90 Minutes I'm not getting back...

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Me and this girl just hung out at mine for the last 90 minutes at my place. We have known each other for the last 2 years and last year we hooked up but nothing came of it. Recently we started talking again and it's been pretty nice. So tonight she comes round, it starts well, we have a nice chat about our lives and shit and what we been up too. I'm thinking so far so good. But then we wack on a film, her choice (she chose The Marine of all films) and we start watching that... we didn't speak once for 90 long minutes... and it couldn't of been more awkward. So I ask her whats the deal between me and her and she said she didn't know, and 5 minutes away she had gone.

:headscratch: I hate it when this kind of shit happens.
Is The Marine really that bad of a movie that watching it entranced her and made her think "If he owns this movie, I don't want to be associated with him anymore"? Lol.

Sometimes its not really the best idea to watch a movie with someone when you're flirting with them and trying to progress the situation as its an immediate mood-killer most of the time. Both of you start focusing on the movie and ignoring the flirtation. Its sort of like putting a road block in the middle of a highway.
You shoulda just introduced her to your sweetheart side. That shit works every every time.
Settle down. I don't know if it's just me, but I love watching movies. Lights off, eating popcorn, and laying together makes my nights. Also, why didn't you start conversing? Make some small talk, or give her a compliment. It's not that hard to make conversation.
Settle down. I don't know if it's just me, but I love watching movies. Lights off, eating popcorn, and laying together makes my nights. Also, why didn't you start conversing? Make some small talk, or give her a compliment. It's not that hard to make conversation.

Cuddling up and watching a movie is one of my favorite things to do as well - minus the popcorn as its never as good as actual movie theatre popcorn - but on a first date kind of thing, sometimes its not the best idea. Not always. Sometimes it works the best out of everything. But I know a lot of people that have chosen a movie for a first date and then realized that they spent 2 hours not talking to each other and they're basically in the same position they were 2 hours ago lol.
Something as simple as taking a dog for a walk with them works great when there's awkwardness. You're outside, lots of background noise, let the dog run ahead, talk about anything you see, anything the dog does, anyhting at all. It builds it up slowly, then once you're comfortable with her you watch your movies all cuddled up.
That sucks when shit like that happens. It's not as bad though as spending an hour and a half at a bar spitting game on a chick thinking you're gonna pull her home for a little one night stand only for nothing to transpire and you realize you just wasted precious bar time by talking to her. Now that sucks balls.
no offence, but you only have yourself to blame...you shouldve made the boundaries clear b4 the film, then initiated some touching...
You should have been laid next to her, with your arms around her. My best friend is totally in love with me, and thats what he does :lmao:.
She wasen't, I'm saying that hugging her last night would of been the equaliant to hugging a pissed off Hyena. She just seemed overally tense and she just sat there, arms folded, and acted like I had done something wrong... when I haden't, I was very nice to her like I've always been to her. It was just one of those nights I guess.
She wasen't, I'm saying that hugging her last night would of been the equaliant to hugging a pissed off Hyena. She just seemed overally tense and she just sat there, arms folded, and acted like I had done something wrong... when I haden't, I was very nice to her like I've always been to her. It was just one of those nights I guess.

Yeah, you weren't putting your arm round her to let her have a cuddle. Guys are meant to make first move, when you didn't it would have made her think you weren't into her.

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