To me, this season is just above Season 6 in terms of quality.
It hasn't been a fun ride so far. This subplot with Dana and Beavis and Butthead should have been over a long time ago, but it finds a way to continue. It's ruined Freddie Prinze Jr's character. Last episode, he was about to turn Dana in, and now he's helping cover up the deaths of those two morons, as well as her involvement in the crimes she helped them commit. Stephen Root is at least coming in next episode looking for information on those two, but now it continues! I thought Cole was going to be the heir apparent to Jack if the show was going to continue. Clearly that is not the case.
I've had a problem with Renee's involvement in the show all season. She spent years working undercover with the Russian Mob, and apparently those years of trauma were nothing compared to the events of Day 7, which caused her to go off the rails and become a headcase. I loved her and her character last season. I couldn't care less now, and you know she and Jack will not live happily ever after.
I don't care about the President's subplot. At least last season, as ludicrous as it was, made it exciting with the White House under attack. It's boring filler this year.
I continue to have a problem with CTU. Brian Hastings is the best head of CTU in a long time. However, their lead analyst and field operative are both missing and they don't care, especially in the middle of a huge crisis. Their lead analyst apparently has some major skeletons in the closet and isn't even going under her real name and somehow, a red flag didn't pop up on her background check when she got hired. They have the budget for spy drones, yet their second in command field operative looks like he just graduated high school. How is there not a budget for some seasoned ex military personnel? This is a fucking Counter Terrorist Unit!
Lastly, the suicide bomber from last night jumps out of a window, at the very least, has broken bones, and somehow manages to outrun Jack, a bunch of CTU agents, and lock himself in a chamber.
I really hope this season starts to pick up. Nothing will be worse than Season 6, but this is getting to be pretty terrible.
With them continuing to reuse plot devices over and over, plus them clearly running out of ideas, it might be time to end the show.