A New Beginning


I Am The One Who Knocks
To all of you that I have been a dick too. I'm sorry. Freddy especially, I'm very sorry for those insensitive comments. To anyone I may have possibly hurt, or may have possibly "e-bullied" I'm sorry. A few recent changes in my life have made me realize that being this way doesn't do me or anyone else any good.

I'm not asking you to like me, I'm not asking you to respect me. All I ask is if I've offended you or hurt you in anyway, that you may be able to forgive me. I'm no longer playing "heel". It's time to start over, with a new beginning.

Flings Poop
If this lasts more than a day or two, the bar room is going to get boring.

Monkey, you are a tremendous source of entertainment. Please, pwn a n00|3-E as soon as you can.
I just can't find it in myself to be mean or rude anymore. I can still be hip. I mean look at this guy...

Monkey you just couldn't do it haha. Nothing better than you being awesome and totally destroying everyone.
Monkey, what FTS said. Whether you hated me or joined me in ridiculing Crashin, you were always awesome. Don't go nice.
JKO. Poor poor JKO. You seem like you want to try and be me? There is only one me. The imitators are thrown to the side. You get thrown into oncoming traffic. I'll tell your parents.
Did I say you could laugh? Do you not see that I died. Fucking Razor killed me. Now I'm a ghost. Hence the name. I will haunt you forever. Or kill you. One of the two.
Monkey, you're awesome. Your ridiculing posters makes my day. I wish I had the cajones to be a bag of douche lol. But there can only be one Monkey.

Oh yea, I forgot...HORSEMEN!
In that case, I think you're nice guy routine lasted longer than Stings 99 heel turn. Also, nice to know you like my name.
Like it? I want to marry it. Then have a family with it. Maybe have some kids. Name them Dr. Penis and Vagina Coke.

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