6-2-11 Impact Running Diary

To me Foley was very disrespectful toward TNA this entire time. He basically used them to further his own books and DVDs, charity campaigns and improve his personal life and his own income instead of being there to help a young company grow, much like what Kurt Angle's doing. Foley expected to be treated like a legend, and guess what - he was. They made him World Champion, then he was a GM/Comissioner or whatever, lots of TV time, lots of respect and admiration. In reality, Foley asked for his release because of "creative" differences, and because he felt TNA wasn't pushing his books and DVDs and all that crap enough. Well, I'm sorry to break this to ya Mick - but TNA is a wrestling company, not running a branch of the Make-A-Wish foundation specifically designed to grant Mick Foley his wishes.

Foley has trashed TNA during his run with the company, I've seen at least two full blown shoot interviews, he mocked them on Twitter, he wanted to go to RAW for one night only, I believe TNA allowed him to and WWE rejected him, and he has not helped the company one bit since he came along, and he has the audiacity to trash his employer, knowing that TNA didn't do anything to him? That's just wrong.

I think I speak for quite a few people when I say - good riddance. Foley was arrogant with this whole thing, and I'm glad he got the boot. You don't need people like that in any business. Let him try to go back to WWE or whatever. Go sell books.
I think I speak for quite a few people when I say - good riddance. Foley was arrogant with this whole thing, and I'm glad he got the boot. You don't need people like that in any business. Let him try to go back to WWE or whatever. Go sell books.

I agree with the "good riddance," but only from the standpoint that I'd rather see Foley's TV time go to someone else. As for all the stuff about his arrogance, I really don't know. We have no idea what conversations were had to lure Foley to TNA in the first place. Maybe he was told "this" and "that" would happen and it never materialized as promised. That happens A LOT in negotiations, and I can only imagine how often it goes down in such a fluid environment as pro wrestling. I'm not going to down the guy's ethics or attitude without knowing the facts.
To me Foley was very disrespectful toward TNA this entire time. He basically used them to further his own books and DVDs, charity campaigns and improve his personal life and his own income instead of being there to help a young company grow, much like what Kurt Angle's doing. Foley expected to be treated like a legend, and guess what - he was. They made him World Champion, then he was a GM/Comissioner or whatever, lots of TV time, lots of respect and admiration. In reality, Foley asked for his release because of "creative" differences, and because he felt TNA wasn't pushing his books and DVDs and all that crap enough. Well, I'm sorry to break this to ya Mick - but TNA is a wrestling company, not running a branch of the Make-A-Wish foundation specifically designed to grant Mick Foley his wishes.

Foley has trashed TNA during his run with the company, I've seen at least two full blown shoot interviews, he mocked them on Twitter, he wanted to go to RAW for one night only, I believe TNA allowed him to and WWE rejected him, and he has not helped the company one bit since he came along, and he has the audiacity to trash his employer, knowing that TNA didn't do anything to him? That's just wrong.

I think I speak for quite a few people when I say - good riddance. Foley was arrogant with this whole thing, and I'm glad he got the boot. You don't need people like that in any business. Let him try to go back to WWE or whatever. Go sell books.

I can't say that I agree altogether with your opinion of Mick Foley. First, we don't know what happened between he and TNA regarding any agreements that were made. On top of that, there was speculation that Foley didn't care for the network rep storyline and at first, rejected the idea. Add to that his comment about the house shows that was made on twitter, and I think we can see the writing on the wall.

It's easy to understand why there are people on both sides of the fence with Foley, considering the style of 'wrestling' he preferred and how he made his way to the biggest stage of them all. Whether fair or unfair, you can't deny how much the guy was willing to sacrifice to get there and some of the physical risks he was willing to take with his body to get the fans biggest reactions.

No matter what happens next I think he's given more than enough to the industry and at this point should probably retire quietly.
To me Foley was very disrespectful toward TNA this entire time. He basically used them to further his own books and DVDs, charity campaigns and improve his personal life and his own income instead of being there to help a young company grow, much like what Kurt Angle's doing. Foley expected to be treated like a legend, and guess what - he was. They made him World Champion, then he was a GM/Comissioner or whatever, lots of TV time, lots of respect and admiration. In reality, Foley asked for his release because of "creative" differences, and because he felt TNA wasn't pushing his books and DVDs and all that crap enough. Well, I'm sorry to break this to ya Mick - but TNA is a wrestling company, not running a branch of the Make-A-Wish foundation specifically designed to grant Mick Foley his wishes.
Foley's been successful in the business for years. When you have a card in hand like that, you push the merchandise. That's Rule #1 in professional wrestling, push the product. Not only do you help out the performer, you help out the company by linking them to the performer's brand.

Mick Foley can afford to be disrespectful to TNA/IW, because like a lot of other performers there right now, he's bigger than TNA/IW. TNA/IW needs to establish their brand with stars, and most of the stars that come through TNA just seem to be on a one to two year tour before they head elsewhere. They should be hawking the shit out of their performer's books! They should be pressuring the stars that aren't writing, like RVD or maybe even Kenderson at this point, to have books ghost written just so they can hawk them! (I'll bet Kenderson's book would be a pretty good read. He's just as much an arrogant ********er IRL as he is in the ring, and I bet he's got some good stories. Speaking of Kenderson, that's another guy you're going to be upset about someday, he's got big time aspirations and if the WWE wants him back, he won't renew his contract. TNA isn't making anyone famous.)

All of those roles you mentioned; that's what you DO when a big name star comes into your company. It's not some great honor for Mick Foley to be a TNA World Champion; when you get a big star, you put him front and center. TNA/IW didn't do any favors or give special gifts to Mick Foley; they used him, and he used them.
Foley's been successful in the business for years. When you have a card in hand like that, you push the merchandise. That's Rule #1 in professional wrestling, push the product. Not only do you help out the performer, you help out the company by linking them to the performer's brand.

Mick Foley can afford to be disrespectful to TNA/IW, because like a lot of other performers there right now, he's bigger than TNA/IW. TNA/IW needs to establish their brand with stars, and most of the stars that come through TNA just seem to be on a one to two year tour before they head elsewhere. They should be hawking the shit out of their performer's books! They should be pressuring the stars that aren't writing, like RVD or maybe even Kenderson at this point, to have books ghost written just so they can hawk them! (I'll bet Kenderson's book would be a pretty good read. He's just as much an arrogant ********er IRL as he is in the ring, and I bet he's got some good stories. Speaking of Kenderson, that's another guy you're going to be upset about someday, he's got big time aspirations and if the WWE wants him back, he won't renew his contract. TNA isn't making anyone famous.)

All of those roles you mentioned; that's what you DO when a big name star comes into your company. It's not some great honor for Mick Foley to be a TNA World Champion; when you get a big star, you put him front and center. TNA/IW didn't do any favors or give special gifts to Mick Foley; they used him, and he used them.

Damn right. Couldn't have said it better myself. I mean, ask a random wrestling fan if they know who Mick Foley is. Then ask them if they know what TNA is. Foley > TNA, period.

He's better off without them. TNA sucks and clearly one of the most passionate guys in the business had his passion snuffed out by that mark Dixie Carter, Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Alvin and The Chipmunks and everyone else so he didn't want to bother. He'll wait his contract out or get a quick release so he can be inducted in the HOF next year and be a part of a company that's not on life support. Will be a nice change for Mr.Foley I know that much.
Damn right. Couldn't have said it better myself. I mean, ask a random wrestling fan if they know who Mick Foley is. Then ask them if they know what TNA is. Foley > TNA, period.

He's better off without them. TNA sucks and clearly one of the most passionate guys in the business had his passion snuffed out by that mark Dixie Carter, Russo, Hogan, Bischoff, Alvin and The Chipmunks and everyone else so he didn't want to bother. He'll wait his contract out or get a quick release so he can be inducted in the HOF next year and be a part of a company that's not on life support. Will be a nice change for Mr.Foley I know that much.
Hogan is bigger than TNA; Hardy is bigger than TNA; Angle is bigger than TNA. These are all guys that TNA needs more than they need TNA. As much as TNA/IW fans love AJ Styles, he's not the guy that you build a franchise off of. WCW didn't rise to the top because of Sting; they rose to the top because of Hulk Hogan, Lex Luger, Randy Savage, Kevin Hall, Scott Nash, etc. They raided talent, and kept offering them a better deal then they could get elsewhere.

It's not about passion, it's about money. It's not about "OMG, Dixie", it's about a company that gets behind its stars half-heartedly. (At least, the ones that aren't named Hogan, who is once again so far out in the center that he crowds out room for other names.) One hand washes the other, and in this case one person thought that the deal he was getting wasn't as good as it should have been.

Mick's absolutely right that TNA/IW didn't push his book enough. Professional wrestling is marketing, and you should always be selling a product. That's part of making your big names from other companies happy. You can respond with all the flippant sarcasm you want, but that still doesn't answer the question of what, exactly, that Mick Foley owes TNA/IW. People don't sign up there and go "shucks, I just wanted to help out the little guy!" They sign saying "what can you do for me, so I can do what I do for you?" Kurt Angle's not with TNA/IW just because he's so proud of the little engine that could; he's with them because they allow him to work a limited schedule, run his car onto highway medians without a second look, and pursue his 2nd Olympic fantasy.

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