A Divas Main Event


Pre-Show Stalwart
So it's not unknown to anyone that the Divas devision is leaps and bounds behind the Superstars. No one really cares too much about the one Divas match at any given event, for whatever reason.
My questions:
Could we ever see a Divas match be a main event (whether it be on Raw/Smackdown or even a PPV)?
If so, what would it take to get the Divas in that position?
If not, why not?
(And as far as I know, this has never happened but I wasn't watching back in the Trish and Lita days. If it has happened, I would be very interested to know about that and what would it take to make it happen again?)
December 6, 2004 - Lita vs. Trish Stratus for the Women's Championship was the main event of Monday Night Raw. To my knowledge this was the first and last time a women's wrestling match main evented a WWE/WWF show. I'm talking ACTUAL main event, not where it just happens to be the last match on the card. They tore the house down after building towards it all night long.

It's not going to happen in today's WWE product. No chance in hell. Even in 2004 it was incredibly surprising for that to have happened, and both women were incredibly over and some of the best parts of Raw. Today there's not a single Diva in the WWE with as much talent or draw as either Stratus or Lita. And I'm not even a Stratus fan... I think she was over-pushed, over-rated, and even boring at times. Girls like Lita, Molly Holly, and Victoria were why I loved women's wrestling back in the day.

Beth Phoenix is great. I love Natayla. Even Layla and McCool grew on me to the point where I'm begging for their return. Kharma will be a beast when she comes back. But there's no story in the divas division. It's just over-produced, barbie-doll faces against big, muscular (talented) heels. At least when LayCOol was around things were mildly interesting and had a few plots here and there. With women like Kelly Kelly, Eve, the Belles, and Alicia Fox in charge...it's just not an enjoyable division.

What do they have to do? Get rid of the Belles, send Kelly to FCW on an "injury" angle and have her run the ropes a bit. Give Eve a heel turn and make give her a credible story. She's bland as hell and has no personality. WHile that's going on, focus on Natalya and Beth. They're both fantastic and could work a great program. When Layla is ready to return, book her as the top face diva while maintaining her character and run her against Beth. When Kharma returns, book her WITH Beth against EVERYONE. At that point have Kelly return and lose to them. Have Trish Stratus return and lose to them. And then turn Kharma against Beth and have Beth finally be the one to go over, becoming a face champion in the process.

Build. Interesting. Characters.
We probably could see that happen if there were a good enough feud between two talented divas, I would personally love to see it happen but I dont think anyone two ladies on the current roster could do it, maybe Beth Pheonix vs Kharma. But what we need is to bring back some legitimacy to the division and I'm not sure how to do that other than pray that some new talent can come in that can boost the Divas to their former glory. The Divas were at their peak when Trish Stratus and Lita were feuding back in the day, they main evented Raw and gave us one of the best Divas matches we've ever seen. Now maybe part of this is just that the times have changed and it wouldn't work today even with a great match but I think if we had another Trish and another Lita that we could see a Divas match that could be the main event of Raw or Smackdown and not be a let down, but no way in hell would I want a PPV headlined by a Divas match.
It won't be possible until the Women's/Divas division is no longer used as filler. For a long time the Divas matches have been bathroom breaks or fast forward worthy segments. The matches aren't entertaining and neither are the storylines. The talent is there it just needs to be used right.

Right now its sort of there because it needs to be, there's nothing more to it.
The only 2 times I can remember a womans match being the main event was the aformentioned Lita/Trish match and TNA did it with Mickie versus Tara

Both matches were great and were built up for several weeks if not months. The Lita/Trish match tore the roof off the building not just because of the performers but the crowd was Hot.

Could it happen again? Not in the WWE at all. And given the recent turn in TNA, I doubt there either.
I think they should move the DIVAS to their own show. Have the divas take over Superstars, change the name, build them up, oh and quit wasting valuable time on RAW and Smackdown.
That's the only way i see the divas main-eventing.
ALTHOUGH, i wouldnt mind seeing Kharma in a main event match.
The only way these women are going to get any real respect as wrestlers or "sports entertainers" is to drop the title DIVA. The name itself distinguishes nothing from an athlete and a pretty face. The problem is that some of these girls aren't athletes, and some aren't pretty faces. I mean absolutely mean no disrespect to Kharma when I say that I don't picture Kharma when talking about divas, and I shouldn't. She's beyond that class.

The best thing they could do is continue having Natayla and Beth go back to destroying all the pretty faces of the WWE, until Kharma comes back to destroy them. I can't imagine a moment though, where Kharma refers to herself as being the Diva's Champion.

The current world champion is proud to be a wrestler, the intercontinental champion wants to bring prestige back to the title, why couldn't the women's division have a champion that feels the same way?
Not in this day and age. As long as the "Divas" care considered nothing but filler material, they will never be in the main event of the show.

Back in the day, Trish and Lita were in the main event a few times. I think Lita vs. Stephanie McMahon when Lita won the women's title for the first time was the main event of the show. Trish and HHH vs. The Rock and Lita (a match famous for when Trish and HHH got laid out in the 69 position) was another main event match.
Couldn't agree more with KokoBawesome. They won't be taken serious as long as they go under "Divas". I get that the WWE is trying to make women wrestling more acceptable to the average woman & not the "tomboy" stereotypical woman but still....

I do think a woman's match could main event a RAW show if done the proper way. They would have to build Beth on this incredible streak where she destroys all of the talent though. A good way to do it would be a couple of weeks before RAW Johnny announces that a random wrestler will be chosen & the wrestler could choose any title on WWE in which they could compete for as the main event. Of course, keep building that announcement throughout RAW & SmackDown until it happens. Main event comes, Johnny Ace & all of the champions are in the ring. A countdown ensues, then all of a sudden we hear that loud Kharma gong & she makes her way to the ring with a ref for an impromtu match against Beth. That would be exciting to see everyone bid their case on why they should be chosen, & also exciting to see Kharma make her return out of nowhere to get the crowd hot.

What do you think?
We will never see a divas main event. The division is not interesting enough. I give WWE credit for putting the belt on someone who can actually wrestle (Beth Phoenix), pushing her into feuds against the barbie princesses who can't work a match, and trying to create a new face in Eve or Kelly. It's not working though. When Kharma comes back she can feud with both Beth and Natalya. That won't make the division interesting enough to ever main event either though.

Trish Stratus, Lita, and Michelle McCool could all come back. Mickie James could get recruited back from TNA. Angelina Love, Taylor Wilde, and Madison Rayne could get recruited alongside Mickie. They could then put on a 10 girl battle royal for the Divas Championship between Trish, Lita, McCool, Mickie, Angelina, Taylor, Madison, Kharma, Natalya, and Beth. Guess what though? This STILL would get fast forwarded by most fans because people just do not care about the division enough. Granted that would be one of the best womens matches in history, but the main event should be reserved for angles that people will stay in their seats to keep watching. That generally is the world title or another high profile male wrestlers feud.
I'll give two examples of Diva's matches that I could have taken seriously as a main event....

Stalker Mickey James vs Trish Stratus


Lita vs Trish (Trish's retirement match)

These are the only two times I can ever remember giving a rats ass about the women's division, but they were so well built I could and would have tuned into an episode of RAW or possibily bought a ppv provided the undercard was sound with these two matches main eventing. Of course this is my opinion and I can't speak for everyone else on whether or not this would have made money.

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