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8-11-11 IMPACT Running Diary


Championship Contender
There's nothing like the energy of a post-PPV show. If there's one show a month that's worth a diary, it's this one. Let's hope it doesn't disappoint!

9:02 - Who "called" Angle this week? Please tell me he's not talking about going back after Jarrett. That horse is dead, beaten, and recycled into the ground.

9:03 - I heard TNA tried to find a better stable to bring out for the show opener, but The Oddities weren't available.

9:06 - Breaking news; someone finds Anderson funny! This is a stunning development.

9:07 - Anyone else think these guys are about to jump Bully Ray? He's been kind of a shady leader; throwing them in harm's way and always jumping ahead for attention. After the way he tried to run away from and then cheated to beat Anderson, I could see them turning on him.

9:09 - Uhhh... did I say they'd jump "Bully Ray?" I meant Anderson! Yeah! NAILED IT! (copyright Andy Bernard, Dunder-Mifflin Paper)

9:11 - Immortal's had a lot of embarrassments, but backing down from Al Snow, D'Lo, and obese Simon Diamond is a major low point.


9:16 - Let this be a warning to all TNA talent. If they misuse and ruin your character bad enough, you get gang attacked and taken off TV for a while with an injury angle.

9:17 - Jokes aside, this is probably the best thing to do with Anderson right now. He needs a reboot.

9:18 - Eric and Abyss need to talk. Must be time to pick out a new selection for their Book Club!

9:19 - Should I hate Mickie's theme song as much as I do? For some reason it irritates the hell out of me.

9:20 - Speaking of unexplainable annoyances... WHY THE HELL do they keep having Knockouts matches be the first ring action?! Forget booking storylines; just organizing matches and segments to keep energy flowing through the program is a huge part of this business. Knockouts matches are generally energy-killers.

9:22 - At least it was quick. But that said, why the hell does Madison keep having to job to Mickie? She deserves better than getting owned like that.


9:27 - Robbie E suddenly returns to TV just as "Jersey Shore" starts its new season on MTV. Coincidence?

9:29 - Kendrick looks like Mia Wallace's drug dealer from "Pulp Fiction."

9:32 - If not for Aries' commentary, this match would be the most useless segment since... uhhh... Mickie squashing Madison ten minutes ago.

9:33 - Devon still doesn't trust Pope. That's fitting, because I still don't give a fuck.


9:38 - Brace yourselves... Robbie E and Cookie just split up. Not since Michaels and Janetty has a break-up changed the wrestling landscape so severely.

9:41 - If wrestling was truly competitive sport, wouldn't it be grossly unfair to have Beer Money going against two makeshift teams like Styles/RVD and Devon/Pope? Not a big deal in an exhibition, but this is a BFG Series match. Just sayin'.


9:46 - Five of the premiere talents in TNA, and Devon, going at it in this match.

9:48 - Nice little exchange with Styles and Storm, reminding us they're actually in a stable together. I know, it's getting hard to tell lately.

9:50 - It's a simple move, but I've always loved that spinebuster Roode does. Must be some Double A nostalgia mixed in with that.

9:51 - I've always loved that Fisherman Suplex, too. Reminding me of Arn Anderson and Curt Hennig is easy access to my heart, Bobby.

9:52 - I can't imagine Crimson is actually winning this thing and facing Angle at BFG. Could Roode be finally getting his opportunity?


9:57 - Angle walking out with the chair in hand and a smirk on his face. No tweener stuff here; full heel turn coming.

10:00 - Piped-in boos are awesome.

10:02 - So wait... Angle's mission is revenge on Dixie Carter? How the hell is that going to have a payoff?

10:04 - I have to admit, Angle screaming at Sting while Hogan held him gave me some goosebumps!

10:06 - Wow... I loved that segment!


10:13 - It's ODB and Jackie. Need I say more?

10:15 - Tessmacher's version of the Stinkface is the first redeeming thing she's done in a match.

10:19 - Well, that match happened.

10:21 - A crowd of guys standing outside Hogan's locker room. I'm guessing they all want congratulate Hulk on his first interesting segment in over a year.


10:26 - I wonder where the Abyss bashing is going to lead. There's an obvious outcome of him snapping and turning face, but is that really what's best for him? Face Abyss tends to suck.

10:27 - Immortal needs an X-Division rep, so the tease of Aries and Bischoff becoming pals works.

10:28 - The Mexican outfit is fine, but Jeff leading that burro down to the ring is over the top!

10:31 - Okay, "Jose and Jos-B" made me laugh.

10:32 - Pro wrestling; where workplace diversity DOESN'T matter.

10:33 - Come on, people. When the guy saying "QUE?!" doesn't even have a Spanish accent, that's not good.

10:35 - This light-skinned guy looks about as Mexican as Sheamus.

10:36 - Be sure to circle that "Jeff Jarrett vs. Hector Guerrero" showdown on your calendar.


10:41 - For a minute, I actually thought Young was going to give the old TNA Title to that guy. How hilarious a way to finally dump that thing would that have been? Too bad.

10:42 - So apparently, Anderson was able to get away from the EMTs and walk all the way back to the arena despite the fact that he looks like an extra from "The Walking Dead." Nope, nothing fake about wrestling at all.

10:43 - Okay, now Anderson's off-camera screaming is reminding me of Marcellus Wallace getting raped in "Pulp Fiction." That's two "Pulp" references in one diary. If Anderson pulls out a samurai sword later tonight, I might lose it.

10:44 - Getting injured was the best thing that ever happened to Matt Morgan. I think his TV Time has tripled.


10:51 - So we know the streak isn't ending tonight. How do they make this interesting?

10:53 - Crimson and Gunner squaring off. I've wanted to see this for a while.

10:55 - Between this match and the three-team match earlier that Roode won, this show actually feels like it's being booked by someone with a biased agenda. They haven't done enough of that during the Bischoff/Hogan era. You need to sell that two guys are actually "in charge" for people to care if they ever lose that power.

10:59 - Angle attacks Crimson and tries to injure him. Early preview of BFG match, or just one step toward a larger story of Angle taking out the competitors? Hard to tell.

Overall this was a solid show. I really liked the direction that Angle went and LOVED the segment with Sting and Hogan. Good to see Roode get the win in his match and hopefully that will mean something for the future.

On the downside, I would've liked to see Samoa Joe at some point after that promo he cut last week. Even if it had just been a backstage annihilation of Jesse Neal or something, some kind of follow-through on the "there will be blood" promise would've been nice. A little too much of the Knockouts for me tonight, too.
I Really liked the show tonight, i watch impact every thursday, but this time it kept me drawn in with less channel flipping. I Rate the show a B. I Hope they can keep this up.
So is Angle with Immortal guys? We don't get Impact here in Australia till Saturday night.

Zion said that at the ppv, although Angle used Hogan's chair to win the belt, he ddin't actually join... I'm confused. Any help would be great.
So is Angle with Immortal guys? We don't get Impact here in Australia till Saturday night.

Zion said that at the ppv, although Angle used Hogan's chair to win the belt, he ddin't actually join... I'm confused. Any help would be great.
I still don't think he did. He's as much a part of Immortal as Mexican America were a couple of weeks ago when they used the attack on Fourtune by Immortal to weaken Beer Money. Hogan was his informant, and he's working with him but as of right now he doesn't appear to be a full fledged part of Immortal. They do have identical agendas, however, aside from the kill the young guys thing so you never know.

I don't think it's a good idea for Angle to become a true member of Immortal. I'd be perfectly okay with it if Double J wasn't in it. But then again, Anderson joined and he made it very clear he doesn't like them so as long as Angle isn't buddy buddy with Double J and act like he doesn't hate him it'll all be fine in the end when whoever wins the BFG series ends up being the last nail in Immortal's coffin.
I don't know if Angles completely aligned with immortal. But Tenay said Angle was aligned with Hogan. So looks like we'll see. Looks like I'm probably gonna have to watch Impact again on YouTube I was channel surfing like crazy tonight from espn to nfl network to mtv and I missed basically everything except the opening segment and the Angle promo.
man these journals are awesome but no offense this wasnt your best one but still you should do them every week rasha....ever thought of doing them for raw,smackdown or ppvs? :shrug: just a thought lol
I still don't think he did. He's as much a part of Immortal as Mexican America were a couple of weeks ago when they used the attack on Fourtune by Immortal to weaken Beer Money. Hogan was his informant, and he's working with him but as of right now he doesn't appear to be a full fledged part of Immortal. They do have identical agendas, however, aside from the kill the young guys thing so you never know.

I don't think it's a good idea for Angle to become a true member of Immortal. I'd be perfectly okay with it if Double J wasn't in it. But then again, Anderson joined and he made it very clear he doesn't like them so as long as Angle isn't buddy buddy with Double J and act like he doesn't hate him it'll all be fine in the end when whoever wins the BFG series ends up being the last nail in Immortal's coffin.

But don't you find this all a little weird. For MONTHS, Angle has fought Immortal, brought back Steiner (who's in Immortal anyway) to destroy the group, and had Crimson (who he attacked now) be the messenger to say that Immortal is going down and the he supports Dixie, and for him to be with Fortune as they fought Immortal. All of a sudden, Angle is mad at Dixie for something that happened 3 years ago and it causes a heel turn now? The group is anti-Dixie and it's been around for almost a year now. I know some like "Angle the heel", but come on bro. This doesn't make sense and we're really grasping at straws here.

Honestly, this is not good and this whole thing is a giant mess. I'm just waiting til after BFG when Immortal is (hopefully) dead and we can stop trying to pretend that working everything around them is a good idea.
But don't you find this all a little weird. For MONTHS, Angle has fought Immortal, brought back Steiner (who's in Immortal anyway) to destroy the group, and had Crimson (who he attacked now) be the messenger to say that Immortal is going down and the he supports Dixie, and for him to be with Fortune as they fought Immortal. All of a sudden, Angle is mad at Dixie for something that happened 3 years ago and it causes a heel turn now? The group is anti-Dixie and it's been around for almost a year now. I know some like "Angle the heel", but come on bro. This doesn't make sense and we're really grasping at straws here.

Honestly, this is not good and this whole thing is a giant mess. I'm just waiting til after BFG when Immortal is (hopefully) dead and we can stop trying to pretend that working everything around them is a good idea.
It is weird and I hope it doesn't go beyond what it already is because it'll just be a clusterfuck (as if it already isn't) but they can always explain it. Somehow. I just wish it would end here. Hogan told Kurt stuff, Kurt is now heel, Kurt feuds with Crimson, Hogan keeps on limping around and we all move on.

And I agree with the waiting for Immortal to die. I like them, don't get me wrong, but it seems that when it comes to booking it's just a hurricane of "what to do now". Who knew the stable was indeed Immortal. Die already ...
But don't you find this all a little weird. For MONTHS, Angle has fought Immortal, brought back Steiner (who's in Immortal anyway) to destroy the group, and had Crimson (who he attacked now) be the messenger to say that Immortal is going down and the he supports Dixie, and for him to be with Fortune as they fought Immortal. All of a sudden, Angle is mad at Dixie for something that happened 3 years ago and it causes a heel turn now? The group is anti-Dixie and it's been around for almost a year now. I know some like "Angle the heel", but come on bro. This doesn't make sense and we're really grasping at straws here.

Divorces are brutal, bitter things. Sometimes one or the other always get's lost in the past, in making things right and fixing everything. Kurt tried that to a degree with the Karen/Jeff feud. Now he knows all this shit went down and the person he trusted, the person he fought for alongside Steiner, Crimson, etc... knew about it and let him stay cuckolded and lie to his face when he could have had a chance of fixing things with Karen instead of just getting handed the ultimatum? *shrugs* I'd be pissed too....
...and the revolving door of Immortal continues.

Can this stable be any less credible at this stage?
Since it is obvious that Kurt Angle is going to or already has joined Immortal....I just wonder, when TNA has a heel champion, why does he have to be a part of Immortal??? Cant they have a heel champion, and it not be a part of the group. I mean, they already have like 50 members anyway, why do they need two more?(im including Austin Aries) I dont know, maybe its just me that thinks this way.
But don't you find this all a little weird. For MONTHS, Angle has fought Immortal, brought back Steiner (who's in Immortal anyway) to destroy the group, and had Crimson (who he attacked now) be the messenger to say that Immortal is going down and the he supports Dixie, and for him to be with Fortune as they fought Immortal. All of a sudden, Angle is mad at Dixie for something that happened 3 years ago and it causes a heel turn now? The group is anti-Dixie and it's been around for almost a year now. I know some like "Angle the heel", but come on bro. This doesn't make sense and we're really grasping at straws here.

Honestly, this is not good and this whole thing is a giant mess. I'm just waiting til after BFG when Immortal is (hopefully) dead and we can stop trying to pretend that working everything around them is a good idea.

No this is not weird! Hogan has been asking Angle to join Immortal every since he became Number one contender!

Immortal is all about having the World Title in their control! If you have it or have a chance to get it, they are going to try and persuade you to join Immortal!

Jeff Hardy had a Chance to win the Title and Immortal Persuaded Him to join them but once he lost it they Got rid of him.

Anderson had the Title so Immortal persued him and convinced him to join but once he lost the title, Now there's is no use for him anymore!

Now Angle has the title and Hogan has obviously convinced him that Dixie knew all along about Jeff and Karen. Which Angle explained on last nights show!

Now my question to all of you is, How the Hell is this so damn confusing!

Sting first Attacked RVD because he thought RVD was apart of Immortal and Immortal knows that they can't get Sting! So they originally made Sting out to be the bad guy when they were obviously the bad guys all along!

Now Crimson has a chance to get the title since he's leading the Bound for glory seris. So Angle has to try and take him out! So he remains in control since Hulk Hogan has Convinced him that Dixie wasn't out for his best interest!

This is not a mess It's actually quite interesting, if you're capable of following a Storyline!
man these journals are awesome but no offense this wasnt your best one but still you should do them every week rasha....ever thought of doing them for raw,smackdown or ppvs? :shrug: just a thought lol

No offense taken. I know they range in quality. That's actually the major reason I don't do them every week anymore; I was starting to burn out a little and it was becoming a chore. If I'm not having fun doing them then the quality would take a big drop.

As for the WWE and PPVs, I don't watch them. I flip RAW on every now and then when something big is happening, but I never watch the whole show. I never watch Smackdown or order PPVs. Sorry!

Thanks for being a fan!
No this is not weird! Hogan has been asking Angle to join Immortal every since he became Number one contender!

Immortal is all about having the World Title in their control! If you have it or have a chance to get it, they are going to try and persuade you to join Immortal!

Jeff Hardy had a Chance to win the Title and Immortal Persuaded Him to join them but once he lost it they Got rid of him.

Anderson had the Title so Immortal persued him and convinced him to join but once he lost the title, Now there's is no use for him anymore!

Now Angle has the title and Hogan has obviously convinced him that Dixie knew all along about Jeff and Karen. Which Angle explained on last nights show!

Now my question to all of you is, How the Hell is this so damn confusing!

Sting first Attacked RVD because he thought RVD was apart of Immortal and Immortal knows that they can't get Sting! So they originally made Sting out to be the bad guy when they were obviously the bad guys all along!

Now Crimson has a chance to get the title since he's leading the Bound for glory seris. So Angle has to try and take him out! So he remains in control since Hulk Hogan has Convinced him that Dixie wasn't out for his best interest!

This is not a mess It's actually quite interesting, if you're capable of following a Storyline!

Yes exactly an i don't believe Angle is ever going to join Immortal an i believe he said he on his own an he will destroy all the young talent till it was just him in TNA. Angle is pissed because he came to TNA for the young talent an Dixie promised him she'd build around Angle but it so happened to be built around Sting. Angle will not join IMMORTAL as i got a feeling next week IMMORTAL will try to take him out as Gunner is a young talent in TNA and they want to protect him.

Hogan is tryin to minipulate Angle but Angle want's to destroy the young talent until the liar Dixie Carter can feel like him. An also this is showing that maybe Angle will be i Hogans Corner at BFG so Hogan can have a shot at beating Sting. Overal not a bad show an we will see what happens next week.
No this is not weird! Hogan has been asking Angle to join Immortal every since he became Number one contender!

Immortal is all about having the World Title in their control! If you have it or have a chance to get it, they are going to try and persuade you to join Immortal!

Jeff Hardy had a Chance to win the Title and Immortal Persuaded Him to join them but once he lost it they Got rid of him.

Anderson had the Title so Immortal persued him and convinced him to join but once he lost the title, Now there's is no use for him anymore!

Now Angle has the title and Hogan has obviously convinced him that Dixie knew all along about Jeff and Karen. Which Angle explained on last nights show!

Now my question to all of you is, How the Hell is this so damn confusing!

Sting first Attacked RVD because he thought RVD was apart of Immortal and Immortal knows that they can't get Sting! So they originally made Sting out to be the bad guy when they were obviously the bad guys all along!

Now Crimson has a chance to get the title since he's leading the Bound for glory seris. So Angle has to try and take him out! So he remains in control since Hulk Hogan has Convinced him that Dixie wasn't out for his best interest!

This is not a mess It's actually quite interesting, if you're capable of following a Storyline!

Not so much confusing, but just so stupid. Since Hogan has come to TNA, Angle has been friend, foe, friend, foe, friend, foe, foe, foe, for friend and foe with him. Now, all of a sudden, on something so sensitive, Angle just buys something that Hogan tells him over the phone?

And the new emphasis on Dixie makes little sense. As far as we know, Dixie is gone. She lost the court battle and hasn't been mentioned in months. How is Angle wanting to "get back at Dixie" now supposed to be something I take interest in when there is has been no indication that she is going to fight for the company again.

I suppose Angle's promo last night is the beginning of incorporating Dixie back, but without previously establishing that, Angle's promo made little sense.
Not so much confusing, but just so stupid. Since Hogan has come to TNA, Angle has been friend, foe, friend, foe, friend, foe, foe, foe, for friend and foe with him. Now, all of a sudden, on something so sensitive, Angle just buys something that Hogan tells him over the phone?

And the new emphasis on Dixie makes little sense. As far as we know, Dixie is gone. She lost the court battle and hasn't been mentioned in months. How is Angle wanting to "get back at Dixie" now supposed to be something I take interest in when there is has been no indication that she is going to fight for the company again.

I suppose Angle's promo last night is the beginning of incorporating Dixie back, but without previously establishing that, Angle's promo made little sense.

Really and you expected her to just go away without a fight! Who's to say she's not the network rep? The problem is that people have short term thinking when they watch pro wrestling and we all know Pro Wrestling is a male soap opera! I can Ask my sister or my girl friend whats going on their favorite soaps and they can tell what's going on now where they expect it to go in the future. But wrestling fans can't or don't seem to be willing to do this.

Sting just last week said he's only hanging around to right the wrong and TNA belonged to Dixie Carter! Just last Week!

And I for one never thought that the story was over, Just because Dixie lost in the Kayfabe courts!No matter how you look at TNA the Main Storyline is Immortal and the fact they stole Dixie's company. That's the main story and it's obviously not over.
Indeed, Kurt was supporting Dixie Carter and the company aligning with Fortune, steiner and Crimsom at points. He's only mad now because Hogan goaded him with information that Dixie Carter was laughing, hugging, and smiling in his face while being fully aware that his wife was screwing Jeff Jarrett a huge no no I'd imagine and also fairly humiliating. The selling point of this turn will be when Kurt wrestles and feuds with the younger talent on the roster giving them rubs and providing them a pedestal to showcase how good they can be.

The reason this turn is off putting to me, is simply because Anderson is hinting face again (I think both guys turning back to back feels rushed and underwhelming). I think anderson should remain heel away from Immortal and just be an upper card heel. The company has shown they have no faith in him to be the top guy for more than a month, but why the constant flip flop in alignment?

@Hawk- Sting has said nearly weekly everything he's done has been to get the company back to Dixie. Holding the title is an awesome perk, but Stings nobility has been two fold Crush Immortal and help Dixie.

Great review as always Rasha
Keep em coming
Indeed, Kurt was supporting Dixie Carter and the company aligning with Fortune, steiner and Crimsom at points. He's only mad now because Hogan goaded him with information that Dixie Carter was laughing, hugging, and smiling in his face while being fully aware that his wife was screwing Jeff Jarrett a huge no no I'd imagine and also fairly humiliating. The selling point of this turn will be when Kurt wrestles and feuds with the younger talent on the roster giving them rubs and providing them a pedestal to showcase how good they can be.

The reason this turn is off putting to me, is simply because Anderson is hinting face again (I think both guys turning back to back feels rushed and underwhelming). I think anderson should remain heel away from Immortal and just be an upper card heel. The company has shown they have no faith in him to be the top guy for more than a month, but why the constant flip flop in alignment?

@Hawk- Sting has said nearly weekly everything he's done has been to get the company back to Dixie. Holding the title is an awesome perk, but Stings nobility has been two fold Crush Immortal and help Dixie.

Great review as always Rasha
Keep em coming

As I said in my previous post. Immortal only wanted the title!They Didn't really want Anderson. They persued him and convinced him to join them when he had the title and they asked him to join them the first time he had the title aswell but he didn't. This time he did but he quickly lost the title to Sting and once he did that they (Immortal) Didn't need or want him anymore.

So Bully Ray picks on him to piss him off so they can beat the hell out of him! This storyline in my opinion is brilliant! And very Realistic.
Well Snoopy I'm enjoying the storyline as well as I was a little worried after the PPV where this Angle hitting Sting deal was going.

However Bully Ray had a personal dislike for Anderson, and its conceivable Anderson could have remained in Immortal in the hunt for the title. They didn't kick out Jeff Hardy when he first lost the title, he only left because of the Victory Road disaster. Naturally Immortal wants the title but there original goal was to hold all the titles as well hence why they maybe recruiting Aries.

Also my main point was that I feel Anderson can still be heel minus Immortal, which is how I wish his title run was booked.

In terms of Immortal I'd suppose we should get ready for tension between Gunner and Ray because both could easily be in the bfg series finals.
My concern about this latest twist in the saga that is Kurt Angle, Sting, and Hogan is that I still remember back to the Angle screwjob when he spit in the face of Hogan. I get that we're supposed to suspend disbelief at times, but the swerves keep coming so fast and furious in TNA that sometimes it's difficult to keep up and to understand the bigger picture.

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