A long-term Shield scenario.


Getting Noticed By Management
With all the talk about the Shield breaking up, then being back together, to Reigns becomes the "Next big thing" and so on, it begs the question as to what could be done with the Shield members, so that all of them get a great moment and become THE main event guys. Here is my suggestion:

They defeat Kane and the Outlaws at WMXXX. They have a solid run as faces, being together for the next 5-6 months. Afterwards, they decide to focus more on their solo careers, chasing after titles (not the WWEWHC yet), or having some solo feuds against other big names (preferrably Bryan, Cena, Orton etc). After having those solo feuds, the agree on not appearing together anymore, or at least being alone most of the time. No breaks, no face-heel turns, just a mutual agreement. This will happen around September. As time goes on, WM31 comes up. Each one of these guys gets a regular one on one match OR something happens and they have to team up all of them to face three other guys, in some sort of winner-takes-all match.

Time passes, at the MitB match, all 3 members are inserted, but Rollins wins the briefcase. No breaks between the Shield, BUT at that point, it seems like they are not so close together, as if they have completely gone solo, but they are still friends. Rollins keeps his briefcase. The other two can probably get a WWEWHC shot at some PPV, and lose. Royal Rumble (year 2016) comes up, Ambrose wins it and gets to headline Mania. At the Elimination Chamber, Reigns is inserted into the EC WWEWHC match and wins it.

Next monday on Raw, Reigns comes out and is introduced as the new WWEWHC. Talks about his win and all, until Ambrose comes out. REMEMBER. At this point, the Shield members have gone on a "I have forgotten about our past" kinda thing, so this gathering-up would be kind of a big deal. They both talk about how they started from the bottom and now they are headlining Mania. Then, Rollins comes out and says that it is not coincidence that we are all here, because we are the best, we are the Shield. Place erupts. And he will also go on to say that he will cash in his MitB contract for a match at WM, making the WWEWHC match a triple threat match.

They started together, they separated, and now the road on leads to the same place/target: the WM32 main event for the WWEWHC.

I can't say what the best outcome would be, but no matter what, in the end, they all leave as the Shield, the winner and champion in the middle, with the other two on his right and left and doing the fist-symbol to close the night.

I've mentioned before that I wouldn't mind seeing them simply agree to go their separate ways without have a major blowoff feud to split them up. So I certainly like that part. Obviously, beyond that, it all depends on how successful they all are as singles wrestlers. But if they're all over enough to be in the main event at WrestleMania, that would definitely be awesome.
To me the best way to take The Shield forward is to stick to the basics. It is obvious that Reigns is the one that will get the big singles push right off the bat. That makes sense as he has the look and is improving in the other areas.

That leaves Rollins and Ambrose as a tag-team. Have them team for a while, probably capturing and holding the gold. Have Ambrose continue to hold the US belt as well, while continuing to not defend it all that much. Eventually a rift would form (possibly due to Rollins getting more reaction combined with some playful "jabs" to Ambrose about how he never defends the title).

This festers over a couple months until they have no choice but to break up, preferably with Ambrose walking out on Rollings (payback for Rollins walking out a couple weeks back). Sets Ambrose up as the bad guy (as Rollins is getting the better reaction at the time) and Rollins as the face and you have a built in rivalry over the US Belt.

Better yet, you could have Rollins capture the IC Belt, and then their feud can be over unifying the mid-card belts
I agree with the first two posters. I don't think the Shield have to break up acrimoniously as it is going to end up weakening at least one member of the group. I think a "we've achieved all we can as a group" amicable split would work best. My personal preference would then be for Reigns to go on for the WWE HWC against D-Bry, while Rollins feuds with Cesaro, and Ambrose started a feud against Cena. Have Rollins win MitB, Reigns win the belt, and Ambrose win the RR to set up the WM32 show down. This lets Cena try and beat Taker.

WM31 would be Punk v Bryan with Sting v Taker in my dream situation, and I don't think Shield would be ready to headline a Mania next year.
It's certainly going be tough for us to say what happens to the Shield, given that WWE doesn't seem to know. After all, the group was broken up several weeks ago when we saw Seth Rollins standing alone on the runway, having betrayed the other two. The deed was done......but no! It wasn't! .....the very next week saw them back together, in what first seemed an uneasy truce, then apparently a united front against everyone else......in other words, back together as if nothing had happened. Whew!

But they're going to have to split up some time, as it's extremely rare for any tag team to stay together forever, much less a trio. I would imagine Roman Reigns is already wondering what happened to his singles push; he's probably too young to protest too loudly to the front office, despite the nature of his in-ring persona.

The future? After Reigns goes out on his own, the company might leave Ambrose and Rollins together for awhile, if for no other reason than Dean Ambrose hasn't (imo) developed into the dynamic personality management might have thought he would, while Rollins is emerging as a hell of a performer. It might be beneficial to keep them as a team for the near future.

In the end, though, they'll all go their own ways, probably going against one another much of the time. Remember Nexus? A group as consolidated as you'd ever want to find, yet today we think nothing of it when Heath Slater is fighting Justin Gabriel or Wade Barrett opposes Ryback.

Nexus was a great gimmick....and so is the Shield. Everyone eventually moves on.
Well, I think that deep down, WWE is just gonna screw with these guys, as they tend to do with many guys. Sure Reigns will get a big push, but I'm wondering what will happen to the other two guys. Let's hope the crowds will get hostile at some point if they screw Ambrose/Rollins.
Well, I think that deep down, WWE is just gonna screw with these guys, as they tend to do with many guys. Sure Reigns will get a big push, but I'm wondering what will happen to the other two guys. Let's hope the crowds will get hostile at some point if they screw Ambrose/Rollins.

Reigns might get a big push, but it is no secret that the WWE fans does like all 3 of them(Indeed judging by the App Vote - Reigns is way ahead.) but the Reigns push has to be handled perfectly as well in a way that when he breaks away it is with a full crowd cheering for him.
As for the other 2, I hope that whilst Reigns will probably get a Big match at SummerSlam to announce himself as a Main Event player...
the other 2 can probably be the guys to bring back meaning to the MidCard titles by Unifying them during a feud that starts some time after SummerSlam and ends at...

Wrestlemania 31 MidCard title unification - Seth Rollins(IC Champ) vs Dean Ambrose(US Champ)

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