A Move Would Be Nice

BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart
A month ago or so I predicted that Fat Henry would be in a program with Hornswoggle and it turned out I was right now what is a Markswoggle it is a Fat Man who cannot accomplish anything in his career so he is left to suffer with Chavo Guerrero.Now seriously this guy was a jobber for 7 years straight with the exception of his little run as ECW champ but we all knew that was just because Michael Hayes made racial remarks towards him,so like I was saying Mark Henry was nothing more than an over sized Jobber,getting destroied by the likes of Bill Goldberg,Brock Lesnar,John Cena and Batista so now WWE finally realizes moving the Worlds Fattest Man to RAW was a huge mistake so they stick him with Hornswoggle so this clearly states that this is as far as he will go in his career so the point of this thread is to answer the following questions.

If the WWE was planning on turning Fat Henry Face why not leave him on ECW he can be the new face of the brand and they desperately need a Face and draft someone more talented to RAW such as Christian and do not look at me like I am Crazy I saw some forums where people wanted this Fatty to actually MAIN EVENT SUMMERSLAM so If people want him in a world title match then let him carry the C Brand ECW.

So basically Shouldn't Henry move back to ECW or just get released.
So Do You Think Fatswoggle should be moved back to ECW since he is some what of a draw or should he be released because the guy cannot even run.
I guess I'm the first one brave enough to respond to this. Personally I think they paired Henry with Hornswoggle to show that he has changed. At least that's what I think. If they build him right he COULD emphasis on could very well hold the US Title then step up and be a contender for the WWE Title. I think it was a good move to have a big guy on Raw since Big Show is the only other and is tied up with Jericho at the moment. I feel as long as they push his program right he will be just fine.
A month ago or so I predicted that Fat Henry would be in a program with Hornswoggle and it turned out I was right now what is a Markswoggle it is a Fat Man who cannot accomplish anything in his career so he is left to suffer with Chavo Guerrero.Now seriously this guy was a jobber for 7 years straight with the exception of his little run as ECW champ but we all knew that was just because Michael Hayes made racial remarks towards him,so like I was saying Mark Henry was nothing more than an over sized Jobber,getting destroied by the likes of Bill Goldberg,Brock Lesnar,John Cena and Batista so now WWE finally realizes moving the Worlds Fattest Man to RAW was a huge mistake so they stick him with Hornswoggle so this clearly states that this is as far as he will go in his career so the point of this thread is to answer the following questions.

If the WWE was planning on turning Fat Henry Face why not leave him on ECW he can be the new face of the brand and they desperately need a Face and draft someone more talented to RAW such as Christian and do not look at me like I am Crazy I saw some forums where people wanted this Fatty to actually MAIN EVENT SUMMERSLAM so If people want him in a world title match then let him carry the C Brand ECW.

So basically Shouldn't Henry move back to ECW or just get released.
So Do You Think Fatswoggle should be moved back to ECW since he is some what of a draw or should he be released because the guy cannot even run.

Let me guess this point of this thread? Is it to call Mark Henry fat in fifteen hundred different ways? I'm right aren't I?

Henry is getting cheers on RAW and that is great. He is providing some good comedy and there is nothing wrong with that. Although I would like for him to be an aggressive face but I don't have any problems with the way he is now. He's having fun and I don't want to take that away from him.

I didn't say the word "fat in that post" Areoplex but I guess the point was to call him fat. I messed up.
Let me guess this point of this thread? Is it to call Mark Henry fat in fifteen hundred different ways? I'm right aren't I?

Henry is getting cheers on RAW and that is great. He is providing some good comedy and there is nothing wrong with that. Although I would like for him to be an aggressive face but I don't have any problems with the way he is now. He's having fun and I don't want to take that away from him.

I didn't say the word "fat in that post" Areoplex but I guess the point was to call him fat. I messed up.

LOL sorry about the FAT thing I am just pissed at him he has no gimmick and he comes in the ring with a red singlet like that makes him entertaining can you seriously picture him a champion his matches all end crappy he gets outshone by his opponent then hits world strongest slam match is done I personally think he should go to ECW where he could be the top face because he does not look good compared to John Cena and Triple H.
I'm not a fan of Henry but for some reason he actually is over as a face right now so I don't think there's any reason to move him back to ECW.
It's not as drastic as it is made out to be. They simply have nothing for Mark at the moment and putting him with Hornswoggle is temporary. Eventually, Orton will be done with Cena and Henry will feud with one of them...maybe even Jack Swagger or Miz. Right now, there's nothing for him, so they stick him with Hornswoggle until further notice. It's not as bad as it could be. At least he's on TV. He could be sitting on his butt, eating a Snickers bar and be mad at stuff.

Instead, he's keeping face time on cable's most watched episodic program. LOL.
In my opinion...Mark Henry has been a total liability to the WWF/E ever since his debut at In Your House in September '96. He can't work, he can't talk...and if he's not injuring his opponent, he's injuring himself.
A month ago or so I predicted that Fat Henry would be in a program with Hornswoggle and it turned out I was right now what is a Markswoggle it is a Fat Man who cannot accomplish anything in his career so he is left to suffer with Chavo Guerrero.Now seriously this guy was a jobber for 7 years straight with the exception of his little run as ECW champ but we all knew that was just because Michael Hayes made racial remarks towards him,so like I was saying Mark Henry was nothing more than an over sized Jobber,getting destroied by the likes of Bill Goldberg,Brock Lesnar,John Cena and Batista so now WWE finally realizes moving the Worlds Fattest Man to RAW was a huge mistake so they stick him with Hornswoggle so this clearly states that this is as far as he will go in his career so the point of this thread is to answer the following questions.

If the WWE was planning on turning Fat Henry Face why not leave him on ECW he can be the new face of the brand and they desperately need a Face and draft someone more talented to RAW such as Christian and do not look at me like I am Crazy I saw some forums where people wanted this Fatty to actually MAIN EVENT SUMMERSLAM so If people want him in a world title match then let him carry the C Brand ECW.

So basically Shouldn't Henry move back to ECW or just get released.
So Do You Think Fatswoggle should be moved back to ECW since he is some what of a draw or should he be released because the guy cannot even run.

Omg that was to be the funniest thing ive ever read, im still laughing over it haha.

But anyway i think its good that he's able to have abit of fun as he's to crap to do anything else, i like that he's able to make us laugh, now we like seeing him and not him wrestling, plus i like the worlds fattest slam :)
I'd be fine with Henry if he stopped wearing that hideous..thing. I can't take a match of his seriously because a man as big as him should NOT be dressed in anything as tight as what he's wearing at the moment. Apart from that, I like the comedy value of Hornswoggle and Henry. When you see them for the first time you do a double take almost, because they are just so different. Staying on Raw, moving to ECW, I don't think it matters too much, but I think having Hornswoggle and Henry together is the best thing to happen to each of them.
I think Henry is fine where he is. They can't push him to the main event because, besides the fact that the workrate of the matches would be DUD-ly, the Raw Main Event for the forseeable future will have to be established star vs. established star to make up for the soon to be JHard-less, less known (albeit vastly superior) talent on the smackdown side of things (until Undertaker comes back, of course, or they do something drastic like turn Jericho face--I can see it now--breaks up with Big Show in violent fashion, misses a week or 2 for injuries, comes out in his suit with a Six Pack of Molson in hand to interrupt CM Punk, who's holding the belt and ranting about how he destroyed Hardy...says he's spent a lot of time talking about hypocrites and parasites lately, but now he's going to talk to the biggest one-CM Punk...yet I digress. Insta-face turn). You can't sell a PPV headlined by Orton, Henry, CM Punk, and John Morrison/Hardy.

So, brace yourself for months of more of the same, plus the Showstopper, which is always an improvement.
Mark Henry is paired with Hornswoggle right now for two reasons. The first is to get over the point that he is a face now. He gets a huge pop and is loved. Secondly, e managed to get a pin over Orton, and I imagine that once the Cena/Orton/HHH feud is over in a month or two, as long as Henry manages to maintain his link with the crowd he will be next. Keeping him with Hornswoggle keep him on TV.

Now, about your little assault on him. First of all, what the fuck do you want him to do to be more like Christian? I do however enjoy your point that ECW needs ANOTHER face, so they should add a face Henry and take away a face Christian. That made lots of sense. Anyway, he is a big man who compliments guys well. Big men have always been a part of the business, and they do what Henry does. Having one as a face is a new idea, and I think he is doing a great job.

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