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I was during the first season, but lost interest after that, of course it didn't help that I worked nights and wasn't able to watch during the 2nd season
man, u missed the second season........that was the best season, that wahat got me hooked to the show. season 5 wasnt that great, but ya i cant wait for season 6
stu dont spam, add what you have to say.

i was watching last night and it was awesome, and tonight's probably gonna be even better. i can't believe how good the writers of that show are. it's amazing.
The 4 hour premier was amazing. Kumar was a terrorist, Jack Bauer has a change of character, and not to mention a nuke goes off! That ending made me say out loud "hoooooolllyyyy shitttttt"
man, u missed the second season........that was the best season, that wahat got me hooked to the show. season 5 wasnt that great, but ya i cant wait for season 6

say what? season 5 was easily one of the better seasons and any fan of 24 will tell you season 2 was probably the worst season of the entire show.

as far as season 6 goes:

-the chick running CTU (nadia) is fuckin hot.
-wayne palmer as president makes me go ehhhh
-sandra palmer is annoying as hell
-jack spending 2 years being tortured in china is a little odd. you're telling me the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES couldnt find some way to bring him back before that? and his friends just sat there and didnt do shit about it? like chloe, bill, curtis, audrey, the secretary of defense, etc.? i dont know if i buy that.
-jack shooting curtis was insane but a little unsettling
-a nuke going off in the 4th episode? shit.

you really just never know whats going to happen on this show.
24 is easily the best show on TV. I miss the first hour of Raw, because you can't miss 24. A nuke after episode 4, it's gonna be one of those years.

Season 2 was the one that got me hooked, i thought season 3 was the worst imo. Season 5 is the bar setter, too many twist and turns. But yes, the end of hour 4 this year made me say holy shit.
say what? season 5 was easily one of the better seasons and any fan of 24 will tell you season 2 was probably the worst season of the entire show.

as far as season 6 goes:

-the chick running CTU (nadia) is fuckin hot.
-wayne palmer as president makes me go ehhhh
-sandra palmer is annoying as hell
-jack spending 2 years being tortured in china is a little odd. you're telling me the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES couldnt find some way to bring him back before that? and his friends just sat there and didnt do shit about it? like chloe, bill, curtis, audrey, the secretary of defense, etc.? i dont know if i buy that.
-jack shooting curtis was insane but a little unsettling
-a nuke going off in the 4th episode? shit.

you really just never know whats going to happen on this show.

24 for LIFE!

I hated season 2. I thought it was boring for a while, then something interesting, then back to boring. Season 6 is incredible so far. Sandra is annoying, and it seems whenever Wayne Palmer is talking, 80% of the time its like he's whispering. He looks too young to be president anyway.
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