90's Region - Will & Grace vs Roseanne

Will & Grace vs Roseanne

  • Will & Grace

  • Roseanne

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
90's Region – Will & Grace vs Roseanne




Note: Although Roseanne began in 1988, we have included it in the 90's region.
Mother of God. Now, before I bash the hell out of Roseanne, I want to say that I appreciate this show. It was a great show and it did a lot for ratings and for Roseanne. But with that being said, this is the most overrated show in television history. It glorified white trash, stupidity, and just overall creepiness. Sarah Chalke was on this show and that's fine. She was Elliot Reed on Scrubs. And yummy. But that's where it ends. This show makes me sick.

Now, Will and Grace... totally deserves to go far in this show. It trailblazed openly gay attitude in the late 90's. Very entertaining, tongue in cheek, and a great cast that was very, VERY funny. Not even Harry Connick's bad acting could ruin this show. It was great and gets my vote here by a LARGE margin.
I hated both of these shows with a passion. Even though I love John Goodman he could not make up for the annoying actress known as Roseanne. And the premise of Will & Grace just never struck me as funny or entertaining. I voted for Will & Grace but honestly, only because I believe it to be the lesser of the two evils. I don't see either show going very deep in this tournament.
I hated both of these shows when they came out (rofl) but looking back I've softened a lot on Roseanne. I'm not too big on it's humour but it always felt like a genuine family show and I can get behind that. As for Will and Grace, I still hate it as much as I did when it started. The humour grates on me, it's badly acted and way WAY too self knowing.
Please, please, PLEASE vote out this Will & Grace piece of shit ASAP. Debra Messing's extremely attractive, and this show would have been all right as a dramedy with just the two leads, but the guy who wasn't Will and Megan Malarkey totally ruined this show. If anything, this show stereotyped gays as promiscuous, loud, and lame assholes who hang out with ugly, chubby, rich bitches who think their money makes them a gift from God. Thankfully, we have Six Feet Under to show us that homosexuals are just as "normal" as heterosexuals.
If anything, this show stereotyped gays as promiscuous, loud, and lame assholes who hang out with ugly, chubby, rich bitches who think their money makes them a gift from God.

This. People will say Will & Grace trailed a path by having two gay leading actors. I'd say they did, and portrayed gay people just the same as any other show on television. I'd argue Spin City handles having a gay character in a far better manner, even Drew Carey had a gay character that was twice as funny as Will & Jack put together. As much as I dislike Roseanna as a person (and believe me, I do) her show was still pretty funny. And it had John fucking Goodman in it. Any show that has him gets my vote, because he has more talent in one pinky than the entire cast of Will and Grace. If you're not going to vote for Roseanne, please, for the love of God, vote for John Goodman. He should carry this show easily past this horrid display we call television.

Besides, I saw Karen once on a Broadway production of Young Frankenstein. Still annoying.
Roseanne FTW

This show was great, and it went from funny to sad to happy to pissed off so well, and told a lot of great stories. The cast and characters were all well written, and up until the very end, this show was one of the best.

Did anyone else cry when Dan had the heart attack?
I hated both of these shows with a passion. Even though I love John Goodman he could not make up for the annoying actress known as Roseanne. And the premise of Will & Grace just never struck me as funny or entertaining. I voted for Will & Grace but honestly, only because I believe it to be the lesser of the two evils. I don't see either show going very deep in this tournament.

Bolded is truth. But I went the other way and picked it because I could not stand Will and Grace. Only once did I get through an episode, on mute, while I might have watched 3-4 episodes of Roseanne. I had to pick it, but I probably wont get passed it here.
Rosanne gets my vote.

I could never get into Will & Grace. I just thought it was fucking stupid. You know, it was one of those shows that you put on because nothing else was on, and you end up changing the channel after five minutes of sitting through the garbage. It's just not an entertaining show.

Rosanne.... I actually used to loathe Roseanne, but these past couple of years I've warmed up to the show, mostly because of John Goodman, and the Darlene and David characters. Every episode that got those 3 a bunch of air time were all worth watching.

So, yeah... I have some love for Roseanne, and I'm definitely going to vote it over trash like Will & Grace, even if the last season of Roseanne is some of the worst programming in television history, especially the finale, which was absolutely atrocious/******ed.
Both are pretty hateable shows, and I can see why. Will and Grace was just plain annoying. Awful, awful TV. Rosanne herself wasn't funny at all, imo. Her screeching hurt my eardrums. However, John Goodman is the X factor here as any show he's in gets a big bosst in my books, so I had to go with Rosanne.
Will & Grace.

I fucking hated everything about Roseanne. I have no idea why I didn't like it but I only ever watched it at any great length as a child and my mum was addicted to it. Having watched a lot of it, I didn't like it but Will and Grace was another story. I know it was very cliché and not a very good illustration of gay lives. However, Jack and Karen deserved a fucking show of their own. It was hilarious at some point and I just found it very addictive.
Oh how I hated Will & Grace. My sister and mother loved the show and would ALWAYS watch it every single week, which of course only led me to hate it even more. Amusing cast but just a terrible show that streamlined cliche after cliche after cliche to try and make gays seem hip and cool with the Ellen crowds instead of just having them be regular ordinary people.

Roseanne I was never too big of a fan of either, but I will easily vote for it here based on one factor: Danielle Harris was on the show many times. For those that do not know, Danielle Harris is my Queen. I am her slave. I will vote for anything she's involved in no matter what basically. Roseanne gets the vote for me because of the Danielle factor.
Well, this is a battle of two irritating shows really. Roseanne is probably funnier, and definitely a bigger influence on the history of comedy, but that is not why it is getting my vote. Its getting the vote because it doesn't rely on cheap humour about homosexuals. A man being promiscuous and gay is not funny the first time, let alone for 8 years. The premise of the show was pretty good, but the execution was terrible.

Finally, I'd rather listen to Roseanne's voice for 5 minutes than Karen's for 1.
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