A.J is Amazingly Sexy

Bellas aren't as bad as you say they are Nate. They're both actually pretty hot I think, and believe it or not I've actually heard from some trusted friends of mine that they saw them live and they were actually awesome in how they worked the crowd as heels and did all kinds of underhanded/sneaky heel double-team antics. Never seen it myself, but it gives me hope that maybe they could have a passable match on TV in the future.
I can't get over how incredibly uninterested they sound whenever they grab a mic. That time they announced the main event on ECW still haunts me.
The one with the tattoo looks better, though I'm not sure which twin that is:confused:

They had some well past decent matches since winning the championships:
They're young, they're good looking, they're twins: if anyone has a real bone to pick with them, they had better get over it, fast, becuase i don't see them going anywhere in the near future:)

Back on topic,
I think AJ is cute, K2 and Kaitlyn are overrated, Gail.K and Rosa are underrated, and Maryse and Melina are the best
Amazingly sexy isn't the right word. Unbelievably cute is a better way of putting it.

Also, K2 and Layla are the two sexiest Divas.

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