A good idea of how to end the Authority storyline


Championship Contender
This is just an idea I had and only has a little bit of speculation to back it up. At Wrestlemania there is currently talk of a Vince vs HHH for power and I have thought of a good way of having the finish which involves a few surprises along the way.

The match will be an elimination tag with Team Vince (Cena, Punk, Bryan and Wyatt Family) vs Team HHH (Shield, Orton, Kane and HHH) at Wrestlemania.

HHH's team is obvious because there are only 6 male wrestlers and 4 active ones in the Authority which is stupid for a power trip storyline but they are the obvious members for his team and make up a great unit.

Vince's team is where the surprises are. What if the Devil Wyatt has been talking about is Vince and Wyatt's kidnapping and trying to get Bryan to join is not to join the Wyatt Family but to join Team Vince. What if Vince is recruiting him to his cause of winning power back. This would lead to a Wyatt face turn. Cena and Punk are 2 guys who are just getting into the feud and if you are going to have a big story you have to have your top 2 babyfaces involved.

I think this match should go down at Mania and have atleast 1 hour to work a great match which ends up with Bryan making HHH tap out to Yes Lock as a sole survivor to elevate him if they feel he is the future by letting him end HHH's role as a dictator. They should build it as a fight for the company. This feud will elevate the Wyatts and Shield and if he gets the win give Bryan the revenge he needs. It could also lead to a big face turn from Reigns.

I do think the only drawback is that you have is that there could be 4 potential matches that these guys would be involved in that you miss out on. Shield vs Wyatts, Punk vs Orton(c), Bryan vs HHH and Cena vs Taker. But I think if this is build correctly it could be one of the best matches ever and a great end to a storyline that doesn't have too many fans.

Your Thoughts
I've seen worse ideas than the match itself. I suppose Vince originally didn't want Bryan to win the WWE title, hence him needing the Wyatt Family to persuade him.

If they wanted to have a Team Vince vs Team Triple H, then they simply cannot have that many stars in one match. There is no need to have both Cena and Orton in there and they can be used elsewhere. Punk, Bryan, The Wyatt Family vs HHH, Kane and The Shield is a match that would interest me. There are definitely better options for almost everyone involved but I still wouldn't mind seeing it.

Taking out Cena and Orton ensures we don't have a underwhelming WWE Unified Championship match. I mean, Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio is hardly inspiring. They could have that 10 man tag team match and Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Lesnar, Taker and possibly The Rock spare which ensures a pretty strong card regardless of how the tag-match performs.
I think the Authority storyline will definitely culminate with some sort of involvement from Vince McMahon. It's the 30th anniversary of Wrestlemania, he's going to want to be a part of it in some way. Your idea is not terrible but I can't see a Wyatt Family face turn just yet. While the concept is good, the feasibility isn't. As MCMG mentioned, they can't have that much star power in one match. The idea is to have as many "main event quality" matches as possible on the WM card. With this match, you're essentially putting all your main eventers in one match. This match would be good for a different PPV, not Wrestlemania XXX.
If this match happens it can't happen at WM. Like you said when you put all those stars in one match you miss out on a lot of individual matches. WrestleMania would probably suck besides that match and the Taker match. They could do like during the invasion storyline though and have Wyatt as part of Vince's group vs Shield as part of HHH's. Cena while part of Vince's vs. HHH himself. Punk vs. Orton as members of their group and Bryan vs Kane as members of their group. That would be good because you still get multiple main event matches but you also get a possible resolution to the Authority Storyline with them obviously being tied going into the last match. I wouldn't necessarily want to see it with these people or these match ups but I think that idea is better suited for mania.
I know the Avengers made a lot of money and a lot of people think it was so cool to have so many heroes all in one place at one time fighting together for goodness and humanity but the same does not apply to the main event of the biggest show of the year for a fake speudo sport like professional wrestling. And why would hell would someone like Punk get involved in such business? Are the Wyatt's all about stock prices and dvd distribution rights? Is Vince so much of a better guy than HHH that DB is going to fight for him? We're supposed to believe the Indie darlings will fight for the old rich guy that destroyed the territory days and took his company public?

Vince should not be a focal point of WM30. If he has business that needs to be settled with HHH they can do it on Raw or at a B PPV. When things are all said and done too many of the WWE audience isn't going to care that HHH or Vince win control of something that we all know Vince has complete control over. A hair v hair match would be better (but still terrible) since at least we know that something will actually get lost.

These multi-man matches have their place and appeal but their basically gimmicks that don't have much meaning in competition.
Ok a good way to end it. Maybe HHH costs Punk his dream of main eventing WM when he costs him the royal rumble. Then at Elimination Chamber he costs hin that shot at WM 30. HHH says that while he is the authority Punk will never get another shot at the title. You play up that Punk's dream is to be wwe champ again.

Then have Punk challenge HHH to a match. He laughs it off at first until Punk says he will put up his career cause if he cant win the title what is the point. HHH agrees but Punk says he will put up his career if HHH resigns at WM if he loses and the BOD starts to run things from now on. Bam a good WM mathc right there.
I did not read that because as soon as I saw "team" I knew it would it would be a waste of time. I am not a fan of "team matches" happening at WrestleMania. Mostly because it's WWE's "big event" and you only want to have big singles matches. Right now I believe the latest rumor as reported by Wrestlezone and PWTorch is CM Punk vs Triple H.

This sounds like the best idea IMO. Triple H owes Punk a win from NOC 2011 when CM Punk should of really won. CM Punk is the only anti-establishment figure in WWE who would make sense and fit the role the best. I am not a big fan of John Cena facing Triple H again and sure as hell don't want to see a team match at WrestleMania. So CM Punk vs Triple H at WrestleMania seems like a given to me.
So, basically, the big idea to end the angle is to have a traditional Survivor Series elimination tag team match at WrestleMania. Yeah, that's almost certainly not gonna happen at a WrestleMania. That's especially true with this line up as there's too much star power packed into it. Generally speaking, singles matches have always been the centerpieces for WrestleMania, so packing all these guys into an elimination tag match takes a ton of star power out of any number of potential singles matches.

If WWE unifies the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship at TLC, then they need someone who has major star power to get the new Unified Championship, or whatever it'd be called, to get things off to a strong start. If they ultimately decide to wait until WrestleMania to unify the titles, then you need two guys that people are very interested in. With the line up of Team Vince vs. Team Triple H, most of the top stars are there, so who does that leave either as champion at WM or who're the two champs fighting to become Unified Champion? Big Show? Del Rio? Sandow? Sheamus? It's pretty obvious that most people don't care about Show or Del Rio as champion, Sandow has no momentum and is in the IC title picture, Sheamus probably won't be back from injury until the Royal Rumble and it'd take time to build momentum for him. Just putting him in the title scene after being MIA for 5 months or slapping the title on him will feel very rushed and lackluster. It'd be the same if they used some part timers like Jericho, Mysterio or RVD.

While I do agree with Vince McMahon will have something to do with the ultimate end of The Authority, it's just not feasible that it happens in this setting. WWE also runs something of a risk if they ultimately make Vince vs. Triple H the central feud/program of WrestleMania. They could have some interesting promo segments and storyline, but there's just not enough to be the focal point of WrestleMania XXX. A 68 year old man who isn't a wrestler, who has an artificial hip and who really shouldn't wrestle no matter how often he still hits the weights vs. his real life son-in-law that only wrestles once or twice a year who's also nearly a quarter century younger than he is. If they have a feud that's somehow settled with surrogate wrestlers at WM XXX, then that's cool as long as everything isn't woven around the two men who won't even be wrestling.
The mods should change the title of this thread and remove the "Good idea" part.

First of all the story never had enough sizzle to play a major part in Wrestlemania let alone involve all of the major stars. I mean sure if you want to book a main event barely worthy of monday night raw as the featured attraction of the biggest show of the year. But you'll have a hard time finding many people who would thing this is a good idea.
Didn't Steve Austin recently state that he is optamistic about an appearence at WM30? In my opinion he would be the best idea to end the Authority storyline. DB would get one amazing boost to his carrear if he had the ol' Rattlesnake helping him out. Probably not gonna happen but imagine the WM buyrates!

Like others have mentioned in this thread the OP's idea is an interesting one but flawed at the fact there would be to much starpower in one match. Take John Cena for example, and track back his recent Mania matches, all have been top of the card singles matches vs Rock x2 Miz, and Batista. Expect to see Cena in singles competition again i'm afraid OP.

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