A Problem with "Repackaged" Superstars


Championship Contender
WWE has brought back some guys who were on TV months and years ago and repackaged them (gave them new gimmicks,etc)

Lord Tensai : When most people see him they recall him as Albert not Lord Tensai which is a big problem.

Ryback : After seeing this guy in the "Nexus" as Skip Sheffield its hard to belive his new gimmick.

In my opinion if WWE should bring back any former wrestler, bring him back as the same guy with the same name. Agree ? Disagree ? Thoughts ?
WWE has brought back some guys who were on TV months and years ago and repackaged them (gave them new gimmicks,etc)

Lord Tensai : When most people see him they recall him as Albert not Lord Tensai which is a big problem.

Ryback : After seeing this guy in the "Nexus" as Skip Sheffield its hardbelievelive his new gimmick.

In my opinion if WWE should bring back any former wrestler, bring him back as the same guy with the same name. Thoughts ?

When the WWF signed Mark Callous, should they have kept him as "Mean Mark Callous" or do you think The Undertaker repackaging was a good thing? Do you think Kane should have remained as Dr. Isaac Yankem?

Listen, some repackaging works, others don't...It's as simple as that...
Tensai's gimmick just sucks. Whether he was around previously or not, it's just not interesting at all, so I don't think he'd be getting good reactions regardless.

I don't think people are really too concerned about Ryback having been Skip Sheffield. He seems to be getting decent crowd support and I haven't heard one chant for his old name like there's been for Albert, or even a sign.

Also take into account that Tensai hasn't had a real one on one feud yet, and Ryback hasn't been involved in any kind of storyline yet. It's a little early to be making these judgments.

Like the above poster stated, a lot of repackages do work. For example, Dolph Ziggler should not have stayed as Nicky from the Spirit Squad.
Tensai's gimmick just sucks. Whether he was around previously or not, it's just not interesting at all, so I don't think he'd be getting good reactions regardless.

I don't think people are really too concerned about Ryback having been Skip Sheffield. He seems to be getting decent crowd support and I haven't heard one chant for his old name like there's been for Albert, or even a sign.

Also take into account that Tensai hasn't had a real one on one feud yet, and Ryback hasn't been involved in any kind of storyline yet. It's a little early to be making these judgments.

Like the above poster stated, a lot of repackages do work. For example, Dolph Ziggler should not have stayed as Nicky from the Spirit Squad.

yeah no one chants Skip......they chant goldberg which is even worse. its not a respect thing. they hate it.

tensai was just brought in wrong. why is he here? to beat up cena? then why does he even have matches? wouldnt ace just keep having him beat on cena and say screw your win/loss/ranking?? i mean he does make the matches afterall..... i could dig deeper but the storyline just gets worse.
Tensai's gimmick seems unnecessary. Especially if he's nothing more than hired muscle.

I would have kept Ryback as Skip Sheffield, or given him a combination of the two names like "Skip" Sheffield Ryback.
When the WWF signed Mark Callous, should they have kept him as "Mean Mark Callous" or do you think The Undertaker repackaging was a good thing? Do you think Kane should have remained as Dr. Isaac Yankem?

Listen, some repackaging works, others don't...It's as simple as that...

yes, but The Undertaker isn't a very good example, since he was Mean Mark in a different organization, not WWF / WWE. The Kane one is good though, he probably wouldn't be as popular now if he came back as Isaac Yankem.

Like you said though, some repackages work, some don't. And Tensai is horrible. I would have preferred him to come back as just Albert. But that character is boring too. As for Ryback, I really don't like the Ryback character at all. I prefer him as Skip Sheffield. I liked him as the cowboy meat head. Yip yip what it do, or whatever the hell his catchphrase was, it was funny. Now he just flaps his arms up and down and looks like a huge baby throwing a temper tantrum. :)
Repackaging isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yeah there are a few hits and misses, but that's the risk the WWE has to be willing to take if they feel that a superstar is in need of a repackaging. Although I do agree with you that Tensai's and Ryback's repackagings were unnecessary, the concept of repackaging is really not all that bad. I mean look at JBL, he went from a beer drinking, poker playing redneck of sorts to a wall street investor and it worked out perfectly. Or even the Undertaker when he became the American Badass/Big Evil biker gimmick for a bit. Repackaging is a good thing because it helps keep things fresh, and more importantly it keeps the wrestler interesting and relevant; however sometimes it just doesn't work out the way it should.
Repackaging isn't necessarily a bad thing. Yeah there are a few hits and misses, but that's the risk the WWE has to be willing to take if they feel that a superstar is in need of a repackaging. Although I do agree with you that Tensai's and Ryback's repackagings were unnecessary, the concept of repackaging is really not all that bad. I mean look at JBL, he went from a beer drinking, poker playing redneck of sorts to a wall street investor and it worked out perfectly. Or even the Undertaker when he became the American Badass/Big Evil biker gimmick for a bit. Repackaging is a good thing because it helps keep things fresh, and more importantly it keeps the wrestler interesting and relevant; however sometimes it just doesn't work out the way it should.

There's a huge difference between JBL & Undertaker's gimmick changes. I wouldn't even consider what JBL & Taker did as a repackage. Ryback seems to be a completely separate person from Skip Sheffield while JBL & Taker were the same person in canon.
Some guys out grow the "repackage" process. It usually worked when one guy cam from another company, because most casual WWF/E fans did not watch the competition, that is until the Monday Night Wars. So a Mark Callus, Diamond Stud, Vinny Vegas could come to WWF as Undertaker, Razor Ramon and Diesel. Kane worked because no one (unless you're a real fan who pays attention to body structure and move sets) knew it was Issac Yankem or fake Diesel. Nowadays, WWE really likes to insult fans intellegence by bringing guys like Ryback, Albert, A.W. in and hoping we forgot these guys were on TV not that long ago. Sure, WWE would like us to forget that Ryback is Skip Sheffeild. They also know some "smart" fans know that Tensai is Albert, but they don't mention his old name, just that he was a "Former WWE star that went to Japan". WE ARE NOT STUPID!!! I think that when Hall and Nash went to WCW and used their real names, (because Bishcoff's idea to make his wrestlers more real), kinda opened up the kayfabe floodgates and when guys went back and forth to the two companies, they were gimmick-less and fans already knew the difference.
I don't know why the WWE tries to bring guys back without fully explaining their past. I really think they think we are stupid. Youtube is a very useful resourse for past information!

Top 5 successful Repackages
1. Mark Callus = Undertaker
2.Diamond Stud = Razor Ramon
3.Vinny Vegas = Diesel
4.Cactus Jack = Mankind
5.Issac Yankem DDS = Kane

Top 5 Worst repakages
1.Steve Austin = Ring Master
2.Ron Simmons = Farooq
3.Tony Atlas = Samba Simba (eeww, remember that?)
4.Brutus Beefcake = Zodiac, Booty Man, The Disciple blah blah blah
5.Barry Windham = Stalker, Widow Maker, New Blackjack
So instead of going in a direction that might be successful, you want them to stay with the same mediocre and overall unsuccessful characdters that they once were? That makes absolutely zero sense. Not even a shred.

As far as Tensai goes, when he was Albert or A-Train, he didn't really have a character. He was just a big guy with some facial piercings and more hare on his upper body than your average sasquatch. I'm not saying that Tensai is great, it's alright but nothing spectacular in my view, but it's head and shoulders better and more relevant than what he had before.

As far as Ryback goes, exactly what is so difficult to buy into? Before he was injured, he was already being booked as this intense, physically dominant powerhouse. The only difference was that he was part of a group, a group in which he was overshadowed by Wade Barrett, and now he's not. He's on his own and his character is getting an overall solid response thus far.

Tensai & Ryback are steps forward for both guys, so I'd rather see them with what they've got than what they used to have.
One of the most successful repackages of all time created one of the wwe's best main eventers in the attitude era, which was hunter hearst helmsleys switch from that posh character to the game, thus proving that repackaging is definitly a good idea, however i agree that it can definitly be seen as a mixed bag so to speak
Tensai's gimmick seems unnecessary. Especially if he's nothing more than hired muscle.

I would have kept Ryback as Skip Sheffield, or given him a combination of the two names like "Skip" Sheffield Ryback.

Skip Sheffield is a horrible horrible name..who can take a man serious going by the name SKIP as a monster..people dont hate Ryback cuz they chant Goldberg...they is just making a comparison.. I love Ryback character personally and I even downloaded his character on WWE 12 Video game and is world heavyweight champ with him. He can be a big money maker for them if they use him right hands down
I hope Wade Barrett returns with a decent entrance theme, and a new finisher. Then id be glad to see him in the mainevent scene
I for one love Ryback and Tensai i know thats not the popular decision on this board. Repacking superstars sometimes works sometimes not!! Undertaker and Kane are perfect examples. Tensai say what you will but his gimmick is working so far IMO seems to be unbeatable at this point. Ryback is just a beast i almost forgot he wsa skip sheffield with his Yup Yup saying. Now he is a destructive force which i am loving.

Creative sometimes misses sometimes hits home runs and these two while i like it are too soon to be determined as busts or homeruns
there is a difference between evolving a character (i.e. JBL and Taker) and completely repackaging...
Top 5 successful Repackages
1. Mark Callus = Undertaker
2.Diamond Stud = Razor Ramon
3.Vinny Vegas = Diesel
4.Cactus Jack = Mankind
5.Issac Yankem DDS = Kane

Top 5 Worst repakages
1.Steve Austin = Ring Master
2.Ron Simmons = Farooq
3.Tony Atlas = Samba Simba (eeww, remember that?)
4.Brutus Beefcake = Zodiac, Booty Man, The Disciple blah blah blah
5.Barry Windham = Stalker, Widow Maker, New Blackjack

i don't really consider it repackaging when somebody comes from another company.

now completely repackaging somebody who has had mediocre success like lord tensai/atrain/albert who is a former intercontinental champion, or Ryback, who was apart of a major storyline not too long ago doesn't make sense to me... of course the E would like you to think that anything that happened in the past didn't unless its in their video package...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't Cole acknowledged that Ryback existed before, either as a former WWE Superstar, as a member of the Nexus, or by name?

I can't say with 100% certainly, so any verification would help.
You ever had one of those bad relationships that was just so bad you got up one day, got dressed, left, and never came back? Or just pretended like it never happened?

Basically, that's what repackages are. With someone like Tensai, he had his relationship with the A-Train/Prince Albert gimmicks and they didn't work. Instead, he's going with Lord Tensai which utilizes his Japanese background that he's picked up over the years and he's still got a menacing look. Ryback had a shitty side kick gimmick that did nothing but deliver clotheslines and say "Yep yep yep, what it do?!" meanwhile, he's currently mowing through stars left and right on Smackdown with the greatest of ease.

In a sense, repackages and gimmicks are just like relationships. You get some good ones and some not so good ones, but only a few people ever find that one true one.
I have to disagree, I'm all for repackaging the superstars, wasn't The Godfather was Papa Shango? But I do agree that acting as if the character they once protrayed never existed is a bit goofy, Tensai had quite a few embarrassing gimmicks, it would be hard for someone to take him serious he started out as Prince Albert teaming with Droz as "The Pierced Pal's" then teamed with Test as T&A, then he was break dancing with Scotty 2 Hotty,then he turned turned into A-Train another fail. As for Ryback, he was recognized a member of the original Nexus its all about character development..
I disagree that wrestlers should always come back with the same name and gimmick rather than being repackaged. First, let us look at the reason why wrestlers are often repackaged. The reason is because their first character either didn't go over with the fans or the character has simply outrun it's usefulness. Lets face it. Coming up with the perfect character is hard and nearly impossible the first time around. That is why repackaging is often needed. Think about all the great superstars that we wouldn't have if there was never any repackaging involved. We wouldn't of had The Rock. We wouldn't of had Stone Cold Steve Austin, and we wouldn't of had Hulk Hogan to name a few.
repackaging depends on a few different things. first, if they quit saying lord tensai was a former wwe talent, things would go a lot smoother. why refer to the fact that you had him, got rid of him, he went and became big somewhere else and now you got him back? when someone has been away for a while, unless it is necessary, ignore the old persona. they don't refer to r-truth's time in wwe before he was let go and went to tna and they shouldn't. for someone like tensai and people in a similar position, just ignore the old gimmick and everything is fine. when it comes to people like Ryback, that is just wwe showing how little they think of their audience. Nexus was supposed to be a fairly big angle. don't you think people would recognize someone from the Nexus even if you renamed him? is Wade Barrett going to come back with a different name? this is another Fake Diesel/Razor Ramon sort of thing - ignore what you saw before and just go with us on this one. unless they really start to do something big with him, i bet Ryback is gone within a year. but yeah, it is dumb to repackage someone like they did Ryback. but then again, when you core audience is under 18, crap like this happens and works.
there is a difference between evolving a character (i.e. JBL and Taker) and completely repackaging...

i don't really consider it repackaging when somebody comes from another company.

that is true. same with the Hunter to Triple H change - it isn't a repackage as much an an evolution. he didn't some out as Jean-Paul Helmsley and then just start calling himself Triple H one day. Look at Billy Gunn - same guy, same name but different characters yet you can follow the evolution. Same with Rocky to The Rock. these are not obvious repackages as much as changing or evolving the character.
I don't think people quite get what repackaging is. IMO it's when a wrestler leaves and comes back with no affiliation to his previous character. Ryback, yes. Tensai mostly aside from the fact that they say he used to work there. I'm not sold on either. Tensai looks sloppy at times and Rybacks characteristics come off a little goofy to me. Both however are improvements.

Now if you want to talk successful repackaging 2 people come quickly to mind. Umaga who was Rosy I believe and Dolph Ziggler from the spirit Squad. Both were very good changes. Kane, yes. The Godfather, Yes. The Rock doesn't count because it was an evolution of his character. Same as the Undertaker. Inter-promotional doesn't count either. They had to for copyright reasons.

Rikishi also comes to mind.

So it doesn't always work but it is necessary to to some wrestlers who haven't found their niche yet and can really work.
Some guys out grow the "repackage" process. It usually worked when one guy cam from another company, because most casual WWF/E fans did not watch the competition, that is until the Monday Night Wars. So a Mark Callus, Diamond Stud, Vinny Vegas could come to WWF as Undertaker, Razor Ramon and Diesel. Kane worked because no one (unless you're a real fan who pays attention to body structure and move sets) knew it was Issac Yankem or fake Diesel. Nowadays, WWE really likes to insult fans intellegence by bringing guys like Ryback, Albert, A.W. in and hoping we forgot these guys were on TV not that long ago. Sure, WWE would like us to forget that Ryback is Skip Sheffeild. They also know some "smart" fans know that Tensai is Albert, but they don't mention his old name, just that he was a "Former WWE star that went to Japan". WE ARE NOT STUPID!!! I think that when Hall and Nash went to WCW and used their real names, (because Bishcoff's idea to make his wrestlers more real), kinda opened up the kayfabe floodgates and when guys went back and forth to the two companies, they were gimmick-less and fans already knew the difference.
I don't know why the WWE tries to bring guys back without fully explaining their past. I really think they think we are stupid. Youtube is a very useful resourse for past information!

Top 5 successful Repackages
1. Mark Callus = Undertaker
2.Diamond Stud = Razor Ramon
3.Vinny Vegas = Diesel
4.Cactus Jack = Mankind
5.Issac Yankem DDS = Kane

Top 5 Worst repakages
1.Steve Austin = Ring Master
2.Ron Simmons = Farooq
3.Tony Atlas = Samba Simba (eeww, remember that?)
4.Brutus Beefcake = Zodiac, Booty Man, The Disciple blah blah blah
5.Barry Windham = Stalker, Widow Maker, New Blackjack


Firstly, if "Stunning" Steve Austin becoming the Ringmaster is one of the worst re-packagings, then wouldn't the Ringmaster being re-packaged as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin be one of the best?

Other successful repackages have been Greenwich snob Hunter Hearst Helmsley becoming "The Game" "The Celebral Asassin" Triple H.

And what about Hulk Hogan being repackaged as "Hollywood" Hogan, leader of the NWO? To turn Hogan heel, give him a different look and name, and make it a success was a monumental effort.
When you think of Steve Austin it seems he was forced into repackaging and it made him one if not the greatest superstar of all time. What i mean is Natural Male Hair loss!

I couldn't imagine Stone Cold Steve Austin coming down the aisle sporting a Stunning Steve Austin Hairdo. It would just look odd. I don't think he was a very big name when he was Stunning Steve Austin. He started losing his hair so he decided to "Repackage" into the true Bad Ass / Toughest SOB he became.

So to answer the question, No there isn't a problem with Repackaged Superstars. Like others have stated sometimes it works and sometimes it don't.
Repackaging can be a good thing. It's all about taking something that's not working and trying something different to see if it does.

I mean, come on. Some people on here are saying things like "WWE thinks we're stupid, derp". Are you kidding me? Just because they don't say things like "Hey, here's that guy you didn't like as character x so we gave him a new role to play" doesn't mean they think you don't notice. FFS.

They are CHARACTERS. Just like roles in movies. I don't hear people complaining about Patrick Stewart in the X-Men like "Hey, that's not Prof. X, that's Capt. Picard. He's from Star Trek! They must think we're stoopid".

If you have something that's not working, you try to find something that does. Simple as that. If you think they're insulting your intelligence, then you have issues and need to watch something a little more simple. I suggest Dora, Sesame Street, or Yo Gabba Gabba.

As far as Tensai and Ryback go, I think time will tell. Tensai's growing on me in his "enforcer" type role and Ryback is a much better name and look than "Skip". Give it time to evolve and see what happens. Nothing will be good enough if you don't give it a chance.

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