A Detailed Look At The WWE Roster

I basically am doing this simply because I want to see where my creativity gets me. I'm also slightly bored so this will fill half an hour or so.

I'm gonna take a look at the ENTIRE Roster and decide what I feel needs to happen. You guys get the choice of talking about what I say and bashing me or praising me for it... or, if you have the time to kill, you can do one of your own. Awesome!


Batista: Currently Injured and out for several months. Not sure when he will return but I'd expect to see him around the Rumble. Batista is not a favourite of mine. He isn't all that impressive in the ring. He's abysmal on the mic and he's booked incorrectly in my opinion. His moniker is 'The Animal' but he behaves like a man. He tries to be funny and cool. He always looks a bit reluctant to destroy someone in a stand off. He should just do it. He should be more animal-like. If he came back and just destroyed Legacy. Hit the ring and punished them. And then did it again the following week. It'd be cool. But I see him doing the first thing but then the week after talking to the fans in the ring about how for so many months he's been out injured and the only thing that kept him going was getting revenge on Legacy blah blah blah. This is bad. It bores people. It makes Batista less interesting. Less talking... more pain. In other words... book him like a BIG MAN!

Big Show: Oooooh, I love and hate the big show. He is great on the mic. He is funny. He is everything Batista tried to be on the mic. I like the new direction. The new attire... not so great but attire does not maketh the man. The whole 'Focused' Big Show is good. I credit Chris Jericho for the improvement most though which leads me to thinking... Big Show ALWAYS needs a manager. Someone to big him up. Tell people what Big Show can do and tell Big Show what he can do. It's what Jericho keeps doing. "He's a monster." "Of course Orton Ran away. You're a Giant" Big Show is a selling point at the min. He's not been one of them in ages.

Carlito: I'm dreading the return of the Carlito/ Chris Masters tag team. It was awful then. It'll be awful now but at least it'll be a tag team. I'm glad he's split from Primo though. I always prefered Carlito as a heel. I'd prefer him on Smackdown in the IC race personally but he's OK on raw. A feud with Evan Bourne could be good.

Chavo: Chavo is so misused. I've said before how they should use him and it is not for comic relief. That's not a good place to be when the source of humour is being laughed at. Santino is a perfect example of Comic Relief. He IS being funny. Chavo is just being embarrassed. The solution. Make him Cheat To Win! Do it against Hornswoggle. Then get involved in the US Title division using the same tactic. The best part of it is it can work for both heel and face. Perfect.

Chris Masters: Ironically, the best thing for Masters would be to reform the tag team of Masters and Carlito. The Masterlock Challenge is a great idea. It made him look awesome. Really strong and powerful. Made the move look more devastating that any other, being that most finishers do get reversed or kicked out of every now and then. NOONE Could break the masterlock. It was awesome. But did he ever do anything? No. Nothing. So unless he wins the US belt, I don't want to see it. And if he hasn't got that, there isn't much left. Sorry Chris.

Cody Rhodes: I see him sticking with Orton. He is nowhere near as good as Ted, he's not talented enough to be given a upper mid card spot alone just yet. He will be. But not yet. I don't see him staying on Raw after the next draft. He'll probably have a long feud with Ted post Rumble up to Wrestlemania.

Evan Bourne: I don't agree with him being on Raw. I really don't. I personally feel they should have kept him on ECW and reintroduced the Cruiserweight belt in ECW. It'd make sense. I just don't know where he fits on Raw.

Festus: Release him. Please. Useless. He's in a worse boat than Chavo. People aren't actually laughing at him even though that's the intention. That's dire. For his sake, let him go.

Swagger: Enough with the childish chest thumping. It looks ridiculous and does not fit his character at all. They need to sort out what his gimmick is. Is he cocky. Is he smug. Is he a coward? Apparantly all three. Not good. I hate him on the mic. Not because of the lisp. That doesn't bother me. It's just that all he says is his own name and nick name. "The All American American Jack Swagger" What's the point of this? We know. It's on your entrance video. I hope he has a good three month feud with MVP. MVP winning at Summerslam. Swagger winning at Breaking Point (Submission Match) and then HIAC makes the rubber match. Winner gets a title shot at the Rumble maybe?

Noble: Is he seriously still on Raw? Jesus. He's not been used well since 2003. ECW. Cruiserweight Title again. Please.

Duggan: Ugh... I'm not even bothering.

John Cena: People call the sport of Professional Wrestling a pantomime with violence. To which I can see where they're coming from. But does John Cena really need to talk like he is actually in one... OH NO HE DOESN'T! (You see what I did there?) He has that bouncy up and down voice. I know the gimmick is that he is a fun loving nice guy who can bring it just like the best of them but it's highly unnecessary. Long Winded is the adjective... and coming from me, a man who is VERY long winded, that's saying something. But in all honesty, Cena is exactly where he needs to be. A tag Titles feud for the next month after Summerslam is the best thing to do with him right now. Miz as partner.

Kofi Kingston: Give him a story. Give him a feud. Give him something. All he does right now is Boom gestures and smile. He needs more dimension.

Mark Henry: Why is he face? Why all of a sudden does he like to have fun? Why all of a sudden has NOONE mentioned how much a dick he has been over the past few years? And since when has a change from black tights to a different colour and a smile on his face been sufficient material for a face turn? I bet the writing staff thought long and hard about that one.
So from being all dominating in ECW, they think pairing him with Hornswoggle is a good move? No. US Title hunt. Feud with Kofi...as a heel. Have him Strongest Slam Kofi's sister or something to stop Kofi smiling.

MVP: Stick with the Swagger thing but play on the criminal thing! God damn the PG13 nonsense. Triple H is allowed to attack Orton and his wife with a sledgehammer but MVP has to repent for his past everytime his prison time is mentioned. MVP is a former criminal. Don't stress the former part. Have him punch Swagger in the face. Rather than just smirking at him in a 'That's what I thought' manner. MVP... You want some? Go get some! It's boring!

Primo. See Bourne/ Noble. Nothing on Raw for him. They didn't even let him have a proper 'My brother has turned on me' feud. It was just done on Raw... which noone watched.

Randy Orton. Stick with this gimmick. The Viper is brilliant. Orton works the crowd better than anyone. People genuinely hate him. And it's because of respect. Shawn Michaels feud after Summerslam.

Santino: What has he done wrong? Unless he's asked for some time off, I can't see why he isn't being used the same. He is gold! His T-shirts are very popular. I'm hoping for a Santino/ Eugene Feud. I hate Eugene... mostly because of Dinsmore's actual talent... but Santino would make this fantastically funny.

Shawn Michaels: Didn't we all just love heel Shawn at the start of the year? The whole JBL thing was great. And then he was doing his best promos again in a semi heel role against the Undertaker. I want more. I want it all. But we get DX and this time It isn't as bad as it has been before. Last time, it was DX... two of the best vets WWE has against... the bosses. Oh dear. Now they're fighting two new stars. Future greats. They need this and it'll be great! I predict a DX win but I can see a Legacy win happening. It'd be a swerve few would expect. I hope the tag team thing stays only for Summerslam. I'm hoping for Shawn/Orton post Summerslam. Eventually, heel Shawn and trade him to Smackdown! Put the belt on him and keep him there for a year. I'd love that so much.

Ted DiBiase: Breaking Point and HIAC should be a feud against Triple H. That'd be fantastic for him. It'd really point exactly where he's heading in 2010. Royal Rumble win is an idea but not my pick. I see him costing Orton the Title at the Rumble and feuding with him and Cody up to Wrestlemania.

Triple H: Feud with Ted after Summerslam. Perhaps a match against John Cena for Rumble title match at Armageddon?


Charlie Haas: How many gimmicks? Full credit to the guy for keeping it up but when a silent crowd upon entrance is referred to a 'Charlie Haas pop' then I think it's time to go. He needs Shelton Benjamin. Shelton doesn't need him. Shame. I like Charlie too. I've met him. Genuinely nice, polite bloke!

Chris Jericho: Loses the Tag Titles to the Hart Dynasty at Survivor Series. Match against Big Show at Armageddon. Winner of the Royal Rumble and goes onto Wrestlemania! I believe this is going to happen.

CM Punk. Please give him his ROH heel motto. "I am CM Punk. I am Straight Edge. And I am Better Than You!" Heel punk is much better. Although he is very overrated for me, he's a good worker. I don't think he deserves the strap though but if Jeff goes, I can't really see who else should have it. If the Undertaker comes back soon, then he should have a run. Until then, provided Jeff does take a sabbatical, John Morrison should feud with him. Rey and Kane are also options, Matt Hardy maybe. I'd prefer not though.

Curt Hawkins is inactive and I never liked him so I'll pass

Collectively: The Hart Dynasty: Exactly where he needs to be. Should win the tag titles at Survivor Series (or at Bragging Rights - Rematch with JeriShow at Survivor Series) and if Natalya gets the Women's title then we really could be looking at the only three superstars being used exactly right in the entire company.

Dolph Ziggler: I'm not a regular Smackdown watcher so I haven't really seen that much. I do know he is very impressive and is deserving of his spot. From what I've seen though, his gimmick is just not good enough. He's arrogant without any real reason and that is a big gaping hole for me. But on this one, i'm not informed enough to really judge.

Edge: I'm just praying he comes back the same!

Finlay: I'm not really sure why they took him off ECW? He'd just made a heel turn and then they just whipped him away. Sending him back would be the best move. I really can't see him winning any other belt than the ECW.

The Great Khali: How do you clean up a train wreck. This man is an inspiration to all unemployed people out there. You do not need to be good at anything to succeed. Just very very big. He can't wrestle but he wrestles. He can't act but he acts. I'm not sure he can sing but I'm sure he'd get to number one. Does he play the lottery? I just don't want him on the roster anymore.

Jeff Hardy: Probably going away. Won't bother.

Jimmy Wang Yang: When was his last match? I've not seen him in ages. ECW. Cruiserweight.

John Morrison: I see him headlining against Punk at the end of the year.

Cryme Tyme: I suppose they're at the peak of themselves really. They have a similar problem to Kofi. Never really had a feud or a storyline that's been PERSONAL. Needs doing

Kane: I could see him getting a title shot but only one. There isn't really anyone big for Punk to face so he'd fit in nicely for HIAC.

Kung Fu Naki. Not seen him for ages but that's not a shock. I love Funaki. EEEVVVIIIIILLLL, NUMBA ONE ANNOUNCA! and this are all classics for me. Let him long continue.

Matt Hardy: Is face again? Back on Jeff's side? I smell a rat. I expect him to be friendly with Jeff next week but screw him (and injure him) at Summerslam. He'll then get a title shot (as jeff's immediate replacement, being his brother) After that. Feud with Rey for IC?

Mike Knox: I see not one shread of talent in this man. His first ECW stint, he could have been champ. This time round. Awful. Shave the beard and go back to ECW.

R-Truth: I've said this before. Only if they do this split personality thing right has he got a future beyond saying Whassup. Stale gimmick. Lets hope he can pull through because he is really very talented.

Mysterio: Long may he hold the IC belt I say. He could feud against many people on the roster. He's just gotten that big, I wouldn't agrgue with any storyline he gets involved in. Rey... do what you want!

Shad Gaspard: I know. I know. I've already done Cryme Tyme collectively. But I have always seen a lot of potential in Shad. I could see him Main Eventing one day. I even choose him on the Smackdown video games to take through the story mode. Same gimmick. Same attire. It could very easily work.

Who the hell is Slam Master J: Ok I wikipedia'd him. It's Jesse from Jesse and Festus! "BISCUITS AND GRAVY!" As an Englishman, that sounds truely disgusting. I put that in Wiki as well. Turns out it's a scone without the fruit. How very odd. This is all far more interesting than Slam Master J though. ECW. Cruiserweight if he's not to heavy. If he is... Door. Street. Home! He's really a Gordy? Apple fell VERY far from that tree!

The Undertaker: Please return before the Rumble. We need you! Title run as soon as he returns and no mistake. If that happens. Shawn can then kick him in the head, beat him for the belt and we can have ourselves a rematch at WM! Yay!

I won't do ECW. I very seldom watch it.
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What exactly were you trying to accomplish here? I'm kinda lost. The only thing that caught my eye is you seldom watch ECW. That's only because it's at the bottom of the page. That's a shame because ECW is an amazing show every single week. There's more wrestling time going on with ECW each week than there is on Raw some weeks. Even the non-wrestling segments are better than those on Raw. I.E. AbeWash, Peep Show, etc...

Couple other quick notes you're way off base with though just to help you out.

Taker and a title run? Hell no. Title matches? Yes. But only to help establish CM Punk as a better heel champion than he already is. Taker doesn't want the title nor does he need it. He doesn't want the schedule that goes with it as far as appearing on TV and wrestling every week, house shows, etc...

HBK had a heel run? Did I miss this? He was "broke" and had to make money for his family. Hence he worked for JBL for the well-being of his family. I would hardly call that heel.

Masters and his Masterlock- It was broken. It was broken multiple times by Lashley, Cena, etc... What good is a challenge if someone has already conquered said challenge? Plus he's nowhere near the size he was when they started that so it would just look rediculous.

Giving Punk his ROH gimmick. Have you watched Smackdown at all for the last month or two?

Khali being a trainwreck? He's the most entertaining right now than he's ever been. He's a comical face. Plus the people in his country love him and he sells big time merch over there. Vince doesn't want to piss off 1 billion people from India. He's smart.

Hating Mark Henry as a face? That's unfortunate because you're the only one.

The rest of this... I'm not really going to go through everyone but I just believe you're way off base on a lot of these even though I didn't read them all.
I read through this post, agreed with some of it, disagreed with other bits. There's one bit, however, I did very much agree with and that is I would like to see the Cruserweight Title brought back. I know that some have always thought of this belt as a kind of "belt for the little guys who aren't believable beating the big guys" to compete for, but the whole Cruserweight thing isn't just about being light or even being a high flier.

From what I've seen, Cruserweight wrestling is an artform all its own. Yes, I used the word artform! It's a special acrobatics with so many dangerous maneuvers and possibilities. Sure, the big bruisers have their own niche carved out, and well done there, but in my opinion, it's the Cruserweights who are the most consistently interesting. You get a good solid Cruserweight match, and you don't know what these guys are going to do next...or how many times you'll be on the edge of your seat.

And, I think it would be a good fit for ECW. Might create more of a draw for that show, them actually having a mid-card title. Plus, I agree that it would give some air time to several wrestlers who don't see the light of day much anymore (Jimmy Wang Yang, Jamie Noble, Kung Fu Naki, etc.)
Yeah I used to love watching the cruiserweights back in WCW even when I didn't know who half of them were. I love that "x division" type wrestling. They over do the believabilty sometimes a little too much but oh well.
I love the cruiserweight matches...the best ladder match (outside of the tlc matchs and the HBK/Razor Ramon) was the cruiserweight one they had at Starcade 2001.
I wasn't a really big fan of only guys this weight can compete for this belt kinda thing. I dont think it'd benefit for the WWE with TNA having the X division title. Now another belt added to ECW - something like the TV title would definitely spice up tuesday nights.

as for individuals :

The Great Khali - not much to do with him, BUT no matter what he'll be an ex world champion - he's always have something over lots in the locker room. No way we'll ever see him reign that supreme again. Why not trade him over to ECW - he could be one of those guys the younger talent needs to come over - a challenge, he'd be okay for a short ECW title run - get someone over. Could even form a powerhouse tag team with another big guy - I'd say Mark Henry if he wasn't a face. Kane too if they weren't feuding ha

R Truth - another who can bring forth a piece to the audience puzzle. If he were on ECW - he could be given a hell of a run with the ECW title - I'd even like to him be a double champion if they were to put another title on ECW - perform a gruesome triple threat match with two younger up n' coming talents at a WM (titles on the line of course) - put them over real nice well still making himself look good.

Chris Masters / Miz - they'd be fully capable of pulling off a great tag team, give more for the Miz to work on the mic more - he'd do most of the talking - could even add an evil lady to the mix - someone like Mayrse. And hell if not than they should both be sent to ECW as well - definitely have potential to be a top player in that field.

and I know this last one is pretty nuts but it could give us an idea of how the future could look -

MVP to ECW as well - sure his program with Swagger is getting pretty interesting (somewhat) He would be for sure competing for the ECW title and thats exactly what I was talking about - lets see if he'd be able to handle the pressure - if ECW suddenly and dramatically had a difference in ratings. Could MVP be a world champ - I think ECW is a perfect place to try it out.
I actually agree with most of the stuff you said, however i would like to see after Orton retains at Summerslam, he team up with Cena to take down JeriShow at SS and become tag champs, but drop them somewhere down the line maybe to Hart Dynasty due to squabbling. I would like an Orton v HBK fued aswell. Ermmm.,... as for Edge, i want him to return as a face and face Jericho at Mania. Edge has gotten stale over the years and i Would love to see a face turn. It kinda started when he got rid of Vicky, but was hampered by his injury.

As for your verdict on Khali - brilliance
I have recently thought that they could put R-Truth with CM Punk as a lacky as Shannon Moore was to Matt Hardy. R-Truth is someone, at least they tried, to make him a spokesperson for the troubled youth. To try and stop their evil ways and get back into life and be more straight edge. Hmmm...what about that? R-Truth is, according to the WWE, getting too old to push. He's 37. You have some 40 year olds on Raw that are being pushed that need to stop. Let the youth tak over before Raw starts to look like WCW did and TNA now with the older guys trying to stay relevent.
Hating Mark Henry as a face? That's unfortunate because you're the only one.

You actually like Mark Henry as a face? Trust me, the poster is not the only one who hates where this is going. Leave Mark Henry alone, let him be a monster who dominates, not a comedic character who hangs out with that useless midget. I hate where this is going....Mark Henry does not need to be laughed at.
Hey, This sounds like fun...I wanna complain to. I'm not going to do it by show though; just a few things I don't like or wanna see.

Hornswaggle: Gone, completely. Take him off Television, stop talking about him, don't even bring up a memory. This little guy has wasted too much time as is. Imagine what WWE could have done with an extra 5-10 minutes on Raw every week? Maybe they would have just wasted it on hype for another tag team main event, but who knows? Maybe they would have set up something good.

Chavo: ECW and make him an Eddie character....Lie, Cheat, Steal...or find a new job.

Batista: Smackdown as a heel

R-Truth: I wouldn't mind him behind Punk, with their quest to cleanse the WWE. If it sells you could even add in a big guy (probably more along the lines of a Kane/Knox rather than those of a Batista; also if this happened there would really be no need for a heel Batista). This may not work, as it may take focus off of the Harts.

HBK/HHH: this seems like it may last until around HIAC at latest. I'm just trying to figure out if it will be a clean split or a heel turn. That would be cool if HHH had another one, but I could say the same for Shawn.

Legacy..more specifically Priceless: I see this going about the same as DX, if they have no interest in building them as a team, then we will eventually see a split..probably not a clean one.

I'm gonna leave this as a short one, I'm pretty excited about these next few months...let's see how creative does.
im not gonna do all of em, just the ones i dont agree with lol


Chavo: He should just get released because theres no way he'll ever be in the US title hunt & in the upper-mid card after the shit hes been through by having to job to hornswoggle for the past month & even before then all he was doing was pushing vickies wheel chair around & jobbing to random superstars

Chris Masters & Carlito: There are enough heel tag teams as it is (JeriShow, Hart Dynasty, Legacy) & the only face tag teams i can think of are Cryme Tyme & i guess i would even have to include DX but maybe these 2 can team up & even be tag champs once JeriShow & Legacy break up. IMO i dont know why Masters was even put on RAW, he would have done better on Smackdown & for the first month or two i woulda had him beating random jobbers & mid carders & then eventually have him feud with Rey over the IC belt (assuming he holds onto it after Summerslam) Carlito, i dont know why creative broke up him n Primo that but like i said with Masters & even u said about carlito, he should be on smackdown feuding for the IC title

Cena: He should be partners with The Miz????? Uh...No, although i would love to see him out of the main event scene for a little bit longer, unfortunately IMO he'll win a rematch between himself & orton at Breaking Point for the title, with the help of HHH

Mark Henry: He's been a heel for too long, i think the last time he was a face was when he had the Sexual Chocolate Gimmick LOL, but anyways yeah lets see where he goes with this although i wouldnt have stuck him with Hornswoggle, but maybe i woulda had him the WWE Title picture (dont bash me yet but listen he's been with the WWE for over 10 yrs & it wouldnt hurt to put him in the title picture for a little bit & plus he pinned orton after coming from ECW)

Orton: he'll retain the belt at Summerslam but will lose it to Cena at Breaking Point, with HHH helping, & then it has to be pretty obvious that HHH-Orton will wrestle at HIAC as the stale ass feud between the 2 will finally end inside the structure

Shawn: As much as i would love to see HBK go to Smackdown, it wont happen because he has church commitments on Tuesday but i would love to see a heel HBK again hopefully by next yrs wrestlemania but as for now after summerslam, i doubt he'll feud with orton cuz IMO maybe theyll be a rematch for the wwe title at breaking point between orton & cena with cena winning, so maybe shawn could feud with one of the legacy members & have a match with em at Breaking Point

Ted DiBiase: he may have a match with HHH at Breaking Point but in HIAC i doubt it but maybe with HBK


Chris Jericho: He wont win the Royal Rumble but entering WM26 he'll be the world champ & will defend the belt against a babyface Edge

CM Punk: He'll win the belt back at Summerslam with the help of Matt but after that he'll probably feud with Morrison or the Undertaker

Edge: Will return as a face at the Royal Rumble & win it (he has done everything else in the company besides win that) & since he's the "Ultimate Opportunist" he'll win the elimination match in some controversial fashion

Kane: will continue to feud with Khali :disappointed:

Matt: dont really know about him except that he'll cost Jeff the belt at Summerslam but after that i really dont know where he goes from there

Undertaker: Should be back real soon & could feud with Punk after Summerslam over the belt but if not then maybe have a short feud with Knox or Ziggler (dunno why just couldnt think of any other heels)
What exactly were you trying to accomplish here? I'm kinda lost. The only thing that caught my eye is you seldom watch ECW. That's only because it's at the bottom of the page. That's a shame because ECW is an amazing show every single week. There's more wrestling time going on with ECW each week than there is on Raw some weeks. Even the non-wrestling segments are better than those on Raw. I.E. AbeWash, Peep Show, etc...

Couple other quick notes you're way off base with though just to help you out.

Taker and a title run? Hell no. Title matches? Yes. But only to help establish CM Punk as a better heel champion than he already is. Taker doesn't want the title nor does he need it. He doesn't want the schedule that goes with it as far as appearing on TV and wrestling every week, house shows, etc...

HBK had a heel run? Did I miss this? He was "broke" and had to make money for his family. Hence he worked for JBL for the well-being of his family. I would hardly call that heel.

Masters and his Masterlock- It was broken. It was broken multiple times by Lashley, Cena, etc... What good is a challenge if someone has already conquered said challenge? Plus he's nowhere near the size he was when they started that so it would just look rediculous.

Giving Punk his ROH gimmick. Have you watched Smackdown at all for the last month or two?

Khali being a trainwreck? He's the most entertaining right now than he's ever been. He's a comical face. Plus the people in his country love him and he sells big time merch over there. Vince doesn't want to piss off 1 billion people from India. He's smart.

Hating Mark Henry as a face? That's unfortunate because you're the only one.

The rest of this... I'm not really going to go through everyone but I just believe you're way off base on a lot of these even though I didn't read them all.

First of all, I appreciate your opinion but you showed absolutely no respect for mine. I don't need your help in forming an opinion thanks.

But I'll go through it. I don't watch ECW simply because it isn't on at a good time for me. It's on TV when I'm often out in a pub or bar. It doesn't have that many superstars on the roster that really entertain me other than Christian and Shelton Benjamin and the matches I see on PPV's never stand out.

Taker in the main event would be fine. Taker has never said he doesn't want the belt. (If he has, please link me to that video) I'd agree that he wants a lighter schedule and a month or two month long reign wouldn't cause him any problems. Punk would highly benefit from this feud so regardless of what happens during it, It'd be a good thing.

I never said HBK had a heel run. I said semi-heel. He was not the face going into Wrestlemania. Some might call it Tweenering but I feel that term is misused. He was also getting booed during the JBL owns HBK storyline. I call that Semi-Heel as well. Yes, he kicked JBL in the face. But he kicked Cena too and then tried to give JBL the win. This is not your typical face actions.

The Masterlock was never 'Officially broken' - Cena was probably going to do it but Edge got involved and Lashley did break it but they then claimed it wasn't fully locked on so it didn't count. Despite that, Twice is not multiple... especially when he was doing it most weeks for around 18 months. It wouldn't look ridiculous at all if they began doing it now. I wish I had the physique Masters has. He looks awesome. Much better than he did last time. They're still billing it as the ultimate hold, case in point the Lumberjack match when he did it to Cena. My point was that they used it to make him look strong but never capitalised on the momentum it gave him.

As for Punk... honestly, I haven't watched Smackdown much for the last few months. I've just watched the matches on WWE.com. What's your point? Has he got the ROH gimmick? If he has then bonus! They're doing what I want them to do!

Khali is not the most talented wrestler from India. If they got rid of him and brought in another guy who was fun to watch. They'd love him too. I'm English and we cheer for The British Bulldog, William Regal, Paul Birchill. We'll no doubt cheer David Hart Smith when he comes. Every country loves their own. Doesn't matter who it is.

And seriously... Nobody likes Mark Henry. We've seen it tried before and it always fails. He's best as a heel like he was last year and once again they've tried to improve him and it's just not possible.

I'm really glad the Cruiserweight idea seems popular. It makes the most sense. Especially with the new Superstar initiative that ECW has. If ECW got this and a two hour show then it'd be great to watch. I don't want to say it'd be like having the X Division but it'd be very close to the same concept.

I love the Chris Masters/ Miz tag team. It could work very similar to how JeriShow (Yay it got used) are being used with Miz hyping up the Masterlock and how devastating it is. Maryse seems locked on to be with Miz at some point. Did I read that they are dating in real life? Or at least friends?

I do think MVP would be taking a step backward going to ECW although I know what you're saying. Testing the waters is always a good idea but they can do this other ways whilst on Raw. I personally feel he should remain in high profile grudge matches for now and next year, after WM step into the main event spotlight.

Batista: I really don't like Batista at all, but the best thing for him I would say is to go heel and feud with Mark Henry or John Cena because we never really got a feud out of any of the 2 superstars except 1 match from each.

Big Show: Big Show has really good and funny on the mic. But what is up with that new blue ring attire? It looks horrible, at least if it was in black it would look better, but it's instead blue and watch the next color is going to be red. And another thing is he lands on his side for every move that involves him actually hitting the mat. I don't remember what the name of the clip was, but Triple H pedigreed Big Show and it amazed me that that move was able to be landed on his side. Anyways, once Big Show loses the Tag Team titles, he should feud with Mark Henry and then turn face and feud with Randy Orton for the WWE title.

Carlito: I think Carlito is really good, good wrestler, good mic skills, good looks. They don't know how to give him a good lengthy feud, even with his brother Primo. They should let him feud with Primo until HIAC and then form a tag team with Chris Masters again and go after the Tag Team titles.

Chavo Guerrero: I am sorry to say this to a relative of Eddie Guerrero, but Chavo isn't that good to me. He should join Legacy not as a wrestler, but as a manager to them because he is a second generation superstar.

Chris Masters: I am glad he is back, I thought he was really good, but if he doesn't team with Carlito again, then send him to ECW and then after a year or 2 send him to SmackDown to get a good push at the IC title.

Cody Rhodes: Don't like Cody Rhodes. The only thing good about him is his drop kick which is really good. He is gonna be a jobber soon for upcoming talent and new superstars. But if not then he should get sent to ECW for alittle bit more training and then send him to Raw or SmackDown.

Evan Bourne: Fantastic and breathtaking everytime he is in the ring. His shooting star press is sicker than the 900 skateboard move is today. Give him the U.S. title and give him a good lengthy run with it and then after a few months let him try and get the WWE title with him at the end finally getting it.

Festus: Send him to ECW and turn him into a monster heel and then send him to SmackDown or Raw as a heel to contend for 1 of the 2 major titles.

Jack Swagger: This guy is brilliant. His smile makes it all worth while to just watch him wrestling. Very good wrestler, he just needs to work on his mic skills alittle bit more, but this guy is a future WWE Champion and Hall of Famer. Continue with the feud with M.V.P and then send him to SmackDown to feud with Dolph Ziggler which would be really good in the process making Dolph Ziggler face or send Dolph Ziggler over to Raw to feud with Jack Swagger.

Jamie Noble: Send him to ECW or fire him, I don't know what to really put for this superstar, I am sorry to say that because he is some what really good. Maybe even form a tag team with someone or something.

Jim Duggan: This guy should have a tag team title run for a month or week and then start jobbing again because this man was the very first Royal Rumble winner and that is all he has to his WWE career and thats it nothing else no IC title run or WWE title run.

John Cena: After his feud with Randy Orton this year send him to SmackDown so he can have fresh new faces to feud with instead of the old faces he has to wrestle day in and night out. After that, let him feud with CM Punk and Kane for the WWE title. And what ever you do, DON'T TURN HIM HEEL.

Kofi Kingston: Like Evan Bourne, very entertaining and I see a future WWE title in his accomplishments. Send him to SmackDown and let him feud with CM Punk and that will be it.

Mark Henry: Mark Henry should feud with Big Show and then turn heel again feud with Triple H.

MVP: Should get a future WWE title run, but keep him face until after his feud with Jack Swagger and then let him feud with Kofi Kingston.

Primo: Send him to ECW so he can work more and then once ready draft him to get a title run later on.

Randy Orton: Go back to the Legend Killer persona and go back to spitting and RKO'ing legends and then send him to SmackDown to face off against fresh faces.

Santino Marella: Funny guy, should manage rather then wrestle, but would be stupid to release him because he is funny. If they have to release someone, release Hornswoggle because he does nothing funny and he can't wrestle.

Shawn Michaels: Either send him to SmackDown to feud with alot of new guys or send CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, and Edge over to Raw. Let him feud with those 3 wrestlers over the next year and a half.

Ted DiBiase: Feud with Triple H first and then once that is over with turn face and feud with Cody Rhodes and then after feud with Randy Orton down the road.

The Miz: Send to SmackDown to feud with John Morrison.

Triple H: Send him to ECW. I'm kidding, this guy has done everything. I don't know what should happen with this guy.


Charlie Haas: This guy has talent and WWE doesn't even use him. Send him to ECW to wrestle more and then send him to Raw or SmackDown to get a IC or US title run.

Chris Jericho: Feud with the Undertaker and CM Punk done.

CM Punk: Feud with Edge, Undertaker, Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, and The Hurricane and that is it.

Curt Hawkins: Release him.

The Hart Dynasty: Get the Tag Titles off of Show and Jericho and put the titles on them.

Dolph Ziggler: Feud with Jack Swagger.

Edge: Don't know what to do with Edge because he has done it all. Feud with Chris Jericho and CM Punk.

Finlay: Team with Sheamus. Plain and simple.

The Great Khali: Feud with Kane and then release him because he can't wrestle, but he can act or make him manager.

Jeff Hardy: My second favorite wrestler after Shawn Michaels and Jeff Hardy could do alot, but he is leaving.

Jimmy Wang Yang: Send him to ECW.

John Morrison: Future of the WWE and should have a WWE title in a year or 2.

Cryme Tyme: Future tag team champions and they will go down as one of the funniest and greatest tag teams of all time.

Kane: Should have a WWE title run soon and not have the title for 1 day.

Kung Fu Naki: Make him a interviewer or put him next to Jim Ross or someone behind the table.

Matt Hardy: Should have the WWE title in the future or soon too.

Mike Knox: Feud with Undertaker and then let him go please or have him shave that fur off of his face because he looks worse with that than my dad does because he has one too.

R-Truth: Good wrestler, but needs to be sent to ECW first to wrestle over there before coming to the big dogs.

Rey Mysterio: Feud with the Undertaker because we have never seen them wrestle before since when the Undertaker was in the biker stage. Then have him feud with Shawn Michaels.

Slam Master J: Send him to OVW or FCW to train more and when someone says that and not to send them to ECW that is bad.

The Undertaker: I looked over at the Undertakers long almost 20 year history with the WWE and he has held mostly ever title except 1. That is the IC title and that is what holding him back from being a Triple Crown Champion. I know he really doesn't need it, but he should of had a IC title run back in the day, but now he should just have it for at least a month and then lose it. But this guy should feud with CM Punk and Mike Knox and Chris Jericho.


Abraham Washington: Stay on ECW. Love this guy and this guy should get his on hour show because he is gold.

Christian: Send him to SmackDown to feud with Edge and then turn Edge face and let them team up again. Feud with the Hart Dynasty.

DJ Gabriel: Stay on ECW. Wish they could use him more because he is really talented in my books.

Ezekiel Jackson: Stay on ECW. Feud with Kozlov.

Gregory Helms: This guy is talent, no word can describe how talented this guy is and he should be given a future WWE title run in the future because this guy deserves it and like Jeff Hardy could be as popular as him too. Send him to SmackDown to feud with the Hart Dynasty's Tyson Kidd and Charlie Haas or CM Punk.

Goldust: Stay on ECW.

Paul Burchill: See Yoshi Tatsu.

Sheamus: Stay on ECW. See Yoshi Tatsu.

Shelton Benjamin: Talented and should be a future WWE Champion on either SmackDown or Raw.

Tommy Dreamer: Stay on ECW.

Tyler Reks: Stay on ECW.

Vladimir Kozlov: Stay on ECW. See Yoshi Tatsu.

William Regal: I don't like Regal, but he deserves a major push a long time ago and finally he is receiving it on ECW first, but then he is not gonna get it on SmackDown or Raw. See Yoshi Tatsu for more.

Yoshi Tatsu: Stay on ECW. But turn him heel and join forces with Regal, Kozlov, Burchill, Sheamus, and Finley to form a Nation group that features superstars from different parts of the world.

Zack Ryder: Stay on ECW.
Wow, now this is a cool thread! I'll throw my two cents in.


I don't see him doing all that much more. He'll come back and do some world title feuds then leave.

Big Show
I see the tag team reign as "JeriShow" lasting for a bit longer. It will be almost as good as Rated RKO was (Edge and Jericho would have been even better if he wasn't injured.) Then after the team splits up he will go back to being boring and losing main events again.

Should feud with Primo and Primo will go over in the end. Then Carlito will leave because no one cares.

Chavo Guerrero
Boring. I would rather him be a boring midcarder than be in these annoying hornswoggle matches. He'll go back to the midcard and stay there or end up back in ecw and have another boring title reign there.

Chris Masters
They better not do the master lock again. Bobby Lashley broke it, and Cena sort of broke it too (he hit the turnbuckle or something, causing masters to break it, its been a while).... boring without that stupid master lock challenge. Stick him in a tag team or have him job.

Cody Rhodes
I see him feuding with Ted after Ted turns face, and then with Orton after that.

Evan Bourne
Will get involved in the US title scene. Impress more people with that awesome finisher and in the long run he might get an underdog reign with the world title.

He is just going to job or be in dumb segments until he gets future endeavoured

Jack Swagger
He will rise through the ranks quickly. I see US title and later on some world title reigns coming very soon.

Jamie Noble
You never see him anymore so he will likely get future endeavoured.

Jim Duggan
Get rid of the guest hosts and make him GM. Or a commentator. i dunno. he is a legend and is old, but I really don't know.

John Cena
Is the face of wwe and will continue to be for a very long time, or until he makes a hogan/nwo type of heel turn. Many more world title reigns whether he is heel or face.

Kofi Kingston
He'll stay in the midcard for a while. Might get further but I dunno. Like many others say, a heel turn would be interesting.

Mark Henry
More interesting as a face but most people still don't care. he'll go back to being the world's strongest jobber soon.

He will main event at some point, just not sure how close we are to that point right now. maybe by this time next year?

Feud with carlito and wins the feud, after that I dunno. Jobber or gets sent to ecw. Who knows.

Randy Orton
The top heel and will stay that way. His feuds with cena will be like stone cold vs the rock were back in the day. the two best guys going at it. he will have more world title reigns and will stay in the main event

Santino Marella
He'll never go past the funny stuff, but will be remembered for it and I bet he will be remembered more out of the people from this era than most of the champions because he stands out as being funny, although he wont ever be taken seriously.

Shawn Michaels
I see one more world title run after the dx vs legacy feud ends. he'll probably leave for real after that last title run.

Ted DiBiase
Turn face for the release of his movie, then feud with Cody and Orton for a while.

The Miz
have him be forced to wrestle as the calgary kid because thats how he won the contract to come back. then have him rant about it on the mic, or make fun of the stupid guest hosts, or something. as long as he keeps talking because he is great on the mic.

Triple H
He's obviously not going anywhere anytime soon. I see him breaking Flair's record to set a new one, but hopefully not with never-ending reigns like last year's. More title runs after the dx vs legacy feud.


Alicia Fox
no one cares, diva jobber

Beth Phoenix
she will eventually dominate the divas title scene like she used to with the womens title.

Gail Kim
she'll feud with mickie for the title then go back to diva jobbing

she deserves at least one title run but thanks to that singing gimmick she will likely be a diva jobber for life

Kelly Kelly
the next trish. she'll eventually get great some divas title reigns.

Not sure. she might pair up with the miz for a bit, then have some title feuds and then put others over

Mickie James
after losing the title to beth or kelly, she will put others over til she leaves

Rosa Mendes
after the inevitable feud with beth she'll lose that and be a diva jobber for life


Charlie Haas
Boring and will get future endavoured. He was better off miming the legends' entrances.

Chris Jericho
World title feuds after "JeriShow" splits up, possibly a match with Taker or Edge at wresltemania

CM Punk
He will stay world champ for a while and feud with taker, morrison, and other faces.

Curt Hawkins
He hasn't been released yet? lol

The Hart Dynasty
Tag team domination (soon) and eventually split so both can go on to enter main event scene (in a year or two?)

Dolph Ziggler
Midcard for life.

If/When he comes back he will feud with Jericho over the world title. it would have been cool to see them as a tag team since we did not get to for very long, maybe try that again. or a face version of edge and christian would be awesome too!

Will job and rarely get a few wins

The Great Khali
After this feud with kane ends I doubt he will do much but they will still keep him around since he is so popular in his country

Jeff Hardy
lose the title to punk at summerslam and then leaves

Jimmy Wang Yang
sent to ecw or will be a jobber

John Morrison
Is a world champion waiting to happen. I guarantee it.

Cryme Tyme
Tag team title eventually then they will split up and jtg will make it farther than shad

He will eventually win a world title and have a legit reign, then go back to filler feuds to put people over.

Kung Fu Naki
Drops the kung fu naki gimmick and goes back to funaki the jobber

Matt Hardy
He will take his brothers place as a main eventer and feud with punk or morrison

Mike Knox
another guy no one cares about. will just be a jobber or get future endavoured eventually.

I don't think he will ever get past the midcard since he held TNA's world title and vince doesn't like that

Rey Mysterio
Great as IC champ, but keep him away from the world HEAVYWEIGHT championship, he is NOT a heavyweight. I see him staying in the IC title scene from now on. NO MORE STUPID "Rey VS random big guy" STORYLINES, THEY SUCK!

Slam Master J
More joke segments with crime time, then if they split up he will either get sent to ecw, or job, or leave.

The Undertaker
Feud with the world title holder whether that is punk or morrison, and for his wrestlemania feud I would say either jericho or cena.


I think she'll be the one who beats michelle. she (along with kelly) is the future of the divas/womens division.

no one cares. diva jobber for life.

she'll just get future endeavoured after she and ziggler split up

Michelle McCool
she'll dominate the women's title scene for a while

help out the hart dynasty (for now) and then win several divas/womens titles (later on)


Abraham Washington
His talk show segments are great. I have no idea what he will be like as an in-ring competitor but his talk show is enough to keep him over as a heel on raw or smackdown in the future.

More ecw title reigns and will basically rule on ecw unless he is gonna be in a tag team with edge (as faces) or he might finally get sent to raw/smackdown and win a real world title.

DJ Gabriel
Seems to have vanished entirely, he will get future endeavoured.

Ezekiel Jackson
The feud with kozlov is gonna be good, I see him not doing anything after that though. maybe an ecw title reign.

Gregory Helms
Could become a GM or announcer or stay as an interviewer, and will win either the ecw or a midcard title as the hurricane.

Jobber until he gets future endeavoured. No one cares.

Paul Burchill
Maybe he would get over if he was still the pirate. Jobber until he gets future endeavoured.

Dominate ecw until the draft, basically this year's version of the role swagger had last year. then raw or smackdown for midcard titles.

Shelton Benjamin
BORING!!!!!!!!! Midcarder for life!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Dreamer
stays on ecw putting people over

Tyler Reks
stays on ecw for a while....

Vladimir Kozlov
he will win the feud with zeke and then move on to the ecw title. then raw or smackdown for a world title run at some point?

William Regal
he'll stay on ecw putting people over

Yoshi Tatsu
he'll stay on ecw for a while

Zack Ryder
I see him getting the ecw title, and after the draft will end up on the midcard of raw or smackdown. im starting to like his gimmick.


Katie Lea
will eventually end up on raw or smackdown but might just diva job there.

Bella twins
one of them will turn heel and we will have an interesting twin feud. OR they will just do segments and diva job.

if she ever loses her Gm role she might get a divas/womens title run.

There.... that's everyone I think.

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