3 inches of snow on top of 2 inches of ice


Excellence of Execution
I'm one of the lucky ones. Many, if not most, of the towns around me are completely without power. My mom bought a generator to keep her place warm, but most people aren't that smart/lucky/fortunate/prepared. I'm warm, but most aren't. Mom said it's highly unlikely we'll even have school for the rest of the week (and since she's the Superintendent and makes those calls, I'll trust her judgment).

The only problem with this is I get bored sitting by myself in my apartment with nothing and no one to do. I can't even go get a new video game to amuse myself.

Has this recent wave of bad weather effected anyone else, and how?
Well I got five inches of snow yesterday, and inch of ice this mornign, and now the snow has begun to fall again which is predicted to be another six inches. And people got pissy when I said I wasn't going to work today.
I am still leaving for work - career fair today - and trudging through the 5 inches of snow and the sleet now falling. Fun fun!
Roughly 7 inches of a mix of snow/ice, got my 1/2 day canceled, thus making us make up a full day during the summer.

Fucking Snow.
We have a snow day today also. It's still snowing hard out there.

But uh, I'm sure you all heard about that Ice Storm in December that struck New England? Yeah, I was a part of that. No power for 4 days...
Yes.....I havent been able to get outside and run in a week. Monday I tried but I busted my ass three times.
I just went outside and it's actually warm outside. It's 4 inches of ice on the roads, buts it's warm enough to go outside without a coat on. That's just weird.
We got sleet, ice, and snow last night. Quite a bit of it too. So we don't have school today. I almost thought we would go the whole year without a snow day.
I'm one of the lucky ones. Many, if not most, of the towns around me are completely without power. My mom bought a generator to keep her place warm, but most people aren't that smart/lucky/fortunate/prepared. I'm warm, but most aren't. Mom said it's highly unlikely we'll even have school for the rest of the week (and since she's the Superintendent and makes those calls, I'll trust her judgment).

The only problem with this is I get bored sitting by myself in my apartment with nothing and no one to do. I can't even go get a new video game to amuse myself.

Has this recent wave of bad weather effected anyone else, and how?

I live in fucking South Dakota we get shit like this regularly, just drive slow if you decide to venture out
We got sleet, ice, and snow last night. Quite a bit of it too. So we don't have school today. I almost thought we would go the whole year without a snow day.

My school district in WI went like 8 yrs. with out a single snow day when I was going to school, it sucked, you get up in the morning and watch the closing hoping to see your school up there with all the others and it would never happen:(

on the plus side we usually were one of the first schools in the state to be get out for summer though, lol
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5 inches of snow...1 inch of ice...still sleeting...

Good times...I broke two tie rods...
Well I must be lucky. Seeing as I live in Michigan and havent gotten anything yet. It is cold as a motherfucker outside though.
Well, basically, we're done for the week. Oh, and on another note, my power finally went out at my apartment, so now I'm at my moms. I'm glad she smart and can afford a generator.

Internet FTW.

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