90s Legends Night

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
After watching Raw Old school last week I started thinking that we see the same legends all of the time. Sgt.Slaughter, Arn Anderson, Bob Backlund, Godfather,Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, etc. Jake the Snake Roberts was an awesome surprise. I would love a Raw devoted to Attitude Era/New Generation superstars. Here is the list I have devised of Superstars from that Era that we haven't seen on WWE Tv in years that I would love to appear. Yes, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ron Simmons, Edge and Godfather will appear, but here is the rest of my list.

Hardy Boyz, Val Venis, Savio Vega, Ahmed Johnson, Ken Shamrock, Taka Michinoku, Jim Cornette, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly, DLO Brown, Droz, etc. The night would end with a run in by Lex Luger.

What do you guys think? What superstars did I miss from the 90s?
You're really, really, really, really stretching the word "legend" here when it comes to most of those guys.

Jeff Hardy is the only real star among them and he's signed with TNA. In spite of the storyline going on in which Hardy "left", he's just been written off television because he can't go on the UK tour because he won't be allowed a work visa in the UK due to his past legal trouble. Matt Hardy will always be viewed as the lesser Hardy and any real success he attained in WWE was due to riding his brother's coattails. Besides, he's probably burned a lot of bridges in WWE the past few years with all those ranting internet videos he's put out.

Val Venis, Savio Vega, Ahmed Johnson, Taka Michinoku, Bart Gunn, Bob Holly, D-Lo Brown & Droz were all HIGHLY forgettable, primarily lower mid-card guys that 99% of viewers won't care about, remember or even know who they are. Droz certainly isn't a legend and the fact that his single most memorable moment in his wrestling career was the night he was paralyzed isn't exactly something to celebrate. To make matters even more awkward, D-Lo Brown's most memorable moment in his career is simply being the guy who paralyzed Droz.

As for Ken Shamrock, he got into the WWE based on his success in MMA when he was still a respected MMA fighter with a good record. Now, he's an over the hill 48 year old man that's tarnished his own MMA legacy by fighting much longer than he should have. When he left WWE and went back to MMA, he fought a total of 15 fights, 10 of which he lost. A while back, he did an interview saying that he wanted to come back to WWE but WWE's not interested. He then did a little bit of a shoot interview that's just using the same old formula: painting himself as the hero in the story, saying that this guy didn't like him or that guy didn't like him, that this guy's ego was out of control, that he should have been main eventing and exaggerating his contributions to the company to a pretty generous degree.

As for Jim Cornette, there's too much bad blood there. Which if what I've heard is true, Jim Cornette seems to have bad blood with just about everybody these days. Again, if all the various reports are true, Cornette basically thinks wrestling companies should still operate as if it was still 1980.

As for Lex Luger, meh, couldn't care less. I was never a fan of Luger and thought he was pretty overrated.

I'm sure Jeff Hardy will be looked at as legendary, mostly for his time as a tag team wrestler, as his success in the late 90s through the mid 2000s overshadows anything he's done. Jim Cornette was a great manager and fits the bill of a legend. Even though I think he's pretty overrated in terms of ability, Luger was a big star and he'd probably qualify as having a legendary career. But as for the others listed? Nobody's gonna care. If you want legends that people will recognize and actually want to see, then get actual legends like some of those on Raw this past Monday. In addition, bring wrestlers that fans haven't seen in a long time like Harley Race, Terry Funk, Demolition, Gerald Brisco, Tully Blanchard, Barry Windham, Kevin Von Erich, Road Warrior Animal, The Midnight Express, Larry Zybyzko, Larry Hennig, include some legendary commentators like Jim Ross & Lance Russell, maybe bring in Jim Crockett, Jr. as he's one of the last of the old NWA promoters still around.
I like Jack-Hammer’s list of legends. What would be sweet is a WCW or Territory Night. If the E isn't down for putting this theme over RAW do it on Friday, Smackdown Goes Nitro.
Thank you, Jackhammer. I wasn't actually trying to call these guys legends. Are TOO COOL legends? Nope. I was trying to go with WWE logic here. And yes in a nostalgic fashion I would love to see Savio, Ahmed and co. appear on television again. I do love your list of names, and this would make a real legends night. However, I doubt that Vince would ever do this or real fans would appreciate Larry Zbyzko coming out. Thanks for your comment.
I can give you a pass on not listing Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, but how can you name 90's "legends" and leave off BRETT FREAKEN HART! Still the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. OK he's not from the attitude era but was with the company all through the 90's until 97, and was arguably the catalyst of the attitude era, he did turn Vince heel after all.
I can give you a pass on not listing Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, but how can you name 90's "legends" and leave off BRETT FREAKEN HART! Still the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be. OK he's not from the attitude era but was with the company all through the 90's until 97, and was arguably the catalyst of the attitude era, he did turn Vince heel after all.

I think the OP was trying to go with wrestlers that haven't appeared on WWE TV in a long time, so to give these "nostalgia shows" a fresh feel. And even though Bret is arguably the top star of the 1990's (or certainly one of them), he's been on WWE TV on a number of occasions in the last few years. So it's not exactly "fresh" or "new" to see him, even though I would still be more happy to see Bret around every week than Ahmed Johnson or Kaientai, or the others.

But yeah, I don't the OP meant any disrespect to Bret, HBK, Taker, Stone Cold, etc. He was just trying to go with guys we never seen on the nostalgia shows.
You're really, really, really, really stretching the word "legend" here when it comes to most of those guys.

He didn't call those guys legends; so, your overuse of the word "really" is really, really, blah, blah, really wrong. He said:

After watching Raw Old school last week I started thinking that we see the same legends all of the time. Sgt.Slaughter, Arn Anderson, Bob Backlund, Godfather,Roddy Piper, Ric Flair, etc. Jake the Snake Roberts was an awesome surprise. I would love a Raw devoted to Attitude Era/New Generation superstars. Here is the list I have devised of Superstars from that Era that we haven't seen on WWE Tv in years that I would love to appear. Yes, Shawn Michaels, Mick Foley, Ron Simmons, Edge and Godfather will appear, but here is the rest of my list.

He clearly called the ones who appear often "legends" and said his suggestion list was composed of "superstars". I have noticed a lot lately that for a WZ Hall of Famer, or whatever they call you, you really don't read too well--or at least don't pay attention. Funny that the arguing of the same points and opinions over and over and over again, which give you your "expertise" actually prevents you from reading new posts, as you feel you have read it already. Ironic.

To the OP, don't apologize to him because of who he is (on a medicore-at-best wrestling site forum, by the way...please), you were fine in listing your suggestions. I agree that a wider variety of past superstars would make old school shows more enjoyable. That skit with Big E walking through the backstage area and seeing Volkoff, Dibiase and IRS was fine....quick little nod to each of them and off he went. Got them each air time and took nothing away from the show. Volkoff was a great surprise for me. I would love to see guys we haven't seen in a while, or ones that aren't the norm and are on every single old school show. Killer Bees, Hillbilly Jim, Rick Martel, Paul Orndorff...it's bad enough that most of the guys I grew up watching have died. Let's celebrate, if only for one or two nights a year, the ones who are still here.
Lex Lugar running to the ring in 2014....I would love to see him try that lol.

Too many peope full of their mown importance should not wreck the experience for the rest. Regarding the OP, well done in giving your opinion on whom you would like to see on a Legends Night/Old School 90s edition.
I would love to see The Job Squad come out and attack 3MB, Shamrock and Lesnar go at it in a brawl, The Clique and Authority all join in as one against Bryan and Punk. Fantasy booking is always fun, and everybody is entitled to their opinion, on an open forum.

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