5 Things that NEEDS to happen on Monday Night Raw 3/23/15/ edition

That N Word

Actively evolving
People liked the first one so I guess I will make it a series. Last time I predicted everything but one thing right (well-sorta.) Here are five things that needs to happen on the Mania go home show.

#5: Whoever is losing in Cena/Rusev clash looks strong. I am seriously believing Rusev may win at Mania. The reasoning why is they have made him Cena's bitch throughout the rivalry However, I know Rusev more than likely is losing at Mania. If Rusev is losing he needs to beat up a returning Hogan and then Cena makes the save and beats him up before he "slips on a banana peel" (If you know what that term means) and Rusev takes control and knocks Cena into the corner of the barricade by the ramp and then superkicks his head through it, before putting him in the accolade.

#4: Seth Rollins needs to look strong against Randy Orton- Much like Rusev, Seth has been made Randy's bitch in this rivalry. Seth needs to curb stomp Randy about 3 times.

#3: Triple H needs to put Sting in his place Triple H has also looked weak as hell against Sting. Monday needs to be the night he drops Sting with a pedigree.

#2: The Undertaker surprise return - IMO this NEEDS to happen, that will be something that get's people ready for WrestleMania. Waiting into the last minute with people not knowing his condition really won't. If Taker returns (appears in the ring after a blackout) while Wyatt is rambling and beats him up and tombstone him, that will leave anticipation for the fans.

#1: Lesnar "humbles" Reigns This more than likely will happen but with Reigns spearing Lesnar. However, if Reigns is winning then Lesnar needs to humble him. They need to have Heyman and Lesnar come out with Heyman talking before Brock snatches the mic and say's he is not here to talk, here is here to fight and tells Reigns to get his ass out here. Reigns comes out and talks to Heyman for a second before turning to Brock and telling him "I've heard I can't wrestle...but apparently some people didn't watch Fastlane, I've been told I can't and I won't...But I can and I will, I've been told I'm not ready because I can't talk on the mic. He say's your right i'm not much of a talker and I'm pretty sure were on the same page so "LETS NO TALK LETS FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!" before punching Lesnar in the face and the two begin simultaneously punching each other and Lesnar taking control and slamming Reigns in the corner and then doing his shoulder thrust move. Reigns can then counter and reverse Lesnar in the corner and punching him. Lesnar can push Reigns down who get's up and clotheslines him. Lesnar get's up and get's clotheslined over the top rope and then overhead belly's Reigns through the crowd who get's up and spinebusters him and does his taunt before going for a spear but Heyman does the distraction and get's a superman punch. Lesnar spears Reigns thorugh the barricade and then picks up Reigns who fights him off and does the superman punch and sets up for the spear. Lesnar then catches Reigns on his shoulders for the F-5 through the announce table. This should lead to WWE announcing on the WWE App the next day that it will no be a "No Holds Barred " match.
Last time you did this thread, k tended to agree with you on most everything that you thought needed to happen. But this time I feel as though you have gone off in the wrong direction. And whilst some of what you are looking for might be entertaining, I don't see any of them happening. And of they did, then it would probably ruin WrestleMania for me. Lets start at the top and work our way down. To be honest, I'd really like Rusev to go over but it doesn't make any sense from a booking standpoint. Rusev has already been made to look like a credible Champion given the length of his reign and that he has constantly gotten one over on Cena. For me, the games are over between these two. All we need to see between the two is a good old fashioned brawl between the two. No managers, no contracts, just a pure fight from start to finish. Give us a taste of what we are looking at for Mania and I'll be happy.

As far as Rollins looking string against Orton, I think the way it has been booked already has limited what the WWE can do with Rollins. Again, it's time for the WWE to stop hiding Rollins from his match. Whether he likes it or not, Rollins will be facing Orton at WrestleMania without the help of the Authority and his security team. And whilst it is a facet of being a heel, it's time to make Rollins look like he's capable of holding his own against Orton.

As far as the issues with The Undertaker and Triple H go, I think that the WWE have actually did a good job with these guys. I'm not making excuses for the WWE but I've rather enjoyed having Wyatt get a lot of TV time without being drowned out by Taker. The Undertaker doesn't need to appear because, at this point, it's all about the mystery of the man. People are dying to see what state The Undertaker is in and how he appears at Mania. Keeping him off of TV adds to that if anything and means that they can do something special in a weeks time. And with Sting, it's been good to see the slow build that the WWE have been working on. Last week was the first time we've seen Sting actually wrestle a bit. But he's still an unknown quantity, much like The Undertaker at this point. A face to face en would be a cool idea at this point but I completely disagree that Sting needs to be dished out a beating. These two are going to have an awesome match, and an even match. So lets just see a brawl and I'll be more than happy.
While I disagree with the 5 thing mentioned in the OP, I do think there are 5 things that should really happen at the go home show for WM 31:

5.) The Authority ACTUALLY abandons Seth Rollins - Rollins doesn't need The Authority anymore & he would look much more like a viable contender if he goes into his WM match all alone. J & J Security have pretty much run their course, The Big Show & Kane have LONG overstayed their welcome & The Authority as a whole should pretty much be completely destroyed post-WM anyways.

4.) Sting Speaks - Technically Sting spoke on the WWE network (which was pretty freakin' awesome by the way!) but I want more now & I want it one live TV. HHH/Sting is arguably the real main event of the entire show & Sting delivering some epic promo could be the icing on the cake to get us all pumped for his 1st WWE match of all time!

3.) Roman & Brock Brawl - The one thing really missing from Lesnar/Reigns still is the physicality & intensity of a real fight. I know WWE wants to save most of the action for next Sunday but I think for this match to really feel big, we need a taste of what's really to come & I really hope what's to come is a knock down, drag out, fight to the end!

2.) Sheamus Returns! - We've seen vignettes for weeks & only have 7 men in the IC Title Ladder Match at WM, this just seems like a total no-brainer! Sheamus attacks Bryan, turns heel & boom we have an 8-Man Ladder Match at WM 31 with exactly 4 heels & 4 faces, perfect!

1.) The Undertaker appears on screen - I don't think we are getting a live Taker appearance until WM 31 but what's the next best thing? A video promo verbally acknowledging Bray Wyatt, their current feud & the fact that The Undertaker is coming for Wyatt. That would be the perfect thing for the go home edition of RAW to go off the air with.
People liked the first one so I guess I will make it a series. Last time I predicted everything but one thing right (well-sorta.) Here are five things that needs to happen on the Mania go home show.

#5: Whoever is losing in Cena/Rusev clash looks strong. I am seriously believing Rusev may win at Mania. The reasoning why is they have made him Cena's bitch throughout the rivalry However, I know Rusev more than likely is losing at Mania. If Rusev is losing he needs to beat up a returning Hogan and then Cena makes the save and beats him up before he "slips on a banana peel" (If you know what that term means) and Rusev takes control and knocks Cena into the corner of the barricade by the ramp and then superkicks his head through it, before putting him in the accolade.

#4: Seth Rollins needs to look strong against Randy Orton- Much like Rusev, Seth has been made Randy's bitch in this rivalry. Seth needs to curb stomp Randy about 3 times.

#3: Triple H needs to put Sting in his place Triple H has also looked weak as hell against Sting. Monday needs to be the night he drops Sting with a pedigree.

#2: The Undertaker surprise return - IMO this NEEDS to happen, that will be something that get's people ready for WrestleMania. Waiting into the last minute with people not knowing his condition really won't. If Taker returns (appears in the ring after a blackout) while Wyatt is rambling and beats him up and tombstone him, that will leave anticipation for the fans.

#1: Lesnar "humbles" Reigns This more than likely will happen but with Reigns spearing Lesnar. However, if Reigns is winning then Lesnar needs to humble him. They need to have Heyman and Lesnar come out with Heyman talking before Brock snatches the mic and say's he is not here to talk, here is here to fight and tells Reigns to get his ass out here. Reigns comes out and talks to Heyman for a second before turning to Brock and telling him "I've heard I can't wrestle...but apparently some people didn't watch Fastlane, I've been told I can't and I won't...But I can and I will, I've been told I'm not ready because I can't talk on the mic. He say's your right i'm not much of a talker and I'm pretty sure were on the same page so "LETS NO TALK LETS FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!" before punching Lesnar in the face and the two begin simultaneously punching each other and Lesnar taking control and slamming Reigns in the corner and then doing his shoulder thrust move. Reigns can then counter and reverse Lesnar in the corner and punching him. Lesnar can push Reigns down who get's up and clotheslines him. Lesnar get's up and get's clotheslined over the top rope and then overhead belly's Reigns through the crowd who get's up and spinebusters him and does his taunt before going for a spear but Heyman does the distraction and get's a superman punch. Lesnar spears Reigns thorugh the barricade and then picks up Reigns who fights him off and does the superman punch and sets up for the spear. Lesnar then catches Reigns on his shoulders for the F-5 through the announce table. This should lead to WWE announcing on the WWE App the next day that it will no be a "No Holds Barred " match.

I think it is more important for Roman Reigns to be put in such a position on Monday night where he goes onto WrestleMania looking as though he truly belongs in the ring with Brock Lesnar on the biggest stage of all.
I don't see the point of making Reigns get 'humbled' by Brock at all at this point, as the narrative going into Mania is that Reigns "isn't ready and can't beat Brock".
I'd say to let them brawl in some fashion to give fans a small tease of what is possible in the Main Event of WrestleMania come Sunday, March 29th, 2015.

All I am hoping for come Mania, is that Reigns doesn't get beatdown for 15-20 mins only to pop up at the end with a couple punches and spears to win... unless WWE is indeed trying to make him the new Next Big Thing post-Mania.
I think it is more important for Roman Reigns to be put in such a position on Monday night where he goes onto WrestleMania looking as though he truly belongs in the ring with Brock Lesnar on the biggest stage of all.
I don't see the point of making Reigns get 'humbled' by Brock at all at this point, as the narrative going into Mania is that Reigns "isn't ready and can't beat Brock".
I'd say to let them brawl in some fashion to give fans a small tease of what is possible in the Main Event of WrestleMania come Sunday, March 29th, 2015.

All I am hoping for come Mania, is that Reigns doesn't get beatdown for 15-20 mins only to pop up at the end with a couple punches and spears to win... unless WWE is indeed trying to make him the new Next Big Thing post-Mania.

Quite honestly, considering that they are both in the main event at the biggest show of the year, and they haven't even faced each other in the ring is ridiculous. Also the fact that Mania is less than a week away makes it more lubricious. It doesn't matter really what happens for on Monday night for me, this match is an afterthought. And why not, it's been treated that way by the very company who's putting it out there. These two men should have squared off a long time ago. Not Heyman facing Reigns and leaving Lesnar to sit at home.

Anyway on topic. We will not see the Undertaker. The WWE has already said, for reasons only known to them, he is of TV until the big night.

I doubt highly that Sting will even be on RAW, and if he is we probably won't hear him speak. Why I have no idea, but he's said nothing for a couple of months now, so I don't expect him to start running off at the mouth. And he doesn't have too.

Cena and Rusev, sorry I don't give a rats behind about this whole feud, so if both of them were to accidentally fall into a hole in the ground on the way to the ring, I'll go get the ladder, when I remember. Next week sometime.

Rollins will be running away from Orton again on RAW, but will stand his ground at Mania. That's what I see happening anyway. This Authority protecting him every week is wearing thin.
Triple H needs to put Sting in his place. Triple H has also looked weak as hell against Sting. Monday needs to be the night he drops Sting with a pedigree.

It has been an odd lead-up to the event so far for Triple H, hasn't it? The sight of him falling on his butt when Sting (who wasn't even played by Steve Borden that night) suddenly appeared in the ring was such unusual behavior for Paul Levesque that I was starting to wonder if he wasn't going to somehow eliminate himself from the match at WM31 and assign someone else to fight Sting. As an active competitor, Triple H as a heel has displayed many facets over the years, but never the fear he's displayed during in-person face-offs with Sting.

So, I agree; he needs to Pedigree the guy and give the fans something to chew on while waiting for the big event.

The Undertaker surprise return

The dirt sheets keep assuring us we're not going to see 'Taker until WM31. What, is WWE figuring one more week on the SlimFast diet will make that big a difference? If they're reasoning that the guy has to look better than he did at last year's WM.....well, I can agree with that; the guy looked like hell with his gut hanging out and that shaved head, which made him look even older..... but not meaner, as was surely their intention.

So, while I'd like to get a glimpse of 'Taker on Monday, there is also credence to the idea of keeping us in mystery until 3/29, having us say: "I really want to see how the guy looks and what he's got left. Guess the only way is to tune into WM31."

At any rate, it works both ways. There's value in seeing him a week before.....and value in not.
Quite honestly, considering that they are both in the main event at the biggest show of the year, and they haven't even faced each other in the ring is ridiculous. Also the fact that Mania is less than a week away makes it more lubricious. It doesn't matter really what happens for on Monday night for me, this match is an afterthought. And why not, it's been treated that way by the very company who's putting it out there. These two men should have squared off a long time ago. Not Heyman facing Reigns and leaving Lesnar to sit at home.

Anyway on topic. We will not see the Undertaker. The WWE has already said, for reasons only known to them, he is of TV until the big night.

I doubt highly that Sting will even be on RAW, and if he is we probably won't hear him speak. Why I have no idea, but he's said nothing for a couple of months now, so I don't expect him to start running off at the mouth. And he doesn't have too.

Cena and Rusev, sorry I don't give a rats behind about this whole feud, so if both of them were to accidentally fall into a hole in the ground on the way to the ring, I'll go get the ladder, when I remember. Next week sometime.

Rollins will be running away from Orton again on RAW, but will stand his ground at Mania. That's what I see happening anyway. This Authority protecting him every week is wearing thin.

Said it better than I could have, I'm not interested in watching Wrestlemania this year as I feel 4 hours for a card I only have interest in 2 matches isn't worth it.

Here's hoping they open with the I.C ladder match and then move onto Orton/Rollins so I can see the two I'd like to before exiting out. Hell I'll be satisfied if I can just see the i.c ladder match first, I have Sundays & Wednesdays off and I'd rather not blow 4 hours of a day off on W.M this year.

Mind boggling how poorly built the show has been for a while now.

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