_ - 0: The Shutout King

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
103 is the record for NHL shut outs as Brodeur has now tied it, and will no doubt break it. But there is a question, is it breakable?

The next closest active goalie is only 52 shut outs away. With about 10 games left in his career, I am thinking that it is unreachable for Curtis Joseph. Two other goalies have a possibility to reach it, as both Luongo and Nabokov have 49 in their first 9 years.

Some things that you need to do to break the shut out record

1.) Stay healthy: Brodeur has had a long career without any major stints on the DL. He had some injuries, but bounced back

2.) Be on a defensive team: Brodeur has had some very defense first teams, Neidermayer, Stevens and many others have protected that net.

3.) Play in the East: Typically the east has had the least challenge historically for goalies, as the games tend to be low scoring on average

4.) Play 70 games a year: Brodeur has done well playing the most out of a season. He plays heavy ice time and this leads to his records

5.) Eat a lot of Pizza: Brodeur uses his girth to stop pucks, so eat that pizza and block that net.

So with all those factors, will the streak ever be broken? I said yes, because even in the potential new scoring age in the NHL, goalies are still the hardest working players and will continue to be, continually upping their ability to stop pucks.
I was at the game against Philly last night (great seats) and sadly, my favorit ehockey player Jamie Langenbrunner took a bad penalty that led to Philly's only goal. Would have loved to have been there, especially for him to do it vs the FLyers. Sadly it didn't take. Marty's the greatest goaltender of all time, and he's a Jersey Boy baby!
I like how you broke down the ways to make it possible, but quite frankly TM, I don't see anyone getting close. The rules have changed way too much for anyone to get more than a handful of shutouts a season, and it's hard for goalies to keep a long career anymore.

If there is a goalie to do it, he's probably 12 years old right now, dominating a youth hockey league we've never heard of. It will have to be someone that has grown up with the rules we have now, and has only ever played under these rules. In about 8 years, that kid will be starting for someone, and dominating from Game 1. That's the best chance the record has of falling.

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