A guy I rate as a future superstar (WWE Champion/HoFer)


Mid-Card Championship Winner
There is a young guy in WWE that I am high on at the moment. I see this guy having all the tools to be "the man"- as in, the man to carry WWE, the man to headline Wrestlemania down the track. A man who has size, the look, stickwork,is agile, has a sense of humor and bucketloads of charisma.

He is someone who I can seeing Vince pushing (because of his size), and the fans embracing, (because they cheer him now, and they love anything out of NXT). He is better in the ring than Roman Reigns, and I actually think that anyone who wants to criticize this guy when, and I am backing that it will be WHEN, not IF, he becomes the "man", will be hard pressed to find anything, and , outside of how he is used, there is little I think a reasonable fan can find to pin on the guy himself.

I predict that this guy will main event Wrestlemania down the track (via winning the Royal Rumble one year), he will be a multi-time WWE or Universal Champion, and I see him becoming big enough, if used right, to be in the WWE HoF and a Legend.

Who is this person I am picking as "the guy", the great hope of WWE?



He is seven foot (you can't teach that)
He has stickwork (you can't teach that)
He has the look (he looks like a taller version of WWE HoF, Edge) (you can't teach that)
He has the ringwork (you can't teach that)
He has charisma (you can't teach that).

In fact, he also fills a need of big men. Undertaker is close to retirement, Kane is irrelevant, Big Show goes missing all the time, Mark Henry has not been relevant for years, and Braun Strowman doesn't have the stickwork or agility to put on a good match. Brock Lesnar is never around often enough.

He also might become the "guy", at the right time, when WWE need it. Cena and Orton will retire soon, Reigns hasn't worked as a main eventer, I can't see Rollins as a face long-term, and Ambrose has a limited appeal. A.J. Styles and Kevin Owens are stars, but they are better as heels, and need a main event face to go up against, and bounce the WWE or Universal Title against. That guy I can see being Big Cass.

I see Cass's team with Enzo Amore lasting about another year. Then, they will seperate (either in a feud or mutually agreed to pursue singles titles). I can see Enzo being a top midcarder, who does Wrestlemania 6-Man ladder matches for the IC or US belts, or one on one matches with other midcarders, and become a multi-time IC or US Champion. However, I don't see him having the size to be WWE Champion, and he would have to water down his act, and it would harm his character. As opposed to Cass, who has the size, and his dialled down support role in Enzo's comedy, means that he can play goofy face, serious face, or serious monster heel.

In fact, I would like to see Cass be the one to finally topple Brock Lesnar. That would be the moment he becomes "the man".

I'm not just suggesting it happen, I can see it happening. Tell me if you agree, or at least if you hope that Big Cass becomes the next "Big Thing".
I can see it too. He's still growing as a wrestler IMO but far down the line, he could seriously be the next Hulk Hogan. Big Cass has the size (he could even hit the weights more to build some muscle) he has the look, the mic skill...the IT factor most wrestlers would kill to have. I'd like to see how Cass would handle a serious singles feud with somebody after the hugely popular tag team has broken up. Enzo is golden on the mic, probably the best I've heard since The Rock and Cass is caught up in that hype train. Once he breaks out alone and gets a good finisher with a new ring gear he really could be that huge new star the WWE needs.
Big Cass can't work a match, he can't cut a promo, and he looks like a generic, store brand version of Edge. He's Edge without all the things that made Edge truly special. Cass will get a huge push, no doubt about it, simply because he's big and Vince strokes himself to guys like Cass, but so far Cass has not done anything even remotely impressive.
I think he is a good performer, is he great? not even close, but thats something you develop in years. Can he achieve greatness? I dont know...i once thought Mr Kennedy was going to be the next rock/austin...and i failed miserable.

He has a good base to work with, for the good of everyone including me, i hope he gets better and better...i like to see talent grow.

Now regarding big men missing....sorry but the best big man in YEARS and by far, is Luke Harper...he is amazing in the ring compared to the rest of the big guys (not counting lesnar).
I agree with the sentiment that Cass will be a big player in the future, but as for becoming the face of the company, that's going to take a ton of commitment, hard work, and some constant development. The guy is only thirty years old and is relatively new to the wrestling business, he undoubtedly has the tools to make a huge impact in the WWE but it's ultimately going to be up to him to put everything together. Of course, he needs to continue work on the little things while cleaning up some of the bigger things, but that will come with time.

Right now I see flashes of greatness from Cass, but they come and go, and some nights I don't notice them at all. The biggest thing for Cass is consistency, making sure he's on every time his music hits. Also, he's really been able to lean on Enzo in the promo department. I think eventually there will be some growing pains once he breaks out on his own which could stifle him.

Still, Cass is in a really good spot to break out as a singles star whenever the time comes to split him from Enzo. A blindside attack on Amore would turn him into a heel magnet and be a great launching point for his single's career. Like I said, he has the tools, now he has to put in the work.
Enzo and Cass reminds me of this generation's New Age Outlaws. One guy can cut entertaining promos and the other looks is the physical specimen with some decent mic skills.

They also got over with their pre-match promos though I would say Enzo and Cass, overall can work better matches.

I know WWE is thinking Cass might be their next star but I don't see it yet. Maybe one day but for now I see a guy who does well at what he does but is still limited in ability to get over as a singles star.

As for the look, it's strange for a tall guy he doesn't really seem to be that big or imposing. For anyone that watches hockey he reminds me of a Tyler Myers than, tall but a bit on the lanky. So even trying to sell him on the "size" and "look" perspective might be a tough sell.

The best bet is to not rush him, WWE learned the hard way when fans weren't ready to accept Roman Reigns it's going to be next to impossible for fans to win over him once he's branded.

I say take it slow, the guy is only 30 he still got a few years to figure it out before you reach that age whether you can tell if someone is a main eventer or not.
Given enough time and if he puts the work in required I can see him becoming "the guy". I don't think many will agree with me, well except for Baconbits, but I'm getting tired of seeing the Shield guys in almost every main event match, or going for every title in the company.

I was a huge Shield mark and still am, but lets face it since they broke up they've done fine but it could have been so much better. Reigns is not liked, Rollins face turn is abysmal and Ambrose is off on another show. Ambrose is doing okay, but a lot of fans by the comments I see are sick of the Shield guys and think it's overkill. Enzo and Cass are a breath of fresh air.

Cass has the size that Vince loves, looks a bit like Edge and can work the mic. He can always have Enzo has his manager if need be later on. But yea I can see him getting a big push from the top guys. The one thing they should do first is win the tag titles and have a run as tag champions. That will be hard with New Day trying to beat the record, and The Club and Cesaro and Sheamus waiting in the wings. It remains to be seen if the WWE has the faith in them to give them a run with the belts though. They are certainly over with the fans in almost any arena they play too.
I enjoy Cass and Enzo, but I see nothing special about Cass on his own.

he's descent on the mic.
His ring work is perfect for tag team wrestling, but each singles match he has been in has exposed his weakness.
Appearance wise, he's tall. That's it! He's not intimidating, he's not muscular, he doesn't have tattoos, he looks generic(, especially when he wears those high wasted trunks).

I like Cass, I really do, but anything other than in a tag team should be out of the question for now.
For me, it's way, way too soon to be thinking of Cass as a future World Champion, let alone with a HOF career.

I agree that Cass has a lot of charisma but you have to wonder how much of that charisma involves him playing off of Enzo when they're doing their routine together. As far as his work inside the ring, I can't say that I'm overly impressed but, then again, Cass is given a pretty formulaic way of working and that might be because he's still green, maybe it's because it's what Vince wants because he's too busy sticking guys into categories based on their looks, etc. I'd believe either one. Usually, Cass is ultimately the closer for his team with Enzo whereas Enzo spends 90% of the match getting the crap kicked out of him. In the few singles matches I've seen Cass in, I don't know if a one of them has gone longer than 5 minutes.

As with a lot of guys who're part of a team and shows some promise, I ultimately have to see what he's capable of bringing to the table on his own. He's doing just fine in his current role with Enzo, but I need to see a lot more of his abilities and the only way that happens is when/if he & Enzo ultimately go their separate ways.
Cass isn't even the best, green 'big man' on the Raw roster.

It's Braun Strowman.

I'm actually impressed at how well spoken he is on the mic. Not sure why, but I expected him to mumble and growl when he opened his mouth, but he's actually been really good... and coherent. His skill set has still not been fully unleashed -- if he actually has one.

It's only a matter of time before he's fighting guys like Rusev and Reigns for titles. Future heavyweight champ... maybe. Future U.S. Champ... book it.
This is the problem WWE has now.... there is no patience anymore for guys to orgianically build their careers.

Look back at Bret and Shawn in particular... both had been in the WWF for years and wrestling FAR longer before they finally got the world title. Bret waited SEVEN YEARS for that World title and developed organically during that time. No one was judging him on potential or mic work... had they, he'd have failed and been probably released.

Shawn far worse, there wasn't even the "flashes of potential" early on that people are talking about with Cass... He was as whitebread as it comes in the first 2 years of The Rockers and for most of that time, Jannetty looked most likely to succeed. Arguably Shawn cut that away from him with his underhandedness in real life... but reality is no-one predicted Shawn breaking out as he did from the moment he kicked Marty on The Barber's shop... Shawn was never intended to be a "main eventer" or "face of the company" but he got himself there by any means necessary, but mostly by quiet improvement over time without pressure... which meant when the chance came people in the company and watching the products said "WOW!"

Today guys can't have that time... the downside of Bret and Shawn was it's now the conveyor... the push is marked out in advance... start with a group or tag team or a lower push and form one, then go to a lower title... then within 2 years you HAVE to step up enough to get the World or you're gone... guys like Barrett couldn't step up in that way... guys like Ziggler did, but not to the required standard... but all these guys have had similar pushes...

Jeff Hardy

That's just some of them... but you get the point... the only guys to ever organically grow to the point they could carry the title and get given it, however long it took are Mark Henry, JBL & Christian... even Jericho, Eddie and Benoit all got the "lower title quick push". JBL didn't, he just got the title when he was ready... Henry the same, even if it took nearly 20 years... and Christian, well he arguably WAS ready far sooner but Vince needed longer. but few of those guys had real pressure on them to get there... they just did.

Cass has a world of pressure on him already cos so few 7 footers walk through their doors these days... same with Strowman... they could both be great or both be destined for the mid card... but you just know they'll be forced into positions far sooner than they should cos WWE can't wait any longer... imagine if they'd done that to Bret and Shawn in 89?
You're joking right? I mean seriously. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.

Big Cass has talent for sure. But I don't see him as "THE Guy." Just like Roman wasn't "The Guy." I would actually prefer Reigns at that level than Big Cass. Cass reminds Me of Test. Most would consider Test a "legend." But Test will never be in the same category as legends like Austin,Rock,Taker,or HHH. Ten years down the line, Big Cass won't be in the same category as a Reigns,Rollins,Owens,or Balor. Tell years down the line he will just be known as one half of Enzo & Cass or another failed experiment from VKM, along with Ryback.

Will he be a legend? Maybe as a Tag Team Competitior,but that's as far as I can see him going.
You're joking right? I mean seriously. I'm going to have to respectfully disagree.

Big Cass has talent for sure. But I don't see him as "THE Guy." Just like Roman wasn't "The Guy." I would actually prefer Reigns at that level than Big Cass. Cass reminds Me of Test. Most would consider Test a "legend." But Test will never be in the same category as legends like Austin,Rock,Taker,or HHH. Ten years down the line, Big Cass won't be in the same category as a Reigns,Rollins,Owens,or Balor. Tell years down the line he will just be known as one half of Enzo & Cass or another failed experiment from VKM, along with Ryback.

Will he be a legend? Maybe as a Tag Team Competitior,but that's as far as I can see him going.

Holy crap, can you point out these people so I can laugh at them? Please? I've never, ever heard this.....ever.
It is still too soon to say anything like a Hall Of Fame career or even World Champion about Big Cass.

Don't misunderstand me, I just love Big Cass. Even more than Enzo Amore. I even find him more efficient on mic than Enzo himself.

But he has yet to prove that he can go well with the upper-midcard and main event guys.

His mic skills are good enough but I would like to see more in-ring work from him to make an opinion about him.
Holy crap, can you point out these people so I can laugh at them? Please? I've never, ever heard this.....ever.

I'm pretty sure he meant "legend" the same way WWE inducts everyone into the Hall of Fame. Pretty much everybody gets into the HoF these days, therefore pretty much everyone is a "legend" by those lax standards.

In Test's defense however, I think he had the potential to be one of the all-time best big guys. Test was a hundred times better than 99% of the big guys that have come around since (Lashley, Batista, Harper, Strowman, Cass, etc. etc.), but never made it big because he was booked as a loser. Other than brief periods in 2001, 2003, and 2006, Test was booked as a complete nobody who lost almost every match he was in. If Test had been booked as a dominant force, he would have been a money-making machine for WWE.
This is the problem WWE has now.... there is no patience anymore for guys to orgianically build their careers.

Look back at Bret and Shawn in particular... both had been in the WWF for years and wrestling FAR longer before they finally got the world title. Bret waited SEVEN YEARS for that World title and developed organically during that time. No one was judging him on potential or mic work... had they, he'd have failed and been probably released.

I agree that there are wrestlers who need to/should have been given more time in order to be more naturally and organically built up. However, the days in which a guy waits 4, 5, 6 years, or more, are long gone partially because most fans don't have the attention span, let alone the patience, to invest such time. Back in the late 80s, WWE's media presence wasn't remotely what it once was. WWF's Prime Time Wrestling, Superstars or All American Wrestling shows were basically clips of house show matches and the banter between the babyface & heel hosts. Building up someone at a more leisurely pace over a period of years was generally the norm but it's not something that'll work today.

Whenever someone debuts on the main roster, it's not at all uncommon for internet fans to take to the forums to call said wrestler "a failure" if he's not wearing gold within the first 6 months or they want all their favorites pushed at the same time, even if it makes no realistic sense at the time and means that someone that's doing well in a top spot has to be depushed. Then again, even when someone is wearing gold or is in the midst of a big push, it seems like half the trolls on the internet pop up like a bad case of hemorrhoids to bash the wrestler and WWE for pushing him. over the last 5 or 6 years, I can't think of someone that's made it into a big deal in WWE without that happening. Whether it was Punk, Bryan, Del Rio, Henry, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Owens, etc. it always happened. That's not to say that there some didn't raise good points, but being ragged on by internet fans for getting a big push has become something of a right of passage.
I can definitely see Big Cass as a future main eventer. He has the charisma, look, mic skills, crowd connection, and "it" factor. He has also been getting better in the ring. I remember being pretty impressed by his mini-feud with Jericho after Enzo was injured.

I don't think he will ever become the "guy", but I also don't think WWE should have just one "guy". I'm predicting Cass becomes a main event competitor alongside Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Owens, Wyatt, Balor, and Zayn for the next few years.
I think most people see the potential. However, he is gold with Enzo. Not so much by himself. At the moment.

He's okay in the ring. He doesn't dazzle and he doesn't really do anything different. The pretty terrible on the mic. I guess I'll put that on the writers? He's comfortable but his jokes/insults/comments are the lower denominator and extremely predictable. Enzo and Cass together kind of cancel out each others weaknesses.

He could be a future champ but he definitely needs work.

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