A List of Companies That Supported SOPA/PIPA


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Here is a link to the list. Guess what WWE is on this list.


I think the best way to show dissatisfaction to the WWE's attempt at removing our rights and freedoms is to hit them where it hurts. Their pocketbooks.

You know what would hurt them the most is if there is a boycott of Wrestlemania. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't watch it. There are enough online streams that we could all watch the event for free that we wouldn't miss anything. But with all they hype for the Rock vs Cena, if it were to be a huge flop, it would tell WWE that we are not happy with their Anti-American lobbying.
Yeah, those online streams are the reason WWE is supporting SOPA.

That's not the issue here, Turbo. This is about the WWE thinking they can lobby against our constitutionally protected rights to free speech. I know you're foreign so this doesn't make sense to you. Any legislation that could impede our rights in America to free speech is not only a violation against our constitution, but also against the principles that founded America as an independent nation.
Am I supposed to be surprised that WWE supports a bill which would benefit them?

That's not the issue here, Turbo. This is about the WWE thinking they can lobby against our constitutionally protected rights to free speech. I know you're foreign so this doesn't make sense to you. Any legislation that could impede our rights in America to free speech is not only a violation against our constitution, but also against the principles that founded America as an independent nation.

If you're adamant it's against the constitution, then why are you so concerned about it? Wouldn't it, I don't know, be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?
Yeah, those online streams are the reason WWE is supporting SOPA.

Yep. And to tell you the truth, if I were in their position, I would support it too. I can see why companies that are losing revenue due to piracy would support it. I oppose SOPA/PIPA, but not because I want to pirate all the things. I have never pirated a WWE PPV, wouldn't even know where to look. My objection is not because I want piracy to run rampant, but because the bill totally eliminated due process from the discussion.

The idea that a website could be shut down merely for being suspected of supporting piracy without ANY actual proof terrifies me to death. I am fine with efforts to reduce online piracy, but damn, this bill want about 100 steps too far in the other direction. SOPA is like being able to ban roads because some people choose to speed. Incredible overreaction.

Good ideas, like reducing online piracy, frequently get taken way too far, and subsequently end up as really shitty laws.
Am I supposed to be surprised that WWE supports a bill which would benefit them?

If you're adamant it's against the constitution, then why are you so concerned about it? Wouldn't it, I don't know, be declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court?

Just like the Patriot act and the NDAA were?

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