5 By 5

5 Favorite Wrestlers

1. The Undertaker
2. Raven
3. Randy Savage
4. Eddie Guerrero
5. Matt Hardy

5 Favorite Individual PPVs

1. Royal Rumble '05
2. King Of The Ring '96
3. Wrestlemania XX
4. Summerslam '05
5. Vengeance '03

5 Favorite Matches

1. The Undertaker vs. Edge Hell In A Cell '08
2. Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat Wrestlemania III
3. Raven vs. Sandman in ECW
4. Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar No Way Out '05
5. Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle in an Ironman Match on Smackdown

5 Favorite Moments

1. When The Undertaker came back at Wrestlemania XX
2. Shawn Michaels bested Bret Hart in an Ironman Match at Wrestlemania
3. Chris Jericho's debut in WWF/return to WWE against Orton.
4. Eddie wins the gold after beating the odds against Lesnar.
5. When Kane made his debut

5 Favorite Angles

1. Undertaker's "emotional freight train angle" with Brock Lesnar
2. Raven brainwashing Sandman's kid
3. Hulk Hogan's stint as Mr. America (guilty pleasure)
4. Chris Jericho's Save_Us_Y2J
5. Mickie James stalking Trish Stratus

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5 Favorite Wrestlers

1. Mick Foley
2. Sting
3. Kane
4. CM Punk
5. Tito Santana

5 Favorite Individual PPVs

1. Wrestlemania X7
2. Summerslam 1990
3. One Night Stand 05
4. Starrcade 1991
5. Beach Blast 1992

5 Favorite Matches

1. Shawn Michaels vs. Shelton Benjamin - Raw, May 2005
2. Sting vs. Cactus Jack - Beach Blast 92
3. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit - Royal Rumble 03
4. HHH vs. Rock - Summerslam 98
5. HHH vs. Cactus Jack - Royal Rumble 2000

5 Favorite Moments

1. Austin breaks up the Black Wedding
2. Taker and Kane save Lita from the Two Man Power Trip
3. Hogan Slams Andre
4. Savage and Liz reunite
5. Sandman's Entrance at One Night Stand

5 Favorite Angles

1. 3 Faces of Foley
2. Evil Twin Referee (1988)
3. Taker vs. Kane
4. Higher Power
5. NXT Invasion
5 Favorite Wrestlers

1. Stone Cold
2. Ric Flair
3. AJ Styles
4. John Cena
5. Triple H

5 Favorite Individual PPVs

1. Wrestlemania 24
2. Wrestlemania 21
3. Wrestlemania 17
4. ECW One night stand 2006
5. ECW One night stand 2005

5 Favorite Matches

1. Flair v HBK
2. HBK v Taker 1
3. 1st TLC Match
4. RVD v Cena (ONS 2006)
5. Rock v Austin 3

5 Favorite Moments

1. The Barbershop breakup
2. Formation of the nWo
3. Ric Flair's fairwell (Wrestlemania 24)
4. Triple H return 2002
5. The Kat geting exposed

5 Favorite Angles

1. The nWo
2. Austin v McMahon
3. The Invasion
4. HBK v Y2J 2
5. The nWo (WWE version)

1. Taker
2. Jericho
3. Angle
4. The Rock
5. Christian


1. Wrestlemania 25 (purely because i was there)
2. Royal Rumble 2007
3. KOTR 2000
3. ECW Barely Legal
4. Summerslam 1999
5. Invasion (shit angle, decent PPV though)


1. Taker v HBK at WM25
2. Foley v Orton No Holds Barred Backlash 2004
3. Foley/Edge/Lita v Dreamer/Funk/Beulah ONS 2006
4. Christian v Jericho WM20
5. Benoit v HBK v HHH WM20


1. Austin beats the crap out of Booker T in a grocery store.
2. Rock Concert in Sacremento
3. Austin causes Chyna to become #1 contender for the WWF title by cracking HHH in the skull with a chair, as the Undertaker looks on, super pissed.
4. Any of the 5 second poses.
5. Booker T's promo at WM17 where he says he got a distinction for his thesis on Einstein's theory of relatives. "Shut up Sucka! He had two theories!"

Angles (no particular order):

1. Kane/Shane fued
2. Kane's uber push in '03 where he nearly held three belts at once, and then had to unmask
3. Jericho/HBK in 2008
4. Dudleys putting chicks through tables throughout 1999/2000
5. Foley's 'retirement' angle back in 1999/2000

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