5 albums that have influenced your music taste

Hollywood Naitch

The current reigning and defending
Everyones taste in music changes and evolves over time, as they are exposed to/discover new bands and new genres of music.

What I want to know is, which 5 albums had the biggest impact on you and changed the style of music you listened to?? Maybe you still listen to all these albums today?

Here are my 5

1. Limp Bizkit- Chocolate Starfish & The Hot Dog Flavoured Water


This was the first "ROCK" band I really loved, I was really into rap-metal after hearing Limp Bizkit, and while now I know how childish the lyrics are, when this came out everyone in my school thought it was the coolest thing ever. I even ended up wearing the Fred Durst hat for a while haha, and I still occasionally play some of these tracks today, My Generation is still a great song!

2. Oasis- Definitely Maybe


I had heard of Oasis for a while, and loved a few of their major hits, like Wonderwall and Don't Look Back In Anger, but I had never listened to a full album of theirs until my Dad bought me a copy of Definitely Maybe....it changed everything.

From the 1st listen Oasis became my favourite band, and they still are to this day, and I cannot see them ever being replaced by any other artist.

Supersonic is my favourite song of all time, and the album has so many other classics on there, it deservedly is thought of one of the best albums ever made.

3. 2Pac- Greatest Hits


In my opinion 2Pac is the greatest rapper of them all, not only for his lyrical genius, but the way he delivers his words and I also love the music he has on all his tracks, they all sound unique and instantly recognisable and catchy.

Changes was the 1st song of his I heard, but since then I have picked up quite a few his albums and discovered some amazing tracks, Pac is a legend. RIP. Because of this album, I got into Dre, Snoop, Warren G etc

4. The Stone Roses- The Stone Roses


While I was in college, a few mates got into The Roses and tried to get me interested in it, but I never bothered listening to them. One day I caught the "She Bangs The Drums" video on a music channel, got off the sofa and went out and bought their classic debut album. It is a tragedy that this band only ever released two studio albums, they are so influential to modern music.

After listening to The Roses, I became a massive fan of the singer Ian Browns solo stuff, even to the point of having a huge canvas painting of him in my living room, and hearing this album led to to investigate all the music of Madchester (Manchester) in the late 80s like The Smiths, New Order, Inspiral Carpets.

Once again, 1 album had opened up a whole new genre of music to me!

and finally

5. Alice In Chains- Greatest Hits


Being a rock fan, I had heard of Alice In Chains, but had never listened to any of their songs before I heard "Grind" on a jukebox in a bar in Malta. The waitress in there had put it on, and lent me her copy of their Greatest Hits. I fell in love with Alice straight away, the riff on Grind is fantastic, Man In The Box and Would? became two of my favourite songs, Down In A Hole is awesome...I can go on and on

Once I got back to England I bought my own copy, and eventually got the entire back catalogue of the band. I knew grunge, being into Pearl Jam and Nirvana already, but after getting into Alice I started listening to Jerry Cantrells solo stuff, Soundgarden and Temple Of The Dog.

2 days ago I ordered the cd of Layne Staleys other band "Mad Season", something I would never have done had I not heard "Grind" in the bar that day. I have never heard or seen that song being played on tv/radio/jukebox since so had I not gone in that day, I may never have got into Alice, who are now one of my favoruite bands

What are the albums that have shaped your musical taste????
Off the top of my head...I'm not entirely sure but if I had to pick some, then I'd say..

1) Metallica - St. Anger

2) Status Quo - Greatest Hits

3) Jeremy Soule - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Original Game Soundtrack

4) Koehi Tanaka - Alundra - Original Game Soundtrack

5) this one isn't really an album, but it's just the song in general..
Time To Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman

All of these songs and soundtracks are the main reasons that sum up my love for every genre I'm into today. Be it Heavy Metal or Classical, hell; even Opera and Orchestral.

I love my music.
1:Rammstien- liebe ist fur alle da (love is for all)
2: Rammstien- Reise Reise
3:Green day- american idiot
4:simple plan-still not getting any
5-ac dc-back in black
the reason being i like metal music to rock cause of the beat and the message especially rammstien they are one of the greatest german metal bands
isnt music one of the greatest things ever invented?
1. Appetite for Destruction - Guns N Roses: This is without a doubt my favourite album ever by my favourite band ever, the first time I heard it I fell in love with GNR and never looked back since, it's a damn shame they only released three proper albums ( Chinese Democracy is NOT Guns N Roses). How it influenced my tastes, this basically got me into other Sleaze Rock from the late 80's which is probably my favourite genre.

2. Rocks - Aerosmith: Another great album which is partially responsible for the likes of Slash, Lars Ulrich and Kurt Cobain getting into music so it didn't just infulence me. This album helped with my love of Aerismith aswell as my love for rock from the 60's/70's.

3. Raining Blood - Slayer: This album if fucking brutal, it is about 30 mins long and after listening to it you just want to go and break something, the only complaint I have which is more about Slayer in general than the album is the solos, sure they sound fucking awesome but they are completely unmelodic and make no sense in the context of the song. Anyway this was one of the albums that got me into thrash.

4. Master Of Puppets - Metallica: Again this is another thrash metal masterpiece just a different style, while Raining Blood is about short shapr songs that make you want to smash things this album is more about longer more complex songs both are amazing in theri own way. Anyway Master of Puppets, the actual song, is an absolute masterpiece and may be my all time favourite song. This was also an album that got me into thrash.

5. Metal On Metal - Anvil: This didn't shape my taste so much but it dosent stop it from being awesome this is just a great hard rock album from start to finish, it really is an absolute travesty that these guys never got proper recognition. I got to see them live last year and they were absolutely amazing, I met them at a signing too and they seemed like really good people. Anyway go buy this album, you wont regret it.
Eminem - Slim Shady LP: Rap was pretty much the first genre I firmly got into when it comes to music. And it was generally due to Eminem's "My Name Is", which sucked me into becoming a fan of Eminem, as well as a fan of rap music in general. I still am, and it's all due to this album. However I would say all of his other albums have influenced it as well, but this one kicked it all into gear.

Breaking Benjamin - Phobia: After being a rap fan for about between 9-11 years (I forgot exactly when I started to listen to a lot of rock and metal music.) This was the album that kicked me into starting to become a rock fan, and a metal fan. I've always had it kinda dwelling with a bit of being a fan of Linkin Park, but that was primary due to the rap aspect of it, also being a fan of Metallica in general. Which brings me to my next choice.

Linkin Park- Hybrid Theory: I started to become a fan of Linkin Park, and to listen to their music pretty much alongside Eminem. Due to the rap music it exposed, and still keeping me around something I recognized in the radio from general rock music and such, this one influenced me into a fan of Nu Metal just as well.

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication: Generally I had listened to a bit of Red Hot Chili Peppers before. But this album produced some of my favorite tracks from them, like Californication, Scar Tissue and Otherside. This was also their most successful studio release in the existence of the band, which I feel influenced it a little bit as well. This album really came through to me in a period where I really did have little care for rock music. The album remained popular with radio play throughout the years in an occasional mention and play, which kept me liking them and kept me on notice for them.

Robbie Williams - Escapology: I've always been a Robbie Williams fan sorta loosely due to my mother listening to his music a lot, and having a handful of his albums. However this one put me on the map as a firm fan of him as well. Feel and Come Undone have been some of my favorite songs from him, alongside with She's the one and Angel. This album just solidified it all for me. Robbie became a firm mainstay in the Danish radios with the song Feel around that time, and I just got sucked all into it.
I'mma list albums that helped me branch off to a genre or sub-genre and from there branched off to others:

Shape of Despair Angels of Distress -- I have NO IDEA how I was able to jump into funeral doom considering it is an acquired taste. I got sick of it for a short while since I wasn't able to find other bands, but I have found plenty lately after not having any new music after my laptop busted. I added this last sentence for this paragraph so I can type that the next two albums (genres) explain why.


Burzum Filosofem -- Standard black metal album that pretty much got me into depressive/atmospheric/suicidal black metal (I don't know what's up with the many terms). Thinking about it, I think I have a fascination with ambiance, which explains why I was able to enjoy funeral doom since both are about melancholy and atmosphere and whatnot. They're both awesome in my book.


Nile Black Seeds of Vengeance -- This got me into death metal, especially the "br00tal" kind that was fuckin' dense and fast as hell (I'm not into old-school death metal, except for maybe Frightmare if they count). From there I was able to get into goregrind since they're similar. I actually got into this genre first and it was the vocals (which I practiced for years and mastered in order to form my own bands) that helped me get into funeral doom. I guess I was destined to have a vast taste in music.


Circle Takes The Square EP -- This got me into screamo and also helped me appreciate hardcore that wasn't goregrind-ish how I liked it. Ya know, bands who sing with shrieked vocals and wasn't always fast and the like? Yeah.


cKy Infiltrate - Destroy - Rebuild -- This band and album got me into music in the first place and into rock (or as some like to call this band, pop rock). From here I looked into other bands associated with Bam Margera and was able to find bands with different styles of music. I credit this band as one of my all-time favorites and also the first band I went to see a show for.


I'm not able to post what influenced rap, industrial (umbrella term I'm using for a bunch of sub-genres), indie rock, post-rock, etc. since I only had to type about five albums. I guess I'll just leave this as it is.
1. Limp Bizkit-Significant Other. Before I found out who they were, I was musically lost. I was raised in a Country/Gospel family and had never been exposed to much anything else, outside of my brother's love for gansta rap. When I first heard their cover of "Faith," I was interested, but when this album came out and "Nookie" hit the airwaves, I was sold. I even wrote for the 7th grade writing assessment that the band should be commemorated on a stamp for their contributions to rock music. I got a 5 out of 6.

2. Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory. Great band and great album. Each song was captivating and original. I would listen to this on the school bus and drift away elsewhere. I've always been impressed by Chester's vocal style and started to model my style after his.

3. Good Charlotte-Good Charlotte. I searched high and low for this album until I had to special order if from On Cue (now Sam Goody). I would use this one less as escapism and more a musical therapy. I am the product of a broken home, so there situational lyrics spoke to me.

4. Default-The Fallout. I have always been a reservedly passionate person, and the Canadian band's music captured my restrained struggle perfectly. I also feel like this was my first glimpse into alternative music. Not really genre wise, but because they gained little notoriety for their first single. I still listen to them and would recommend their stuff to anybody.

5. Tenth Avenue North-Over and Underneath. This Christian band has been a mainstay in my collection since my first exposure to them in 2008. They embody the proper Christian perspective. This album has helped me grow spiritually and always encourages me in my daily walk with Christ. It's a true testament of the struggle believers have when it comes to "being in the world, but not of the world."
Rust In Peace: Megadeth


An all around incredible album by my all time favorite band. Every song off of this cd is awesome including my favorite song off of the album, Hangar 18(Shown above).

This Album has been stated to be in the top 5 most influential Metal Albums of all time, and it makes perfect sense. After listening to it there was no one else in my mind that was higher in my mind than Megadeth.

Master of Puppets: Metallica


Another incredibly album, and to most hardcore fans and Metal fans in general Metallica's best album. This CD has everything, from awesome Master of Puppets to deeper slower songs like The Thing That Should Not Be, which is based off of Lovecraft novels, mostly dealing with Cthulhu.

Painkiller: Judas Priest


Painkiller is an incredible album by Judas Priest. This is a heavy album which really, in my opinion, was them at their best. It has one of my all time favorite songs on it in Painkiller(Shown Above), and also has epic songs like Metal Meltdown and Leather Rebel. This CD pretty much epitomizes Metal music.

Dark Side: Pink Floyd


An incredible album by one of the greatest bands of all time. The album itself was excellent in every way. Songs flowed right into each other and really took you on an adventure through time, space, and your own mind. With incredible songs on here such as Money and Time it breathed new life into me and expanded my music horizons. Before this I listened to primarily Metal and Death Metal but this CD really changed my opinions on older music and I feel better for it.

The End of Heart Ache: Killswitch Engage


An excellent album and my favorite album by one of my favorite bands, Killswitch Engage. Before listening to this band I listened to metal but would never get into screaming and bands with harder vocals. This album changed that, and for the better. This is an incredible album by an incredible band and if you have yet to check it out I suggest you do. With awesome songs like When Darkness Falls, Roses of Sharyn, and The End of Heartache, this album is certainly worth a listen.
5 albums that have influenced my music taste? A tough one...well for my particular case I think it most be albums from my favorite bands:

Overkill-Motörhead: When I listen to this record, my thoughts were "this is so fucking heavy!". But not heavy in a way that death metal is, but in a way that the instruments and the vocals gave so much power to the song and the record itself.

Rock in Rio-Iron Maiden: Believe it or not, this was my first Iron Maiden album that I ever listen to. I was impressed by the way that you could hear the audience going nuts! All that for epic songs like "Blood Brothers", "Dream of Mirrors", "Sign of the Cross" etc.. That album made me fell in love not only with Maiden, but also with Heavy Metal! Hell yeah! :headbanger:

In Your Honor-Foo Fighters: Well this record for me, it show me how a band can be loud, heavy, goofy, acoustic, cute and simply amazing. I mean, one heavy record, one acoustic record! What else do you want? lol.

Youthanasia-Megadeth: This, right here is where I thought, "holy fuck I think that I like more Megadeth than Metallica". And it hasn't change since then ;)

S&M-Metallica: Again believe it or not, this was my very first record of Metallica. When I listen to "Call of Ktulu" or "Nothing Else Matters" I only think how good can be rock/metal with a symphony!
I'll do a quick rundown.

Slim Shady LP by Eminem - The reason I listen to Hip-hop at all was because of this fantastic album.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles - I can't imagine how different my musical taste would without having heard it. Got me listening to classic rock.

Nevermind by Nirvana - This is what got me to actually listen to heavier stuff, especially grunge.

Veckatimist by Grizzy Bear - The album that caught my interest and started me on the path to loving Indie rock.

Hot Fuss by The Killers - This was what got me back into rock at a time that I had nearly given up on the genre. Still one of my all-time favorites.
1. U2-The Joshua Tree. This is where my musical interests began. My older brother had it on cassette, I stole it, and wore the tape out on my Walkman. It got me into classic rock (well, to be fair, at the time it was just "rock", lol). U2 is still my all time favorite band, even if Vertigo and No Line on the Horizon are kind of weak...

2. Def Leppard-Hysteria. My introduction to 80s metal. I remain a fan of certain hair bands from the 80s even to this day, as cheesy as they were, they had FUN, and sang songs about having a good time, not the depressing bullshit that got ushered in by grunge. Fuck grunge...it ruined good ol' rock and roll.

3. The Eagles Greatest Hits 1971-1975. There is a reason this album constantly flips with Thriller as the number 1 all time best selling album...and it opened me up to the more mellow rock of the 70s.

4. Star Wars Original Motion Picture Soundtrack. I know this an odd choice, but I am a fan, and it opened me up to Mozart, to Beethoven, and other absolutely beautiful pieces of classical music. There is nothing as moving in music as a good strings piece.

5. Journey-Greatest Hits. This album is fucking insanely good. Journey proved the value of having a lead singer who can SING and not scream. As I have gotten older (35 now) I find myself gravitating back towards older bands, because for the most part, the lead singers were flat out better. Clarity of voice is an important attribute of my musical tastes, I prefer bands that play clean, crisp notes, rather than constantly trying to simply squeeze as many notes in as they can. I prefer lead singers over lead screamers.

There are so many albums that I could give love to, from Queen, Van Halen, REO Speedwagon, AC/DC, ABBA (I can't believe I just admitted that) to choose from, but the 5 albums listed were the most influential to my musical tastes...classical to classic rock to 80s rock and hair band metal. The 70s and 80s were great decades for music...
Aerosmith:Big Ones-Aerosmith is one of the first rock bands I heard. When I started listening to them I wasn't really into anything at that point. I was into mostly WWE music. So to get out of listening to WWE music my brothers got me Aerosmith. I was hooked immediately.

Toby Keith-Greatest Hits II-Possibly my favorite Toby Keith Album. Obvious reason it's his greatest hits. Really the first Country artist I actually started listening too. I listen to more country artist now but he remains my favorite.

Bon Jovi:Have A Nice Day-After I heard them I asked around about them. I liked the song Have A Nice Day. People told me to buy their album to see for myself and I was hooked immediately. I instantly started collecting their albums.

Red Hot Chili Peppers:Stadium Arcadium-I heard Dani California. Don't what else to say about it. I also heard Under the Bridge. Their music is just great. I don't know what else to say.

Coldplay-X&Y-Their music is just beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Their last album Viva La Vida was great. I'm looking for their next one to come out.
I only need 3 albums for this. Both lead off into different directions that I'm still exploring

David Gray - White Ladder

First album I ever bought and really the one that introduced me to adult music. From this I went onto the typical indie bands of the time like Travis and Stereophonics, which eventually lead me to probably my favourite band of the last few years, Rilo Kiley and my favourite singer of recent times, Elliott Smith.

Nick Drake - Way To Blue

This really was my musical awakening. There is quite literally no-one like Nick Drake but listening to him allowed me into folk music, which lead to Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Tim Buckley (and Jeff Buckley) and in modern times Laura Marling.

Garden State Soundtrack

Frou Frou leads to Imogen Heap leads to Kate Bush leads to Bat For Lashes, Emiliana Torrini and Bjork.

I think my next progression goes from Jeff Buckley to Led Zepplin but it's not happen in the 5 years I've owned Grace so maybe something else will come along first.
1. Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory


This made me get into rock. I hadn't really been into music until I heard "The End" on the radio. I had to go out and get this. From the time it entered my boombox to the time it left, it was my favorite CD. My favorite track on the whole CD is "Points of Authority" and "Pushing Me Away".

2. Five Finger Death Punch - War Is The Answer


Again, this album turned my tastes to a new direction. I hated metal until I heard this album and the only reason I purchased it was the "Bad Company" cover which I thought was excellent.

3. Stone Temple Pilots - Core


This is my favorite album ever produced. I love every song on this album and I'm so happy to see STP back on tour and coming out with new albums now. This band has helped me blow off steam and get through tough times in my life. If you haven't heard this album, you need to.
1. Rev Theory- Light It Up= These guys are amazing!!! They always know how to put on a show and are terrific and are so LOVED by Kansas City. I cannot wait for their new material. They know what entertains, and can rock out live.

2. Rob Zombie Greatest Hits- I've always loved his songs whether he was in White Zombie or on his own. I am mad for this genius. Truly a gifted person whether it be musically, films, or other artistic genres. If you didn't know, he works with a costume shop in California that sells vintage type patches with names of his songs like "Werewolf Girls" and neat little things like that. He's a multi-faceted talent.

3. Run DMC - greatest hits- To be honest, I own anything by this group, and even the solo projects of Rev Run,and DMC. This is such a pioneering group. With their collaborations with Aerosmith, and even DMC was in KC in the last week or two doing a music video with the lead singer of Jackyll, and they will be doing some work on DMC's next project. You can't deny the influence Run DMC has had on the rap & R&B today.

4. Johnny Cash- I'd be in trouble with my dad if I didn't mention him. My dad brought me up on listening to the oldies of country. I adore listening to this man. I mean to be honest, I will buy anything that has his greatest hits, I even was excited for the Walk The Line Movie.

5. Seether- Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces - I've always dug hearing Seether's songs on the radio before. But then I heard this cd, and just cannot stop listening to it non-stop.

Other notable mentions..
Breaking Benjamin-Phobia, and Alter Bridge- One Day Remains. Then we have Three Days Grace- One-Xl; and then Shinedown's- The Sound of Madness. All these comprise some of the cd's albums that influence my musical taste. :)

1. AFI's All Hallows E.P.

I got this when I was about 11 years old. I only bought it because of the cool cover actually. It only has four songs but this E.P. introduced me to one of my favorite bands AFI, my favorite band The Misfits through the Halloween cover, and punk in general.


2. Slipknot-Self Titled

This was the cd that introduced me to metal. I stole it from my brother along with Issues from Korn. This isn't their best album (Iowa is) but it was just so raw and fuck you in your face. It definitely made me aware of metal and how amazing it is. Again, not my favorite album but influenced me a lot.


3. ICP The Ring Master

This was my first ICP cd and my friend gave it to me because he bought two for some reason. This cd made me love rap and hip hop. I became a huge fan of ICP after listening to this and was quite a devote Juggalo until I learned of their hypocrisy (a topic for another time) and how there is a lot better hip hop out there. But nonetheless I still find myself listening to it to this day, it's a fun album that planted many musical seeds that would come.


4. Resident Evil Movie Soundtrack

This is the soundtrack to the first Resident Evil movie. I remember only buying it because of Slipknot but I learned of so many great bands ad different music through this. It made me a fan of Coal Chamber, Rammstein, Mudvayne, Method Man, Static-X, Crystal Method. And through this because of Method Man I started listening to Wu-Tang and other stuff, and the Crystal Method made me start listening to Techno, Electronic and what ever genre's of techno there are.


5. This is Boston Not L.A.

This cd is a collection of different hardcore and punk bands from Boston during the 80's. I just love this cd, the raw power, emotion, and thoughts in the songs just made me fall in love with it. AFI introduced me to punk and hardcore but this cd made me fucking adore it. Great cd with bands that didn't get much recognition and probably didn't deserve it or want it anyway lol.
1. Appetite for Destruction - Guns n Roses, It changed my outlook on life a lot in terms of me growing into a young man, It gave me the attitude and swagger I carry now a days.

2. Fallout - Mayfield Four, These really showed me how much of a musical person I was in terms of harmonies and lyrics. This is MYLES KENNEDY'S First successful band before Alter Bridge, I reccomend the albums to any Alter Bridge fans, You can relate to this album a lot.

3. Ryan Leslie - Ryan Leslie, I'm a Hard Rock/Blues/RnB type of guy, A lot of soul. And this guy produces albums, makes beats, writes his OWN lyrics and can sing. He is a TRUE artist. If you like RnB check this guy out.
Nirvana-Nevermind. Amazing album from top to bottom that really got me into music and grunge. It was the soundtrack to my early life. The music was so emotional that it really helped when I was feeling blue.

Red Hot Chili Peppers-Californication. Another great album. When ever I need to chill out and listen to some great lyrics, I turn on Californication. Anthony Kiedes is a great poet and John Frusciantes guitar playing is mind blowing.

Lupe Fiasco-The Cool. It showed me a whole other side of the rap genre. Until I heard this album I was kind of narrow minded when it came to rap, not that I didn't listen to it. However, I really didn't pay attention to the great lyrics that can be said until I heard this album. Turned my view of rap upside down and made me a huge fan of the more mellow sound and lyric driven raps.

Wu-Tang Clan-8 Chambers. It was just a fun album, with some great rapping. However, I really enjoyed the gangster side of the album, and really intrigued me when it came to gangsta rap. I remain a die hard WTC fan.

Kid Cudi-Man on the Moon. Once again, the sound was so unique and mind blowing when I first heard it. I don't think I have ever been so engaged with an album in my life. It is literally one of the only CD's I can listen to over and over with out getting bored of it, because I am always finding something new in the words.

Honorable mention goes out to MGMT's first album. An amazing sound that I love. It was hard for me not to put them on this list because that album really got me into indie music and electronic music.
Well, Here goes, another great thread that I HAVE to respond to, since its such a cool idea.

1) Transformers (1986) Not only is this the first movie I saw in my life, when I was 3 in the movie theater in 1986, it gave me the appreciation and love for 3 different types of music. 80's hair metal/Power metal, Synth instrumental and Synth inclusions in music, and Instrumental music as a whole.
(Hair Metal)

(Synth, instrumental)

2)Metallica: And justice for all
This is the album that I heard in 88/89, That, at a very young age, gave me my favorite band of all time, and they're favorite album. It gave me the template in which to compare metal bands to.

3)KoRn: Nu metal, condemn it if you will, in 94, It began, (Though Faith no More started the sound) This is the album that made ALOT of people take notice to the new sound. And at 27, I STILL love Nu metal.

4)Wu tang clan: Enter the 36 chambers: Wu tang mixed elements that I loved about hip hop and blended it with Martial arts films and odd samples. Rza is my favorite producer of all time since 93, and I use them to prove that Hip hop is NOT noise or garbage, It can be creative. Rza also made me love to listen to Rap instrumentals, as they tell a story without a single word

5) tOoL: Undertow
This album introduced me to Tool and such, showed me how technical a band can be, and to look beyond the surface with lyrics, and how to listen for the most detailed side of music, note wise, beat count etc. Danny carey also is my inspiration to want to be a drummer
Danny Carey, My favorite drummer
Ohhh wow I have to limit it to 5? I love all kinds of music so Ill list albums in diff genras that sparked my interest in said Genra

Hard Rock/Metal:

Stryper- Soldiers Under Command
Guns N Roses- Appetite for Destruction
Deliverance- Weapons of Our Warfare
Skid Row- ST
Cinderella - Long Cold Winter


Pink Floyd- Dark Side of the Moon
Simon & Garfunkle


Dr Dre The Chronic
Enimen- The Marshall Mathers EP


Anything by Buddy Guy
#5-Toxicity (System of a Down)

This album had a great influence on me because at the time 9/11 had just happened. I have allways since I was a kid been a fan of metal and hard rock. But at this time I was turning to rap and shit like that because its what was cool. This album reassured me that hard rock and metal would allways be in my life. The lyrics are about as deep and heavy as soad has gone in their years and really got to me.

#4-Reign in blood-(Slayer)

This album was about the heavy shit. I lisitened to it after i first got pantera into my life and jesus. It was so heavy, imagine this a small kid just jamming out to slayer. I was like five or six i can't remember anymore when i first started in with metal and its been a love afair ever since. This album was so fast and brutal. I still sight Kerry King as one of my top favorites in the metal community just because of this album.

#3-Vulgar display of power-(Pantera)

Vdp is a great album, just an awsome display of what pantera could do back in the day. This was without a doubt what got my into metal. It was my first album I got as a kid. My cousin dusty gave it to me, walk and this love were my favorite songs off of it and I wish I still had this album lol I burnt it out over the years and it got scrached up.

#2- The Black waltz-(Kalmah)

Ok some people might ask me why i'm putting this so far up on my list. Well this album came out in 2006. I've allways been looking for new heavyer bands to lisiten to, and this was about the time that I found them. I lisitened to one song and was hooked. This album made me realise that all metal is good metal. Not just fast hard hitting shit, the stuff that makes you go .....wow thats nuts how they do that.

#1-Super hits-(Johnny Cash)

In my mind this is the greatist compliation of the man in black. I love his voice. My dad got my into Johnny because he was his favorite artist along with elvis. I can't lisiten to this album anymore without sheding a tear. My dads been gone now for 5 years. But this album gives me strength that I love somthing just as much as my dad did.

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