A look at the Royal Rumble, its history and why people hated the outcome in 2015.


Pre-Show Stalwart
This is my first ever thread that ive started on here, besides being a member for gosh knows how long.

I watched the Rumble last night, and saw some posts from the internet from people who didnt really understand why people are pissed off and up in arms. It got me thinking. Why are we so pissed off? After reviewing each winner from past Rumbles, i came to a conclusion. And I think ive worked out why people, either subconsciously or consciously are genuinely pissed off at Roman Reigns winning the 2015 Royal Rumble

In my opinion, the protest is about not giving the fans what they want. Not giving them the hottest star in the main event of wrestlemania. Lets go back in time to look at this.

1997 - stone cold was on fire, crowd was firmly behind him, and made it clear they wanted him to be the next star, he wins the 1998 rumble and goes to wrestlemania.

1998 - stone cold is still the number 1 guy on fire in an amazing feud with the corporation run by Vince McMahon. Vince wins the 99 rumble but everyone knows its a ruse and Austin will be there to face the corporate champion the Rock

1999 - The Rock is on fire all year, he wins the rumble in 2000

2000 - Stone Cold has returned and is in a brilliant storyline with HHH over HHH running him over and putting him out of action for 9 months. He wins the 2001 rumble.

2001 - Triple H has been out all year and is ready to return. His first match back is at the Rumble. He a big star at this point, and his return was excellently played out. His reaction on his Raw Return showed this. He deserved that rumble win in 2002.

2002 - Lesner is the man on fire, he steamrolled everyone only to be punked out by his manager to lose the title, and his quest for revenge begins. He wins the 2003 rumble being the hottest thing in wwe.

2003 - Christ Benoit is being pushed well from Summerslam to the Rumble, and wins it. Its a deserving win for a man who busted his ass for 15 odd years beforehand to get to where he got. He rightfully won the 2004 royal rumble.

2004 - Batista is shit hot. And i mean shit hot. Evolution holding him back made Batista a star. and he rightfully went on to win the rumble in 2005. Cena to his credit was also hot. Not as hot as Batista at the time but either of them winning it would of been right.

2005 - Eddie Guerrero dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Rey gets the 2006 victory, most are happy at the sentimental value of the victory.

2006 - WWE didnt really have many major stars. Taker, HBK, Cena and Batista was available. HHH was injured if i remember correctly. No one was really hot so they went with Taker for the 2007 win. Undertaker is Undertaker. No one will be unhappy if he wins. Ever. There wasnt really much choice. Batista and Cena were the champions. Punk wasnt ready, neither was Orton really. Benoit had lost steam and Edge was going to be in the main event anyway. So it was really between Taker and HBK.

2007 - Cena had been injured and was expected to be out for 6+ months. His surprise return in the 2008 rumble was perfectly done. No one expected him there and the crowd was red hot for him. He deserved the win.

2008 - Legacy were picking up steam and Randy Orton had finally had a breakthrough. He was a very respectful choice to win the 2009 rumble and go on to have a good feud with HHH over the title at Mania.

2009 - Edge was out for most of the year due to injury. Another comeback victory. But again like the 2007 rumble, no one was really standing out or on fire. Edges return worked well and set up the Jerico match. There was no better pick to win the rumble in 2010 really.

2010 - Heres where it started gettin silly. Alberto del rio debuted just 4 months prior to the rumble and he won it. He didnt look particularly strong in the build up, nor did he stand out or get major reactions from the crowd. Instead of putting Punk, Cena or Orton as the winner they went with Del Rio. Going with a wrestler who hasnt won it before and wasnt a major name is fine. But there were others more deserving. John Morrison and Sheamus were 2 names i thought should of won it over Del Rio. It led to (imo) a lackluster feud with Edge and he then moved into a feud with Christian when edge retired, but then faded from the title picture. It did virtually nothing for him winning the rumble.

2011 - from the start of November till January 2nd 2012, strange vignettes were playing on raw. They were intriguing and mysterious. It turned out to be the return of Y2J. Who didnt say a word for weeks. He kept us interested and i believe most people wanted to see him win the 2012 rumble Sheamus won it eventually. Which wasnt that bad of a choice. He was gaining steam but it may of been a little bit too early. With other more viable picks to win it. Punk was probably the best choice overall as he was still the best thing going in the wwe at that time, but he was the wwe champion and would be so for another year.

2012 - The stage was set for a Cena vs Rock rematch at Wrestlemania 29. The rock was winning the belt, and with the current storyline, Cena was probably the right choice, albeit a boring one. But the numbers spoke for themselves. People wanted to see the Rock vs Cena one more time.

2013 - The yes movement had begun. Bryan was on fire. No one had been as over in the run up to a rumble since Batista in 2005. And....he wasnt even in it. Batista who had been away for 4 years returned and won. The fans called bullshit. They didnt want to see Batista vs Orton forced upon them. They wanted to see the hottest thing in wrestling in the main event at wrestlemania.

2014 - Daniel Bryan had been injured for half the year, he returns in early january. Why not hold off his return until the rumble and have him win it like they did with Edge, Cena and HHH? Instead Roman Reigns wins the rumble. A man whos been back a month and has made some pretty lackluster promos and who hasnt really set anyones world on fire. He's lost steam since the shield broke up. So has Ambrose. But Ambrose is likable. Reigns at this point in time with the character they're portraying him as...he just isnt.

From 2003 till 2012, The winner of the Royal Rumble really didn't matter much. There was two world titles. Winning the Rumble didnt guarantee you to be in the main event of wrestlemania. (Thats the last match on the card, the real main event. the one which is meant to be the big draw) So it was no big deal.

Can you imagine what the reaction would of been in 1998 if Austin hadnt of won it? Why is it different now? Bryan is the hottest thing in the WWE. Not the major draw that Cena is, but Bryans hot.

The Rumble has historically been won by who was the most hottest thing going into wrestlemania. Batista wasnt. He may of been if Bryan wasnt as hot as he was. But Bryan was above him. Same as now.

Im a Roman Reigns fan. But im also of the belief that to make a star he needs a slow build. Unless you're a one off like Brock Lesner.

It took Orton 7 odd years to really become a major star in WWE. (Holding the world/wwe title doesnt make you a star)

Cena id say became a huge star in about 2008, so 6 years. He was a big draw yes, but he wasnt at the level he is today back in 2006/2007.

Punk it took 5 years for him to get there.

Those are the 3 biggest stars who were fully active in the wwe in the past 5 years. It took them time to get to where they were. And i believe the Royal Rumble win helped them. When they were established but not winners of the Rumble. It propelled them to the next level.

Del rio was thrust into the winner of the royal rumble hotseat...that turned out well didnt it.

Sheamus has regressed since losing the world heavyweight title after his win.

Those are the two most recent examples of winners of royal rumbles who were pushed too much, too soon. It backfired. And im 100% sure its what will happen with Roman Reigns.

Im a fan of his. I think while he is poor on the mic and a typical big guy the wwe loves. Hes different. His look is different. The way he moves is refreshing. Sadly i think his best role is a heel. He seems lost at the moment.

It says a lot when you need to bring the rock back to counter the boos from the crowd. The WWE knew the crowd would shit all over reigns because they had the rock do that run in, like it would stop everyone booing and suddenly Reigns would be their hero. Its insulting to everyones intelligence.

Why cant Reigns win it next year after a solid year of buildup? Why are they rushing another potential star. They have their man. They have Daniel Bryan. Hes the one the fans want to see. Roman Reigns is now in a spot where he wont be able to win. The next big face of the WWE is possibly going to be booed at Wrestlemania against a guy whos meant to be leaving soon after.
This is only going to damage his career unless he turns heel. But then that puts them right back to square one with Reigns.

So many times of WWE dvds and interviews the same old shit is spouted from WWE upper brass "the fans tell us what they want and we give it to them as best as we can"

The fans wanted CM Punk, they got John Cena and the Rock.

The fans want Daniel Bryan. They instead get Batista and Roman Reigns.

Good post, i dont agree with some things you said, but i like what you are throwing over the table.

To be fair, last year ppl wanted DB, and they got probably the best wrestlemania for a single performer in the history, kicking the authority leaders ass clean, and winning the championship at the main event.

On the other hand, having that in mind, i dont get why they did exactly the same this year. i wont say WHO should have won, im just poiting the same mistake again.

Probably they will fix this thing in the coming weeks, because if they dont, this is NOT how you put asses in seats.

(And just to be clear, im NOT knocking on Reings, he has NOTHING to do with bad booking or decision, nor does it make him a good or bad performer.)
Good post, i dont agree with some things you said, but i like what you are throwing over the table.

To be fair, last year ppl wanted DB, and they got probably the best wrestlemania for a single performer in the history, kicking the authority leaders ass clean, and winning the championship at the main event.

On the other hand, having that in mind, i dont get why they did exactly the same this year. i wont say WHO should have won, im just poiting the same mistake again.

Probably they will fix this thing in the coming weeks, because if they dont, this is NOT how you put asses in seats.

(And just to be clear, im NOT knocking on Reings, he has NOTHING to do with bad booking or decision, nor does it make him a good or bad performer.)

Oh no i know in the end we got a very good match from DB and HHH at WM30 and a good moment to end the night. My point was more based on the rumble specifically.

Last year it ended alright but it still felt a bit of a cop out that WWE had to be forced to change the event rather than have the courage to do it in the first place.

And i agree with you as to not understanding why on earth they did this again. They obviously knew it wouldn't go down well thats why they brought the Rock along. It was just a sad attempt that ruined the night for Reigns and his cousin.
Oh no i know in the end we got a very good match from DB and HHH at WM30 and a good moment to end the night. My point was more based on the rumble specifically.

Last year it ended alright but it still felt a bit of a cop out that WWE had to be forced to change the event rather than have the courage to do it in the first place.

And i agree with you as to not understanding why on earth they did this again. They obviously knew it wouldn't go down well thats why they brought the Rock along. It was just a sad attempt that ruined the night for Reigns and his cousin.

Absolutely agree with you, on point. The weird thing is that THEY KNEW that people would boo the hell out of reings and brought cousin rock.

I think, that if they purposely tried to bury reigns, they couldnt do it like they did tonight.

awful booking, and on top of that, you bring arguably one of the biggest and most charismatics stars in hope that your sad winner suck some star power.

feel bad for the guy, not the greatest talent, but he doesnt deserve such a bad bad bad bad absolutely wrong misleading atrocious booking. In the lasts minutes of the match itself, you could clearly see that reigns was sad, what came after that...was even worse.

I get the paralell that WWE tried to show with Rock and Reigns. Like...Rock was booed the fuck out of madison square garden IN the royal rumble when he still was rocky maivia....and despite the boos he became the great one. Yeah..cool story, but theres only one Dawyne Johnson. Hundred of wrestler were booed their asses and never achieve anything at all. Im not saying Roman is one of them, but he is not Rock/Austin caliber neither.
What baffles me is that they booked everything else surrounding this rumble match stupidly. They could've potentially deflected the heat off Reigns if it didn't feel like WWE was intentionally screwing with the audience.

- After Bryan was eliminated, we got a stream of midcard faces and heels no one cared about. Imo, they should've brought in Ziggler- someone the crowd is less likely to boo- right after Bryan was taken out. Then have the heels beat him up and Reigns save the day. It MIGHT get the fans on his side.

- Mizdow finally gets in...this is his time to shine...the time where he breaks away from Mi- oh wait, he's already eliminated, has apparently given up on himself and continues being the goof.

- Hey, let's take out Ziggler in two minutes. That's a great f@cking idea.

- Bray has been built up as the dominant heel, not unlike Reigns from last year, so how is he taken out? By Big Show and Kane...VERY anticlimactically.

- Big Show and Kane are the main villains of this match? I guess I can accept Show considering his program with Reigns, but KANE?! WHO HASN'T BEEN RELEVANT IN FOREVER?! WHY?!

- Oh, Rusev is doing the cowardly heel strategy of hiding under the ring...er, wait he's back! He's-...already f@cking gone. Great monster heel.

- Um...did someone forget about Axel? I don't even recall if the commentators mentioned he was taken out due to injury.

This Royal Rumble match was amazingly terrible overall, although the surprise entrants were nice.
From 2003 till 2012, The winner of the Royal Rumble really didn't matter much. There was two world titles. Winning the Rumble didnt guarantee you to be in the main event of wrestlemania. (Thats the last match on the card, the real main event. the one which is meant to be the big draw) So it was no big deal.


Wrong. The Last Match, especially at a W-Mainia, is not always the "biggest match", typically it's the match with the most fan fave outcome out of a handful of 2 or 3 big matches that receive near equal build and story time heading into the show, remember Mania's are built on multiple "Main Event" matches in most years and there have been several years in which the match fans were most invested in wasn't the show closer.

That said the problem with this year's event is A) The roster lacks enough legit star power to make a 30 man Rumble Believable B) Too many stars that fans care about were buried in the match, given extremely short tenures and allowed to do very little on offense.

If the match itself is interesting then Point A isn't as big a deal. But when guys like Ziggler & Ambrose & Ryback, who have been given significant time in major stories and seemingly are doing well with the crowd, all have short un eventful tenures and are easily eliminated that upsets the crowd. Typically in a good Rumble one or two "big name" guys may have a surprisingly short run but you usually make sure all of the top guys get good runs even though only one guy wins.

The 1992 Rumble is still considered "the best" of the lot - There was certainly enough star power but the appeal in the match itself comes from the fact that nearly every legit top star was given a strong showing. Flair as the winner certainly had a great showing but Hogan & Sid were both dominant, Savage had a long run, as did Piper, HBK (a young rising star in the mid card at the time, like Ziggler & Ambrose today), as well as a dominant turn by Taker. There was the obligatory likeable underdog character who was well known but didn't seem a serious threat to win (British Bulldog) who was given a long tenure and one main eventer who was surprisingly cut short (DiBiiase). Almost every one that fans were invested in were allowed to have good, strong showings, which helped their characters but also burnished the ending of the match for the final four who did survive to the finale.

This year's match, already light on legit stars who the crowd could believe could win, made it worse by largely burying the stars fans were invested in. Only Bray Wyatt had a distinguished run, most of the others were in and gone very quickly with little or any memorable impact.

Part of the problem is timing, WWE has increasingly tried to cut the match itself down time wise making it harder for anyone to have a lengthy tenure before elimination. Maybe that is because they don't feel enough of the participants can carry a long match of this type but there are ways to compensate for that by stretching out the entrances of the stars around the mid carders. By the time Reigns came out at the end of this match fans were pretty upset not so much with him but with how virtually everyone else they cared about (especially D. Bryan) was ignored and made to look bad in this match, especially by two heel characters that WWE has systematically destroyed over the last 10 years by constantly jobbing them out match after match, destroying their credibility as real threats to win a match of this significance. Maybe if WWE hadn't booked Big Show & Kane so poorly in recent years and allowed them to win more big matches the ending wouldn't have seemed so pat and dull. WWE should have allowed Ziggler, Bryan, Ambrose, & Ryback to have much better runs in the match and maybe left Bryan and Wyatt along with the new monster of the day Russev as the final four with Reigns, two stars that could legit be seen winning the thing if Reigns didn't and one up and comer that while he may not be seen as a real threat to win would be interesting to watch and benefit from the boast of being in the final four finale.
You've been a member since February 2009. It is right there on the screen.

People shit on the Rumble for a number of reasons:

- Reigns winning
- DB getting eliminated early
- It was boring
- Show and Kane getting featured
- Ziggler, Ambrose, and Ryback being treated as after thoughts
- Kofi's spot was lame in comparison
- Having The Rock come out felt desperate
- The WWE Championship match was hard to follow
- There was not much mass of humanity moments
- There were a lot of people lying around
- The lack of creating new stories via The Rumble (although we may be getting the Rhodes break up and feud that we used to want)
- Still not sure what that Wyatt family moment was about

This all culminated in anger and frustration. Your history lesson feels mostly accurate but WWE fans are not exactly historians. They live in the moment. The moment was lame.
You got the order mixed up man.

Undertaker won the 2007 Rumble, Cena won 2008, Orton won 2009, etc. You posted them one year earlier right after Mysterio.

But I agree with what you're saying.

Bryan and Ziggler got eliminated too early. Big Show and Kane were late entries in the Rumble, and shouldn't have been in the final four. The fact that they eliminated so many people late in the rumble was beyond stupid. Roman Reigns is a horrible choice to put against Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Why? Because the triple threat match for the WWEWHC at Royal Rumble was (gonna take Miz's line here) AWESOME! Reigns is, no offense, not talented enough to be in the main event spot right now. It's too early, and his potential is there but he isn't. Even The Rock couldn't get him over last night.

I am surprised Orton didn't return tonight. I also thought that Adrian Neville was going to debut tonight but he didn't. The PPV was going so well til the Rumble man.

To be honest, I'd rather have the winner be Curtis Axel.
You know, I was as disappointed with the outcome as the next man. More that it was obvious the second Bryan was eliminated that Reigms would win. At least WWE usually book the favourites to close out the match to add an element of surprise, this year they clearly couldn't be bothered.

But, and I'm on the way home from having watched the show at my brother's just an hour or so ago so still deconstructing it in my head, a thought pops in my mind: perhaps this is part of a WWE master plan for Bryan. Vince didn't become a multi-millionaire by not listening to the fans, he knows they clamour to see Bryan as world champion again. If my theory is right though, it represents a huge risk for WWE whilst at the same time, if succesful, will bring unprecedented rewards.

Daniel Bryan is going to win the 2016 Royal Rumble and main event the biggest Wrestlemania ever in Dallas.

IF - and it's one of the biggest ifs in WWE history - WWE can capitalise on Bryan's momentum, and really push the storyline that he always gets screwed out of his chance, then the fans will either lose interest completely (the risk) or Bryan's support will grow insane, resulting in the 100k crowd at AT&T Stadium that Vince craves so much.

IF I'm correct, the result of this Rumble is the first step to WWE smashing the it attendance record, and we will not look upon this year's Rumble with such spite.
You got the order mixed up man.

Undertaker won the 2007 Rumble, Cena won 2008, Orton won 2009, etc. You posted them one year earlier right after Mysterio.

But I agree with what you're saying.

Bryan and Ziggler got eliminated too early. Big Show and Kane were late entries in the Rumble, and shouldn't have been in the final four. The fact that they eliminated so many people late in the rumble was beyond stupid. Roman Reigns is a horrible choice to put against Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Why? Because the triple threat match for the WWEWHC at Royal Rumble was (gonna take Miz's line here) AWESOME! Reigns is, no offense, not talented enough to be in the main event spot right now. It's too early, and his potential is there but he isn't. Even The Rock couldn't get him over last night.

I am surprised Orton didn't return tonight. I also thought that Adrian Neville was going to debut tonight but he didn't. The PPV was going so well til the Rumble man.

To be honest, I'd rather have the winner be Curtis Axel.

No i didnt. If you read i write about the year prior to their win.

Taker won in 2007, i do actually say that in the following statement, But i cant look at the whole year of 2007 to judge whether he was hot enough or over enough to win because there was only 20 odd days in 2007 before the 2007 royal rumble. Therefore i look at the year hes had before, which would be 2006. I understand that may of caused confusion. And im not a year out of sync with reality.

2006 - WWE didnt really have many major stars. Taker, HBK, Cena and Batista was available. HHH was injured if i remember correctly. No one was really hot so they went with Taker for the 2007 win

Once again, im looking at the year of build up from one rumble to the next. Sorry if there is some confusion.

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