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Turd Ferguson


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Anyway, we're getting started Sunday night, and I can't wait. Jack Bauer's Hour of Power always is a highlight for me.

Of course, we'll probably get things like:

-Jack yelling at someone for information.
-Chloe having Asperger's
-Pyramid Style phonecalls where by the 18th episode we finally see the revelation of the main bad guy
-Jack's superior going against what he says despite saving the country 384838372728482282292928289343738 times.

Either way, I can't fucking wait.
I love this show, I've watched it since the first series, and i've been waiting a long time for the new series, but I think they've bled it a bit dry. As you said, it's all a bit predictable now, and they're struggling to remain original and keep the fans interested. They either need a SERIOUS reboot or they should just let the show, and the legend that is Jack Bauer die with dignity.

Nevertheless, I'll DEFINITELY be glued to my TV on sunday, just because it's 24.
-Jack yelling at someone for information.

Before whispering ''please'' for that person to finally help him

-Chloe having Asperger's

and being incredibly blunt with a newbie who doesn't realise she will do anything for Jack

I'm at the point where it wouldn't suprise me if Jack himself was a mole and he had to kill himself to stop himself.

-Pyramid Style phonecalls where by the 18th episode we finally see the revelation of the main bad guy

Who will probably be played by a film star - see Dennis Hopper and Jon Voight from previous seasons

-Jack's superior going against what he says despite saving the country 384838372728482282292928289343738 times.

yep No doubt there will be plenty calls from Jack to the President whispering please to get what he wants.

You also forgot that if Kim Bauer is in this year, she will more then likely be captured numourous times and the shocking death of a main character I'm hoping its that chick from last year Renee is it?

Either way, I can't fucking wait.

Me either, it may be predictable, but its still freakin awesome. I'm hoping we see Tony again at some point this year, I hope they dont just forget about him.
God how this show has fallen hard. I just finished watching last night's 2 hour premiere and it's the same shit as always. The actress who plays the female president is just fucking awful and I frankly WANT her to be assassinated because of how fucking annoying she is, along with most of her staff. Chloe also has gone far past the point of being annoying to the point where I just have to change the channel when she's on.

Typical cliched storyline last night, but eh, it wasn't bad. I'll be watching but I don't expect anything out of this show anymore, not after the last abysmal season.
X, last season was really good.

It was Season 6 that was the show's nadir. The show got off to a slow start, but that's to be expected. The end of tonight's episode, with Renee getting back into the picture, was awesome. It was great to see Renee, she's gorgeous, and the fact that she's mentally unstable is going to add another interesting dimension to her character. The end when she cut the guy's wrist off was great, and even Jack was appalled by it.

The guy who plays Horace Goodspeed on Lost was a decent enough first level bad guy. I thought it was funny how his plan didn't really have a Plan B.

Anyway, I like the new CTU. I like how Chloe suddenly got attractive, and I'm REALLY glad Janeane Garofalo was nowhere to be found. I don't like the new head of CTU... Bubba Gump is terrible. Freddie Prinze Jr. is alright so far. The girl who played Starbuck on Battlestar Galactica is the epitome of the word "Butterface" and her subplot is wearing thin. It wore thin the moment the stalker popped up on screen.

We're not getting enough Jack. That's my main complaint so far, but that will obviously change.
I've seen all 4 episodes so far, and I most definitely am not feeling it right yet. The goal of them doing the back to back, 2 hours Sunday/Monday strategy was to get viewers hooked with the first 4 episodes of the show. But for the first time, I really am not.

As has been stated, 24 really slit's its wrists with Season 6. Absolutely, utterly horrendous Season with ridiculous storylines. It was so awful that they have never spoken about the events that occurred in that season again, such as Jack's brother and father both being terrorists, with the father murdering his son, and Jack being responsible for the murder of his father. It was awful writing.

Season 7 bounced back very nicely from that debacle. Jon Voight played an excellent Upper mid-level villain who dominated the series until the head honcho puppeteer, Will Patton, came in. His character (Alan Wilson) had potential and was given a major role that was tied into events in past seasons of 24, however was given very little on-camera time to really develop the character. He only got a quick mention this Season, but is evidently alive.

This Season just seems like there was no buildup and nothing really Earth-shattering that has happened to really hook the viewer quite yet. And that is imperative early on in the first 4 episodes to do. Maybe they do want to end the series, as Kiefer Sutherland has indicated that this may likely be it for 24 this Season.

But like 24 Season 5, and some of Season 6, it looks like the Russians are once again the bad guys.

I like the new director of CTU Brian Hastings. I think his character is very strong and forceful. I'm not too thrilled with the B Storyline with Dana Walsh and the abusive ex-boyfriend/husband which is only taking up time and pointless to the show from what I've seen.

But from what I've seen, we're not off to a rousing start just yet.
When I look at 24 and compare the earlier seasons I look at it almost like Heroes, the earlier seasons were just soo good, thats when it goes on it is hard to stay at least par on with those seasons. I do like the start of the season so far. I am intrigued by some of the new characters but it is a bit repetitive as in that the original bad guy is just a pawn and the guy in charge of him is just another pawn for someone bigger. And the several moles throughout the show. But I do enjoy some of the new characters such as, President Hassan and Cole Ortiz. Now also something that is really intriguing and drawing my attention is obviously Renee Walker character, and being a redhead helps.

I also am not a fan, like said before of the Walsh/ex-boyfriend storyline so far I have seen nothing that tells me I should care about it.

Also eventually I would really like to see, but I don't know how they could write it in is Tony to come back, after always dreaming of a final showdown of Jack vs Tony, and after last season I think we were teased it but for what I wanted it was a let down.
To me, this season is just above Season 6 in terms of quality.

It hasn't been a fun ride so far. This subplot with Dana and Beavis and Butthead should have been over a long time ago, but it finds a way to continue. It's ruined Freddie Prinze Jr's character. Last episode, he was about to turn Dana in, and now he's helping cover up the deaths of those two morons, as well as her involvement in the crimes she helped them commit. Stephen Root is at least coming in next episode looking for information on those two, but now it continues! I thought Cole was going to be the heir apparent to Jack if the show was going to continue. Clearly that is not the case.

I've had a problem with Renee's involvement in the show all season. She spent years working undercover with the Russian Mob, and apparently those years of trauma were nothing compared to the events of Day 7, which caused her to go off the rails and become a headcase. I loved her and her character last season. I couldn't care less now, and you know she and Jack will not live happily ever after.

I don't care about the President's subplot. At least last season, as ludicrous as it was, made it exciting with the White House under attack. It's boring filler this year.

I continue to have a problem with CTU. Brian Hastings is the best head of CTU in a long time. However, their lead analyst and field operative are both missing and they don't care, especially in the middle of a huge crisis. Their lead analyst apparently has some major skeletons in the closet and isn't even going under her real name and somehow, a red flag didn't pop up on her background check when she got hired. They have the budget for spy drones, yet their second in command field operative looks like he just graduated high school. How is there not a budget for some seasoned ex military personnel? This is a fucking Counter Terrorist Unit!

Lastly, the suicide bomber from last night jumps out of a window, at the very least, has broken bones, and somehow manages to outrun Jack, a bunch of CTU agents, and lock himself in a chamber.

I really hope this season starts to pick up. Nothing will be worse than Season 6, but this is getting to be pretty terrible.

With them continuing to reuse plot devices over and over, plus them clearly running out of ideas, it might be time to end the show.
Along with Lost, this is my favourite show on TV, and im guttered it will end after Day 8. Season 4 is my favourite, the whole day just went from intense situation to an even more intense situation, and for some reason it felt like the most was on the line all day than any other season.

As for Day 8, its going well so far, after a poor season 7, it has bounced back well. Day 7 missed the CTU HQ, now that that is back up and running the show is once again back to its best. Im loving the new bad ass Renee, shes like a female Bauer charging around like an absolute maniac.

Bauer is an absolute hero.....just the way he shouts/tortures/powers his way to success everytime is incredible.

YOU ARE GONNA TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO KNOW OR ITS JUST A MATTER OF HOW MUCH YOU WANT IT TO HURT!.....classic bauer....gotta love his intimidation tactics.
While not as fresh or unexpected as its early seasons, the adventures of Jack Bauer continued to hold my attention. The last hours of Day 8 did recapture some of the old shock and awe magic, such as Jack in full-on cyborg assassin mode, was recaptured and even though the finale
was a rehash of the end of Day 4 with Jack disappearing off into the sunset and the name dropping of the Russians using Kim and Teri to get to him was an obvious plotline for a future movie,
I still enjoyed it.

The final shots of Jack looking at the camera and the clock counting down to 00:00 instead of up to 04:00 were a nice touch too.

While it might be a few Days overdue, it was still sad to see one of the best TV shows of the 2000's end
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