I would love it if the WWE Draft returned to the 2002 format. I always thought the Draft Lottery with random computer generated picks was a weak storyline way of changing things up and preferred the GMs making the actual picks on Raw and Smackdown. I dont mind having the Inter-Promotional matches, but I dont want the outcome of the matches to determine who gets a pick. Heres what I would like to see happen on the day after WrestleMania:
Between Raw and Smackdown there are 52 SuperStars and 14 Divas. If you add NXT, thats 4 more SuperStars and a Diva. If you add FCW, thats 34 more SuperStars and 7 more Divas. That gives you 90 SuperStars and 22 Divas. Thats about 112 World Wrestling Entertainers. Im not going to include Other On-Air Employees like GMs, Announcers, Managers / Valets, and the Broadcast Team in the Draft. Each GM will have 56 picks over the course of 8 weeks.
On the Monday after WrestleMania:
Raw will have the 1st pick and will have a total of 4 picks that night and Smackdown will have 3 picks. Picks are made at 9:15, 9:30, 9:45, 10:00, 10:15, 10:30 and 10:45. The first 2 picks will face each other in a Raw vs. Smackdown match and immediately after the last RvS match, Raw will get its 4th and final pick of the night.
On the Friday after WrestleMania:
Smackdown will have the 1st pick and will have a total of 4 picks that night and Raw will have 3 picks. Picks are made at 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, 9:00, 9:15, 9:30 and 9:45. The first 2 picks will face each other in a Smackdown vs. Raw match and immediately after the last SvR match, Smackdown will get its 4th and final pick of the night.
This will go on for 8 weeks straight until all 112 picks are made. Thats 7 picks for each show a week. Id like to see ESPN type of Draft coverage with a countdown clock for when the next is to be made. The promos and backstage stuff should be very entertaining with this format and by the time it gets stale and played out, itll be over. Thats how you change things up. I have more to add to this, but I need a cigarette.