to establish the new title. That way when someone beats her the match will actually recieve hype, unlike when Beth won the WWE women's title.
yeah i see where u'r coming from. my theory - it's cos she looks big. i mean by looking at her she looks huge compared to christian, in my opinion she's similar in size to rhino (who is billed as being 270).

the only way she's losing at BFG is everyone'll get rid of her first and then they'll give her a run at the title for a while before having her destroy a few x-divisioners.

anyone else any opinions?

Thats exactly what it is, but in all honesty, she no where near that size TNA is hyping her. Nikki/ Roxxi is 5' 10 and 150 lbs and when she fought Kong on the indy circuit, the two were the same same height. But if you compare Kong to Christain for height or Rhino for size, Kong is going to look smaller, so I'm not sure how TNA is going to play this. Maybe make her wear lifts like Kane to make her look taller. Kong has the power to throw around most crusierwieghts and some heavyweights, plus there's no woman in TNA that could slam Kong, even at her normal size of 230, much less at 275. Unless TNA hires Melissa Coates or if TNA brings back Chyna. Which I don't see happening, so I don't see any of the other women defeating Kong, except by using finesse, but I don't know how exciting that would be to watch as compared to a high Impact match.
Jesus christ, when I first saw her walking down the ramp I thought Umaga had jumped ship...

Gotta' appreciate the fact tna doesn't sign chicks based on there looks I guess, but seeing her kinda makes me wish they did...
Jesus christ, when I first saw her walking down the ramp I thought Umaga had jumped ship...

Gotta' appreciate the fact tna doesn't sign chicks based on there looks I guess, but seeing her kinda makes me wish they did...

Um, they did sign some good looking girls If you didn't notice, Talia Madison, Angel Williams, Shelly Martinez, and ODB are all beautiful women that can wrestle well. Then if you factor in Gail Kim, Traci Brooks, Roxxi (Whose questionable, but Nikki Roxx, the girl that plays her, is totally gorgeous) Christy Hemme, and Jacqueline TNA has some very pretty girls, who can all wrestle and perform in the ring. I'm sure that TNA could afford to bring in someone like Amazing Kong, amidst all the other women they do have.
Like originally suggested i presume its so they can push her a multi tier wrestler. Having her compete across the board. She has competed in many intergender matches in japan and really hold's her own.

For example....

Steve Corino & The amazing Kong vs Brian kendrick & Saki Maemura

she looks so much smaller in that clip than in tna. EPN, wwe seems to hire more on their looks than ability. look at who has gone from wwe within last few years - angel williams, shelly martinez, francine, trinity, jazz and krissy vaine - all very talented wrestlers. instead they prefer to bring in models who can't wrestle and take the ones who can out of the ring (mickie, victoria, jillian, melina).
TNA have found a good balance - signed wrestlers who r easy on the eyes (ok kong isn't great but at least it's not a diva search reject).

Off topic - who else would you like to see them get?
i'l start by suggesting the other half of T&A - miss april hunter
When I first saw Amazing Kong. I was excited at the possibilites. Then I realized she was wrestling Gail Kim. Many were expecting Gail to be the first womens champion. I don't think it was a good idea for her to get manhandled the way she did if she is the first champ. I would let Amazing Kong just domiante the division until she got bored and then went to wrestle men. Let her eat SharkBoy.
Off topic - who else would you like to see them get?
i'l start by suggesting the other half of T&A - miss april hunter

I would like Daizzee haze to be given a shot and LuFisto, both are great. Infact most of the womens wrestlers that work for Shimmer are great.
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