5 Ways the WWE Can Make Some Cash


Plump, Juicy User
We all now there's a recession and financial crisis and blah blah blah, so WWE should be really concerned about making some extra money. I have so kindly volunteered to become cheif financial advisor of the WWE and have come up with 5 solid strategies for making some Benjamins.

1. Cryme Tyme Pays

After living on the streets as little boys, Shad Gaspard and JTG know that you have to do whatever it takes to get ahead. They've shown that in the WWE by "borrowing" things such as Trevor Murdoch's hat and Pricelss's Tag Team Titles. Surely they are financially secure after doing this kind of thing throughout their tenure in the WWE.

This is why the WWE shouldn't bother putting the Cryme Tyme on TV as wrestlers anymore and should hire them as permanent "fund raisers" for the company. At every WWE live event; there are more than a few wealthy fans who carry around a decent amount of pocket change. The fact is these people don't actually need the money. Their lives are good enough as it is, so it will be the job of Shad and JTG to relieve them of their monetary burden and give it to the WWE.

Think Robin Hood, except instead of wealthy royalty you have innocent WWE fans and instead of peasants you have a multi billion dollar global company. With their years of experience, Cryme Tyme will surely not get caught doing their job and they will raise a decent amount of money for the company, at least more than they are bringing in as wrestlers.

2. Utilize Haas

Remember a few months ago when Charlie Haas's gimmick was dressing up as other wrestlers week after week. Carlito, The Great Khali, Beth Phoenix, John Cena, Hulk Hogan, JBL, Jimmy Snuka, MVP, and JR were all privileged to be portrayed by the ultra-talented Haas. It was the most entertaining time of Haas's career but for some reason it eventually stopped.

Now, with some many wrestlers under contract WWE spends a considerable portion of its funds on wrestler's salary. I believe this cost could be cut significantly if WWE made about 10 to 15 cuts of main roster wrestler, and replaced them all with one man, Charlie Haas.

Why pay Ricky Ortiz, Chavo Guerrero, Koslov, Jimmy Wang Yang, Cody Rhodes, Batista, and Matt Hardy when Charlie Haas could portray them all for a fraction of the cost. Who cares about the mid card and tag team divisions anyway? Replacing several wrestlers with Haas could save a ton of money while upping the entertainment factor.

3. It's All About the Kids...

By focusing on children during this PG era of the WWE, the company could make some extra cash. There are plenty of whiny little brats out there that get everything they want from mommy and daddy, so why not make that thing the WWE product.

I know that WWE is already selling T-shirts, masks, and actions figures, but I really think that can step it up a notch. Instead of wasting their time of strait to DVD videos of crappy movies like "12 Rounds", the WWE should produce some more kid-friendly movies featuring some of its biggest stars.

By making a deal with Disney, the WWE could open it's self up to a whole new audience of children. I can just picture it now, "High School Musical 4" featuring John Cena as the shy new kid who becomes friends with the jock/singer Triple H. There can also be guest appearances of some popular Disney shows. How does Jeff Hardy on "Hannah Montana" sound? It's every teenage girls dream.

Of course it doesn't have to stop there. WWE can focus on even younger audiences. CM Punk on "Blues Clues" and Edge as the voice of the newest "Baby Einstein" videos would be huge success. The possibilities are endless for the kids, but there's always the older audience as well.

4. ... But Sex Sells

While WWE could make a lot of money by marketing towards children, they could make 5 times as much by using an "adult" marketing campaign. Everyone can agree that the WWE Diva's are hot as hell, but why should we be limited to seeing them in the ring for 5 minutes a night when we can see them for a couple of hours on DVD?

If the WWE Divas starred in pornos there would be millions upon millions of wrestling fans that would buy them and watch them over and over again. Think about Mickie James and Kelly Kelly rolling around together like on Raw, except instead of ring gear they are wearing nothing but a pair of high heels.

Of course it doesn't have to stop with movies. There are plenty of big shots at WWE events who would be willing to spend big bucks to go "one on one" with a few WWE Divas. I'm sure a few of the ladies in the WWE would prostitutes in the past anyway, so they could teach the others how the business goes. Of course, this would have worked a lot better if Candice was still employed.

5. Pyramid Schemes

They've been around for generations and it's an easy way to make some quick cash. The idea is simple really. Identify a few willing and gullible suspects. Tell them that while they are at the bottom of the pyramid now, by investing their money and working hard they will eventually be at the top.

Of course, the WWE would have to make sure to get rid of them before they actually reached the top in order to insure they were the only ones that made a profit out of it. In all honesty, I can't take full credit for this idea. I have a feeling the WWE has already used this technique with the likes of Mr. Kennedy and Umaga.

Well, there it is. Hopefully WWE listens to my ideas because if they do, they will surely become the richest and most successful company in the world today, that is if Vince doesn't fuck up and get ripped off by Donald Trump again.

If the WWE Divas starred in pornos there would be millions upon millions of wrestling fans that would buy them and watch them over and over again. Think about Mickie James and Kelly Kelly rolling around together like on Raw, except instead of ring gear they are wearing nothing but a pair of high heels.

Of course it doesn't have to stop with movies. There are plenty of big shots at WWE events who would be willing to spend big bucks to go "one on one" with a few WWE Divas. I'm sure a few of the ladies in the WWE would prostitutes in the past anyway, so they could teach the others how the business goes. Of course, this would have worked a lot better if Candice was still employed.

You have one thing missing. Most of the Divas, if not all, WOULDN'T do that. Doing porn and posing in Playboy are different. I highly doubt they're going to de-grade themselves just for some money. And with your theory, the money would go to the WWE, not the Divas. They have no reason to do it. They wouldn't, and it's a stupid idea.
honestly, one HUGE way that WWE could rake in some big cash would to be lower prices for PPV's. Seriously, they would see a huge increase in PPV sales if they offered them for say, maybe 24.95. Nobody wants to buy PPV's like the Bash with matches with Kahli vs Ziggler for 40 bucks.
You have one thing missing. Most of the Divas, if not all, WOULDN'T do that. Doing porn and posing in Playboy are different. I highly doubt they're going to de-grade themselves just for some money. And with your theory, the money would go to the WWE, not the Divas. They have no reason to do it. They wouldn't, and it's a stupid idea.

Yeah, now that I think about it, you're right. That is a stupid idea. They should just stick with the Pyramid Scheme and replacing half the roster with Charlie Haas. Those make MUCH more sense.
Haha, I like how some people missed the joke. By the way, pyramid schemes are passe. Now Ponze schemes, 60 % of the time, they work EVERYTIME.
Here's another idea, Vince sell the WWE for a huge amount of money, an unheard of Godly amount of cash, the catch being, he tells all the crew, wrestler's and everyone working for the WWE should act like they don't know what they doing, let everything fall apart you know, so the WWE is now craptacular, make it so bad no one wants to watch it or buy it's merchandise anymore, then the new owners would want to sell it so bad, that Vinnie Mac comes in and buys it back for a fraction of what he sold it, then everything goes back to normal and Vince made a huge amount of money, now that's smart business there.
1) Lower the PPV price, and now you have too buy the fucking pre-show too a PPV

2) The last thing they need is too be put on Hannah Montanna and Disney, a wrestling show and Disney is so gay, do you think Jeff Hardy really wants too be the Pro wrestler on Hannah Montanna? Hell no

3) USE ALL TALENT, have a poll during comercial with fans front row or somthing like "Who is the most underrated/overrated" "Who should get a contender match" stuff to make people think these guys are getting as much credit as guys like Orton, HHH, Batista, Edge, Cena

4) Make it entertaining for EVERYONE parents who buy the tickets want somthing too do there, entertain them as much as the kids, plus with out the parents buying the kids tickets, then they wouldnt have kids to entertain in the first place

5) Have so say Triple H try to get the title 1 maybe 2 PPVS in a row, then drop in down the ladder to earn the way back up, "make a line" I guess, so fans stay interested

6)they finnally get Cena out of the title picture for a few monthes, but then yyou just put HHH in it? No put guys like MVP, Morrison, Kane in it

7)also have suprise WWE/ World title matches on a random episode of Raw or Smackdown where you never know what can happen

8)stop having guys interfere and ruin great matches, thats what made the Last Man Standing amazing a few weeks ago it was clean bell to bell
U know what if vince didn't have to buy back raw for DOUBLE what he had to pay trump the WWE wouldn't be in this predicament.

I thought that vince was a shrewed business man but trump really shafted him.

YEAH!!! TRUMP industries forever
I think that a return of Clash of the Champions would be a good idea. One Sunday night every four months, instead of a throwaway PPV, put it on free TV. This would lead to more buys of the other shows.

Give away title changes now and then. If you give them away, people will expect bigger things on PPV. Curiosity is what sells the shows.
5 WAYS perhaps 1/ focus on PRO WRESTLING and less on stupidity and talking 2/ let the fans vote for tag team I think at NIGHT of Champions 3/ cheerleaders like WCW had
4/give out prizes to fans every PPV and 5/ refund ,oney back to fans when PPV is shit like it was in the past
U know what if vince didn't have to buy back raw for DOUBLE what he had to pay trump the WWE wouldn't be in this predicament.

I thought that vince was a shrewed business man but trump really shafted him.

YEAH!!! TRUMP industries forever



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