Is Awesome Kong coming to Raw?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Im interested to know. Which show would need her the most? However we've seen how the WWE feels about TNA wrestlers

Gail Kim - For the most part a Jobber

R-truth- Was a 2 time world champ in TNA, comes to wwe wins U.S title for a week lmao , then returns to being a jobber.

Hopefully the WWE doesnt bury her. I hope they get this one right this time. BTW Gail Kim and Awesome Kong have had awesome fueds in TNA.

If they use Awesome Kong right, her and Beth Phoenix wont have a match until Wrestlemania. Which is a good thing.
I hope they use her right because the Divas division is a bit of a joke right now. they have no legitimate reason to bury her like they did Gail Kim. There is a lack of female talent right now and they need someone like her to make that division watchable again. I can only cross my fingers at this point because, as you previously stated, history is not on her side.
I hope they use her right because the Divas division is a bit of a joke right now. they have no legitimate reason to bury her like they did Gail Kim. There is a lack of female talent right now and they need someone like her to make that division watchable again. I can only cross my fingers at this point because, as you previously stated, history is not on her side.

Yeah the funny thing is i dont even watch much womens wrestling, but i used to watch Kong. She is definitely a show stopper. Shes also has some MMA training and is a fluent speaker in japanese. She brings alot of talent to the table. The Womens divison is a joke in the WWE. Its like who wants to be the prettiest. Heck as soon as Kong was released from TNA. Her and Stonecold hung out for lunch and later they tweeted each other. He tweeted "The WWE would be stupid not to sign you right away"
In a perfect world, they would have Kong come in to whatever show(since the Divas title is defended on both anyway), destroy the Bellas, then, feud with Gail Kim or Natalya...holding off on feuding with Beth Phoenix until Wrestlemania.

Unfortunately, I dont see her lasting more than maybe a year in the WWE, because, she is going to get sick of facing Gail Kim(maybe?), Beth Phoenix, and maybe Natalya, unless they bring in some new divas, that can actually wrestle.
They cant mess up Kong, its all set up in her promo. She is going to be the big bad Diva killer destroying all the beauty queens in her path. ( this is my wish anyway ) Keep Beth Phoenix off TV until Kong has just left no hope in the rest of the Divas and have her come in and have some huge matches and have Beth go over. If done right this can shoot Beth up into superface status maybe even surpass Trish ( I love Trish )if done right.
If Beth is not the one to go over the only other credible Diva to give Kong a good match would be Natalya.
Kong should be the voice of the wrestling fans who hate the beauty queen Divas and have her just squash them, yes I said it squash matches. Make the division a joke until super Beth or super Natalya comes in to save the day.
Team her with Vickie as the one who gets revenge on all the Divas for her since she will need someone to do her talking. ala Andre and Heenan and other than Cole who gets more heat than Vickie
How in the hell can you bury such a monster as Kong, who the hell would she lose to? Kong will be on RAW because someone needs to squash these models who can barely wrestle (i.e Bella Twins, Eve)
How in the hell can you bury such a monster as Kong, who the hell would she lose to? Kong will be on RAW because someone needs to squash these models who can barely wrestle (i.e Bella Twins, Eve)

It's a great question, but remember this is the WWE, not real life. We said the same thing about the Big Show when he came in. He got an initial push and then BAM! buried and sent down to OVW. Now he's a "veteran" who will probably never win another WHC/WWE Title.

I agree with you on her needing to squash all the barbies in the locker room. Girls like Gail Kim, Natalya, and Beth Phoenix should be a staple in the Divas Title picture, yet they are relegated to tag team action and stupid storylines with mid card talent.
Im interested to know. Which show would need her the most? However we've seen how the WWE feels about TNA wrestlers

Gail Kim - For the most part a Jobber

R-truth- Was a 2 time world champ in TNA, comes to wwe wins U.S title for a week lmao , then returns to being a jobber.

Hopefully the WWE doesnt bury her. I hope they get this one right this time. BTW Gail Kim and Awesome Kong have had awesome fueds in TNA.

If they use Awesome Kong right, her and Beth Phoenix wont have a match until Wrestlemania. Which is a good thing.

the difference between them and kong is that they were in wwe first, left for tna, then came back. Kong is new to the roster and has no reason to be buried. PLUS she didnt even debut yet she's probably gonna be undefeated for like a year
She'll be on Raw, possibly making appearances on Smackdown as well.

I know that WWE is seemingly reluctant to push wrestlers coming from TNA, but in this case it's different. What Kong can bring to a lackluster woman's division cannot be ignored. She brings credibility and will instantly grab interest in the division, and she has the ability to hold that interest. She is gonna be a big deal, mark my words. And judging from the vignette of her, they will be using her exactly as they should.
I think she will be on Raw and dominate everything. I really wish she would give Gail Kim so relevance back and I hope to see them wrestle.

I wish that Beth and Natalya would also be able to showcase their skills and one of the two should be the first to beat Kong but we all know who will be the first, the HHH of the woman division, Michelle McCool... only difference is that HHH had talent to go with his political manipulation...

I think Kong will be great and go undefeated for a while. They should really wait thought before giving her the title because once she has it you need to start to think how to make her lose.

But one thing is for sure, it will depend on the crowd reaction, if the crowd don't react the beautiful barbie will remain and the wrestling will take a step back again.
But one thing is for sure, it will depend on the crowd reaction, if the crowd don't react the beautiful barbie will remain and the wrestling will take a step back again.

She will get a ton of heat of course. I think that's the plan for Kong to walk all over on the other Divas.

Or heck we might actually see Smarcks actually cheer for her, can anyone imagine what kind of reaction she will get if she takes on Eve on MSG if ever?
She just needs to be utilized period regardless of what show she is on. Hopefully they dont bury her into oblivion once she hits TV like they usually do with non Vinnie Mac wrestlers. Based on her vignette, I see her playing the role that Victoria did when she got there with Trish or similar story/character; ultimately she'll be buried and end up doing something wacky like with Dreamer, Tazz, Raven, Awesome, Kanyon, etc.
This is Vince/WWE, so of course Awesome Kong could go either way:

The Positive: It looks like WWE is all set to debut Kong in the right way despite what show she's on. The evidence (where the vignette debuted, Bella as champion) suggests Raw though. I'm a big proponent of introductory vignettes for new stars, and creative did absolutely no wrong with Awesome Kong. From the stroking of the dolls head, to the flicking it off and the maniacal laughter afterwards. Kong is being brought in the right way and it looks like she is all set to have her prescence and dominance presented to the audience correctly. We still don't know her "name" or ring attire just yet, but only a screw up of catastrophic proportions could take any steam out of her impending debut.

The Negative: WWE has screwed up initially hot angles and characters before by "WWE-ifying" them to an audience who doesn't want to see that done. The aforementioned Big Show comes to mind, as does Ezekial Jackson for a more recent example. These guys should have (and still could be) absolute killers, yet WWE constantly chooses to humanize both of these guys in the most senseless of ways. That is, big guys are funny (Show) and gleefully smile from ear to ear (Jackson). I fear the same thing may happen to Kong.

On that note, one can't help but think of how Vinnie and the boys have handled non-diva "divas" in the past. Bertha Faye is a shining example of how to take a different kind of female athlete and completely bury her in stupid comedy angles that go nowhere. For more recent examples, Beth Phoenix and Natalya haven't received anywhere near the spotlight they should for their wrestling ability. Kong has a lot of talent in that department and I'm extremely concerned that she'll be marketed as "big, dumb, and goofy" rather than an aforementioned killer representing insurmountable odds against all she competes against.

Given that WWE no longer wants to be branded as a wrestling company, but more a entertainment/media conglomorate, the concerns listed above are that much more intensified.
I would have her on a specific show, but go to every show and face all divas, and have a final showdown with Beth at Mania. Both shows benefit equally, as each only has like five divas, only two of which are good(per show). Also, @Suxen Redael, look at Big Show. The only people that should be able to hang with Big Show are Taker and Kane, and the Corre has worn his ass out since they formed. Look at Kane. He's easily as great as his brother, and he teamed with Santino a Mania. You can easily mess up a monster. Especially with her coming from TNA?? All we can do is pray for her and hope she doesn't become involved in some waste-of-time angle like the revival of Sexual Chocolate or feuding with Tamina over Santino.
She'll go to sd not raw as sd needs more heel divas plus to the person who said look at wat the do to tna wrestlers. Look at Mickie James, CM Punk, MVP while there they were succesful in the WWE aftr bein in tna so there. But Kia Stevens will prob go to smackdown as raw has way too many divas currently and smackdown can use another one.

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