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9 Time Champion


Pre-Show Stalwart
Edge is now a 9 time World Champion.

Since 2006 Edge has won 9 World titles in three years.

In three years, Edge has won more or the same amoung of titles in three years than;

The Undertaker
Shawn Michaels
Bret Hart
John Cena
The Rock
Stone Cold
..And probably many more..

Thats three World title reigns a year? Edge has won the most World Titles than any other man in history in the quickest time, as far as I'm aware. Does anyone not think that 9 World titles in 3 years is INSANE?! I mean he is getting up towards Triple H.
It's a little ridiculous. Then again, Edge is one of WWE's most dependable, bankable stars. There aren't very many people in WWE right now who make a better champ than Edge. And it's not like any of his reigns hold the other superstars down, unlike some of Triple H's past title reigns (the 03 title reign of doom). Edge as a champion, has put over CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, and now maybe even Punk AGAIN.
his 9 reigns show you that Edge is living up to expection: Simply put, he is the ultimate opportunist and will do anything to get the title..from sleeping with the GM, or getting some sort of advantage, Edge will always be there to pick up the pieces after the dust has cleared!

I dont see a big problem with the title reigns..the only thing is that his reigns are incredibly short..but again WWE looks at the the number of reigns over the length of all reigns..i doubt his 9 reigns even match up to Cena's 1 yr reign time wise..
That's his character. He wins titles on the cheap and eventually gets exposed and loses his title. He's not the sort to have long reigns. He cheats a babyface, they get revenge. He then moves on and does it again.

I can see him and HHH getting quite a few more cheap reigns all for a storyline to see who can beat Flair first with a big one on one match for a vacant title or something like that down the line.
Is it really that ridiculous considering that if I'm not mistaken 2 of those reigns were because of injuries to the champion at the time? Last year, Taker took the title then got hurt so Edge became champion for the transition (I may be wrong). Then in the EC (I can't think of which PPV for the life of me), he takes out Kofi and gets the WHC again. Weren't these moves made to mask a main-eventer getting injured?

I personally feel that Edge should end up with more reigns that Trips. How often do we hear about Edge trying to keep a star from breaking the glass ceiling? I can't recall anytime.

One more example is the WHC match from WM24 last year. Did Taker have to make Edge look like gold? No, Edge is supposed to be the "Ultimate Opportunist". Instead of being made to be a coward, Edge took what Taker had to offer and gave it right back. That shows the respect that IMHO THE main player in WWE has for him.

Edge has more than paid his dues and had less than spectacular storylines (anyone remember the storyline with Edge's broken hand when he damn near looked bigger than HHH?). Edge deserves EVERY SINGLE title he's gotten and many, many more.
It fits the character, and that's why the character often times drops the title right back to the person he beat no more then a month later, because heels don't win cleanly. The character is the ultimate opporutinist, and wins titles when the opponent is at a disadvantage. It's a perfect character for this,a nd Edge is benefitting greatly.

Edge is just a little bit ahead of pace for fastest to 9. The Rock won 9 world titles (ten if you count the Undisputed Championship as a double belt) in a 3 1/2 years pan from late 98 to mid 2002. Triple H had won 7 world champions from september of 1999 to december of 2002. Steve Austin, his six title reigns came between march 98-october of 2001. This isn't anything out of the ordinary, especially in the last ten years. Hell, Jeff Jarrett is a ten time champion, from the beginning of 2000 up to 2005ish, a little more spread out.
I definitely agree with those that say it fits Edge's character. A slimey heel has to do anything and everything to get a World title but as soon as they're caught up in a legit match with no outside help they're in trouble.

I do agree that maybe nine reigns (especially when there's a good chance this one like so many before it could only last three weeks thanks to Punk) is pushing it. He's literally won the title five times in the span of ten months. That's compounded by the fact that he was out of action for three of those months. People thought the way E&C would win/lose tag titles all the time was silly. Edge alone has trumped that with World titles.

But if anyone can pull this off it's Edge. There's a fine line between really hammering home the ultimate opportunist gimmick and making the titles look cheap. Thus far he's riding it well.
because heels don't win cleanly.
Big Show, Jack Swagger, and Chris Jericho all prove this wrong. WWE isn't good with heels, but they do get clean wins.

I posted this in the Backlash LD thread, and I stand by it:

A lot of net fans love their heels, but the man has been riding this opprotunisty thing in stale fashion for over three years. And don't say it's just a heel thing. Jericho, Big Show... heck, even Orton... Many others are booked better than Edge.

How is he not overrated? He's been given great match time in the last year in main events on PPVs, yet he rarely knows how to fill the time for the first two thirds of his matches. His offense is a few weak looking midcardish neckbreakers and a poorly executed running hug. Unless he has a better wrestler or a gimmick hiding his flaws, he's average or below in every way.

Not to mention that he's a creation of circumstance. He didn't get main event level heat until the thing with Lita. He wouldn't be here today if he didn't steal Matt's girl and Matt didn't get fired over it.

The great Bret Hart is a four time champion. Cena is a five time champion. Michaels is a four time champion. Taker is a six time champion. What Edge gets nine reigns for, I know not. And yet people are still blind for the most part when it comes to Edge.

Seriously, fuck this guy. Good thing he was working with a superior pro wrestler in a gimmick match, otherwise tonight might have exposed him again.

I like Edge to an extent. But he is the definition of overrated. The most overused transitional champion of all time.
I'd liek to see Edge in a non-title fued, a personal oen at some point, maybe when there's another perso nready to step up to be a top heel. I hope they don't make him stale and have his character REVOVLE aroudn the title for too long, like what has happened to HHH.
I see both sides to the argument. At one side i agree that 9 championships in 3 years is a bit much and that those reigns could have perhaps been better used on someone else.


at the same time it doesnt bother me too much because Edge plays it so well. If it were any other wrestler i would be hating it. Imagine if Cena or Trips had 9 reigns in 3 yrs. The IWC would be imploding, Edge can get away with it... somehow.

I think that he does need to have a break from the ME scene soon though and maybe have a personal fued or go for the IC again. Not sure but it would be great to see Trips, Cena and Edge all leave the title scene for a while...
Seriously, fuck this guy. Good thing he was working with a superior pro wrestler in a gimmick match, otherwise tonight might have exposed him again.

John Cena a superior pro wrestler? I hope thats a joke. Cena has improved a lot since he started but in no way is he superior to Edge. Also edge really isnt there because of the whole lita thing. He was being groomed into being a singles star since he won the king of the ring. Injuries slowed him down and then he was thrown into various tag teams to help build smackdowns tag division.(might be wrong on the brand didnt watch from 03-05) Basically since WM 21 Edge has been at or near main event level and there's honestly nothing wrong with that. If you watch his first title win you will see how the title change was cheered. Eventually though he went back to the fans booing him in his feud with cena. As much as people hated cena from 06-07 at live shows and on tv, people would still boo edge which mean he must be good at what he does. When people are good at their job they get rewarded.
I have to agree with the one posting
Edge bores me, and I would be happy if they kept the title off him for anywhere from 6 months to a year. Seriously, its not proving anything. A lot of of my friends who also order ppv's are also sick of him always being champion.
Basically, I guess its cool for Edge to keep having championship reigns but if Cena or Triple H does it then all hell breaks loose. I didn't like Punk as champion in his first reign but if it gets the belt off Edge and he can keep it off Edge then I am all for it.

I am also tempted not to watch smackdown if Edge continues to win the belt, but the only reason I did turn it on sometimes was to watch MVP, which in my opinion can put on a much better non gimmick match then Edge. Also while I am on the topic of Edge getting too many title reigns I also despise how Bastista always has to be in the main event, either when he was on smackdown and each month fighting for the title, and judging by the looks of things it appears he will be doing the same thing on raw as well.
It fits the character, and that's why the character often times drops the title right back to the person he beat no more then a month later, because heels don't win cleanly. The character is the ultimate opporutinist, and wins titles when the opponent is at a disadvantage. It's a perfect character for this,a nd Edge is benefitting greatly.

Edge is just a little bit ahead of pace for fastest to 9. The Rock won 9 world titles (ten if you count the Undisputed Championship as a double belt) in a 3 1/2 years pan from late 98 to mid 2002. Triple H had won 7 world champions from september of 1999 to december of 2002. Steve Austin, his six title reigns came between march 98-october of 2001. This isn't anything out of the ordinary, especially in the last ten years. Hell, Jeff Jarrett is a ten time champion, from the beginning of 2000 up to 2005ish, a little more spread out.

What this guy said.

People will only have an issue with it because people can't see an end for edge. He appears health and it's conceivable that he'll carry on for years. Naturally people are just going to assume that he'll continue getting belts as the pace he is now.

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