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A Look Ahead: 2010 WWE Draft

S.O.B. Radio

Dark Match Jobber
I am going to start this with my bold (and yet possibly won't happen) predictions for the 2010 WWE Draft. Here's who I see in new places in 2010 not barring any titles changing shows, etc.

1. John Morrison
2. Michelle McCool
3. Yoshi Tatsu
4. Finlay

1. Santino Marella
2. Sheamus
3. Mickie James
4. Jack Swagger

1. Edge
2. Rey Mysterio

Supplemental Draft
To Raw: Abraham Washington, Curt Hawkins, The Great Khali, Slam Master J, Mike Knox

To Smackdown: Tyler Reks, Jamie Noble, Carlito, Primo, Beth Phoenix

To ECW: Chris Masters, Charlie Haas

Summary of these moves:

(ECW) Edge and Rey Mysterio will be in ECW for two entirely seperate but equal reasons. Edge will be competing for the ECW title in a long feud with Christian. Edge will eventually win and be challenged by Rey Mysterio. Chris Masters will end up being paired back up with Edge and become more or less the guy Rey feuds with for the #1 Contendership. Charlie Haas will get repackaged with a new gimmick that will turn him into another Zack Ryder.

(RAW) Abraham Washington becomes an on-air GM for Raw after some type of angle. Slam Master J will be an attempt to take over the Santino role. Curt Hawkins will be lost much like he is right now on the Smackdown (or FCW) roster, Knox comes in as the big guy that Vince loves to have on the roster perhaps feuding with Khali. Morrison becomes a contender on Raw much like he did on ECW and Smackdown, Yoshi Tatsu provides that Evan Bourne quality, perhaps even feuding with Bourne. Michelle McCool gets moved title or no title. McCool is ready for the A show. Same logic for Finlay.

(Smackdown) Carlito and Primo get reunited on Smackdown where they have a bigger presence than they do on Raw. Jamie Noble gets repackaged to perhaps either become a mouthpiece or interfere in the women's division. Beth Phoenix contends for the womens title. Same goes for Mickie James. Jack Swagger wins gold in his first match on Smackdown. Tyler Rekscould perhaps be future endeavored. Santino Marella comes to Smackdown for comedy. Sheamus will become a contender for a title somewhere down the road.
I don't think Yoshi, or any of the new guys, will be leaving through the draft. None of them are nearly as ready as Swagger and Bourne were when they were switched. I also don't think Edge or Rey will end up on ECW.

Christian will be taken off ECW, and I can see Miz or Morrison getting shipped off so they can feud. Other than that, I don't have a clue right now. Once the Rumble is done with, and we can get a good idea of what's happening at WM, we'll have a better picture of who could move in a draft.
I like some of these ideas and I don't. I could deal with Michelle McCool being on RAW but I think that John Morrison should stay on SD for another year. Maybe get in at least one world title reign on that show before he comes to RAW. Finlay I think should go to ECW and tag with Sheamus. Maybe they could become a threat to the tag titles. Santino Marella I think would be good on SD. In my opinion, he takes up time that could used for someone who's gonna wrestle instead of make jokes all the time and not do nothing. I'd hate to see Mickie James on SD but I'll agree to it if they bring Natalya and or Melina (back) to RAW. I say keep Beth Phoenix on RAW, and make her a face. The Colons should go back to SD, and get back in the tag title hunt. I think that they should bring Katie Lea (and not her brother) to RAW so she can contend for a title.
What are you smoking? Edge on ECW? Are you kidding me? One of the biggest talents and will soon be the most popular face character (upon his return if things go the way originally planned) on WWE television going to the C-show? For what purpose? That's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. And I suppose at the same time, Zack Ryder is going to be in a war with John Cena for the WWE Title too right?

Morrison needs to stay on Smackdown another year. He's tearing it up there and needs to keep being built there. I see a MitB win in his future at WM26.

Finlay just came from Raw. There's nothing for him there.

AbeWash going anywhere is a stupid idea seeing as he hasn't even stepped into a ring on ECW yet.

Any of the women... who cares where they end up? Just keep the ones that can perform in the ring and the ones that can't out of the ring as eye candy.

Why should Santino move when he doesn't do anything anyway? If he goes anywhere, it needs to be to ECW. He can slowly be taken seriously at the start of 2010, lose the comedy gimmick (even though he does it very well and consistantly), and be the wrestler that a few of us know he really is. His original gimmick was to be the protoge of Kurt Angle before Angle left, so you know Santino has talent that's not being displayed.

And every other single person in your Supp. Draft should be off WWE TV for good with the exception of Beth Pheonix and Carlito.

It's way too early for any sort of speculation but those are just my 2 cents on the supertars named above.
Christian (these two need to start something, anything. Tag team or feud, I dont care)
Matt Hardy (just because he's always drafted)
William Regal

Evan Bourne(give him a shot at the US belt)
Zack Ryder(chance to move on)
MVP(Give him a long title reign)
R-Truth(Get some good feuds in)
Jaime Noble(To be the experienced guy)

These are just a few that I'd think could work, but not really predictions
What are you smoking? Edge on ECW? Are you kidding me? One of the biggest talents and will soon be the most popular face character (upon his return if things go the way originally planned) on WWE television going to the C-show? For what purpose? That's one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. And I suppose at the same time, Zack Ryder is going to be in a war with John Cena for the WWE Title too right?

Morrison needs to stay on Smackdown another year. He's tearing it up there and needs to keep being built there. I see a MitB win in his future at WM26.

Finlay just came from Raw. There's nothing for him there.

AbeWash going anywhere is a stupid idea seeing as he hasn't even stepped into a ring on ECW yet.

Any of the women... who cares where they end up? Just keep the ones that can perform in the ring and the ones that can't out of the ring as eye candy.

Why should Santino move when he doesn't do anything anyway? If he goes anywhere, it needs to be to ECW. He can slowly be taken seriously at the start of 2010, lose the comedy gimmick (even though he does it very well and consistantly), and be the wrestler that a few of us know he really is. His original gimmick was to be the protoge of Kurt Angle before Angle left, so you know Santino has talent that's not being displayed.

And every other single person in your Supp. Draft should be off WWE TV for good with the exception of Beth Pheonix and Carlito.

It's way too early for any sort of speculation but those are just my 2 cents on the supertars named above.

Wish I was smoking something good. The three reasons for Edge in ECW was first I am not looking forward to Edge as a face. Some guys are better off heels and the two that come to mind are Edge and Randy Orton. We all know Orton isn't moving because Vince wants to keep an eye on him to ensure he doesn't screw up and trash anymore hotel rooms. The second reason is with the frequency of matches in ECW, Edge would be very well protected where if he were on either Raw or Smackdown, he would be headlining every major PPV and would risk getting hurt even more. Third reason is to keep ECW interesting and get the ratings point above a 1.0. I could develop a storyline to sell this movement, but what will end up happening in reality is that ECW will lose Christian, Zack Ryder and Vladimir Kozlov and end up getting Charlie Haas, Jamie Noble and Drew McIntyre.

Abe is not a wrestler, Abe can't wrestle and therefore, Abe will be best served as an on-air personality and not a talk show host. WWE loves heel GM's, that's where I see Abe going. Santino would never be used properly in ECW and once creative has their way with a character, that character does not change too often. The supplemental draft is a "who gives a crap" of mid-level, barely seen on tv, to promising talent WWE feels can be elevated with a change of scenery.

Like I said, it's something to have fun with. We know the WWE couldn't provide three interesting or good shows if their writer's lives were on the line.
Never gonna happen for the simple reasons that Yoshi Tatsu, Finlay, Santino, Sheamus are not main draft material in the current wwe draft style.

Edge and Rey to ECW? are you on crack? they are not moving anywhere from smackdown, much less to ecw.

John Morrison should stay on SD! cauz it's the only brand where the writers would be willing to give him the world title.

if i have a prediction for the 2010 draft

-Chris Jericho
-Vladimir Kozlov
-Shelton Benjamin

-The Miz

-Mickie James
-Big Show
-Jack Swagger


The Hart Dynasty
Zach Ryder
The Bella Twins
Hurrican Helms

Evan Bourne
Paul Burchill
Katea Lea
Ezekiel Jackson

Charlie Haas
Jamie Noble
I like the reactions (mostly negative) this is getting so far. Here's another draft related idea. Get rid of that damn draft board that looks like a video game choose a character screen. Replace the draft board with all of the GM's and a drum with talents names listed on a ball. Then, after each match that a show wins, the GM or representative will roll the drum and then select a ball. The outcome of who goes where is already predetermined, but it would at least give the draft a certain look and feel to it.

Also, instead of having a supplemental draft on wwe.com, why not combine the TV draft with the supplemental in the form I have just mentioned. Give the draft show more of a professional sporting event draft feel.

Any thoughts?
My prediction for the 2010 WWE Draft assuming 10 picks

1) Smackdown = Christian (from ECW)
2) Raw = Shelton Benjamin (from ECW)
3) Raw = CM Punk (from Smackdown)
4) ECW = Matt Hardy (from Smackdown)
5) ECW = Chavo Guerrero (from Raw)
6) Smackdown = MVP (from Raw)
7) Smackdown = Alicia Fox (from Raw)
8) Raw = Edge (from Smackdown)
9) ECW = Carlito (from Raw)
10) Raw = Kane (from Smackdown)

It's a tough draft to predict, the only pick I see for sure happening is Matt Hardy moving.
Personally I really enjoyed the first draft where Mr McMahon and Ric Flair took turns building their roster. I would love for this to happen again after Wrestlemania - start from scratch with each GM getting 10 - 12 picks (maybe less for ECW due to their show being shorter).

Now - onto creating my ideal draft:

John Cena to Smackdown - I would love to see a feud between Cena and Undertaker, and I think it would really freshen Cena up. I used to enjoy Cenas work on Smackdown before he became "SuperMarine"!!!

Christian to Smackdown - So many great feud Christian could have here (Edge, Morrison, Jericho, Punk etc etc)

Carlito to ECW - COuld get his once promising career back on track.

Big Show to Smackdown - I cant remember the last draft that Big Show stuck on the same show.

Kane to ECW - See Big Show

If DX are still together and the Bret rumors are still about, maybe Hart Dynasty to Raw to feud with DX

Dolph Ziggler to Raw - Should be ready for a Main Event run this time next year.

Cody Rhodes to Smackdown - Once Ted and Orton feud, Cody will be rotting on the Raw undercard, and thus will need this move.
Smackdown = John Cena {WWE Champion}, Ted DeBiase Jr., Christian, William Regal, Mickie James, Kofi Kingston, Paul Birchill, Hurricane Helms

Raw = Edge {World Heavyweight Champion}, Undertaker, Hart Dynasty, Yoshi Tatsu, Ezekiel Jackson & Vladimir Kozlov, Katie Lea Birchill, Kane

ECW = Jamie Noble, Drew McIntyre, R-Truth, Finlay, MVP, Chris Masters, Charlie Haas

All of that is just me though. With that prediction, though, they'd need to make ECW a two hour to accommodate the superstar influx.
Seeing as this has become a spam thread, to spam it goes.
There will be a draft in 2010 for sure so here's my picks.

1. Michelle McCool- long awaited for and the brand could use another solid performer
2. Shelton Benjamin- if he turns face, this has to be the brand for him to finally step up
3. Finlay- the guy has outlived his time on SmackDown and he didn't do anything on ECW really, and Raw would be a nice place for him finish his career.
4. Vladmir Kozlov- before getting released or something, put him here to be fed to HHH again of HBK

1. John Cena- worn out his welcome on Raw and at return to SmackDown! would do wonders for him and there would be a completely different roster for him.
2. Christian- he's paid his dues and spent more than enough time on ECW. He's up to speed with the current WWE style of wrestling and this would help him greatly.
3. Jack Swagger- perfect brand for him to get over and finally capture another singles title
4. Santino Marella- comedy relief for sure and he's done his time on Raw
5. Sheamus- get him into the I.C title picture and make the next step up

1. Carlito- a chance for him to revive a once bright looking career
2. Charlie Haas- perfect place to repackage him and make him look good again
3. Curt Hawkins- Zack Rhyder 2.0 or something. Hasn't been seen in months
4. Festus- repackage him and hopefully we can see him again.
I'm liking this thread a lot with all the ideas that people are having. I definitely think that The Hart Dynasty should be moved to RAW so they can feud with DX. That would be a major push for The Hart Dynasty. THD could even gain the tag titles before then so that would put even more emphasis on the feud. And like everyone keeps saying here, this feud would build up to the return of Bret Hart.

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