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2015: Post-Mania main event players


The Show himself
2014 is winding down and WWE is now looking forward to the Mania build up. This RAW was a strong show and was a step in the right direction trying to establish and develop. I don't expect huge changes in Wrestlemania XXXI card with Brock, Cena, healthy Bryan, Orton, Rollins, HHH and Sting being lock for main event/co-main event spots. Reigns spot may be iffy while Ambrose and Wyatt's role is still up in the air. However, my question is about the main-event scene after Mania. Who can we expect to be in the main event picture post mania? So, I am trying to compile a list of certainties and possibilities here. Here are my picks:


John Cena: This goes without saying. Whether you like it or not, he is going to be there. So, no point discussing this.

Randy Orton: see above

Daniel Bryan: If he's healthy, there's no denying that his popularity alone will keep him in the main event picture. Whether he wins the title again or not, he is pretty much a lock in the main event for the coming year.

Seth Rollins: Yes, I am putting him into certainty. He's already proven than he can hang with the big boys and after his year long booking, I am very sure he would be one of the top heels, if not the top heel, on WWE programming. In fact, I can see a couple of WWEWHC reigns for him in 2015.


Dolph Ziggler: While he had a very strong showing this year, he's still untested as an established main event player. His IC title reign is still on and there's a possibility that he'll maintain his upper-midcard status. However, somewhere I feel that he'll keep flirting with the main events.

Dean Ambrose: The lunatic fringe has all but lost every PPV match he had this year. Still, he is one of the more popular faces on the roster and there is a possibility of him establishing himself as a more serious main event player. I believe that the post-Wyatt feud would be crucial for Ambrose.

Roman Reigns: I categorize him as a possibility simply because I am not sure if WWE management is sold on him as the new face yet. He still has a lot of work to do on various skill sets and WWE should really take his time with him. I would have no complaints if he actually spends 2015 in midcard and goes after IC or US title. He can spend some time developing and may be 2016 becomes the year for him.

Bray Wyatt: He needs a solid program to establish himself. His feud with Ambrose, while has produced some great matches, hasn't really caught on the way WWE would've liked. Still, a rumored match against Taker (I don't really think this'll happen but if it happens) could go a long way in establishing him as one of the top WWE main event heel.

Dark Horses:

Bad News Barrett: He just returned and seems like he'll be a face/tweener. This could be his last chance to show that he can be a serious contender while staying healthy. His injuries have been unfortunate and while not his fault, he might be on borrowed time.

Ryback: It seems that WWE is really putting some serious effort in building him back. A feud with Rusev is not bad but it remains to be seen if he can carry himself well enough through these matches. If he delivers consistently inside the ring and mic, he has good enough look for Vince to seriously consider pushing back in main event.

Sheamus: He's on the shelf at this time and I have no idea when he'll be back. He had a lackluster 2014, but a guy with his size and look can seamlessly be pushed back into the main event. I think a heel turn can really benefit him.

Who would be your picks?
When you count those names and realise there are 11 guys in there already...you can't help but hope that all of them get some sort of moment or at least a great showing at Mania from which they can kick off from(talking about the nearly guys you pointed out).

I'd add Cesaro in the third category as another possbility and also likewise Rusev, who might well be able to shed the Russian schtick through this Ryback storyline as the latter alluded to it in his promo on RAW last night, by terming their rivalry as One Big Guy kicking the other Big Guy's A**!

Then, there could be someone like a Finn Balor/Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn who makes a step up, whilst Neville is also on his way and it will be interesting to see how he fares when he gets on the Main Roster.

Hopefully, if Mania 31 goes the way I hope, we might well see a refreshing Main Event scene by SummerSlam next year. **fingers crossed**
Certainties -

Rollins - I don't think Rollins will cash in his MITB Briefcase as WM 31 so I assume he's going to be after Reigns.

Reigns - He should be WWE WHC. I expect him to dominate the title scene for the rest of the year.

Possibilities -

Cena - It's rumored he's supposed to face Rusev at WrestleMania. I assume this won't be a one and done so I expect to see the feud drag long until the summer but if Rollins manages to win the championship it wouldn't surprise me to see Cena back in the championship hunt.

Orton - I hadn't seen who he's rumored to face at WrestleMania but seeing how he got unresolved issues with The Authority. Whenever he's done with them, I'm sure he'll be chasing the championship again.

Bryan - Bryan's too big to keep out of the title picture unless like Orton he gets tied up with The Authority.

Dark Horses -

Sheamus - Sheamus has been sidelined with an injury and paid his dues since his last push. He's big enough to jump back in the title scene, but that's if WWE wants him to.

Bray - He seems to be a favorite of management. He could be Reigns' biggest rival if they choose him to be.

Ambrose - He's another favorite of management. They could push him as the next top face or they could turn him like they did Ryback after WM 29 to chase the title if they wanted to.
Certainties ~

Rollins - Holder of the Money In The Bank briefcase, Main Guy in the Authority, Arguably Superstar of the Year. You would think he would be inevitable.

Bryan - I'm not the biggest fan of his, but there's no denying he's super talented and has one of the biggest fan bases. The longer he goes without a title shot, the more his fans will be vocal. Expect him to main event one of the big 4 PPVs.

Reigns - If WWE management was/is actually considering them to main event Wrestlemania, then you would assume he's another certainty to be main eventing PPVs. I don't think he's ready for 'Mania, but if you gave me till Summerslam I'd expect him to be challenging or have won the WWEWHC. Like many others I'm not too keen on him, but saying that on Raw Monday he definately improved in ring wise (maybe because of Rollins) and he supposedly has been putting in extra effort to improve on his promos, although this has not been evident yet.

Orton - I'm putting him as a certainty although I doubt he'll hold the WWEWHC much, if at all post 'Mania, at least in terms of 2016. The reason why I put him as a certainty then is that he would have great ring chemistry with many of the people I could see in the title hunt, and so I think he'll have a few title matches and number one contender matches.

Possibilities ~

Ziggler - If anyone is grabbing the brass ring it's this guy. WWE should be smart and reward him as an example to others on the roster. Maybe they already have with the IC Title and his strong booking, and I also expect him to be involved with the main angle the next few weeks. If he is and he knocks it out the park again, I will expect him to be a major player maybe even heading into 'Mania. I might be biased but for me he's a possibility that could easily turn into a certainty.

Cena - Post Rumble I can see Cena going one of two ways, either he'll be the main man still, and equal and break Flair's record, or he'll take a step down and have lengthy feuds with various Superstars. I personally see him dropping back, maybe having a PPV or two where he's in number one contender matches against the likes of a Ziggler, Reigns etc. (other faces) but then again I wouldn't put it past WWE, hence why he is a possibility, leaning towards a certainty.

Rusev - I believe he will be the second biggest heel on the roster in late 2015. I don't think Rollins will maintain his chase throughout post 'Mania and can see him going into a major feud without the belt around Survivor Series, but I'm no psychic. Because I think this I feel that Rusev will get in the title picture, as he would be the next major heel unless someone turns, hence why he's a possibility.

Dark Horses ~

These guys either haven't done enough for me the past few months, or I don't feel they'll be given the opportunity until next 'Mania season.
-Bray Wyatt
-Dean Ambrose
-Wade Barrett

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