30 Seconds To Mars: Legit?


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
In a few weeks, Jared Leto's band 30 Seconds To Mars will be releasing their 2nd full length album. I was personally a big fan of the first album, as it's mainsteam rock, but it's not the cookie cutter material you so often hear from bands like *cough* Nickelback *cough*.

So, what do you think? Are they a legit music act, or are they just a B-list actor's side project to stay relevant?
NSL, this is going to be their 3rd album. They had the self titled album before A Beautiful Lie. Look;


But I do think they are legit to a certain extent. I mean, Jared Leto has put an lot of time and effort into it. He's turned down movie roles because they interfered with touring. The guy's just living (yet another) dream.
At the same time, I think they got their initial popularity due Leto's popularity (ahem) as an actor. That, and emo girls thinking he's hot.
But he definately has some talent. He's easily better as an actor, but he's a decent singer and songwriter. I just hope he does something a little bit more exciting with this album as every single song on the second album followed the intro/verse/chorus/verse/chorus/break down/chorus/outro formula.
I should have clarified it was their 2nd album on a label. I may be wrong, but I believe the self-titled album was released out of Leto's pocket.

Either way, I think they're a legit act. They write damn good music, the lyrics are good, if not a little mysterious, but it's still nice to put on and listen to. He has turned away a few good roles, and had the shooting to Chapter 27 rescheduled so he could finish up a tour. As long as he can do both, without intertwining them, I don't see why they can't both continue to be a success.
I'm HUGE fan of Jared Leto as an actor (I mean, come one; if you're not a fan of Requiem for a Dream and My So Called Life, then you simply suck as a human being :p ), but I could never get into 30 Second to Mars, even though I really, really wanted to. I do think Leto has a great voice, and for a mainstream band, they're better than most of the crap that comes out today, but still... I just couldn't feel their last album for whatever reason.

With that said, I'm keeping an open mind for their new stuff and hoping they can win me over with it.

Also, to answer the original question... I certainly think they're legit, as they have a huge fanbase, from both mainsteam and indy fans, which is something extremely difficult for most bands to obtain. 30 Second to Mars will most definitely be around for quite sometime and continue the success they've been having since their last album.
Well it can be seen as a mixture of both. Leto might be doing it because he wants to do his music at the moment, but he might later get bored and return to acting for a bit.

I find 30 Seconds To Mars one of the better recent bands, the members play catchy tunes and the lyrics are good, Jared is also one of those singers who mixes singing and screaming to a decent medium unlike others who just constantly shout
So, what do you think? Are they a legit music act, or are they just a B-list actor's side project to stay relevant?

I like 30 Seconds to Mars. I think they are a decent music group and "Beautiful Lie" was much better than I expected it to be. I didn't like their self-titled album as much, but it had some good tracks on it too. Their new one will have a tough act to follow since their least cd was so good. I think they are a legit music act because Leto is better with this band than he ever was as an actor in my opinion.
There self titled album has been by far their best work, the second album, A beautiful lie, doesn't hold a candle to it imo, I could just never get into it at all, I listen the album several times all the way through thinking maybe i just needed to hear it more and maybe it would just grow on me, nope, outside of two songs, both of which I beleive were released as singles, the album did nothing for me, for me 30STM is one of those bands that falls into the gray area, I hate them but I don't love them either, I have no problem listening to there music yet at the same time I find it hard to get excited about them

As far as them being "legit", well they've managed to make it to a third album and are on mainstream radio, they've had several singles get decent air time on the radio, so I would say yeah, it's prolly safe to consider them a legit music act
I, like JMT, tried to get into them. I tried so very hard. I mean, his acting is wonderful. And their music isn't that bad. It's definitely not the shit that is usually offered as Rock nowadays, and it's no where near as bad as Nickelback or the musical abomination known entirely as Creed.

However, I just never could. Blame it on them being played a million times with that one damn song where the music video has them in the Shining hotel. I forget what it's called, but the chorus was mainly "Break me down..." which may or may not be the title. And I refuse to Google it, because I'm being a lazy fuck.

I will, against my ability to get into them, declare them legit. I couldn't hate on anyone for liking them. I will, however, mercilessly ridicule someone for liking Creed or Nickleback. Those are the very definition of non-legit bands.

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