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7-14-11 Impact Running Diary


Championship Contender
On the heels of Destination X, it's time for a post-PPV Impact with a PPV-worthy Main Event! Will Mr Anderson retain his title, or will terror reign once again in Gotham City? Let's find out!

9:02 - Nice to see Hogan's wearing his dress bandana to this affair. Classy!

9:03 - Why did those women just come out for the ring entrance? Reminds me of my uncle's old joke; what stands on the curb and gets paid by the minute? That's right... parking meters.

9:04 - Seeing Scott Steiner standing in the background of a long-winded Bischoff promo brings back lots of memories.

9:06 - Why is there a card table in the ring? Is it Hogan's week to host the Canasta game?

9:07 - Anderson's suit... I... I have no words.

9:11 - Sting's out of breath from cutting a promo. Might be time to retire.

9:12 - Okay, now Sting's got a clown gang? If Velvet Sky joins up with her old "Harley Quinn" gimmick, DC Comics really should sue these fuckers.


9:18 - This is the "second half" of Ray's career? He plans to wrestle until he's 60?

9:19 - I'm really intrigued to see what happens with Joe tonight. It seems like they're building toward some kind of character shift and a new emphasis on him.

9:20 - This is very nitpicky, but why did Joe attack Roode first? Didn't he and Pope just have a three-month feud recently?

9:21 - Roode, Pope, Joe in a Triple Threat. If you'd told me a year ago we'd be seeing this match in mid-July, I'd have assumed it'd be a PPV Main Event. What went wrong?

9:23 - I hate these "guy has an injury" stories. It makes everything look so much more fake, even when a guy is as good at selling it as Roode. You can't talk about someone being "medically cleared to wrestle" one week and then have a guy going out there and selling an injury that hard another time.

9:25 - Interesting finish. Different way of doing an old trick.

9:26 - Joe is getting angrier by the week. Does it motivate him to get in shape and destroy people? Or will it drive him into depression and many nights at the Orlando area Waffle House?

9:27 - So in hindsight, Jarrett's "penalty" for losing the match to Angle was going on a month-long vacation to Mexico? If Angle had lost, would Jeff had kept his gold medal for one month? Ugh.


9:30 - Hogan doesn't want Sting to make it to the ring, but it can't come back on Immortal. Just tell Eric Young about Borden's made-for-TV movie, "Shutterspeed." He'll attack him instantly!

9:31 - I wondered on Sunday if they were going to stick to the heat brewing on Abyss from the rest of Immortal. Looks like they did with Bischoff calling him out.

9:32 - Oh good; another singles title!

9:34 - This Pope/Devon feud is the epitomy of pointless. Not only is the premise stupid, but why would Pope even give a fuck about Devon or his family? He's not a champion or even a title contender.


9:41 - Looks like Willie Urbina has recovered nicely from Mexican America's attack several weeks ago. Oh, you mean you'd totally forgotten about that segment?

9:44 - Man, watching Moore is like watching "X-Division for Dummies." Just doesn't have the same speed explosion in his movement. It's holding Aries back having to work at his level.

9:46 - Wow! That Aries finisher was like a Spiral Tap but with much less elevation. The margin of error for that move is so narrow.

9:47 - Shelley versus Aries will be an amazing feud! Count me as pumped!

9:48 - So one shot with a baseball bat is all it takes to down Abyss? Keep that in mind for the next Monster's Ball match, everyone. :disappointed:


10:01 - Nice to see that Big Poppa Pump still loves his freaks. Too bad he got cock-blocked by that clown.

10:04 - Tara and Madison are the only Knockouts feud worth talking about right now, and the title isn't even involved. Shows just how good these two are.

10:08 - I wonder if fans who didn't grow up with Jake Roberts and Damien can still appreciate Tara and Poison. Or do they just find it stupid?


10:13 - Magnus and Williams cut a promo about wanting to win the tag titles, but how they need to become the number-one contenders first. Boy, that was enlightening. Glad they know how the system works.

10:17 - How much did Angle get paid to cut that promo? I'm guessing more than Shark Boy has made in his entire career.

10:18 - While I find Karen ridiculous any other time, I don't blame her one bit for freaking out about that clown. Never liked them, either.


10:23 - Hey kids, Jeff Hardy's action figure pukes if you squeeze its legs together.

10:24 - Oh good, Hernadez is talking! Maybe we won't have to hear... wait... NOOOOO!!!

10:25 - How do you say, "sex offender," in Spanish?

10:28 - So wait... that Mexican flag stays hanging during the entire match? It's blocking the view of like a hundred people in the crowd!

10:30 - Oh my god! You can see people actually bending down to try and watch the match under the flag! How fucking stupid is this?!

10:31 - Out of protest for those poor fans, I'm not going to comment on the end of that match. If they couldn't see it, neither did I.


10:39 - Gunnnnnerrrrr.... come out and plaaaaaaaaaaaay!

10:40 - Fortune was the clown gang! Awesome! I figured we'd never actually see who was under the masks, and we'd just be left to assume Sting called in some of his old buddies from the "Sting Army" clip back in 1997.


10:48 - Borash should be at the booth, not doing the announcements.

10:50 - I love when they talk about Sting needing "the power" of the World Title to stop Bischoff and Hogan. He held the belt for four months recently and accomplished nothing.

10:54 - Pretty slow match. Not that I expected more considering it's Sting and Anderson, but this is getting tedious.

10:58 - Clown in the ring to save Sting; has to be Angle, right? Only other guess is Roode, but doesn't look big enough.

10:59 - Sting won the title back?! Really?

11:00 - Okay, some thoughts about this final scene. I get that Sting/Angle is a great matchup and I have no problem with seeing them go at it. But when you just put the title on Anderson and had him join Immortal, is this the right time to turn around and take the attention back off of them? You could do Sting/Angle anytime.

I'm sure it's tainted because what just happened in the last match, but overall I didn't dig this episode very much. Not only was the action lackluster, but it was almost like Destination X never even happened. No sign of Brian Kendrick and the X-Divison title. Nothing about AJ Styles and Daniels' match. The only continuation was Abyss being in Immortal's doghouse and the further downward spiraling of Joe's career.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the diary.
Only going to argue the points I disagree with, just assume I agree with the rest.

Why is everyone hating on Pope and D-Von? People used to complain(especially about the WWE), that the characters didn't have substance.. thus no one cared about them. Impact Wrestling is trying to put a little bit of a story behind two wrestlers who otherwise would be ignored at this moment.. and you people are hating on this? I'm interested in seeing where this takes The Pope... a man who was once in the same situation as Anderson as a future star in TNA.. has sunken to jobber levels... is Pope working D-Von? Or is Pope truly changing face again? I don't know.. and I'm interested to find out.

Mexican America? Why the hate? Did you not hear the boo's they were receiving? That my friends is some of the biggest heat in Impact Wrestling at moment, with the exception of Immortal. Why hate on Anarquia? I don't think he's bad by any stretch of the imagination.. I think people are just turned off by a random "Mexican" wrestler...

Just want to brag.. that I knew it was Fortune from the beginning of the show and I seen a bald head behind one of those masks. Clearly pointed out to me that it was Fortune. I loved when they circled Gunner with the bats.. pretty funny...

Not going to comment on Anderson/Sting here.. simply because we already have a thread devoted to it.
lol, I thought that about the Mexican flag during the show, too. I thought for sure they would take it down or crank it back up, but it stayed there the whole time, sucks for those people.

Agree with just about all of your points. But I'll also say I think it's cool they're trying to give a backstory to Pope/Devon. Something different instead of just having a random feud between them with little or no explanation.
Why is everyone hating on Pope and D-Von? People used to complain(especially about the WWE), that the characters didn't have substance.. thus no one cared about them. Impact Wrestling is trying to put a little bit of a story behind two wrestlers who otherwise would be ignored at this moment.. and you people are hating on this? I'm interested in seeing where this takes The Pope... a man who was once in the same situation as Anderson as a future star in TNA.. has sunken to jobber levels... is Pope working D-Von? Or is Pope truly changing face again? I don't know.. and I'm interested to find out.

So you're giving them an "A" for effort? That's fine, but it doesn't answer my questions about WHY Pope would be obsessed with Devon's family. What's his end game? What's at stake? When Ric Flair was sending Randy Savage fake photos of his "affair" with Elizabeth, it was because Savage was going to face him for the World Title at the next PPV. Flair was trying to get into his head, but he had an obvious motive.

What's Pope's motive? Is he attracted to Devon's wife and trying to steal her away, going through the kids first? That's about the only thing that will make this feud work. If it's about Pope trying to "steal" Devon's kids, then that's just strange and offputting. If it's about Pope just trying to fuck with Devon's head, then that doesn't work because he has nothing to gain. Devon has no belt or even a great status in TNA. Beating him accomplishes NOTHING.

I think people are just turned off by a random "Mexican" wrestler...

No, I'm turned off by someone who screeches into the mic and doesn't even have a good accent. When I first saw and heard Anarquia, I assumed he was an Italian trying to pull off a Mexican character. I had to look him up to see that he actually is Hispanic. How long ago did his family leave South America? Also, he's just not that good in the ring. Hernandez seems more athletic despite being twice the guy's size.

I know heels are supposed to be annoying and if I hate the guy then he's doing his job, but there's a difference between great heels who I want to see get beat up (see "Flair, Ric" or "H, Triple") and annoying people who make me want to change the channel (Anarquia, Robbie E, etc).

But hey, to each their own. I'm happy to discuss and debate on these threads. Glad you read the diary. Thanks for responding!
My favorite part of friday! I always enjoy these.

Rasha, I think with Joe, he was hoping by initially avoiding Pope we would forget about their feud the same way we have forgotten his many kidnappings. So far Devons family has been the only thing keeping him on television, IW must certainly think watching Devons kids constantly disobey him, and his wife swooning over Pope is compelling. I'm just hoping Devon doesn't turn heel or we'll have our next member of Immortal soon.
Kids be careful with your Desmond Wolfe toys, if he blades near any of your other action figures they won't be cleared to wrestle for at least two years.
Whereas I enjoyed Impact, it didn't feel as strong as the last few weeks. I'm glad Roode got a win (man can he sell a DDT) but with so much talent on the roster its noticeable when people are absent.
What I wanna know is...how did the poker table get in the ring so fast with chips and everything? Some say magic...some say voodoo....some even say it was symbollic with the chips facing down....:) Of course I wasn't at Impact to see them break for 30 minutes to assemble everything....but looked quite magnificant on the screen.

So JJ goes to Mexico and wins another title? PLEASE tell me this will not be treated (or even included) as the now infamous "European" Title that basically got defended in the U.S. (go figure that one). I hope it's the last we see of it...but what's even MORE pathetic is the fact that JJ has no titles, so he has to go to another country and "win" another one (and I surely can't imagine that he won it with the stroke but whatevs---he's done that crappy move shy of twenty years now so I call bullshit on that).

I was actually someone intrigued in watching last night. I am seeing improvements from time to time so either Russo was threatened with his job, FINALLY we had the "pop" heard around the world and it was his head coming out of his ass, or, there's a secret person backstage that is actually having input (Dreamer maybe??). There is a VERY fine line that they're walking that EACH show needs to be consistant before they can have a stinker every now and then (i.e. WWE RAW the last ....ummm.....year or so). :lol:
Nice work Rasha, very nice work! You should be getting paid for these diaries!! Completely agree with you man even your second post sure it's the heels job to be hated but there's a difference between an enjoyable heel that you love to hate and hate to love and an annoying as balls heel.
man i love the diarys! there funny shit most of the time i agree sting getting the belt back makes no sense...the sex offender comment was the funniest part! when i first saw him i was actullay thinking to myself "so impact wrestling hires child molesters now?" and wait he really is hispanic? he says like 2 words in spanish each week and there the same 2 words! i thought he was just a creepy white dude trying to be mexican :lmao:
What I wanna know is...how did the poker table get in the ring so fast with chips and everything? Some say magic...some say voodoo....some even say it was symbollic with the chips facing down....:) Of course I wasn't at Impact to see them break for 30 minutes to assemble everything....but looked quite magnificant on the screen.

So JJ goes to Mexico and wins another title? PLEASE tell me this will not be treated (or even included) as the now infamous "European" Title that basically got defended in the U.S. (go figure that one). I hope it's the last we see of it...but what's even MORE pathetic is the fact that JJ has no titles, so he has to go to another country and "win" another one (and I surely can't imagine that he won it with the stroke but whatevs---he's done that crappy move shy of twenty years now so I call bullshit on that).

I was actually someone intrigued in watching last night. I am seeing improvements from time to time so either Russo was threatened with his job, FINALLY we had the "pop" heard around the world and it was his head coming out of his ass, or, there's a secret person backstage that is actually having input (Dreamer maybe??). There is a VERY fine line that they're walking that EACH show needs to be consistant before they can have a stinker every now and then (i.e. WWE RAW the last ....ummm.....year or so). :lol:

The table didn't appear with Sting. It was there since the beginning of the show.

... or was it? SWERVE! SWERVE!!
Good Diary as usual Rasha! I wasn't to impressed with the overall show, but as a Sting fan I'm good with him winning for 2 reasons. 1 cause I'm a Sting fan, 2 I'm justg not impressed with Anderson at all and don't think he really even deserves to be in the title picture. He looks lazy in the ring and is always sloppy,seems like he botches something in every match. I dont think someone like that deserves to be involved in the mainevents let alone champion.
Rasha, I've just discovered your Diaries, mainly because I'm not online when TNA airs in the US, mainly 'cos it's not on until Tuesday in the U.K, so I can't really be bothered to read all the LD. But they're very good.

I think that TNA this week actually was mainly terrible. As much as it pains me to say it, I thought that Anderson being de-throned ALREADY is a really bad decision. I mean, at least give him some time to savour it please? That's the 2nd Title reign they've ruined in my eyes, so yeah. But I'm definitely gonna be looking at these diaries man, well done.

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