A peak of the better or worse future of WWE?


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ok so mondays ratings wnt up FINALLY and maybe ecw superstars and smackdown will too. but anyhow everyone has been down on wwe lately due to lack of well.. everything. to much talking. no tag team division. Hardly use of mid card. and same old same old.
so as we see wwe ratings get a little better..has wwe finally started clicking?
i mean the tag division is soon to be booming with priceless. harts. colons. worlds greatest tag team. brian kendrick and whoever he finds. maybe a few more in the near. anyhow it seems that the tag division should soon be pretty good.
its looks like each show is going to be soon showcasin new talent. like the miz. mvp. cm punk. And morrison. so looks like the main event will have fresh faces pretty soon.
the ring wrestling is actually a little longer than in recent memory. the talking is finally stopping. and the fueds are beginning to change.
MAYBE just MAYBE the WWE is changing for the best. any thoughts? anyone think that it will get better or worse from here?
The ratings went up because Ric Flair was on the show it's plain and simple. He remedied the shitty ratings and will continue to do so until he leaves, in which case WWE will have to come up with another solution to short-term ratings boosts as their outlook looks pretty weak, at least until they have some real competition...
i say it is because of Flair as well give it 3 weeks until they go back down once again. i wonder if they will use tag teams more like they are trying to now. or is it all pretend?
The only promising aspect right now is the return of stables, which WWE is doing very precariously by not having more than 3 members. If it becomes something like it was back in the day, with more character development of course (god forbid not another Los Borricuas), it would make the product more interesting and the mid and lower card divisions will flourish.

The ratings aren't going to get better. They're going to get worse and worse until WWE does something drastic or some serious changes are made to the product because honestly, it's in the toilet right now. And truth be told, I didn't give a shit about Ric Flair being on Raw last night, that was not a reason for me watching. I saw his old wrinkly ass wrestling for years in the WWE and I was so bored of him that I was glad that he left. Great wrestler, but he was overused way too much and he did the same old routine night in and night out. The fact that he was used to help boost ratings is truly sad...
I have to admit that I was pretty shocked to see WWE's ratings go up .3 on Monday. If I had to guess, it would be because of a combination of Ric Flair, as well as the NBA controversy, which I believe hit the news just before Raw.

They will probably also do well next week with both Flair on the show, as well as people tuning in to see how WWE will respond to the Pepsi Center's snub. I would say they will either maintain their 3.6 or go up to a 3.8. I would be floored if they go even higher than that.

I was reading another thread in which someone mentioned that this would be a great opportunity for Vince to really go all out with one Hell of a show on Monday. However, that would be the logical thing to do. After all, this is Vince we're talking about. So, I would recommend everyone keep their expectations low, so you don't disappoint yourselves. And if Vince actually does deliver, then we can all be pleasantly surprised.
Ric Flair brought those ratings up. People didn't suddenly say "Oh! the Hart Trilogy on ECW? I gotta watch Raw! Oh, Orton is into the 2nd month of his title reign?!?! My god, why wasn't I watching before?" I may not have been watching because of Ric Flair, but I have a sneaking suspicion others were. My suspicion will be proven right if next week's Raw rating is still up. That's assuming that Raw isn't preempted/otherwise screwed up by this Nuggets debacle.

Though I have never been one to bemoan the WWE's product, I do see that they are turning a corner. Their tag division is getting deeper. I still don't believe they're going to put Dibiase/Rhodes in the Tag Division, even though that is exactly what they need to do. As of now Dibiase/Rhodes do nothing but stand around staring angrily at stuff. They need something to do, or no one is going to take them seriously. And when no one takes 2/3 of your main-event stable seriously (that's assuming people haven't gotten tired of Orton's droning) then you're in for a dip in the ratings.

Their mid-card is getting better. Though from what I've seen, as soon as the players in the mid-card are getting better people wanna move them out to the Main Event. They're over, but they aren't that over. Gee, it's also as if the WWE knows what they're doing, and making Main Event players for later on in their future. Naw, can't be. Everything I've read says that the WWE doesn't know what they're doing.

Overall, sure. The WWE is getting better. Not that things were bad to begin with. But this peak in ratings, no matter how much I'm annoyed with Flair at the moment, is most likely because of Flair's appearance Monday night.
Not only was it Flair making an appearance, but it was also the night after a pay-per-view.

Ratings are always a bit higher following a PPV, considering 3 to 4 million people watch Raw every week, while less than 500,000 order a PPV.

The real test comes next week to see if the product was good enough to hold the extra viewers.
At the end of the day, the WWE will never be as good as it was between the years of 1998 and 2004/2005. They depend too much on John Cena to carry the show....no one wants to see john cena goin for the title or holdin the title for at least 3 quarters of the year. They will not get good ratings this next while with the likes of Triple H and Shawn Michaels not on TV. The WWE has no one on the roster and never will have anyone on the roster that will be as good as or better than The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin. Even Triple H isn't the same as he used to be. I believe the worst thing that the WWE ever done was the brand division. WWE was great back in the days that something happened on Raw and then you just had to wait to Smackdown to see what happens next. Now onto the tag team division...the tag team division is terrible...it wont be the same again either....dont get me wrong, the likes of cryme tyme and the colons are great...but DiBiase and Rhodes are just a joke, and brian kendrick and his random partners. They will never ever match up to the likes of The Hardy Boyz, The Dudley boyz, Edge and Christian, Too Cool, the APA, The New Age Outlaws, Road Dogg and X-Pac, Undertaker and Kane. I think that they should change undertaker from the deadman back to the american badass...he was more fun as the badass and he didn't bore the complete life outa me. Nowadays its the same thing over and over again. about an hour long entrance, get in the ring, beat his opponent for a while, get beat up for a while, sits up, chokeslam, tombstone, pin and away he goes.

WWE really need to sort themselves out....there have been no good storylines in the past 5 years
I somewhat grudgingly (that's a word right?) that Flair is the main reason for the increase in the ratings. The guy is still loved and people, for some reason, still want to see him despite him being... well, putting it kindly, past his prime.

But here's something that was racing through my mind while I was reading the ratings news. If the rise in ratings is just temporary, till the next PPV or so, as people seem to be predicting, WWE need to take advantage of it. They've got the talent, they've got the time, and for a limited time only they've got the audience. So come on WWE, prove to the nation that you can captivate them like you used to.
Only give your best 3 or 4 mic performers doing promos next week, and make sure the Miz goes all out for his promo. Do something good with Santino and don't show anything with Santina. Give Vickie 5 minutes at the start of the program to tell us what matches we'll be seeing tonight and then make her disappear. Make the feuds develop, throw in some feud cliff hangers. Do something other than Legacy vs 2 faces. Put your best on display.

I'm hoping beyond hope that WWE won't squander their supposedly temporary rise in ratings. But knowing them, they probably will.
I haven't noticed any change on RAW, but I have on Smackdown. Its more wrestling-oriented and in my opinion has the better workers. RAW seems cheap to me. The matches are too quick and choreographed. I have a feeling that when HBK comes back something serious will go down, if this is gonna be his last hurrah as a full-time wrestler. That might make for some change. I also can't stand Michael Cole. RAW needs some serious improvements.
I don't think the ratings came up because of Flair, that can't be determined till the ratings are out for tonight's Raw, as that will be a better judgment of Flair's star power.

As far as the WWE getting better or worst, I saw worst as the WWE is lacking any new talent besides the Hart Trilogy that is worth watching. I mean they spend money on FCW trying train talent, well call some up and see what they can do, until guys like HHH, Taker, HBK, Bastista, Edge, Orton, Cena, Jericho are out the main event, then the WWE is going down. We need to see new talent and a worth watching mid-card.
Mostly the ratings went up on RAW because Flair was there last week. We'll see how the ratings would go this week and whether it will stay up because of Flair or the whole Lakers/Nuggets controversy. If it goes back down then it is back to status quo.
we will see how well Mr. Flair does tonight. i think its crap the wwe has to bring Flair back to gain sad ratings. what they need is to stop being babies and using guys who should be retired or out of there prime to garner ratings. although i will say im glued to see this whole nuggets and Lakers playout and what Vince will say to Kronke if he even shows up. the fifth member could draw my attention. although i say we will be vastely dissapointed. the wwe is good at that building up something big and dropping the ball completly.

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