3 samples of my writing skills


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
NOt really sure if I'm allowed to do this but here it is anyway


Stasiak: Evolution has been one hell of a PPV so far and it's only going to get better.

Jacobs: That's right Dave. We still have two more titles to decide, but right now it's time time to find out who the first ever E.W. Tag Team Champions are going to be in this company wide Battle Royal. There is a tiny change to this match. Alex Bowne and Gus will be unable to compete in this Battle Royal due to the injuries they received in the Havoc Title match.

Becca: The following is the company wide Battle Royal. The object is to throw your opponents over the top rope and the last 2 men in the ring will be the new E.W. Tag Team champions!

Becca exits the ring and when she is clear one of the refs at ringside calls for the bell to start the match.

Stasiak: There goes The Allied Powers right after Joe and Kenny of the Washoe Valley Crew.

Jacobs: Everyone ois going crazy. They all want to be Tag Team Champions here in E.W.

We see see The Allied Powers and the Wahoe Valley Crew exchanging blows in the corner

Jacobs: Chris Cassidy and Murfish are exchanging rights and lefts in the middle of the ring.

All of a sudden DJ and Rahjeem clothesline Joe and Kenny out of the ring.

Jacobs: The Washoe Valley crew, one of the few legitimate Tag Teams we have here in E.W., have just been eliminated.

Stasiak: Cassidy and Murfish are still beating the Hell out of each other. They've ignored everyone else in this match.

Jacobs: What do you expect, those two hate each other. Wait just a second what is Stone doing?

Stone silently goes after D.C. who is in the corner waiting for the right time to get involved.

Stasiak: Apparently Stone took exception to D.C letting everyone else do all the work.

Stone gets D.C. up on the top rope and punches him with a straight right to the jaw sending him down to the floor.

Stasiak: Xavier Stone Made quick work of D.C. with a straight shot right to the face.

Jacobs: Dave, it looks like Murfish is about to eliminate Cris Cassidy!

Murfish puts Cassidy on the turnbuckle and pushes Cassidy over the top, but on his way out he grabs murfish with his legs and pulls him over the top rope and onto the floor.

Jacobs: Murfish is eliminated! What about Cassidy? It looks like both of hisd feet touched the floor.

Stasiak: It's up to the ref, he was right there and saw the whole thing.

The ref signals that only one of Cassidy's feet touched the floor. Exhausted Cassidy rolls back in the ring and catches his breath in the corner.

Stasiak: That was a close one. Cassidy needs to be more careful if he wants to leave 1/2 of the Tag Team CHampions.

Jacobs: Tom Fraser and Jesse are working together to ward off the combined power of The Maxx and Milenko.

Stasiak: It looks like Tom Fraser and Jesse are no match for the POwerhouses of the N.O.I.

Milenko and Maxx get Fraser and Jesse to the ropes and Milenko hits Jesse with a big boot sending him over the top rope. At the same time Maxx suplexes Fraser over the top rope.

Jacobs: The N.O.I. is dominating this match. They're my pick to win this thing.

Stasiak: They just might Ricky, but they aren't the only ones in this match.

Jacobs: Yeah, but the N.O.I. is working together like a well oiled machine. Look at Warner and Stone overthere, they should be working together instead of attacking each other.

Stone And Warner are trying to throw each other each other over the top rope. Warner gets the upper hand and manages to get Stone perched on the top rope. All of a sudden Sonny Williams comes out of nowhere and gets both of them over the top rope.

Jacobs: Williams out of nowhere eliminates both Xavier Stone and Zak Warner at the same time!

Stasiak: That's what you need to do to win this match! You need to be cautious and pick your spots.

Jacobs: Look at Milenko Taking it to Ace Cannon. Milenko is trying to power him over the top rope, but he can't quite manage.

Stasiak: It looks like Milenko is calling DJ over to help him.

DJ goes over to the opposite side of the ring and runs at Milenko and Ace Cannon looking to clothesline Ace over the top rope. At the last secondhe gets out of the way and DJ ends up sending Milenko down to the floor instead.

Stasiak: DJ just eliminated his own teammate from the Battle Royal!

Jacobs: Only eight men left in this match. Who is gonna become the first Tag Team Champions in E.W. it could be anyone.

Grand Mystique sneaks up behind DJ as he is staring in disbelief at Milenko and dumps him over the top rope.

Stasiak: Make that seven! Mystique just eliminated DJ as he was staring at Milenko.

Jacobs: There are only two N.O.I. members left. Come on Maxx and Rahjeem.

Stasiak: There might only be one left, look at Ace Cannon take it to Rahjeem!

Rahjeem stands in disbelief that his tag team partner just got eliminated when Cannon starts hitting him with rights and lefts staggering him.

Jacobs: Cannon is pushing Rahjeem towards the ropes with those vcioious punches!

Just then Damien Rose Runs at Cannon and Rahjeem, looking to eliminate them in the same way Sonny Williams did Stone and Warner, but at the last second gets out of the way and Rose sends Rahjeem over the top rope and onto the floor.

Jacobs: Rahjeem just got eliminated by Damien Rose!

Stasiak: That's the second time Ace Cannon got out of the way at the last second. That man is going to win this thing I can feel it.

Maxx comes up behind Cannon as he is catching his breath and hits a devestating german suplex. Maxx then locks in the Cross Face.

Stasiak: What is Maxx doing, there are no Submissions in this match.

Jacobs: It's not about the submission it's about inflicting as much pain as possible.

Suddenly the lights go out, when they come back on David Bowen is in the ring and he has Maxx by the throat.

Jacobs: It's Faint! He's back and he wants his revenge on the Nation of Islam!

Faint takes Maxx over to the rope and Chokeslams him over the top rope and onto the floor. Faint then leave s the ring and goes up the entrance ramp.

Stasiak: David Bowen just eliminated The Maxx! Is that even legal, I mean he wasn't even in the match.

Jacobs: It must be, the ref is telling Maxx to head to the back.

Jacobs: Only five men left Dave. Will we have a dual champion in Sonny or Mystique. Or will a combonation of the other three win this match?

Stasiak: I don't know Ricky, We'll just have to wait and see.

Jacobs: Who is that coming down the ramp?

Stasiak: I think it's Alex Bowen. It is Alex Bowen, what is he doing out here?

Alex Bowen makes his way down to the ring all bandaged up from his havoc title match and goes straight after Ace Cannon.

Stasiak: Bowen is backing Cannon into the ropes.

Jacobs: After what Cannon did to him after the Havoc Title Match can you blame him?

All of a sudden Bowen runs at Cannon hitting him with a vicious clothesline sending them both to the floor.

Jacobs: Cactus Clothesline onto Cannon eliminates him from this Battle Royal.

All of a sudden Gus comes out of nowhere and Bowen, Cannon and Gus brawl all the way up the entrance ramp and into the back.

Stasiak: only four men left in this match who is going to win the Tag Titles?

Jacobs: It's not going to be Mystique and Williams look at those two go at it.

Williams has Mystique in the ropes and runs at him looking to clothesline him over the top. At the last second Mystique Mystique ducks and Sonny's own momentum sends him over the top rope.

Stasiak: Williams just eliminated himself! He tried to eliminate Mystique but the smaller man got out of the way.

Jacobs: Look at Rose stalking Mystique. Is he going to finish what WIlliams started?

Rose gets Mystique in the Powerbomb position and sends him violently down to the floor.

Stasiak: Mystique has been eliminated! We have our Tag Team Champions.

Becca: Your winners and new E.W. Tag Team Champions, Chris Cassidy and Damien Rose!!!

Cassidy and Rose stand side by side with the EW tag team championships, Cassidy looks at his title and raises it up in the air, Rose moves closer and stares at his tag team partner as Cassidy tries not to back down to Rose's intimidation tactics, Suddenly Rose hits cassidy with a straight shot as the crowd boos

Stasiak: What is Rose doing? He just viciously attacked his own TagTeam Champion partner.

Cassidy hits back with a couple of forearm shots leaving Rose teetering, he attempts to run the ropes but Rose catches him with a big boot to the head, ROSE then pics Cassidy up and hits him with a piledriver straight to the matt

Rose gets out of the ring, grabs both belts, and walks to the back.

Jacobs: What is he doing? one of those belts belong to Cassidy!

Grand Mystique VS Damien 'The Painbringer' Rose

Becca: The following match is scheduled for 1 fall. Coming down to the ring weighing in at 277 LBS Form the deepest, darkest part of the universe. He is the EW Internet Champion The Voice of the Cosmos Grand Mystique!

“Headstrong” by Trapt plays to the arena. After a few seconds the bright house lights go off but the music continues to the arena.

The house spotlights come up and are focussed on all four corners of the ring. They change colours rapidly. Then the music stops.

Then both sides of the entrance ramp, there are five or six short bursts of steam, followed by small firework going off by the Titantron screen.

The house lights returns and the music starts back up again. GM is in ring, sitting on a turnbuckle. He is facing in the ring with his arms outstretched and back towards the crowd.

Stasiak: What an amazing entrance by Mystique there.

Becca[/u][/b]: ANd his opponent weighing in at 352 LBS he is Damien 'The Painbringer' Ro...

All off a sudden Rose comes up behind Mystique and knocks him viscously off of the turnbuckle. Becca gets out of the ring as the ref quickly calls for the bell.

Jacobs: Rose out of nowhere starting this match with a bang.

Stasiak: Mystique landed hard on his head. He may be out of this match before it even starts.

Rose Climbs into the ring and picks up Mystique throwing him back into the corner. Rose then starts giving Mystique vicious body shots. The ref tells Rose to get him out of the corner and when Rose ignores him he starts counting.


at 4 the ref physically gets between Rose and Mystique. As he backs up Rose gives Mystique one last shot right to the temple.

Jacobs: This match has been all Rose so far. Mystique Hasn't been able to get in any offense.

Stasiak: You're right, things are not looking good for Grand Mystique.

Rose goes after Mystique again, who is still in the corner, but when Rose goes to punch him again Mystique manages to move out of the way and Rose ends up punching the turnbuckle. Mystique then turns Rose around and hits his own rights and lefts to his chest and ribs.

Stasiak: Mystique finally getting some offense in. Those punches seem to be rocking Rose a little bit.

All of a sudden Rose Shoves Mystique halfway across the ring. He shakes the cobwebs out of his head and walks over to Mystique and picks him up. Rose then hits a devastating suplex on Mystique.

Jacobs: Looks like you spoke to soon. That was a sick suplex by Rose.

Stasiak: You're right, I don't know how Grand Mystique can win this match it has been Rose the entire time.

Rose picks Mystique up off the mat and Irish whips him into the corner. Rose then backs up to the opposite side of the ring and Runs at him.

Stasiak: It looks like Rose is trying to end this. If he hits Mystique with that clothesline it's over.

Jacobs: Rose has shown everyone here tonight why he is called The Painbringer.

Right before Rose connects with a clothesline Mystique moves out of the way. Before he realizes what happened Mystique rolls him up. The ref gets down there and counts the 3.


Becca: Here is your winner The EW Internet Champion Grand Mystique!

Stasiak: I can't believe it Grand Mystique has done the impossible. After that devastating beating he took the entire match Mystique still manages to win this match.

Jacobs: I can't believe it either. Mystique has shown the world why he is the EW Internet Champion. Rose can't not be happy about this

As Grand Mystique walks up the ramp with the Internet title draped over his shoulder Rose starts stirring in the ring. He gets up and stares up the ramp as Mystique poses with his title. As the realization that he lost the match dawns on him he gets furious. He looks at the ref with a look of hatred. The ref tries to get out of the ring, but Rose grabs him before he is able to leave. Rose then hits the ref with a sick clothesline that lays him out flat. THen he picks him back up and hits him with The Pain Drop.

Stasiak: What is he doing he can't do that he lost fair and square. He's just being a sore loser.

Jacobs: He's mad he lost. a win over the Internet Champion would have put him in the front of the line for a title shot.

Rose rolls out of the ring and walks up the ramp amidst boos from the fans for what he did after the match was over.

Milenko Vs DC MWE title match

Before the ref is able to call for the bell Milenko and D.C. start punching each other in the middle of the ring. The ref calls for the bell as Becca hurries out of the ring.

Stasiak: These two hate each other, they can't even wait for the match to start.

Jacobs: That's what happens when you get two of the best in that ring fighting for a World Title.

Milenko gets the upper hand and starts rocking D.C. wIth European Upper Cuts. D.C. Manages to cut him off with a vicious right hand and then he hits a standing dropkick knocking Milenko to the mat.​

Jacobs: It's pretty even so far. Neither Man is giving an inch. They both want that title.

Stasiak: Being World Champion means you're the best. It would be a great first title for both these men.

Milenko is still on the mat after that dropkick when all of a sudden D.C. hits a dropsault and goes directly into a pin attempt.​


Milenko gets his shoulder up right before the ref's hand goes down for the 3 count.​

Jacobs: D.C. Almost had it their with another move like that D.C. is walking out of here with the title.

D.C. picks Milenko up off the mat and goes to hit another dropkick, but suddenlt MIlenko hits him with a vicious headbutt. Milenko the whips D.C. into the ropes and hits him with a vicious spinebuster. Instead of going foe the pin Milenko picks D.C. up and puts him on the top rope.​

Stasiak: What is he doing if he went for the pin he would have won this match.

Jacobs: He wants to put an exclamation point on this match.

Satasiak: BUt what could he be doing on the top rope? Milenko better be careful this could backfire on him.

Milenko hooks both OF D.C. arms behind his back and jumps backwards slamming D.C. hard into the mat.​

Jacobs[/u][/b]: Oh my God He just hit D.C. with The Tempest! (Tope rope Pedigree) If he can cover D.C. this match is over.

Milenko manages to drape one arm over D.C. and the ref starts counting.


All of a sudden Sonny Williams, Damian Rose and Ace Cannon Jump into the ring and start beating Milenko. THe ref calls for the DQ and ends the match

Stasiak: What are they doing? MIlenko had this thing won and the MWE attacks Milenko.

Jacobs: Can you blame them? They want the MWE title to stay with the MWE.

Ariel looks on in horror for a few seconds before she calls the rest of the NOI down to help. Rahjeem and Davinder Jeater come down to help, but it's still four on three.​

Stasiak: Where is Maxx, Shouldn't he be down here helping?

Jacobs: Hold on a second here he comes now.

Maxx comes running down the ramp and goes after Sonny Williams. The Allied Powers go after Rose and Cannon and MIlenko and D.C. continue their battle.​

Stasiak: Someone has to stop this these guys are tearing each other apart out there.

Virus: OK that's enough! If you guys want to beat the hell out of eahc other doit on your own time. As for D.C. and Milenko you guys will fight at the next PPV for the MWE World Heavyweight Title. To make sure no one gets involved and we have a clear winner this time it's going to be in a 15 foot high steel cage!

Stasiak: Great call by Th Virus At Maximum Punishment We will determine who is the MWE world Champion.

The camera fades to black.​


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