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A new tag team??


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On raw, the tag match between mysterio and kingston v mcintyre and swagger, rey and kofi were announced seperately, while jack and drew were annouced together. Does this mean that they plan to continue using these two as a tag team, possibly for a run with the tag team titles? Do you think that this is a positive thing for both these guys?

Personally while i think this is a great tag team, it seems a step down from the level they were at, especially the way they have been improving, swagger getting massive heat and mcintyre is getting better and better in the ring, look at elimination chamber etc.
Im all for Drew and swagger as a team with the size, power and athleticism and even in defeat tonight I think it could work. They have matching gear and wanna make a name for themselves and lets face it john cena is going to be booked for a while with miz and possibly del rio. They could get into it with show and kane and eventually become champs. Hell you could keep cole with them and in the long run I see them having better success together than on their own as of now. This could really be a good ideal so it's either this or one gets in a feud with kofi over the US title while the other jobs to people like rey and big show. Also this could open the door for kofi to defend or lose the title to people like Masters or Reks while Drew and Swagger make the tag titles look good. Another thing why do people want to see Drew or Swagger turn face? I think they are both natural heels because swagger is as annoying as the miz but has great mat skills and Drew just has that arrogant look of how he's simply better than everyone and plus if they turn drew face he would be a carbon copy of Orton which we don't need.
I would be ok with this tag team I just don't want to see the Gay ass pose that i saw tonight ever again, I get enough of that crap watching TNA with Orlando Jordan squirting lotion on people and rubbing up against them, but I think they could make a very credible team that could actually dominate for a long time.

homophobic, much?

no, they came out together to save time. they are mid-card heels. no need to spend 6 minutes on them and their separate intros. stop reading into every little detail, christ.

and just wanna add my random thoughts into the state of WWE right now. the faces are winning and winning and winning and its making me sick.

zack ryder can't get on tv.
cm punk gets beats clean 3 times by orton.. seriously, it makes me want to projectile vomit.
john cena still gets bashed by you people for his title defense tonight. i'm not even a john cena supporter, but it was GOOD. the only match on the card tonight worth watching, with a fun twist ending.

overall.. i love the rock.. but the birthday episode of RAW: was crap.
homophobic, much?

no, they came out together to save time. they are mid-card heels. no need to spend 6 minutes on them and their separate intros. stop reading into every little detail, christ.

and just wanna add my random thoughts into the state of WWE right now. the faces are winning and winning and winning and its making me sick.

zack ryder can't get on tv.
cm punk gets beats clean 3 times by orton.. seriously, it makes me want to projectile vomit.
john cena still gets bashed by you people for his title defense tonight. i'm not even a john cena supporter, but it was GOOD. the only match on the card tonight worth watching, with a fun twist ending.

overall.. i love the rock.. but the birthday episode of RAW: was crap.

Zack was in the background the first time they cut back to the party.

On topic, I think McIntyre/Swagger LOOK like a great tag team. They both have the same brash arrogant attitude, and they would make a great foil for Kane/Show once they get done with The New Nexus. Watching them come down to the ring they have the look of a classic tag team of the 80s and 90s that would dominate the tag team division, if it mattered to Vince.
homophobic, much?

no, they came out together to save time. they are mid-card heels. no need to spend 6 minutes on them and their separate intros. stop reading into every little detail, christ.

and just wanna add my random thoughts into the state of WWE right now. the faces are winning and winning and winning and its making me sick.

zack ryder can't get on tv.
cm punk gets beats clean 3 times by orton.. seriously, it makes me want to projectile vomit.
john cena still gets bashed by you people for his title defense tonight. i'm not even a john cena supporter, but it was GOOD. the only match on the card tonight worth watching, with a fun twist ending.

overall.. i love the rock.. but the birthday episode of RAW: was crap.
I don't get all the pissed offedness of Punk losing cleanly 3 times when he's a heel and may need time off. The matches were good and he looked dastardly, that's just fandom speaking when people do that.

CM Punk's booking aside, and the topic up front, I supposed I like the team, don't think I'd read into it. Just a time saver since Ryder's intro isn't something that grabs your attention. Kinda generic. I think they'd be okay as a team, maybe add a manager to flesh them out a little more.
McIntyre isn't a tag team wrestler, I keep seeing him lumped together (it even won him gold) with random pairings in the midcard. Drew's character and gimmick is the chosen one. Seeing him group up with other people to compete hurts the eventual "It's all about me" attitude that he should be running with.

Swagger has the announcer war story for him, he's busy being Michael Cole's bitch, there's no room for him to go after the random pairing titles.

Both of these characters work better alone, the purpose of the match tonight was to showcase the talent that's switched from Smackdown, best done in a multiperformer match.
Well if they're a new up and coming tag team, they sure are off to a bad start losing to a team that has never teamed up before. No if want to form a new tag team of already semi established guys, they have to first win, and eventually win against a relevant team. This random pairing doesn't indicate anything for the future, so I think you're pretty off in your assessment.
I will say that they seemed to have decent chemistry, and with them both playing the role of jerk heel I understand the thought but as Nate said above me theyre off to a bad start. And yes Drew should be looking at a face turn soon but with Cena, Miz and now Del Rio running the main event I do believe he could spend the time waiting for that to die down and win tag team gold.
I don't see anything going on for these two for reasons that have been covered. That said, did anyone else think Drew seemed different somehow? He seemed more cocky and confident, like he was going to win because he was good enough, versus pretending to look intense (and not doing a good job of it). Just something I picked up on.
A step down? If anything, them teaming together would be a step up from the level they are at now. Drew is jobbing to top talent andJack is beating up jobbers like JTG with michael Cole. I would like to see them team together one has the grappling ability and submission while the other has brutality and can use the ring like a tag team partner. But they are going to have to drop the swagger/cole angle for it to work well.
Sounds good to me. Let's face it, McIntyre and Swagger are likely not going to be in world title contention any time soon, with guys like Miz and Del Rio in front of them, and I'm not sure either are even on the way to Kofi's US Title. RAW has an abundance of heels right now, and I think those guys fit well together. They had nice chemistry last night. McIntyre I feel has potential that he just isn't unlocking (though I think he's been doing a lot better than he used to be) and Swagger has fallen by the wayside. Teaming them up and having them feud with KaneShow would keep them on TV and relevant.

I can see it.

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