A possible Rated RKO reunion in the making?


Dark Match Jobber
Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, all i mean by this is one tag team match. Dont get me wrong i would love a full reunion but its very unlikely.

My reasoning for this topic is because it seems likely that Orton will be drafted to smackdown and when i was reading in the draft thread, it seemed to be the general con-census and was rated highly. Also both of them seemed to be in conflicting feud's atm which involve Swagger, with orton being the no#1 contender and edge looking to gain the WHC too it seems to me that its a very good chance that it could happen.

It's also the perfect opportunity for it to happen as both Edge and Orton are over in their own respective face gimmicks. And im pretty sure that everyone will want to hear them both come out to the Rated RKO music once again or even a newer version which includes voices ;)

Your thoughts on the matter would be much appreciated :)
I could see it happening, but I think the next thing for these two is a feud to be honest. Both are portraying the same basic image at the moment, and I just feel they'll start having problems before long. But I'd love to see them in a match together first.
I could definitely see these two having one tag team match together if Orton goes to Smackdown. This is something everyone would want to see, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if WWE did this. Orton and Edge teaming together for one match would be a lot better than a full blown reunion because either one of them need that right now or in the near future. They still have plenty of main event status left. Smackdown needs main event wrestlers right now, and that brand could surely use faces such as Edge or tweeners like Orton right now.
It's possible. Orton and Edge are both faces and have all the reason in the wrold to be in a tag match next week for example. If Orton were drafted to SD! then it's very probable. I could imagine a tag team match with Rated RKO vs. Swagger & Jericho. I'm sure WWE would market as a one time thing (like they did at Raw 15th Anniversary against Evolution) and that would be a ratings ploy. It's all very possible.
Sure I wouldn't mind seeing them back together for "one night only" wrestling a tag match, perhaps Rated-RKO vs Jack Swagger and Chris Jericho, a lot of tension in between all there cause we all know Edge is probably pissed over Randy getting the title shot, and well, the other team's tension with Rated RKO is quite obvious.

Only thing I would kinda want to see a lot of in the end though, would definitely have to be Edge taking an RKO, or Jericho, hell let's make it a 3 time RKO (unrealistic I know, so let's keep it to Edge as the greater choice) just for the sake of solidifying "hey I'm a tweener not a face"
Only thing I would kinda want to see a lot of in the end though, would definitely have to be Edge taking an RKO, or Jericho, hell let's make it a 3 time RKO (unrealistic I know, so let's keep it to Edge as the greater choice) just for the sake of solidifying "hey I'm a tweener not a face"

Agreed. If Rated RKO has a "one night only" match, this should be the ending, maybe followed by Swagger power bombing Orton. Personally, I think if they don't emphasize Orton's "tweener" role, he'll bomb as a pure face. Edge doesn't really work as a face, but fans seem to be getting behind it so that's all I'll say, but Orton turning on his partner, a face, while both are essentially after the Whc would set his role into place perfectly (like when he attempted RKOing Cena a few weeks ago on RAW).

In regards to the actual match, Orton and Edge's current characters are completely different than they were in '06 and wouldn't blend too well. I see them teaming, but not entering to the old Rated RKO music, or a new remix, or anything like that. Two individuals, two entrances. They aren't two cocky, young, main eventers claiming to be held down anymore, the formula doesn't fit to make the unit. It's Orton and Edge now, not Rated RKO.

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