A look back at 2010 in The WWE & Optimism to 2011

The Whole F'N Show

Professional Smark
Well, ladies & Gentlemen, we're on the verge of a new year. As a turbulent year in the WWE that, frankly, was mostly due to the creative team not planning ahead & just thinking about now (see. Nexus agenda, RAW GM etc.). From The Return of Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, to The Face turn of Randy Orton. From The Shocking Debut of The Nexus, to the firing & return of Daniel Bryan. From The kick-start of The Miz's career as a main eventer, to the end of one of the all time great's career in Shawn Michaels.

We saw great feuds this year. From John Cena's vow to End and subsequent joining of Nexus, to Bret Hart burying the hatchet of The Montreal Screwjob and making Vince McMahon tap out to The Sharpshooter on The Grandest Stage of Them All. From Triple H Vs Sheamus, To Drew McIntyre Vs Teddy Long. What what was your favourite match, feud & angle in WWE 2010.

Then, with The Road to Wrestlemania upon us, what feuds, angles & matches do you want to see in 2011.

Let's Discuss!
As always, Keep On Rocking
The Show
My favorite match would have to be HBK vs. Undertaker II, simply because it was classic, A great build up, with so much emotion leading to it.
So much suspense, So much tears in peoples eyes, and
Shawn was extremely close to winning.

But we all know Taker's streak aint breaking.

Shawn looked like a threat though, I know my heart was beating like crazy throughout the weeks of this angle, till the match.

Now as for Feuds & Angles:
Definitely, The Nexus debut.

It was lackluster Monday Night RAW as usual, and "viewers choice".
We thought its going to be the same as always, Cena beating Punk after getting beaten up by Punk, you know what I mean.

Then all of a sudden we see Wade Barret coming out with a N Armband, and were all looking at it like WTF? Then all the NXT rookies come out and beat the shit out of everything in site, Then came Bryans firing, The Nexus just taking over the WWE.

So much contreversy, RAW has been on its finest since the Nexus debut, every RAW was great, 6 month feud between Cena and Nexus, this could have been Cena's finest & longest feud with anyone.

& I aslo remember the Miz debuting his new theme and saying "2010 will be the year of The Miz, and that is true! He really stepped up his game, promos, ring skills, etc.

2010 was the best year for WWE in a while, hands down.

What I am hoping for in 2011:
John Morrison becoming a main eventer, and getting better with his mic skills.

Alberto Del Rio becoming a major heel, yes hes a heel...but he needs to be a threat! kind of like Sheamus, noone wants to mess with Sheamus.
Put the Intercontinental Title on him.

Dolph Ziggler becoming a legit main eventer, (PLEASE WWE DONT GIVE HIM A SWAGGER TREATEMENT!)

More Tag Team Wrestling! More Teams! Make the division into something! not just a bogus division!
I think I speak with a lot of people in saying that The Rises of the Miz and the Nexus have been the keepers of attention in the WWE all year. I speak for at least a big minority who thought a Kane title run was a long time coming, but then came Edge to SmackDown to disgrace his run with the worst storyline of the year and most underwhelming victory of the year with the Paul Bearer kidnapping and the TLC Title Match respectively. Kane deserved to bring that title to at least Royal Rumble. Which is a good segwey to expressing my opinion that Big Show also deserves a title run, lasting at least a quarter year, thats nothing. I think he should finally win a Royal Rumble. Its not hard to sell, he's the Big Show. I know it's the era of youngsters, but Edge could carry Big Show through

... a pretty good 15 minute match. If he picked up momentum on the Road to Wrestlemania it'd turn out great. And how about an epic Jericho vs Punk fued for a culmination at Mania or Summerslam?
Well, ladies & Gentlemen, we're on the verge of a new year. As a turbulent year in the WWE that, frankly, was mostly due to the creative team not planning ahead & just thinking about now (see. Nexus agenda, RAW GM etc.). From The Return of Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, to The Face turn of Randy Orton. From The Shocking Debut of The Nexus, to the firing & return of Daniel Bryan. From The kick-start of The Miz's career as a main eventer, to the end of one of the all time great's career in Shawn Michaels.

We saw great feuds this year. From John Cena's vow to End and subsequent joining of Nexus, to Bret Hart burying the hatchet of The Montreal Screwjob and making Vince McMahon tap out to The Sharpshooter on The Grandest Stage of Them All. From Triple H Vs Sheamus, To Drew McIntyre Vs Teddy Long. What what was your favourite match, feud & angle in WWE 2010.

Then, with The Road to Wrestlemania upon us, what feuds, angles & matches do you want to see in 2011.

Let's Discuss!
As always, Keep On Rocking
The Show

Favorite Match: Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker

A classic rematch from the year prior but this match had more on the line. Shawn's career. Even though we were all sad to see him hang it up. He did it on his terms in a grand way and probably won't be coming out of retirement like Flair. That's why it was my favorite match this year.

Favorite Feud: Nexus vs John Cena

The Nexus was the hottest thing going in pro wrestling this year. It re-christened some of our love for the business if you were one of the ones who lost it, and at the center piece of the rivalry was John Cena. The perfect person to put against the Nexus and they had instant chemistry. It was finally laid to rest last month or so we thought. How will CM Punk being added into the mix freshen up the rivalry. I guess we will find out in 2011.

Favorite Angle: Nexus beats down Cena.

It started the great feud between Nexus and Cena and made an ordinary Raw turn into a moment none of us will ever forget.

I'm gonna add one more because I can't leave this off here.

Favorite Moment: Miz cashes in Money in the Bank and wins the WWE title.

I have been a Miz fan since the very beginning. I'm talking not Dirt Sheet beginning I mean host of Smackdown, Tough Enough contestant. Those beginnings. I remained loyal throughout and when everyone said he was gonna be the first to fail cashing in Money in the Bank I deflected those opinions. Now look at him now. He is the WWE Champion, doing all the appearances and he is tapping Maryse. Miz is truly awesome! I'm just glad I have been able to stay a fan through out.

Other things I loved this year were the Daniel Bryan story was he fired was he not. Kane finally getting a deserved reign. Edge winning the rumble. Bret Hart coming back. 2010 was truly a great year for WWE. In 2011 I'd like to see Miz retain the gold at Mania preferably against someone like Cena. I'd like to see Punk get another title reign as well as Dolph Ziggler. I'd also like to see Triple H and John Cena turn heel and wishful thinking but I'd love to see Kurt Angle back in WWE.
2010 was a really good ye year....this time last year in 2009, who would have ever guessed The Nexus would arrive, or even Daniel Bryan would be in WWE, much less a champion...who would ever guessed Shawn would leave so soon, or the SES would end so soon....who would ever thought Cody could be soo dashing lol....this time last year Randy Orton was the top heel, Cena was the top face but was hated soo much....Kofi Kingston was labelled the next big thing to have a great 2010.....we just need to sit back and enjoy next year....next year I predict we see new world champions in possibly Kofi, Ziggler,another title run for Swagger over on Smackdown, Wade Barrett and John Morrison over RAW....WWE is finally preparing for the future the right way
This year was suprisingly one of the best in WWE's illustrious history. I'll start off by saying my favorite match was not the HBK vs Undertaker II. I am not saying it wasn't a good match but what I am saying is that it couldn't follow up on the match that they did the previous year. With that, I am saying HBK vs Taker from wrestlemania 26 was NOT my favorite match of the year. Now I am saying it was my favorite angle.

Favorite Angle
Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker buildup to Wrestlemania 26.
I was into this story the whole time. It all started back at the slammy awards on Raw with Shawn Michaels calling Taker out on a rematch. Then he wanted to win the rumble so he could face Taker for the World title at Mania but he couldn't get the job done to do it. After the Rumble, DX started to break away. They were arguing week in and week out over, whether Shawn should go for it or not. When Elimination Chamber rolled around HBK costed Taker the match and his world title. Then Taker called out Shawn and said he would give him the match on one condition. The condition was, if he lost he would have to retire. HBK agreed and he got his match but he losted and was force to retire. The next night on RAW they had a tribute show to Shawn and he retired.

Favorite Feud
I am going with the popular choice in Cena vs Nexus.
Ever since June, when they made there debut, the Nexus has targeted Cena and Cena kept coming back. I can't wait untill we see what folds out in the coming weeks.

Favorite Match
As for favorite match goes, this is hard to pick. I don't guess I really have a favorite. Everyone is choosing HBK vs Taker but I think a lot of TNA's matches this year were better. My favorite as far as all of pro wrestling this year is AJ vs Angle from the January 4th Impact. But this is in the WWE section so if I had to decide then I would have to go with...... Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler from the Monday Night Raw after Bragging Rights. Now I didn't see there Bragging Rights match so it could have been better but I am going with this because it had some good back and forth action between the two and they tore the house down without having a feud or anything.
2010 definitely picked up steam and ended the year on a pretty high note. That gives me more optimism for the following year than I have had for the future of WWE in some time. I am not very pessimistic regarding Pro Wrestling in general. When I have complaints or whatever about anything, whether it is WWE, TNA, UFC, The Lakers OR The Miami Dolphins. I genuinely just state my opinion and do not like to bother with complaining for the sake of complaining.

So I wouldn't by any means say I hated everything that has happened in wrestling the last few years. I try to find the positive in whatever it is, from John Cena to Hornswoggle.

But shit is simply shit, no matter who squeezes it out of their ass!

This year WWE has had much less SHIT and it has been entertaining a majority of the time. Especially as the year came to a close. The Nexus/John Cena was pretty damn good. Sure it had it's own moments when it smelled like it could be SHIT. Like when Cena was fired, was still on the show, and even won an award. But overall, what they tried to do by putting Nexus in a storyline with the company's "number one" guy, was successful.

Every person involved in Nexus won't end up being huge stars. But it did well by giving them exposure. It shed light on Gabriel's athleticism in the ring and demonstrated a pretty lethal finisher in the process. David Otunga spent a lot of time on camera and proved to be ahead of the other guys in Nexus. Besides Barrett of course, the one who benefited the most from the angle with Cena. He was the leader of the group and was the main opposition of the "top dog" (Cena).

So, a continuation of the whole group is something to look forward to over the next year. Now headed or involved with CM Punk, along with a lasting angle with Cena, will surely keep them all in the spotlight for quite a bit more time.

I think 2011 could be a really big year with the seeds that are being planted.

Returns of Triple H, Chris Jericho, The Undertaker and Christian are looming. So 4 more stories are created, continued, revived or started, as each guy makes his return.

Plus, the evolution of a lot of the young guys are in full swing. The Miz, John Morrison, Wade Barrett, Sheamus and Daniel Bryan had improved as 2010 rolled along. So 2011 should be a bigger and better year for each of them.

To not be left out... Who could forget Randy Orton. Should be another "banner" year in his career. Will probably grabbed another World Title reign at some time this year. Whether he stays Face or Tweener or turns Heel. Randy Orton will be at the forefront of WWE's top angles and TV time.

So I look at 2011 with optimism and positivity. I think it will be a great year. A lot of good things seem to be coming. So how could I not look forward to another year of being a fan?
Match: This year provided a lot of good matches, but I find myself split between John Cena vs. Batista and Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (both at Wrestlemania) for the Match of the Year. The history and feud behind Cena vs. Batista made it something special: two hugely over superstars, classic face vs. classic heel; it was perfect. Michaels vs. Undertaker was emotional for obvious reasons, and while there's a lot of debate concerning the quality of the match, it provided one of the most emotional moments of the year without a doubt.

Feud/Angle: Nexus vs. Cena hands down. First of all NXT started as a relatively new and fresh concept. Then, the superstars from NXT debuted in what was the single most shocking moment in wrestling for years. 7 Superstars were thrust into the main event of Summerslam in a feud against John Cena, a feud that was emotional, exciting, and simply fucking incredible. Nexus remained (and continue to remain) a dominant force in WWE, embroiled in a huge feud with Cena, and this year will always be associated with Nexus.

In 2011 I'd like Nexus to remain dominant and have Punk pushed. I've very escited about the prospect of Punk vs. Cena, so I hope we get to see more of this feud. For the most part, I just want WWE to continue what they're doing. 2010 has been great.

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