A Plane, a Missile, or a Government Cover Up?

Smooth Sexual Chocolate

Grapefruits of Wrath
So I don't know how familiar everyone is with this story, I literally just heard about it seconds ago, so I'll quickly fill in those, who like me just heard about this.

Three day ago in Southern Cali, a video was shot from a helicopter of an "unknown" craft that appeared to be a missile being launched off the cost, heading outward across the Pacific Ocean.

Three days pass, and "nobody knows" what they saw.

Now today, the Government comes out and issues a statement, saying that it was simply an airplane and the contrail that followed it.


So the question is simple, is this a government cover up or is it "Just a Plane"

If this was just a plane, why did it take three days to figure out it was just a plane. I mean, if it was a plane it had to have landed somewhere.

Contrails are also usually thin and white and parallel each other because the lines of smoke come off a each wing.

The military, which is spread all over SoCal said they had no idea what it was - If it was a plane I'm pretty sure they would have known right away, with all that radar and technology their using.

Seems like a clear cover up to me. What say you people?
I've heard a little about this, but I can't say what exactly happened. I do find it odd that is took 3 days before anything was said. And as you mentioned, there are a lot of areas that the military are around, so I find it strange that they have no idea what this was. I don't want to sound like that hippie Californian who thinks everything is a conspiracy or a government cover up, but I gotta say this sounds fishy for sure.
This was on the Toronto news the other night. I find it really strange that with all the military installations located in Southern California the government is shrugging their shoulders in confusion.

With all the radar there, they can probably pick up a fly farting but they don't know what was shooting across the sky. Bullshit, they know exactly what it was and were it was headed.

If it hadn't been for that news helicopter picking it up, no one would have known, or it would have been put down to another UFO sighting. The government, especially the military are the sneakiest bunch of sons of bitches I've ever seen. God knows what they're up too. Until we all wake up with two heads, we'll never know the half of it.
it was US Airways flight 808. that flight's trajectory placed it exactly where the trail appeared, at exactly the time the trail appeared. And then repeated the exact same flight the next day as part of its schedule. End of story.
Well bugger me sideways. I was hoping for another good conspiracy theory. Haven't had a good one of those in awhile.

But seriously, it took US Airways three days to say it was their plane, after it had been all over the news. Bunch of idiots.
it was US Airways flight 808. that flight's trajectory placed it exactly where the trail appeared, at exactly the time the trail appeared. And then repeated the exact same flight the next day as part of its schedule. End of story.

Link, if you've got one.

So, why did it take three days to determine this, is this not information that can be gathered in minutes, if not seconds; and yet it took them three days of being completely "confused" to finally determine that it was just a run of the mill regularly scheduled flight.

I'm not saying it's not believable, but it would have been a whole lot more believable if they came out with this information three days ago, I probably would have bought right into it; but I know it doesn't take the military three days to figure out a plane just flew over their air space, and I know it doesn't take 3 days and a collective effort from out government and our military to determine a flight schedule.

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