6-2-11 Impact Running Diary


Championship Contender
Getting a late start tonight due to the NBA Finals and "So You Think You Can Dance." Yeah, that's right. Stop looking at me like that!

9:00 - Bischoff just got served in the parking lot. Too bad it didn't involve a dance crew.

9:01 - For someone who "doesn't have a job here," ODB sure has no trouble getting in the backstage area and coming to the ring. Al Snow and D'Lo are really disappointing as security.

9:04 - The oversized shirt has been on Velvet about four minutes too long.

9:05 - That's more like it.

9:08 - Didn't Sting wrestle Vincent once? That's my guess for Anderson's opponent.

9:10 - Kazarian-Kendrick could be a fun match. Unfortunately, I fear Abyss will just run out within the first few minutes and fuck it up.


9:16 - We're fifteen minutes into the show and have seen Bischoff three different times. Bit much, TNA.

9:18 - Shelley sighting! Bout damn time.


9:22 - While I'd rather see Shelley in the X-Division, this is a cool way to get him back in action. I definitely see him going heel and maybe feuding with Storm while Roode continues to get pushed toward bigger things.


9:26 - Crimson's streak isn't ending here so he'll definitely win, but I am curious to see how one-sided they make it. Hardy's been too good lately to just get crushed here.

9:30 - Started with Crimson dominating, but now back-and-forth and competitive. I'm so glad they're not trying to replicate the Goldberg streak with just a bunch of squashes.

9:33 - Matt's looking a little more in shape this week. First Bully Ray, now Matt; Immortal must have a great nutritionist.

9:34 - Matt needs a new pre-finisher dance. Immediately.

9:35 - Thanks for stopping by, Joe!


9:41 - I was trying to figure out if/when Sting ever fought Young. But I guess he's dressing up as Muta? This might suck.

9:43 - Angelina speaks! I have no idea what the fuck she's talking about, though.

9:44 - Okay, they really need to do a better job with pre-taped segments involving wrestlers who've already competed that night. Hardy is just standing there in the Immortal segment looking like he's hasn't broken a sweat all night, and he was just getting his ass kicked by Crimson ten minutes ago. That really annoys me.


9:49 - Tessmacher is hot as hell, but she's been in the ring way too much lately for someone so green. Why not use Rosita here?

9:52 - Did Angelina just botch that side slam? Me thinks so.

9:54 - Why the hell are they letting Tessmacher use that god-awful finisher? The opponent walking out of the corner like that without any resistance is just so stupid. Couldn't she do the move from the turnbuckle without the walk out?

9:55 - Don't let her go until she agrees to find a new finisher! Choke that bitch like you were Wayne Brady!


10:01 - Eric Young is awesome. Little sad it wasn't Vincent, though.

10:03 - Shouldn't this match be for the Television Title? Just saying.

10:05 - Nice to see they're letting Young show some stuff here. I figured he'd just get creamed.

10:06 - Green Mist! I figured it was coming, but still awesome.

10:07 - Can Sting not run to the ring anymore? That's two weeks in a row he's come out to save someone from an Anderson beatdown and just walked down the ramp. Kinda' sad and not nearly as visually stimulating.


10:13 - Kaz-Kendrick begins. Abyss showing up in 5... 4... 3...

10:15 - Did Abyss get lost backstage?

10:17 - This is a good match, but where's the X-Division excitement? This same stuff could have come from Hardy and RVD.

10:19 - Did Abyss and Bischoff lose track of time while discussing Charles Dickens? Where the hell is he?

10:20 - Nice sequence there; standing side kick, frog splash countered, then the Shining Wizard. Good stuff!

10:22 - I like when TNA add little elements of reality like the time limit expiring. Something the WWE forgot a long time ago.

10:23 - Ahhh, there's my boy.

10:25 - Abyss declared the X-Division dead. He's about a year behind the IWC on that one.


10:31 - "You beat Dreamah!"

10:32 - I just cracked up at this:

Ray - "Dreamah is a horrible tag team partner."
Taz - "That's true."

I don't even know if Taz and Dreamer ever tagged, or if they were in a tag feud in ECW. Just found it funny the way Taz said it.

10:33 - Ray used to put fear into me, but then he lost weight and lowered his heart attack risk. Not as worried for him anymore.

10:35 - I love AJ, but god he sucks at witty retorts.


10:41 - At a combined age of 91 years... JEFF JARRETT AND SCOTT STEINER!

10:43 - Oh good, they brought the "where can Karen sit" issue back. I was worried.

10:46 - Yes Eric, give your legal documents to Hulk Hogan. He's spent a lot of time in court lately.

10:47 - Sting/Young vs. Anderson/Gunner announced for next week. Kudos to TNA for using their main eventers to help put some spotlight on the lesser guys.

10:48 - Really not much to say about this match. It's more filler than anything.

10:50 - Oh no... Karen fell.

10:51 - How am I going to sleep tonight? My concern is unbearable.

10:52 - That segment made me feel bad for Jeff and think Angle was kind of a jerk. I doubt that's what TNA was going for.


10:56 - Why the hell are two heels getting the "super serious ambulance ride" treatment here? I'm confused.

10:57 - Good thing Hogan is walking down to the ring. I was worried he might ram Karen's ambulance with a semi truck. He has a history.

10:59 - What was the worst week of Eric's career? That could make a really fun thread.

11:02 - The Network fired Foley? Huh? Wha? Why?

Well, not sure what that was but otherwise I really liked this week's show. Very solid collection of matches and some good movement toward Slammiversary. The continuity in the product right now is great to see. There are still low moments, but the average flow and quality is much improved.
I also love Rasha's diary, I don't get to watch Impact until Tuesday, so I see it as spoilers without fully knowing what's going on, like when he puts:

"I love AJ, but god he sucks at witty retorts"

I have no idea what AJ said, so now I'll be looking out for it.

Top marks this week Rasha.
I also love Rasha's diary, I don't get to watch Impact until Tuesday, so I see it as spoilers without fully knowing what's going on, like when he puts:

"I love AJ, but god he sucks at witty retorts"

I have no idea what AJ said, so now I'll be looking out for it.

Top marks this week Rasha.

You'll see, but AJ is not a trash talker, I know that much. What he said not only made no sense but he was hoping for a cheap pop, which he kind of got, and thank God Bully Ray played off of it and didn't let it whiff past his head. That's a pro right there.
Yep, the whole Mick Foley thing was stupid. I just don't get why they feel the need to keep jamming Bischoff and Hogan down our throats. It got old like 6 months ago. Now it's just sad.
Yep, the whole Mick Foley thing was stupid. I just don't get why they feel the need to keep jamming Bischoff and Hogan down our throats. It got old like 6 months ago. Now it's just sad.
WWE's been jamming their entire fucking rainbow colored product along with a certain "hustling" man for half a decade and nobody seems to have a problem. At least Bischoff and Hogan are natural at what they do, they don't need Hollywood writers to cut a promo. There's no Pee Wee Herman, no midgets, no dance offs. Hey, it's heaven.
WWE's been jamming their entire fucking rainbow colored product along with a certain "hustling" man for half a decade and nobody seems to have a problem. At least Bischoff and Hogan are natural at what they do, they don't need Hollywood writers to cut a promo. There's no Pee Wee Herman, no midgets, no dance offs. Hey, it's heaven.

You misunderstand the differences here. John Cena, for the WWE, is a commodity that is producing real benefits that can be measured. Merchandise sales alone of his products can be directly attributed to his value to the company. Now admittedly calculating his real value with respect to tv viewing or PPV buys is much more difficult, if not impossible, to prove. But if we were to compare the impact he's had on WWE versus the nearly non-existent differences that Hogan and Bischoff have made for TNA, it's a no-brainer as to why Cena continues to be the focal point of WWE programming.

Point is, having Bischoff and Hogan as focal points of the TNA product has, to date, made no appreciable difference in any aspect of their business.
You misunderstand the differences here. John Cena, for the WWE, is a commodity that is producing real benefits that can be measured. Merchandise sales alone of his products can be directly attributed to his value to the company. Now admittedly calculating his real value with respect to tv viewing or PPV buys is much more difficult, if not impossible, to prove. But if we were to compare the impact he's had on WWE versus the nearly non-existent differences that Hogan and Bischoff have made for TNA, it's a no-brainer as to why Cena continues to be the focal point of WWE programming.

Point is, having Bischoff and Hogan as focal points of the TNA product has, to date, made no appreciable difference in any aspect of their business.
I don't care if Cena is Jesus Christ himself. Nobody wanted that douche. Why did the crowds chant "Cena Sucks"? Facts are these - WWE jammed him down our throats before we had the chance to taste him.

Now, as far as Hogan and Bischoff not making any appreciable difference - that might be true to some extent, but let me ask you this. If you want Bischoff and Hogan gone, why don't WWE fans want Vince McMahon gone? Or his writers? Or his bookers? Let's face it, brother. Drop the selective outrage thing and be real. Both TNA and WWE's ratings have not gone up a single NOTCH over the last 3-4 years. Sure, Rocky boosted them to 3.8 or whatever, Hogan had them almost hit a 1.5, but still - it was nothing permanent. I know RAW is pulling 3.0's, but if Vince fucking McMahon settles with this, then WWE is truly no longer the company I used to love, and McMahon became a mellow old man instead of a guy who was considered the freaking Devil by many. Now, I can't dicsuss TNA PPV buys because they're a private company, but WWE's PPV buys have been melting like butter in a hot frying pan.

In the end, both companies are in a frozen status. TNA wasn't getting ratings any better than this with their previous management, and as we've seen since January 4th - changing some of the personnel isn't going to do a huge difference, is it? Besides, who else could take their place? Heyman? Why? So he could run TNA into the ground with his amazingly stupid idea of how the business should be? Or maybe some new guy? Some new guy who doesn't get the business, doesn't have the experience to elevate TNA to new heights? It doesn't work that way. There are no more young people who can turn this thing around. The business changed. Eric Bischoff didn't spawn from the ether. He was in AWA, then WCW, worked his way up, yada yada yada. A person that I just feel will run TNA in the future is ... don't laugh ... Jeremy Borash. I know Borash is a booker or used to be, something like that, but from what I've heard from the guy he's got a knack for the business and is passionate enough to make something work, but I digress.

The way I see it, Bischoff and Hogan and the entire crew of misfits are finally "getting it". My personal opinion is that TNA can produce the most incredible shows on the planet, but if they don't go on the road the show will see ZERO bump in the ratings. However, it's ignorant to say that TNA's shows over the last couple of months aren't becoming better and better, they're hitting some of the right buttons, but also need important tweaks. That's the type of people you need. People with balls. Because unlike McMahon and even Dixie Carter, Bischoff and Hogan have brought a lot of testicular fortitude to TNA, changing the whole product and attempting to deliver a compelling product from both entertainment side and (hopefully soon) wrestling side. It's so very easy to tell your roster "Go wrestle for 20 minutes", have some basic booking and little talking, smack a six sided ring in the middle of the arena and call your product revolutionary. It's like telling an actor to go "make faces" for the camera. It's a whole 'nother story when you introduce psychology and segments and depth and character development, content, etc. That's what TNA didn't have, and that's what they're working to achieve.

People don't give them enough credit. They've made more good than bad. TNA is turning in a real pro wrestling company, not a shinier Ring of Honor, and that's what it needs in the end.
You misunderstand the differences here. John Cena, for the WWE, is a commodity that is producing real benefits that can be measured. Merchandise sales alone of his products can be directly attributed to his value to the company. Now admittedly calculating his real value with respect to tv viewing or PPV buys is much more difficult, if not impossible, to prove. But if we were to compare the impact he's had on WWE versus the nearly non-existent differences that Hogan and Bischoff have made for TNA, it's a no-brainer as to why Cena continues to be the focal point of WWE programming.

Point is, having Bischoff and Hogan as focal points of the TNA product has, to date, made no appreciable difference in any aspect of their business.

Prove it. And I will wait around so i can see all the information you can find.
I don't care if Cena is Jesus Christ himself. Nobody wanted that douche. Why did the crowds chant "Cena Sucks"? Facts are these - WWE jammed him down our throats before we had the chance to taste him.

Now, as far as Hogan and Bischoff not making any appreciable difference - that might be true to some extent, but let me ask you this. If you want Bischoff and Hogan gone, why don't WWE fans want Vince McMahon gone? Or his writers? Or his bookers? Let's face it, brother. Drop the selective outrage thing and be real. Both TNA and WWE's ratings have not gone up a single NOTCH over the last 3-4 years. Sure, Rocky boosted them to 3.8 or whatever, Hogan had them almost hit a 1.5, but still - it was nothing permanent. I know RAW is pulling 3.0's, but if Vince fucking McMahon settles with this, then WWE is truly no longer the company I used to love, and McMahon became a mellow old man instead of a guy who was considered the freaking Devil by many. Now, I can't dicsuss TNA PPV buys because they're a private company, but WWE's PPV buys have been melting like butter in a hot frying pan.

In the end, both companies are in a frozen status. TNA wasn't getting ratings any better than this with their previous management, and as we've seen since January 4th - changing some of the personnel isn't going to do a huge difference, is it? Besides, who else could take their place? Heyman? Why? So he could run TNA into the ground with his amazingly stupid idea of how the business should be? Or maybe some new guy? Some new guy who doesn't get the business, doesn't have the experience to elevate TNA to new heights? It doesn't work that way. There are no more young people who can turn this thing around. The business changed. Eric Bischoff didn't spawn from the ether. He was in AWA, then WCW, worked his way up, yada yada yada. A person that I just feel will run TNA in the future is ... don't laugh ... Jeremy Borash. I know Borash is a booker or used to be, something like that, but from what I've heard from the guy he's got a knack for the business and is passionate enough to make something work, but I digress.

The way I see it, Bischoff and Hogan and the entire crew of misfits are finally "getting it". My personal opinion is that TNA can produce the most incredible shows on the planet, but if they don't go on the road the show will see ZERO bump in the ratings. However, it's ignorant to say that TNA's shows over the last couple of months aren't becoming better and better, they're hitting some of the right buttons, but also need important tweaks. That's the type of people you need. People with balls. Because unlike McMahon and even Dixie Carter, Bischoff and Hogan have brought a lot of testicular fortitude to TNA, changing the whole product and attempting to deliver a compelling product from both entertainment side and (hopefully soon) wrestling side. It's so very easy to tell your roster "Go wrestle for 20 minutes", have some basic booking and little talking, smack a six sided ring in the middle of the arena and call your product revolutionary. It's like telling an actor to go "make faces" for the camera. It's a whole 'nother story when you introduce psychology and segments and depth and character development, content, etc. That's what TNA didn't have, and that's what they're working to achieve.

People don't give them enough credit. They've made more good than bad. TNA is turning in a real pro wrestling company, not a shinier Ring of Honor, and that's what it needs in the end.

Actually when Cena first arrived on the scene, his character was that of a 'thug' rapping/making fun of other wrestlers, carrying around his chain. From there, for whatever reason, be it his work ethic, a new idea/direction, etc., WWE made the decision to change his character to that of a strong face and it worked on a number of levels for them. Most notably, merchandise sales, by all accounts were impacted very positively by this move. Sure, they toyed with the idea of a heel turn during his time with the Nexus but my feeling then was they got a clear message from his fanbase (and certainly his work outside the ring with Make A Wish) that he should remain a strong face character. But again, this character works for them. Are they pushing him on the fans? I don't know. I see it as good business.

By contrast, most of us agree that since EB and HH have been with TNA, they've done little to impact the company in an overall positive manner. Especially when it concerns very important issues and revenue streams like television ratings, PPV buyrates, and house show ticket sales. Again, their jobs are to put butts in the seats. They, quite honestly, aren't getting that job done.

Now, is the product improving? Absolutely, and I've said so more than once and in more than one thread. This isn't about bashing one company and saying the other is perfect. It's about the business aspect of this which, in the end, determines whether or not a company will be successful over the long term.
WWE's been jamming their entire fucking rainbow colored product along with a certain "hustling" man for half a decade and nobody seems to have a problem. At least Bischoff and Hogan are natural at what they do, they don't need Hollywood writers to cut a promo. There's no Pee Wee Herman, no midgets, no dance offs. Hey, it's heaven.

What in the hell does WWE have to do with what he's saying? Nothing. Constantly comparing WWE and TNA, when it's totally unnecessary, makes you look weak.

The Foley thing, so far, has been completely botched. He's never on television, he makes no decisions, and we're stuck with Hogan/Bischoff running bumping their gums.

Maybe the Foley thing is going somewhere, but it's off to a terrible start.
What in the hell does WWE have to do with what he's saying? Nothing. Constantly comparing WWE and TNA, when it's totally unnecessary, makes you look weak.

The Foley thing, so far, has been completely botched. He's never on television, he makes no decisions, and we're stuck with Hogan/Bischoff running bumping their gums.

Maybe the Foley thing is going somewhere, but it's off to a terrible start.

I was using WWE as an example how WWE fans bitch that TNA is forcing something down our throats, but at the same time are juuuuuuuust fine when WWE does it.

And Foley's "never" on TV? Are you a special type of moron? Foley's been on every episode since the rebranding, except the most recent one because he was fired by The Network. He never makes decisions? You mean, that first episode of Impact Wrestling when he made the DECISION of having a 25 man Battle Royal? You mean that SECOND episode when he made the DECISION of having Brian Kendrick face Abyss for the X-Division title instead of himself? Try watching and then comment, ass.
Actually when Cena first arrived on the scene, his character was that of a 'thug' rapping/making fun of other wrestlers, carrying around his chain. From there, for whatever reason, be it his work ethic, a new idea/direction, etc., WWE made the decision to change his character to that of a strong face and it worked on a number of levels for them. Most notably, merchandise sales, by all accounts were impacted very positively by this move. Sure, they toyed with the idea of a heel turn during his time with the Nexus but my feeling then was they got a clear message from his fanbase (and certainly his work outside the ring with Make A Wish) that he should remain a strong face character. But again, this character works for them. Are they pushing him on the fans? I don't know. I see it as good business.

By contrast, most of us agree that since EB and HH have been with TNA, they've done little to impact the company in an overall positive manner. Especially when it concerns very important issues and revenue streams like television ratings, PPV buyrates, and house show ticket sales. Again, their jobs are to put butts in the seats. They, quite honestly, aren't getting that job done.

Now, is the product improving? Absolutely, and I've said so more than once and in more than one thread. This isn't about bashing one company and saying the other is perfect. It's about the business aspect of this which, in the end, determines whether or not a company will be successful over the long term.

When I was talking about Cena, I mean his pos-thug period. It is good business, kid's making WWE a shit load of money, but I felt like the fans didn't choose him like they did with The Rock, Micheals or Hogan. He was booked as the top guy, he was forced on us, and we had no choice but to deal with it. The kids endorsed him because almost every kid marks for the best wrestler, and that's pretty much how it all went down.

As far as EB and HH's impact on the business side of things, I feel like neither of us are knowledgeable enough to comment on it. The only numbers we know for sure are the ratings and they're pretty much the same as they were before. The difference is positive but small enough to be neglected. Now as far as "putting butts in seats", that can't be a measure of their work too, because we're talking about the iMPACT Zone which has always been the same in attendance, 1200-300 people. It's not an arena, they're not touring.

Fact is, we don't know what they're doing backstage and how it is affecting the company. Could be bad, but it could be better than any of us expected, and I don't wanna say anything, positive or negative, until I know the facts.

Who knows? Maybe I'm overestimating HH and EB, and maybe the larger portion of the IWC is wrong and those guys are doing a lot of positive things backstage. The sad part is that we'll probably never know, and drawing conclusions from a single thing like ratings can't possibly make us form a reasonable assesment of their influence.

I draw personal conclusions from whether I'm satisfied with the product or not, because in the end I'm a fan and quality is the only thing I should care about. They bring the quality that I need, therefore to me - Hogan and Bischoff are a success and they're doing their job. 1.7 million people agree with me every Thursday. Twice as many don't and watch what happens in the other company. It's all subjective. All I know is that the quality is only going up and not down, and I do give HH and EB a lot of credit for that. Things are happening left and right, some neat storylines, some bore fests, but in the end, they've influenced the product - quality wise - in a very positive way, and that's enough for me to not whip out a torch.
I was using WWE as an example how WWE fans bitch that TNA is forcing something down our throats, but at the same time are juuuuuuuust fine when WWE does it.

Wouldn't be a problem if you didn't fall back on this constantly. That's your defense when TNA does something terribly stupid -- WELL :icon_cry: WWE does it TOO! :icon_cry:

And Foley's "never" on TV? Are you a special type of moron? Foley's been on every episode since the rebranding, except the most recent one because he was fired by The Network.

If I'm a moron, you're borderline ******ed. Including the reveal of the Network Representative, there have been four episodes of Impact, 3 of "Impact Wrestling." Foley has been on two of them, and only one episode of Impact Wrestling. He wasn't even around for the follow-up episode after being revealed as the Representative. Know what you're talking about before calling someone a moron, you idiot.

He never makes decisions? You mean, that first episode of Impact Wrestling when he made the DECISION of having a 25 man Battle Royal?

Yeah, that wasn't the first episode of Impact Wrestling. It was the night of the big reveal. Seriously, get your facts straight. You have no idea what you're talking about, and this is YOUR favorite show.

You mean that SECOND episode when he made the DECISION of having Brian Kendrick face Abyss for the X-Division title instead of himself? Try watching and then comment, ass.

Whatever, you're a nutjob, that's pretty clear.

Point is, Foley hasn't been around enough. This was supposed to be a big deal, and he's barely seen on television. If you don't see that, you're either stupid, or completely full of shit.
When I was talking about Cena, I mean his pos-thug period. It is good business, kid's making WWE a shit load of money, but I felt like the fans didn't choose him like they did with The Rock, Micheals or Hogan. He was booked as the top guy, he was forced on us, and we had no choice but to deal with it. The kids endorsed him because almost every kid marks for the best wrestler, and that's pretty much how it all went down.

As far as EB and HH's impact on the business side of things, I feel like neither of us are knowledgeable enough to comment on it. The only numbers we know for sure are the ratings and they're pretty much the same as they were before. The difference is positive but small enough to be neglected. Now as far as "putting butts in seats", that can't be a measure of their work too, because we're talking about the iMPACT Zone which has always been the same in attendance, 1200-300 people. It's not an arena, they're not touring.

Fact is, we don't know what they're doing backstage and how it is affecting the company. Could be bad, but it could be better than any of us expected, and I don't wanna say anything, positive or negative, until I know the facts.

Who knows? Maybe I'm overestimating HH and EB, and maybe the larger portion of the IWC is wrong and those guys are doing a lot of positive things backstage. The sad part is that we'll probably never know, and drawing conclusions from a single thing like ratings can't possibly make us form a reasonable assesment of their influence.

I draw personal conclusions from whether I'm satisfied with the product or not, because in the end I'm a fan and quality is the only thing I should care about. They bring the quality that I need, therefore to me - Hogan and Bischoff are a success and they're doing their job. 1.7 million people agree with me every Thursday. Twice as many don't and watch what happens in the other company. It's all subjective. All I know is that the quality is only going up and not down, and I do give HH and EB a lot of credit for that. Things are happening left and right, some neat storylines, some bore fests, but in the end, they've influenced the product - quality wise - in a very positive way, and that's enough for me to not whip out a torch.

And as a fan you make some very good points. That being, you are enjoying the product and that's all that matters, which is true. All I'm saying is that from a business standpoint if I had paid out a bunch of money (and let's be honest HH and EB aren't doing this for free) to these guys, my expectations would have been much higher than where they are right now.

True enough that things could be happening (and very likely are) behind the scenes that we don't know about. I hope this is true and that we continue to see positive movement in the product and therefore positive growth in the fanbase. If so, then it forces promotions like WWE and ROH to continue improving their product as well, resulting in only good things for the fans.

Having said all of that, I'd like to get your take on how you feel they are or have, handled the recent situation with Mick Foley's storyline. As a fan, do you care how it was carried out one way or the other?
When I was talking about Cena, I mean his pos-thug period. It is good business, kid's making WWE a shit load of money, but I felt like the fans didn't choose him like they did with The Rock, Micheals or Hogan. He was booked as the top guy, he was forced on us, and we had no choice but to deal with it. The kids endorsed him because almost every kid marks for the best wrestler, and that's pretty much how it all went down.

See, here's the problem. That's not how it went down at all. Like not even close. Cena was the thug character and was a heel to start. His rhymes got so popular that the thug character turned face and won the US title. Then, a year later, Cena still as the thug, won the WWE Championship from JBL. At this point, everyone was crazy for him and he was quite edgy. The fans absolutely, 190 percent CHOSE Cena to be the champ due to getting behind his character.

Over time, his character morphed away from doing raps and dressing like a thug, but he mostly kept his edge as a tough guy inside the ring. The thing was, he was a babyface going against hated heels, so of course kids would get behind the good guy. That's the nature of the business. It's only smarky adults that root for the heels because they think it's "cool". Essentially, it's that fact and reason that Cena became hated. Wrestling fans in their "infinite wisdom" get tired of babyface characters a lot faster than they do of heel characters.

Anyway, I don't know how this all came to Cena. This is a thread about an Impact running diary but somehow, it got to comparing TNA to WWE.......what a surprise.

As it pertains to Foley, "the network" idea was pushed for a couple of months and Foley was given TWO appearances before he was fired as "the network" representative. There's really no way to defend that. Everything keeps coming back to Immortal which has been worthless for months. They don't have a champion and their influence over the show is strictly in the X-Division now since the only other belt they had was taken by.......Eric Young. No one fears Immortal and other than talking about how they are awesome, Immortal doesn't actually use their power over 90 percent of the roster. It's lame and it brings down the show. Other feuds on the show are pretty good, but because we all know that the main storyline is the power struggle, we have to endure this crap week after week. Worse still, we don't get to SEE it play out, we get to see it TALKED about. It's gotten that bad.

Focus on that. Forget WWE and your little bias. Your favorite company has some good things going on, but this power struggle thing has to go and the ending last night was about the last thing that needed to happen. End that and things are a lot better.

But seriously, try and have a discussion about wrestling in the TNA section without mentioning WWE. I double dare you......;)
As it pertains to Foley, "the network" idea was pushed for a couple of months and Foley was given TWO appearances before he was fired as "the network" representative. There's really no way to defend that. Everything keeps coming back to Immortal which has been worthless for months. They don't have a champion and their influence over the show is strictly in the X-Division now since the only other belt they had was taken by.......Eric Young. No one fears Immortal and other than talking about how they are awesome, Immortal doesn't actually use their power over 90 percent of the roster. It's lame and it brings down the show. Other feuds on the show are pretty good, but because we all know that the main storyline is the power struggle, we have to endure this crap week after week. Worse still, we don't get to SEE it play out, we get to see it TALKED about. It's gotten that bad.

Focus on that. Forget WWE and your little bias. Your favorite company has some good things going on, but this power struggle thing has to go and the ending last night was about the last thing that needed to happen. End that and things are a lot better.

But seriously, try and have a discussion about wrestling in the TNA section without mentioning WWE. I double dare you......;)
It can be defended quite easily. We don't know where it's going yet so let it play out before you call it a bust. This is a Network we're talking about and they are fickle at best. They will put on shows and cancel them after 1 or 2 episodes for small reasons. What's to stop them from deciding suddenly that HH and EB are right and Foley has no business doing that job. The angle was at the very end and leaves us to wonder what's next and next week we tune in to find out what's up. Maybe someone else shows up that's more to the Networks liking and maybe it was all a game by HH or EB and Foley was never fired. Why over think the whole thing when all we have to do is tune in next week and see what's up.
It can be defended quite easily. We don't know where it's going yet so let it play out before you call it a bust. This is a Network we're talking about and they are fickle at best. They will put on shows and cancel them after 1 or 2 episodes for small reasons. What's to stop them from deciding suddenly that HH and EB are right and Foley has no business doing that job. The angle was at the very end and leaves us to wonder what's next and next week we tune in to find out what's up. Maybe someone else shows up that's more to the Networks liking and maybe it was all a game by HH or EB and Foley was never fired. Why over think the whole thing when all we have to do is tune in next week and see what's up.

The whole story was that "the network" had someone in their ear telling them that Hogan and Bischoff are douchebags. That someone was apparently Foley, who starts making changes. Three weeks later, Hogan talks to them ONCE and Foley is fired? Foley's been in there for months, Hogan talks to them ONCE and everything changes? Not only is that ridiculous, but the way this whole thing is playing out is worse.

From the beginning, this "network" stuff has been handled off screen and Hogan reports back how it went. Does that not seem problematic to anyone else? You are getting a half assed story. Plus, this half assed story is on top of a half assed group that literally isn't doing anything as the "power group" of an entire program. Problem is, two half asses DO make a full ass and that's what this angle is full of.

Honestly, if this power struggle crap which isn't even being played out on screen just ended and we got back to some normal programming, the show would be 10 times better. The best stuff going on Impact Wrestling are the simple feuds like Gunner and EY. The power struggle story is not even remotely interesting especially when it's not going to be played out on screen. This is the world of wrestling where stuff is settled in a ring no matter how nonsensical that may seem. Drop the story with non wrestlers battling for "company rights" and let the stories surrounding WRESTLERS take center stage. Everything would be better off that way.
Looks like your thread has been hijacked Rasha. Not really a surprise as Zeven tends to go overboard with his TNA love and anti-WWE commentaries.

Good diary as usual but not as many jokes as I would have liked, try harder next week. ;)

I enjoyed the whole show tonight apart from "You changed your name from Brother Ray to Bully Ray as your insecure about your penis size". :confused:

Foley segment was not needed either and if he is gone from TNA for good I will be disappointed as he is one of my all time favourites.

Keep up the good work. :wave:
And as a fan you make some very good points. That being, you are enjoying the product and that's all that matters, which is true. All I'm saying is that from a business standpoint if I had paid out a bunch of money (and let's be honest HH and EB aren't doing this for free) to these guys, my expectations would have been much higher than where they are right now.

True enough that things could be happening (and very likely are) behind the scenes that we don't know about. I hope this is true and that we continue to see positive movement in the product and therefore positive growth in the fanbase. If so, then it forces promotions like WWE and ROH to continue improving their product as well, resulting in only good things for the fans.

Having said all of that, I'd like to get your take on how you feel they are or have, handled the recent situation with Mick Foley's storyline. As a fan, do you care how it was carried out one way or the other?

I can't really judge the storyline yet, because it's not finished. But if we're talking about how it's been doing so far, I can't say I'm thoroughly pleased. You would think that Foley would be all over the place, much like Bischoff and Hogan are. Yes, he was most on episodes, and yes he did make decisions like I pointed out, but I never got that "authority figure" vibe from Foley. I get it from Bischoff and Hogan.

I figured he'd be backstage amping the X-Division guys up, putting them over, stuff like that. Instead he got two minutes of TV time on every show, and that's about it. If a new fan was watching this he wouldn't even know what the hell Foley's doing in TNA in the first place.

Something in the milk ain't clean with this storyline, or moreso - choosing Foley to be the network guy. Like almost everything with TNA, the idea was all fine on paper but the execution was poor.

But hey, I don't know it'll turn out. Maybe there's something better in store. It's also important to note that Hogan read that the position has been terminated, not Mick Foley. It could be an oversight, I don't know.

I do believe, however, that if Mick Foley is fired it's to have him be replaced with someone else. As of right now I have three guesses as to who could take his place.

1. Dixie Carter.

2. Desmond Wolfe

3. Goldberg

I pray to God it's not Dixie. If I had to choose, I'd choose Wolfe. I can listen to him talk for days, and he could be quite the thorn in Hogan and Bischoff's side. Goldberg on the other hand would be huge for TNA, if he's the new network executive. Doesn't have to wrestle all the time, but will most likely have one match for the hell of it. It's a long shot, but you never know with those pesky wrestlers.

I'll just wait and see how it plays out. The storyline could've been executed better, but it's not a total dreck ... yet. We'll see what happens. I learned to never underestimate TNA or its talent. They always surprise me pleasantly in the end, and hopefully they'll do it again. At least I'm kept in the dark and I have no idea what's about to happen, and that feeling is quite the breath of fresh air.
I can't really judge the storyline yet, because it's not finished. But if we're talking about how it's been doing so far, I can't say I'm thoroughly pleased. You would think that Foley would be all over the place, much like Bischoff and Hogan are. Yes, he was most on episodes, and yes he did make decisions like I pointed out, but I never got that "authority figure" vibe from Foley. I get it from Bischoff and Hogan.

I figured he'd be backstage amping the X-Division guys up, putting them over, stuff like that. Instead he got two minutes of TV time on every show, and that's about it. If a new fan was watching this he wouldn't even know what the hell Foley's doing in TNA in the first place.

Something in the milk ain't clean with this storyline, or moreso - choosing Foley to be the network guy. Like almost everything with TNA, the idea was all fine on paper but the execution was poor.

But hey, I don't know it'll turn out. Maybe there's something better in store. It's also important to note that Hogan read that the position has been terminated, not Mick Foley. It could be an oversight, I don't know.

I do believe, however, that if Mick Foley is fired it's to have him be replaced with someone else. As of right now I have three guesses as to who could take his place.

1. Dixie Carter.

2. Desmond Wolfe

3. Goldberg

I pray to God it's not Dixie. If I had to choose, I'd choose Wolfe. I can listen to him talk for days, and he could be quite the thorn in Hogan and Bischoff's side. Goldberg on the other hand would be huge for TNA, if he's the new network executive. Doesn't have to wrestle all the time, but will most likely have one match for the hell of it. It's a long shot, but you never know with those pesky wrestlers.

I'll just wait and see how it plays out. The storyline could've been executed better, but it's not a total dreck ... yet. We'll see what happens. I learned to never underestimate TNA or its talent. They always surprise me pleasantly in the end, and hopefully they'll do it again. At least I'm kept in the dark and I have no idea what's about to happen, and that feeling is quite the breath of fresh air.

Well I can see your side of it, that being the unknown factor as a fan. Very true that's a refreshing way to look at it, so I'm willing to give this storyline another week to see what they do with it. Now if they just move on from it with no major replacement, i.e. Wolfe or Goldberg, I'm going to be sorely disappointed in them.

I appreciate your telling me what you thought of it and we'll sit back and watch what happens next.
Looks like your thread has been hijacked Rasha. Not really a surprise as Zeven tends to go overboard with his TNA love and anti-WWE commentaries.

Good diary as usual but not as many jokes as I would have liked, try harder next week. ;)

Foley segment was not needed either and if he is gone from TNA for good I will be disappointed as he is one of my all time favourites.

Keep up the good work. :wave:

Thanks bro. As long as people are enjoying the diary I don't really care what conversations spring out of it. The more traffic the better! :)

I'm not going to shed any tears for Foley if he's actually gone. I know I'm in the minority, but I've just never found him that enjoyable since he went soft. I loved Foley through the 90s and up until the Rock 'n' Sock Connection, but since then he's become terribly predictable and kind of boring. How many times do we have to hear him joke about his cheap wardrobe?

I've always wondered what a heel Foley would be like as a manager/on-screen personality these days. What if he became a mentor for Abyss? Or what if this Network angle had gone differently and he'd gone heel in his executive role? I think he could be amazing, because we know he still has that ability to drop a nasty, psychotic promo. I'd love to see a power-drunk Foley.
Thanks bro. As long as people are enjoying the diary I don't really care what conversations spring out of it. The more traffic the better! :)

I'm not going to shed any tears for Foley if he's actually gone. I know I'm in the minority, but I've just never found him that enjoyable since he went soft. I loved Foley through the 90s and up until the Rock 'n' Sock Connection, but since then he's become terribly predictable and kind of boring. How many times do we have to hear him joke about his cheap wardrobe?

I've always wondered what a heel Foley would be like as a manager/on-screen personality these days. What if he became a mentor for Abyss? Or what if this Network angle had gone differently and he'd gone heel in his executive role? I think he could be amazing, because we know he still has that ability to drop a nasty, psychotic promo. I'd love to see a power-drunk Foley.

I have to agree with you about the Mick Foley we've seen over the last several years now. I enjoyed the Cactus Jack character from years ago, and even to some extent the Mankind character. Heck, at first I even enjoyed the chemistry he had with The Rock. But since his move to TNA he's really gone the opposite direction, and maybe that's due to the influence of those within his circle advising him on his business interests outside the ring. It seems his passion the last several years now has been writing books and it would seem to me that he's writing as if he's done being the person he's written about and that his book ideas that don't necessarily involve his wrestling career would almost require him to take on a somewhat more professional style when he's being viewed by those who influence his ability to sell those books.

In other words, I think it's probably difficult for him to hit the ring yelling "bang bang", carrying a ball bat wrapped in barbed wire, and then blading, all the while trying to sell a children's book.
Here is the thing with Foley. In his interviews he seems more worried about getting himself over than anything else. Plus it seems like as soon as something goes on that he doesn't like he either wants out or just removes himself from TV. He did it in WWE and has done it several times in TNA. He needs to go to the WWE, get into the HOF, and retire for good.

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