A Happiness Enhancing Exercise!!


Mid-Card Championship Winner

:one_samuria: This smiley is pretty cool!

So.. last night I decided to pull out one of my positive psych books from a term or two ago for a relaxing read. The book, not a formal journal or a text meant strictly for education, is a light page-turner based on empirical findings. What can I say? I know what I like.

Anyhow, I decided that a simple activity proposed by Martin Seligman would be a ton of fun here on the board. Post once a day if you can, as well. Within fifteen days, 94% of the group of severely depressed people being studied by Seligman showed improvement in their outlook. :)

All you have to do is write down three good things that happened today. They can be big or small, but the key is that they're positive!

Mine for the day:
-I had a pretty solid lunch that involved making fun of soap operas.
-I won a scholarship from a business association.
-I got pretty pretty sexy/smooth close shave. Nice job, Gillette!!

What do you have to say for yourself?
I looked great. No, seriously, I did.
I understood my History work.
I listened to lots of music.

Seriously, I love this guy ^
played GTA4 for about 5 hours, Everyone i like to socialise with were at work, or occupied
Well I took off today, and planted some trees in honor of earth day.
Then went to my favorite restaurant with my fiancee for lunch.
Then I played tennis until it rained.

Great day.
I worked with my new boss.... nice guy!!!
I went to my favorite pub, and hung out with three amazingly gorgeous women!
I just finished a screen play entitled "Sweet Zombie Jesus"

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