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5th Generation Pokemon Games


Lord And Master
Staff member
I'm correct, right? They're in the fourth right now if I'm not mistaken.

I've been lurking around researching the new Pokemon: GS remakes and I stumbled on to the rather strong rumors of the upcoming 5th generation. Yup. Apparently there's gonna be more Pokemon's to collect and that means of course new games. I'm guessing they're gonna be for the Nintendo DS but what would you like out of the new games?

The ability to travel to the older locations? A story not revolving around gyms (my pick). What to add to these possible installments to keep them fresh? *cough* ...Missingno... *cough*. The previous ones always have something to them that makes them stick out in their own way. RBY were the originals, GSC had the time system, etc. What can be added to this new installment to make it stand out?

Zoroark and Zorua are the names of these two fellas. Nintendo really hsould only add five more after this (to bring up to 500) and stop there. Most of the pokemon aren't used from game to game so is there any need to bring in some more?

To me the next installment should be on a console that's not hand held. Can you imagine a fully 3D pokemon game? That's what everyone has been hoping for for years. Either that or alter the gameplay somehow, maybe even have Pokemon trainer team up with Team rocket against a larger threat...just something different.

The logic in that is there are two types of pokefans:

1) Kids...they won't know what the gameplay was like last time round so wont actually care!

2) Those who've been playing since the original and are sick of a lack of innovation between games.
Stopping at 500 would make sense to us older fans, but I wouldn't be surprised if they try to pull off as many as 1,000 at some point. The series makes a lot of money and still sells in name value "oh, the new pokemon game! I liked the old ones so I'll get this one too!" many people have that mentality. I think something cool they could add would be to take the series back to its roots by having the list of the pokemon divided in half, one half are avilable in version 1 and the other half available in version 2. None of this BS of having to buy more than just 2 games in order to catch everything. I'd like to see that happen but I doubt it will.

Something else that would be really cool would be to be able to travel freely between every region that the other series took place in. Take what they did in Gold/Silver but expand on that idea. When you beat the gyms, the road to the elite four opens.... but what if for unlocking a fight with an elite four member you then had to go gather the badges from the other games' regions?

Elite Four 1 unlocked by beating Red/Blue's region
Elite Four 2 unlocked by beating Gold/Silver's region
Elite Four 3 unlocked by beating Ruby/Saphire's region
Elite Four 4 unlocked by beating Diamond/Pearl's region

Hey, it's an idea. I think that'd be great because then you could play all of the games in one. It wouldn't be that tough to set up, and it would make up for getting 100 or 200 new characters that add little to the series, which happens with EVERY new pokemon series.
I wouldn't really like a full 3D Pokemon game. Especially on a console platform. Even less if its the Wii. My main reason being how the battle scene's would seem a bit ridiculous for my taste (See Pokemon Stadium). However now that Lee confirmed it, I would like to see Daggers idea. One I would like to add is to add depth to story. Most games are just you catching Pokemon and beating gym leaders with occasional interference from Team Rocket and variants. It seems the game only has a drive in certain points (same with the cartoon). i think that hurts the experience because you'll just loose interest. Implementing a storyline that carries through the whole may help bring back old fans while it hooks new ones.

Another idea is to shorten the amount of "Legendary Pokemon". Come on. The last one had like 15 new ones and almost half of them were not obtainable through conventional methods. A tad exaggerated if you ask me.
Yes everyone thinks its bad but they announced they are "re-inventing"the series.Its sounds intresting.I assume all new pokemon except they will have the pikachu family.I hope its new type starters like Dark,Ghost and Psychic.That would be aweosme.
What I would love to see is you can choose between joining Team Rocket at the beginning or fighting against them. It could add a moral sense to the Pokemon world that I would love to see.

And it has a longer playtime because once you finish one storyline, you start over and go down the other path. And seriously, way less legendary. My brother told me there was like 12 on the last one. What happened to maybe 4 legendarys?

But they won't. Pokemon games have a guaranteed high buy so why would they change the formula that works?
What I would love to see is them making one final game with this '5th region'. However, you start out in the Kanto then go to Johto then to Hoenn then to Sinnoh and then to whatever the 5th game is. Of course to do this, they would probably need to expand the number of pokemon you can have in your party to like 15 or something like that. They would also need to expand the levels the pokemon can go up to. Maybe instead of Lvl.100, they can go to level 400 or so. I would MTFO if they did something like that.
I would like to see the game break from the hand held and hit consoles, and not just Nintendo. I know they have an exclusive on it, but even with that said, I'm sure the Pokemon franchise can find a way around that. I mean seriously, am I the only one who love Pokemon Coliseum on GC? Even if they put it out for the Wii, that would be a great asset. And it would be easier for more people to buy.

That's just my opinion though.
Remember Battle Revoultion for the wii?that was a fail.

I wouldn'nt want to go to all regions because that means gym leaders will ahve to have like lvl 100 pokemon which would probally be stronger then the 1st elite 4s pokemon.
I've been following this pretty closely (yes I'm a loser), and it's already been confirmed for DS iirc.
Also the creator of Pokemon has over 1000 of them sketched out, so I highly doubt it'll stop at just 500. I am curious to see what #666 would be, haha.

Anyway, I guess what would make this game stand out more is if we got half decent starters. Every starter past Generation II (with the exception of Treecko), looks awful (no I do not like Mudkips).

It would also be nice if instead of the sub-plot revolving around defeating some boring Team Rocket ripoffs, we get something else. Maybe a personal story between you and your rival, I dunno.
I would like to see them use the DSI camera ability to put yourself in the game, be able to customise your look. Also (i'm going to sound like a complete nerd here) ponyta/rapidish was the only fire pokemon in the last game if you dont include infernape. I thought that was crap as fire has some of the best stats in the game.

Anyway like i said, a customisable character would be cool.
I wouldn'nt want to go to all regions because that means gym leaders will ahve to have like lvl 100 pokemon which would probally be stronger then the 1st elite 4s pokemon.
The gym leaders should become optional at a later point. However having such strong opponents isn't bad. One of the best features of the 2nd Gen games was the ability to fight a very powerful Ash. It helped train your Pokemon fast and its better than finding a friend with similar level Pokemon.

I would like to see them use the DSI camera ability to put yourself in the game, be able to customise your look. Also (i'm going to sound like a complete nerd here) ponyta/rapidish was the only fire pokemon in the last game if you dont include infernape. I thought that was crap as fire has some of the best stats in the game.

Anyway like i said, a customisable character would be cool.

A customizable character would work well. However I wouldn't use the camera. It would be like using the Gameboy Camera. A head dangling around would be something to get into unless thats what the game is about.
Pokemon Black and White was announced yesterday, and pictures from the next issue of Japanese magazine CoroCoro have leaked onto the internet, showing an updated graphical engine with some slightly changed camera perspectives. Also shown are new fifth-gen monsters Zorua and Zoroark, revealed earlier this year.

Pic time folks:






FINALLY the game is beginning to look a bit different to top down flat, yeah it hasn't hit fully 3D yet, but it's a huge jump. I'm excited about this one, and with E3 round the corner I wouldn't be surprised to see it showcased there.
Pokemon Black and White? Can't they come up with something a little more original than that? The graphics are impressively updated.... but I honestly hope they do something different this time. I am very tired of the formula pokemon games follow.

Fire/Water/Grass for starter.... 8 gyms.... fight team rocket ripoffs.... elite 4.... side quests.... catch everything.... done.

Seriously, if they follow that same exact formula one more time in the 5th generation then I'm skipping this one. I got all 150 without cheating in Blue, all 250 without cheating in Gold, and all 482 without cheating in Diamond. Been there done that. I do like the graphical update in those pictures at least. I have a friend who is a huge fanboy of Pokemon so I'll still see what it's like through watching him play at some point. I personally am going to wait and see if they can truly impress me enough to buy it because I'm rather burnt out on Pokemon games right now.

Really though, Black and White? I am severely dissappointed if that truly is the final official names of this generation. They can do so much better than that. It sounds like a set of titles that could have gone to the original gameboy generations.
Just like Dagger said, the names are a little un-original. I mean, I have fake games for my emulator with better names. When it comes out, I might just get it for the graphics. I'm not joking when I say that these graphics look extremely good. I'm most excited about one of the screenshots that Lee showed us. It's the one where the girl is in the middle of an intersection, it looks very cool. Regardless of how the storyline is, I'll pick it up when it come out and probably enjoy it.
Just some more bits on Pokémon Black and White. Firstly check out how huge this city is!!!


From what I can gather on the other screen shots, it looks like the camera is one that changes angles pending on your location, it looks like a nice feat and good to see these updates being implemented. What's my main problem with the game? Just the general Pokémon issue. Here are the starter for this generation:

Tsutaja, the Grass-type starter

Pokabu, the Fire-type

Mijumara, the Water-type


For me, it's just becoming too much. After having about an approximate 10 year hiatus from Gold and Silver, I was encouraged into playing the remakes, while it's bringing back good memories and having a good time, I really hate encountering all these new types that I just have no interest in wanting to catch because they're not in the original 151 or the still decent 251. The issues I have with Pokémon is mainly how they have so damn many Pokémon and no near possibility of fully completing your Pokédex.

I got all 151 in Blue fine, I wasn't as near in Gold or Silver, but it's just reading about all these Pokémon that I can get from trading my friends, but then just all these other ones that basically say I have to own the previous generations to complete it? That's what puts me off, with Red and Blue it was simply interacting with your friends to complete your Dex, simple as. But with the fact that you can't even get certain types to them not being included or just that they're special movie events that you blink and miss just doesn't make it right as a guy who has missed two generations of games effectively.

While I have greatly enjoyed playing HeartGold, it does remind me of why I wasn't all too grand about Gold and Silver, just the simple fact that once you complete Johto, there isn't much to do in Kanto except beat Gym leaders that you know how from playing them in Blue and Red and just get ready for getting the other Legendary Pokémon on top of refacing the Elite Four and Facing Red. I mean it feels like that once you done Johto, they really dropped the ball with nothing left on top of that.

Like Dias said, there's nothing really inspiring about playing Black and White except it's just a new bunch of extras while following the same formula, I want to see Pokémon provide more, while HeartGold in the Johto section is great, you think they could at least make it like say the anime and give you the possibilities of going to all regions and have challenges on the way like meeting a trainer who abuses his Pokémon and you have to save it or doing a challenge where you must take three Pokémon you've never used before and do a tournament and win to test your skills as a trainer. This is where I would welcome the idea of GameFreak actually using the anime to place in elements to make it interesting.

On top of that, I would personally like to see you have a choice in what direction you start in, so it's a game not dedicated to one region (I know it will take up a lot of space as a DS card can only hold so much), but you start and choose out of the 5 regions in which direction you want to go and have relating events like say you just defeated the Fourth Gym Leader in Sinnoh and some bad weather prevents you from getting anywhere further, and this weather is coming from Johto, so you have to travel to Johto immediately in order to progress in Sinnoh so it doesn't detract from the game but also means that there's an extra twist in the reigns of what can be done within the game.

Just my two cents but as someone who enjoyed the first two generations only to be distancing himself and returning back because the game look interesting again, I just feel like I'm going to end up distancing myself once again.
They simply need to fuck right off and make a Pokemon MMO, and add to that, and have it complement the manga and anime. Or they could release games alongside the MMO (a-la WoW and the rumored Warcraft 4). I could only imagine the amount of people would play a well-designed Pokemon MMO. The games are simply becoming too much of the same exact stuff, and people are beginning (like they haven't 10 years ago) to realize that these games are re-hashed with new Pokemon.

Just create a database, put every single Pokemon in one game, and allow world-wide travel.
Latest updates regarding Pokémon Black and White and it's a semi-big one...remember how much of a nuisance you kept running into Rattatas, Geodudes, Zubats and Tentacools? Well it's been announced that until you complete the main game and unlock the National Pokédex, you will only be seeing Pokémon exclusive to Black and White, so anything of the existing 493 we know will not be featured until after you complete the initial game. This came from Game Freak's Junichi Masuda:

Masuda explained the decision, saying that he wants to make sure that kids and adults have the same experience when playing the game. He wants all players to ask "What is this Pokémon?" when they encounter a monster. It's all part of a plan to give players the same feeling that they had when they played their first Pokémon game.

According to Masuda development staff and players outside the company liked the idea. "It's like playing something completely new, similar to when I played Red & Green," is one comment that Masuda has heard. "You don't even know the type of the Pokemon, so you're surprised at the skills," is another.

I must say it's certainly an interesting route to take with this one, definitely nice to at least have an uncertainty like we use to have when the first games came out, so we won't know what to expect and have to assemble new teams completely. I think it's a good approach at least to show it is a new game, now people will have to work hard to get their favs after beating the Elite Four and setting up new favs out of the new Pokémon to come.
The main problem with the series is that while they are certainly trying to escape the formula that is constantly used in Pokemon games they don't actually know how to do so. So whats the inevitable solution they add? More pokemon and more places. This infuriates me to no end, not even for the lack of creative energy, but mainly for the fact that they have 400 or so pokemon, and only about 100 are transferred via game to game. Why not just alternate old pokemon betwen games? When was the last time you could actually catch a Mr. Mime? Note to the developers: This isn't how you rejuvenate a series.

The story is ALWAYS the same, as is the progression. Choose from 3 starters, ALWAYS the same types. ALWAYS fight 8 gym leaders in order, with varying type specialities. ALWAYS stop the evil team and beat your rival. How about this, you can join the evil team? You can become a gym leader and take on younger challengers? You can actually lose a battle and it has consequences on the story? You have a choice in terms of exploration and aren't coralled in? Why don't you make the encounters randomized, so instead of generic weak bird at the start of every area, you can catch different pokemon each game, perhaps instead of Rattata there, random Teddiursa spawn. Little things like that would completely revolutionize the game, making each game and each subsequent journey different. But no. Lets just spawn more Pidgeys.

Fuck you Pokemon.
I don't think they should reinvent the series at all.I love it the way it is and usually with each installment I go out of my way to have the same party of Pokemon I had on Pokemon Blue

Ninetales,Lickitung,Dragonair,Raichu,Rapidash, and the most aesthetically pleasing legendary pokemon.The only change I've made recently is I dropped Raichu for Togekiss but other than that it's the same.I always try to create my own story within the game,so I guess thats what keeps it fresh for me
They'd have to revamp the level system if we were given the option to travel everywhere. Modify stats to make it similar to the anime cuz Pikachu would have surpassed lv 100 a long time ago.

Create a whole world like other RPGs and gives us many things to try to accomplish. The games have become repetitive and need to drastically change. I'd love for them to take a somewhat WoW route with 'em

Also, there are too many throw-away Pokemon that trainers would be stupid to keep in their party. THAT needs to change.

And they should come up with combos in the game. The anime and manga improvise moves, so why can't we? It would make it more realistic.

I'm currently playing HeartGold and the ONLY redeemable thing about it is the extra stuff they added.
In later editions they should let you choose your own path, whether you want to be the Super Cena of trainers or if you want to be evil and badass and join whatever evil team might happen to be plaguing the Pokemon universe at that time. There were countless times when I was a kid and playing the original games that I wished that I could turn to the darkside and join team rocket to see how that would go instead of the same old "you get pokemon, train pokemon good, fight rival, if you don't beat rival don't worry you have to beat this asshole in order to beat game so train some more, GYM BATTLE!, SIDE QUEST!, OOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS its the evil Team [Insert name here], fight the team numerous times and beat them every time causing disbandment, all gym battles done time for the Elite 4, side quest about legendary bad Pokemon that noobs everywhere stack their teams with, occasional revisitment, and then you're the Master and you pwn people with ease." Give it some depth, even in Spiderman and Star Wars games these days you can pick your own path so why should a huge name like Pokemon be any different?
I enjoy all Pokemon games but they are nothing like they used to be. I just feel like they have milked the proverbial cow a little to much. They have added far to many new creatures to catch that it just makes me lose interest. The original games were great because they were original, or at least I thought so. And while I still enjoy playing any and all Pokemon games they have just lost their luster.

That being said, I think it would be really cool if they released a game that allowed the player the ability to catch all of the Pokemon ever created. Roll all of the games up into a mega game. I would mark the fuck out for that and buy it as soon as possible. I just feel as though it would be really fun to be able to literally catch them all.

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