A cool Idea for Jesse and Festus in the works


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From Wrestlezone.com WWE is considering turning Festus (Drew Hankinson) heel with Jesse (Ray Gordy) serving as his manager/mouthpiece.
I myself think this is a great idea. As fun to watch as Jesse and Festus are, the gimmick is obviously going nowhere. I think with the right gimmick, Festus will be a top player on Smackdown. Along with the heel turn, I just want the 'I go crazy when the bell rings' gimmick to stop as well, it got old after a while.

What are your thoughts?
I like that. Jesse and Festus are a good tag team, but their gimmick got stale fast. Festus is one hell of a singles competitor, as seen in his match with Undertaker earlier this year. I love that idea...I can't imagine Jesse being heel though. I mean, that's the face of a guy who loves life?
I cant see it happening, that would just make Festus yet another monster heel on SmackDown! You'd have him, Big Show, Vladamir Koslov and The Great Khali. There'd just be too many monster heels on the show.

I think Jesse and Festus will probably remain a team seeing how WWE just doesnt have many teams in either of its divisions, I never could really get behind Jesse and Festus and probably couldnt get behind Festus on his own so I am not keen on the idea.

I agree that the gimmick of Festus going nuts when the bell is rung is getting boring now but the removal thing they were doing was a laugh, I think they'll stick together more out of necessity for the moment, just to keep the division interesting.
Bad idea. The WWE would be hurting their tag team division even more, Smackdown (and Raw, and ECW) have MORE than enough "monster heels" with virtually ZERO midcard faces to challenge them, and I highly doubt that he would get much of a heel reaction. Festus is a comedic character. If they make it so he's heel with the same gimmick, it will just come off as ridiculous. If they take the gimmick away, then what's the point? You've just turned him into the exact same character that Mike Knox, Snitsky, Kozlov, Khali, Umaga, Big Show, and the rest of them are: "generic tough looking big bad guy".

What they should do instead of turning him heel is actually give him a FEUD with someone. Then that would be something for him to do.
I'd turn Jesse heel by being hungry with power.He sees Festus does what he wants so he decides to carry a bell round with him.Everything he rings it......well Festus goes nuts.Jesse starts to become a rich snob will Festus.....is Festus........

Little bit of arm chair booking there.

Anyway its a great idea.Their getting a bit stale and repetive so it will make a fresh change.But its going to take some good thinking to turn the innocent Fesuts fully heel.I left a tip above.Maybe WWE read the forums.
Isn't this everybody's dream? Turning someone heel and giving him a mouthpiece manager? :lmao:

Seriously, this is a good move. Their gimmick is getting a bit stale, ring the bell he goes crazy ring it again, back in a trance. It's just stupid. If he turns heel, then even if they keep this gimmick it could be good. There are a number of different possibilities the gimmick could go for a heel.
i hate this. he have 2 many heel teams right now, we have to many "monsters right now" we have to many people on smackdown oging for the titles right now. they should just keep them on how they our give them a little more exp and see what happens from there
This is neither good or bad to me. In one way we lose another tag team, which the WWE barely has any of now a days. Jesse & Festus are pretty decent as a tag team and are over somewhat. So we would be breaking up a legit team, but their gimmick is getting stale anyways and they have been come nothing but a joke now anyways. But I hope if they turn Festus heel they don't make him the "unstoppable monster" like Kozlov, Umaga, Khali, Snitsky, Knox, ect just because 1. there's too many of them 2. It get stale really fast and they all end up jobbers to the stars. Put them in a legit storyline and just don't have him squash jobbers and such.
I think they started the heel turn on tonights Smackdown, it looks like Festus is going to become obsessed with Maria.
Could work, but it depends on who they pick to defend Maria, or Festus could turn on Jesse?
Not sure how this is a ''cool idea'' surely it's just a typical wrestling idea. They're faces, so they might turn heel. Hardly revolutionary, also a bit pointless. Have they done everything they can as a face team? Not exactly. It's not like they have a serious gimmick to go with a heel turn. Festus as he currently is, with the bell making him angry, is only suited to being a face. If they can get rid of that element then maybe, but I still don't think they'll be anything other than light relief.
It seems like a good idea, but I think they work as a face too well really, because of their gimmick. You can have Jesse as his manager in a face way, but it would need about 4 - 6 months of that before they think of a heel turn.

On the flipside, it will hurt their tag team division a lot. It is already bare as it is, so they can't really afford to be losing tag teams just like that. If this does happen, WWE should introduce more tag teams. Hell, where has DH Smith been? Have him team with someone in a british stable. Sorted. That means the tag team division wouldn't have lost anyone.
The Jesse & Festus team is fine as it is, it just needs character development from Festus. They should have him be "cured" of his trance and begin to always be the angry brusier of the duo with Jesse continuing as the mouthpeice.

The WWE needs tag teams and if they give up on this one I will be pissed because they have the potential to really have a big impact in the weak WWE Tag division.

If they are broken up they should not be heels. They have too many monster heels just like everyone else was saying. Monster heel gimmicks only work with those who have charisma and Festus does not have that. Unless you want the next Snitsky on Smackdown! Jesse & Festus should stay as a face tag team and just develop their characters by dropping that bell trance garbage and really start busting open some heads redneck country style!
If Jesse and Festus aren't going to be a team, then this is not the way to go. Jesse should go with his real name and join The Legacy. He might actual get some decent exposure then. Festus should just go back to FCW and work on a new gimmick. Because if he cant talk, hes never going to go anywhere.
Not so sure I would like this to happen at all. I do however feel that they should take some sort of creative direction with these two men. Festus has potential, and I think Jesse could be a decent mid card talent for years to come. Festus should stay face, but Jesse Ray Gordy should turn on him and start a name for himself as a 2nd generation wrestlers. Son of legend Terry Bam Bam Gordy. Justifiably so, Jesse gets tired of Festus getting his ass kicked because of his inability to wrestle properly in accordance with some bell.

The result of this could kill two birds with one stone. Jesse turning heel, and estabishing himself as name, due to his wrestling lineage. Remember Smackdown has nothing like this on its show yet. Raw can't be the only show to have 2nd generation talent. Jesse has mic skills/charisma, and it would be interesting to see how well he could draw heat from the fans after turning on his "big buddy".

If he beats Festus bad enough, then maybe the WWE can get away with having Festus off the show for some time. Then, he returns except not the same as he once was. This time a ringside bell doesn't dictate what he does, or who he does it to. No more "dumbface", and frankenstein body movements. A monster with the thirst for victory, and the strive for power. I still remember the match between Festus and Taker, it was a glimpse of the future. Taker will pass the "big man torch" to Festus one day.

There we have it. Jesse makes a name for himself by not only beating his former tag team partner to a pulp, and also through his wrestling lineage. Festus starts over, and is actually given something worth watching. The name of the story would be "A Beating To A New Beginnning".
Undertaker is not passing the big man torch to Festus. First of all, Festus isn't young either. Secondly, he's not that entertaining. Third, a new gimmick would be his third one in WWE. At some point people are going to notice. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but sometimes the WWE is just stupid, so it's not out of the realm, but it would be bad.

I do like the idea of putting Jessie in legacy. He is talented, and could fill the X-Pac, slimy little guy, role very well. I like it more when Mark Madden said the same thing, but points to the guy who repeated it.

What I would do with them, is first of all, send Festus away for a couple of weeks, bring him back cured. When he tries to talk, he won't shut up because it's been so long for him. Jessie could get increasingly frustrated, and then turn on him as Festus' talking ahs cost them matches. He talks to Maria at ringside while Jessie gets killed, he talks to a fan while Jessie gets double teamed and beaten. And then boom, he catches a Van Terminator from Jessie. Jessie vs. Festus is interrupted by Randy Orton, on the wrong show, and Jessie leaves for Raw, joining legacy, leaving Festus alone. He has no idea how to act alone, and goes crazy, all over SD!, eventually falling under the control of Edge and Vickie. He does their dirty work for a while, turns on Edge, loses a title match and then does Kane jobs for the rest of his career.
The idea of Festus as a heel would be good. but they would have to find a way to transition him into the role. Jesse joining the Legacy sounds good. But a different part of the legacy. like He, Natalya, Primo and Carlito on SmackDown.

but the new Festus character would have to be something like a Kane or Mike Knox character.
I would definitely turn Jesse heel, have him join Legacy & then start going by his real name or something close to it. I say if Festus stays face make him normal & have some personality into his character but if he turns heel then make him one of those bad ass big men with a personality & don't turn him into a bland big man cause quite frankly that gets old really fast.
Ya, turn him heel, have him blow through the mid-card, get his high-card shot then get buried. Festus doesn't have the look at all, he doesn't have enough skills, and he can't be taken seriously after this. Maybe I would be thinking differently if he had debuted as this awesome wrestler with a cool manager, but not now. Festus should stop the stupid bell gimmick, but I like the small guy-big guy tag team. Why change something that kinda works already? We already have Mark Henry and Tony Atlas in the heel monster with mouthpiece gimmick, as well as Ezekiel and Kendrick in a similar roll, so I don't think this should be changed for the time being.

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