2014: Still The Summer of Punk?


Best In The World
Many moons ago before the 2014 Royal rumble, Wrestlezone had a few headlines stating that this year, WWE was going to try and have another "Summer of Punk" but now that he has left without a reason why, those plans have seem to have been destroyed....or have they? I have a theory that I myself don't even totally see as viable but could be a possibility. With MITB being June 29th it would be a perfect time for Punk to make his long awaited return back to WWE and proclaim that it was all a work (for the sake of the theory we'll say it's a work cause I don't know if it is or not) he could come back in the MITB ladder match filling an empty spot because a wrestler got "injured" or he could come back as the 3rd member of The Shield (just for the night) and face off against the new Evolution. Then once he's back, he could feud with HHH or even go for the titles and feud with Bryan, with AJ at his side as the newly wedded WWE power couple, and he would be cutting promos and calling people out all over the place just like he did in 2011. Although, I personally believe that The Summer of Punk can't be recreated as it was a more natural occurrence, I definitely would not be surprised if Punk did return this summer and was placed in the main event where he does belong. With all that happening it would come out that the WWE and Punk tricked us all along and he left in January just to make his return that much sweeter and just to show all the people that they "need him" or something like that. And I'm sure some of you are tired of hearing about him and yadda yadda yadda but it was just an idea I had and I know it may seem unlikely and I don't have my hopes very high but I was just wondering:
1) what you guys would think if this happens?
2) do you think that this is a possible and viable option?
yeah I kinda had the same idea. I stated in another thread I think punk returns at MITB to replace an "injured" superstar or punk returns at summerslam to screw over HHH vs whoever he faces. Either way punk will be back and i can't wait.
Anything to do with a Punk return must exist separate from current angles. It would do nothing but cheapen his comeback to throw him into the Shield/Evolution shuffle. Punk is a lone wolf, so his return must directly address the departure situation with Stephanie/HHH/Vince. Perhaps afterward he can team with someone to take on whoever, but anything with the remnants of the Shield would be counterproductive since the whole idea of the group is to showcase rising stars. Plus it would be derivative of the Nexus development. Furthermore, why reduce the impact of Punk's return with a tag team program instead of an immediate feud and clean win over Churple Etch? So, in conclusion:

1. It would be fun and exciting for the shock factor of Punk's return, but ultimately not viable or plausible for a properly developed payoff.

2. See above.
It does make sense on some levels, that we are not "in the summer" yet and that he would need to rest/chill/get his mind right if he was going to be the focal point.

It's plausible that this is still gonna happen with the recent namedropping from both Steph and Heyman. It may be read as "digs" or that they are getting the name "out there" again ready for it.

But if they were going to do this then there seems little/no point in the Dave "quitting" as it just steals the thunder a bit... unless all the pissed off talent like Punk, Dave, Foley, perhaps Jericho and Ziggler came back as one group and took down Hunter and Steph, perhaps with Vince behind it.

IF they are gonna do something, the only thing that makes sense is Vince returning with Punk as his "avatar"... or perhaps Shane. You can imagine Vince with the "You let two of our top talents just walk out... that's not what's best for business." and bringing both Punk and Batista back. You could imagine Shane coming back and saying "I managed to do what you couldn't... I got CM Punk back".

In reality though it is likely that Punk simply is using up his contracted time off before it expires. Whether he signs, has signed or refuses to sign a new deal... he would have been entitled to periods of time off the same as all the other talent... his long reign meant he never really took time off during this deal, so the "use it or lose it" applies... I've a feeling the "Summer of Punk II" plans ended the moment he chose to use it...
I pray Punk comes back...the product is getting repetitive and boring imo. Total Divas is almost more entertaining than the same ol' stuff on Monday night. I do agree thought that Punk needs his own storyline...I don't want him attached to any of this other stuff. But please put a move on it already and hurry back. With DB out, Batista gone, Brock gone, etc, it's tough to watch. Don't even get me started on the Shield's bs breakup. Ugh.
Anything to do with a Punk return must exist separate from current angles. It would do nothing but cheapen his comeback to throw him into the Shield/Evolution shuffle. Punk is a lone wolf, so his return must directly address the departure situation with Stephanie/HHH/Vince. Perhaps afterward he can team with someone to take on whoever, but anything with the remnants of the Shield would be counterproductive since the whole idea of the group is to showcase rising stars. Plus it would be derivative of the Nexus development. Furthermore, why reduce the impact of Punk's return with a tag team program instead of an immediate feud and clean win over Churple Etch? So, in conclusion:

1. It would be fun and exciting for the shock factor of Punk's return, but ultimately not viable or plausible for a properly developed payoff.

2. See above.

I see what you're saying. I guess that does make more sense but also having him come back to help the shield at MITB could be the start of him having a singles feud with HHH because HHH would be able to blame Punk for the loss and just disband Evolution because they still "couldn't get the job done" and then Seth could feud with Reigns or someone in mid card and Orton can do whatever, be boring still I guess. But to answer the "rising stars" statement you could just say that they brought back Punk as their veteran to counter attack HHH.
It does make sense on some levels, that we are not "in the summer" yet and that he would need to rest/chill/get his mind right if he was going to be the focal point.

It's plausible that this is still gonna happen with the recent namedropping from both Steph and Heyman. It may be read as "digs" or that they are getting the name "out there" again ready for it.

But if they were going to do this then there seems little/no point in the Dave "quitting" as it just steals the thunder a bit... unless all the pissed off talent like Punk, Dave, Foley, perhaps Jericho and Ziggler came back as one group and took down Hunter and Steph, perhaps with Vince behind it.

IF they are gonna do something, the only thing that makes sense is Vince returning with Punk as his "avatar"... or perhaps Shane. You can imagine Vince with the "You let two of our top talents just walk out... that's not what's best for business." and bringing both Punk and Batista back. You could imagine Shane coming back and saying "I managed to do what you couldn't... I got CM Punk back".

In reality though it is likely that Punk simply is using up his contracted time off before it expires. Whether he signs, has signed or refuses to sign a new deal... he would have been entitled to periods of time off the same as all the other talent... his long reign meant he never really took time off during this deal, so the "use it or lose it" applies... I've a feeling the "Summer of Punk II" plans ended the moment he chose to use it...

I like the idea with Vince but for some reason Mr. McMahon doesn't seem to want to grace us with his presence on the television screen and I really just don't see Shane returning anytime soon.
Oh look, another Cm Punk threat about Summer of Punk. I have lost count.

Everything is viable. As long as he has a contract, I ain't taking anything away. The thing is, the more time progresses, the more it seems as he just walked away, even though WWE tends to do those "small things" regarding Punk, that might actually indicate it is a work.

Nonetheless, as I said, everything is possible, but since no one knows anything, I wouldn't try to speculate anything. Just keep everything to yourselves until something big comes up that we can discuss to some extent.
Let it go, man. He's retired. Punk even said so himself. He had two prime opportunities to come back: Raw in Chicago and at Payback. He wasn't anywhere near the arena on either day. If Punk comes back, it will be in one of the following three situations: At a major PPV or whatever WWE is calling them these days (Mania or Summerslam, maybe Rumble), at the next TV taping in Chicago (Raw on September 29th), or in a couple of years for a six month Jericho-type run to put over young talent. Personally, I think the most likely scenario is option three.
There won't be a Summer of Punk. He's retired and since he left, I, like many others, think it won't be until the Royal Rumble until he even speaks with management again. A Money in the Bank return won't happen because Jericho is most likely coming back as a surprise entrant in the MITB match. So Punk coming back would overshadow Jericho's return.

I am the minority in this because I respect Punk for what he did. He saw they weren't doing anything good with his character after all he did in 2011-2012. Punk, when used correctly, is the best thing in wrestling. I get that it's supposed to be an honor to work with Hunter at Mania, but not for Punk. Punk deserves his WrestleMania payoff for all that he's done. His title match at Mania got heavily overshadowed by Rock/Cena.

He's missed two opportunities to come back in his hometown and had he shown up at one of them, the ovation would've been huge. But like I said, Royal Rumble MIGHT be the next time we see him.

Anyone remember when Jericho left the first time for the SAME reason's Punk left? His body was hurting, he could tell years were coming off his career. He left for two and a half years(I could be wrong on that). Punk has been gone for 5 months, if that, and people think he's never coming back, or every time WWE is in Chicago he's coming back, or at the next high profile PPV or Special Event.

Give it time. When Punk's ready, he'll come back. And when he does, WWE will properly push him because he was #2 in merchandise sales. In WWE, merchandise sales is EVERYTHING

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