6 Months Ago Or Now (Your Mania Card)

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Throughout the year you often predict what'll be the Mania card, but it very rarely looks like the final card. So take your predictions from 6 months ago or longer, and look at the ones that are rumoured now, which card would you prefer.

I wouldn't have predicted yet another Cena vs. Edge match, I predicted it would be Edge vs. Jeff Hardy. I figured Jeff would finally get hold of the belt at the biggest show of the year. Before that I suggested, not predicted, a Punk vs. Jeff Hardy match. Which as very ambitious of me.

While I'm looking forward to the Brother vs. Brother match, I'd have much prefered it if it was an Edge vs. Jeff Hardy match. Hardy winning seems like it would have been a very memorable ending to the show. I also thought that Matt would win this year's Money In The Bank match.

In the summer I predicted an Umaga vs. Taker match. The propsed HBK vs. Undertaker match is bigger. But for months it looked like it would be JBL/HBK. I refuse to believe they built that match just so they could have it at No Way Out. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the HBK match, but Umaga appears more like a proper Mania opponent for The Undertaker. Either way it should be great.

I've got a couple more but I'll leave them for a while.
I had been predicting Austin v Orton at Wrestlemania 25 for the majority of 2008, and probably only gave up on that in January. It looks like Jericho will get the nod for this match, which I'd prefer to see if I'm honest, and I hadn't really had any firm conclusions on where Jericho would feature beforehand.

I thought that Batista and Cena would battle for the title, possibly after a Batista heel turn, but maybe not. Obviously, that isn't going to happen, but I think he would have probably been involved in the main event if he wasn't injured. Edge and Cena have superb chemistry, and it will be far more interesting than Batista and Cena would have been, had they both been faces.

I had been expecting HBK v Undertaker between April and November last year, but the I thought it was going to be JBL v HBK, literally until their match at No Way Out was set up. I'm with you, I don't think they set up a 4 month programme to finish at a B PPV, it really doesn't make sense.

My idea Smackdown title match would have been Hardy v a heel HHH, with Hardy picking up his first title win. However, that was a pipe dream and I had been expecting HHH v Edge, ever since Christian's return rumours, with Christian and Hardy facing off. I think the brother v brother will be good, but Orton and HHH really doesn't interest me very much at all, especially not as the main event.

I had no real conceptions about the ECW title outside of Matt Hardy dropping it to Swagger, or Evan Bourne beating Mark Henry. Assuming it is Swagger v Christian, that will be far better.

I thought Money in the Bank was going to MVP, but then he turned face and face Mr. MITB's are boring, so I started to think Christian might get it. I still think that is a possibility, but I'm really starting to think it will be John Morrison now.

Overall, I think the likely ECW, World Heavyweight Championship title matches and the Brother v brother and Austin feud matches are better than what I expected, but the WWE title match is worse. So, quite surprisingly, Vince McMahon makes better wrestling cards than I do.
World Heavyweight Title - Then:John Cena vs Randy Orton (c)

Now: Edge vs John Cena. I want to see Orton vs Cena. They are the two best in the business and is the closest to Rock vs Austin you will get.

WWE Title - Then: Jeff Hardy vs Edge (c)

Now: HHH vs Orton - I can't wait for this match now, but think Hardy vs Edge would be brilliant, look how good the Rumble match was.

Legend Match - Stone Cold vs Vince Mcmahon

Now: Chris Jericho vs ??? - I want the two people who had the Attitude Era's best attitude to finally end it on this special Mania, it would be immense. Much better than Hogan vs McMahon from WM 19. Saying that, Jericho's storyline is very very intriguing, if Austin gets in this it will be good enough, if it's Hogan it will pass, if it's Flair I will not be happy, his year was last year.

Then: Jericho vs HBK

Now: Taker vs HBK. I thought maybe Jericho HBK may get held off until Mania with Shawn's retirement storyline, but now I am very happy with what seems to be in store.

Then: Taker vs HHH.

Now: Hardy vs Hardy. The grudge match I thought we would see was the two backstage powers, with Taker obviously winning, but HHH getting a title run at Backlash. However, this Hardy encounter looks pretty damn good.

U.S. Title - Then: Umaga (c) vs Carlito vs MVP vs Kennedy.

Now: Won't happen. My match would have been a great showpiece.

Tag Team Title - Then: Wouldn't happen.

Now - Miz and Morrison vs The Colons in an unification match. I want it to happen, but it was just given away for free so we will see.

ECW Title - Then: Matt Hardy vs John Morrison

Now: Swagger vs Christian. I obviously wasn't to know about Christian. however, this match has just been done for free, so will it happen? Again, I'm unsure.

Divas: Then - Beth and Maryse vs Mickie James and Melina

Now: Melina vs Beth Phoenix. THought a tag team would have got more Divas in, who deserved to wrestle anyway, but only Melina and Beth look credible enough at the moment.

Money in the Bank - Then: R- Truth vs Shelton Benjamin vs The Brian Kendrick vs Kofi Kingston vs CM Punk vs The Miz vs Rey Mysterio vs Evan Bourne

Now: CM Punk vs Umaga vs R-Truth vs MVP vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kofi Kingston vs Rey Mysterio vs Mike Knox

I left off batista and Kane back then, I had no clue what to do with them, a rushed together match seemed the best option. Thankfully, Batista is not there, but I can't see anything for Kane, unless something is thrown together with someone like Henry, Khali, Kozlov (who I discounted back then) or JBL (again, couldn't find anything for him)

There are some matches that I picked I really wish we could have seen, especially Austin vs Vince and Orton vs Cena, but Mania is looking pretty good so far so I can't complain.
Every single match I had predicted from november on is better than the crap they have put together for this year's show.
1. HHH orton is garbage. 2. Edge big show is shite. And possibly even worse if cena gets added to make it a triple threat. 3. hardy hardy is good. 4. taker michaels is great. 5. They haven't even an idea who will face jericho. this has been the most interseting, best put together and well-written storyline of the card, and they have yet to determine who will face him. To make it mania worthy, it will HAVE to be either Austin or Hogan. Flair would also work, but runs the risk of ruining the storyline from last year while tarnishing Ric's integrity. If Lawler gets this spot, OMG it will be terrible ad not to mention the fans will piss all over it.

In a nutshell, the only other time i was more disappointed with a card was WM20... both of these shows are anniversaries of sorts and should have been the best damn card possible. And both of these mania's have been terriby put together with much being left for desire. Both cards were less than spectacular. I hope WWE gets less buys than last year and even less buys than WM 19 because they deserve it. They changed the card for the sake of changing the card and I HATE when they do that. I think a lack of long term booking and steadfast matches will hurt the buyrate. And I hope it does. Teach WWE a lesson for changing things just because the fans already had it figured out. I hate that.

I may be overreacting and taking this far too seriously, but WM should be the most anticipated I am for a show all year, and I have not ONE ounce of interest in these rehashed main events and garbage undercard. PEASH!
World Heavyweight Championship
Then: Batista (c) vs Cena
Now: Edge (c) vs Big Show vs Cena

I'm definetly more interested in the first option as I thought quite highly of their match at Summerslam. Triple Threat isn't as good as a one on one at WM.

WWE Championship
Then: Triple H (c) vs Edge vs Jeff Hardy
Now: Triple H (c) vs Randy Orton

The first one is better as well although I'm quite intrigued in the revival of the feud from 2004 between HHH/Orton. Plus we got the other match at Armageddon.

Then: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Now: Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

I hit the nail on the head with this one. The buildup from the last two RR's had been too obvious. Plus being in Texas there was no way they weren't gonna do this match.

MITB Ladder Match

Then: Punk vs MVP vs Kennedy vs Mysterio vs Benjamin vs Bourne vs Kingston vs TBK

Now: Punk vs Kane vs Henry vs Finlay vs MVP vs Shelton vs Kingston vs Bourne

I like the other one better as there are more people who know how to do impressive spots and all MITB is is a spotfest. Henry and Kane are too awkward around ladders. I like the old one better.

ECW Championship
Then: Matt Hardy (c) vs John Morrison
Now: Jack Swagger (c) vs Christian

Both look great to me. I really enjoyed the match between Matt and Morrison that helped Hardy qualify for the scramble match at Unforgiven. But Swagger/Christian was great too. Either works for me.

Then: Austin vs Orton
Now: Austin/Hogan vs Jericho

IDK if its going to be Hogan or Austin facing Jericho but either would be huge. I think Austin coming back to face the Legend Killer would be bigger though so I'd take that instead.

Those are the big matches and I'd rather have my card from 6 months ago. But this one is great as well.
Around 6-8 months ago my card looked a little something like this

Raw title match

Cena (C) v Batista

I'm not a fan of either but this was about the biggest match they could make at that time.

SD title match

Triple H v Edge (c)

Again about the biggest match SD could make without using taker and would have provided the WM ending with the face leaving as champion.

Brand Supremacy match

CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

They were both near to the main event and probably above the MiTB

ECW title match

Matt Hardy (c) v John Morrison

Morrison would have won a battle royal beforehand to get the WM shot and would have walked away champion.

MiTB match

Cade v Kane v Shelton v Miz v Carlito v Rey v Bourne v MVP

Cade would have gotten some rub from the jericho michaels feud and moved to mid card level, but MVP would have won the match

Streak Match

Taker V Michaels

The fact that its in texas and the rumble encounters would have mean this was almost a lock
I can't say my thoughts for the card 6 months ago differs much from those already posted :)

6 months ago, I was thinking:

Cena vs Batista - They still need their Round 2
Jeff Hardy vs Edge - It's been said already, it would be emotional. The feel-good victory of the evening
'Taker vs HBK - They started building this what? Three RR's ago? It was only a matter of time
Matt Hardy vs Christian - Two able performers in a match dripping with nostalgia & ladders (Hell yeah!)
Orton vs Austin - Randy's running out of Legends to kill. Who better to target than the hometown hero?
MITB: Punk, Kofi, Miz, Morrison, Rey, Shelton, MVP (Evan Bourne could easily be subbed for any of the slots)

But I was a little stuck on what roles HHH, Y2J, and JBL would play.

I'm glad I managed to get one right :)

As for now, well, if I could, through either mind control or brute force, get Vince to do what I tell him, then aside from asking him to front me a few million & set me up on a night out with Maria, I'd tell him 'Mania should go something like this:

Orton vs. Edge for the WHC - They're the top two heels in the company & they haven't had a match in years. With their egos & underhanded tactics, we wouldn't know what to expect next!

HHH vs Y2J for the WWE Title - With Hunter's relationship with Ric Flair taken into account, it wouldn't have been hard to make this happen with Jericho's current storyline. These are another two we haven't seen tangle in a while & I have no doubt that they'd put on a memorable performance.

Punk vs Rey for the IC Title - Two faces, one belt in need of being restored to it's former glory, I could see a lot of emotion going into this one, as well as plenty of "Holy Sh*t!" moments.

Jack Swagger vs Tommy Dreamer for the ECW Title - Give Dreamer what he deserves already! A run with the ECW strap is long overdue.

Shelton Benjamin vs R-Truth for the US Title - This belt needs to be defended before people forget about it. These two have put on some pretty decent matches, and if they're allowed to go all out, this one could wind up a classic IMO.

Miz/Morrison vs The Colons, Tag Title Unification Match - There's no need for two sets of tag champs since the division is practically non-existent anyway. And yes, I think every title should be defended at WM ;)

Melina vs Maryse, Women's Unified Title Match - There's no need for two of these either. Otherwise, this match is the perfect opportunity for a bathroom break or the time to go make a sandwich.

Cena vs Kozlov - It'd be a throwaway match, mainly because even though they both "need" to be on the card, I can't think of anything better to do with either one of them, so why not put them together in some kind of stipulation match?

Kane vs Umaga - Raw & SD's respective monsters clashing once again. Only because Kane deserves a well-fought victory at the big one.

Big Show vs Mark Henry - Another "just because", and besides, with all the main eventers already relegated to other matches, who else in the mid-card would be able to put up a good enough fight, aside from either Knox or Khali? Granted, Show fought Floyd Mayweather last year, who's only got about a foot on Hornswoggle, and got beat, but how many times can they expect to put on a "David & Goliath" match without people getting irritated?

MITB - Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, MVP, Christian, Finlay, & special appearance by RVD :D

Hardy vs Hardy & 'Taker vs HBK are the two matches I'd leave as is. Not so coincidentally, but so far, those are the only matches that I'm really looking forward to.....

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