A Boondocks Production: Booking Zack Ryder to the top!


Wrestling pro with JC Epick someday
[Yes, I'm a Zack fan, and I hear people say it every day, "Zack Ryder should be WWE Champion." Well, odds are, he will never be. Except maybe in this thread. That's right, I'm going to simply book Zack Ryder to the top of the WWE, and then keep him there, week by week, starting with his debut on ECW on May 5th, 2009, all the way in the future, when he retires (As in, when I write him to). I'll take the approach of doing what is like the Road To Wrestlemania on Smackdown! Vs RAW 2011; probably make a backstage segment, and then narrate his actions throughout the show. NOTE: He was 23 when he debuted on ECW, and his birthday is the 14th, 9 days after his debut.]

WWE ECW; May 5th, 2009


Zack Ryder is backstage at ECW. He approaches General Manager Tiffany...

Ooh, how's it goin'? What's your name baby?

Excuse me? Zack, I'm your General Manager.

Oh. Well what's your name? Are you busy after the show? Because the Long Island Iced Z can cure your empty schedule.

Yes, I'm busy. And my name is Tiffany. What do you want?

I already asked yo--

Besides a date.

I want to make an impact here in the ECW. How about a match?

You want a match? Fine. You can face off against Finlay on Superstars.

But what about tonight? Do you expect this Broski to sit here and do nothing all night?

Hmm...we have a 10 minute time slot coming up. You can go out to the ring, make an open challenge, and wrestle. But you have to have that match done by the end of that time slot. Here, I'll go with you to the ring.



Zack walks to the ring, doing a typical entrance of his new character. He signals the LI symbol, says "Woo woo woo" a few times, and grins like the cocky kid that he is.

Woo woo woo, you know it. Guess what? Zack Ryder is now the Long Island Iced Z. Spiked hair, perfectly tanned skin, and the best damn tights you've ever seen. Now, I wasn't booked for a match tonight, but Tiffany here says we've got a time slot open where I can make an open challenge to make an impact here in ECW. So, any takers?

A short amount of time, about a minute, passes.

No? Is everyone afraid to take me on? C'mon, it isn't tha--


Alright Zack. Here's your opponent, The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry. You have six minutes. Good luck!

*The Bell Rings* Mark runs right at Zack, but isn't successful, as Zack hides in the ropes. Mark backs off, and Zack jumps out of the ring when he charges again. Zack is out collecting himself outside of the ring, as Tiffany yells to him, "Only five and a half minutes left Zack!" With the inspiration of the GM, he runs back in, and is met with a clothesline from Henry. Mark picks him up and headbutts him fiercely. He picks Zack up and hits a powerslam. He taunts to the crowd. Henry uses his weight to his advantage now, as he steps on the fallen Ryder's chest. Ryder writhes in pain. Mark picks him up, and tosses him out of the ring carelessly. Zack rolls around, as he hit his chest on the outer barrier. He looks over at Tiffany as she makes a motion pointing to her wrist, reminding him of the time. She yells to him again, "Three and a half!" He rolls into the ring and quickly dropkicks the big man in the knee. As Henry falls to his knees, Zack backs up, runs at him, and hits a big boot to Marks head. He runs over to him and makes a quick cover attempt. 1...2...kickout. Marks kickout throws Ryder halfway across the ring! Zack gets up, and connects with a DDT before Henry can get all the way to his feet. He looks over at Tiffany, "Two fifteen!" He struggles, but lifts the giant, and tries to whip him to the ropes. Mark stops him, and shakes his finger, mouthing "Nuh-uh." He tosses Zack to the ropes, who leapfrogs over Henry. Zack hits the Rough Ryder leg lariat on Mark. He goes for a pin, grinning. 1...2...3! Zack celebrates in the ring, and Tiffany makes her way in. She shakes Zack's hand, and says...

Congratulations Zack. You actually won. And you did it in time!

Actually, Miss General Manager, I did it with a minute to spare.

They make their way backstage, and begin to talk outside of the locker room...

Zack, I'm surprised you won. Mark Henry is about twice your size. You know, I was really only saying I was busy so you wouldn't ask, but--

No need to say it. I know what you want. You want the Iced Z. Let me go shower, and you and the Broski will go hit the town.

At my car after the show, Zack.

Yes, Miss General Manager.

He grins, as she waves to him while she walks away. He enters his locker room and showers.

[The show ends, Zack and Tiffany go out, etc. Zack has a match on Superstars, so that will follow this. Until then.]
[Seeing as my descriptive ability in matches isn't as up to par as I had hoped, instead of writing a full match, I'll write a summary of the match Zack is featured in, trying to get across the targeted psychology. When my writing ability improves, I'll change it up.]

WWE Superstars; May 7th, 2009



Zack Ryder seems to be making his way out to the ring, but it isn't his scheduled match time. He grabs a mic, and says...

Well well well, if it isn't WWE Superstars. Why am I here, you say? Well, I have a match tonight with Finlay. But that isn't what I'm doing right now. I have something I need to take care of. Tiffany, if you don't mind coming to the ring...


Yes Zack? What could you ever need with me?

You know. Don't play dumb, Miss General Manager.

She shakes her head and shrugs her shoulders, as if to say she doesn't know.

Two nights ago, on ECW, you told me to meet you at your car after the show. Well, I was there, but there was no car? Are you serious, bro?

Yes I'm serious. Do you really think you have a chance with me? I'm your General Manager. I know you just want to get with me because I can give you a title shot. Well news flash, not going to happen.

That's not why I was asking you out! I completely forgot about that. Tiffany, just one date!

No Zack.

She leaves the ring and begins to walk to the back and then she says...

Your match is now. If you manage to impress me, maybe I'll give you a chance and NOT stand you up.


Finlay makes his way to the ring, with Hornswoggle at his side. In Hornwoggles hand is a shillelagh. He gets in the ring and the match starts...

The match started out with Finlay going right at Ryder, and taking him down with a few strikes and slams. After Zack got out of the ring to recover, he was chased by Finlay. Zack ran back in, and caught Finlay climbing the apron. He took control from that point on, hitting a variety of striking combinations. A momentous spot in the match is when Ryder kicked out the knee of Finlay, climbed to the top rope, and hit a missile dropkick to the kneeling man. He also hit both a DDT to Finlay while he was on his knees, and he used a lifting inverted DDT. He finished the match by hitting the Rough Ryder, but following it with the Zack Attack, an inverted overdrive. He went for the pin and got a 1...2...3.

Zack celebrates in the ring, and eventually makes his way to the back, where he meets up with Tiffany...

Miss General Manager! What do you say? Do I get a date?

Congrats on the win Zack. But no, I already have a date tonight. Maybe next time.

She laughs as she walks away...

[We've learned that Zack and Tiffany didn't really go on a date, and they won't tonight. Will Zack's luck turn on ECW next week? Tune in and find out!]
This is different. You need to get a little more descriptive and tune your writing skills better, but so far it's good enough for what it is. Keep it up and I'll keep reading.

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