2011 - Year of Promos.


Dark Match Winner
With the new year and the end of 2010, ive started noticing how entertaining, and funny some of the promos are. Heres a list.

John Cenas Goodbye: Not a cena fan at all, but this was touching

The Miz: At the slammy awards, when he took the award from the girl and said "if anyone should win a slammy, its not a 9 year old girl, its me." The way he said it cracked me up.

CM Punk: No other explanation needed apart from "What kind of idiot jumps off the tron!?" Was one of the funniest things ive heard on WWE for a long time.

How do you feel about the promos leading into 2011 and in 2011, and do you feel the quality will continue with new people in the main event scene?
I'd say it entirely depends on the quality of the person given the promo. You give something like that to Punk or Miz or Cena and it's always a possibility something really funny and memorable is going to come out if it. And with people like punk still on top right now, you may see plenty more where that came from.
my favorite promo wasn't for this year but last year when cm punk said " your not funny and nobody likes you!... i cant remember who he said it too but it was one of the funniest things i'v heard since anything that came out of the rock's mouth.
I think already we are seeing good promo's from the same people.

Just for example, the Miz cut a great promo about how despite him still being WWE Champion no one respects him, which I think will play out great; Miz fighting to demand respect. As well as that Cena's promo about dealing with Nexus just after Punk's "suicide" spot was probably one of the best I have seen from him.

Hopefully it continues because the WWE really need to use good promos to their advantage it to get their new stars over.
It was last year, but Cody Rhodes going nuts after Husky was eliminated from NXT was just awesome, and i like alot of the stuff he does.

Other than that, most of what CM Punk has done as a part of Nexus has been great so far, and that promo Vickie and Dolph gave before the first Cena match i think it was, where Vickie couldn't even speak due to how much heat she was getting, was just amazing.
Not only promos the backstage segments are hitting on the spot too. The whole Nexus initiation. Miz bitching out Alex Riley. Dolph and Vickie. Hell I'm even gonna say Drew and Kelly because it reminds me of me in high school haha. I think WWE should give the mid card and lower mid card more backstage segments and the stars the promos.

Does anyone remember Edge and Ryder segment were Ryder was trying to show how cool he was. Also my favorite promo wasnt really a promo it was Edge giving a elbow drop to the laptop.
The promos have been strong and have been delivered well by people who are gifted in the area. Guys like Punk, Cena and Miz are great mic workers and should be featured more in a promo role. Having guys like Jericho gone really opens up the park for great promo workers. We’ll definatley see better and bigger things from Punk and Miz throughout 2011 and Cena will still be on top. I hope eventually Ziggler gets more of the mic than Vicki as he will need to stand by himself somewhere down the line and he needs to show how good he can be to be considered a mainstay in the main event. Guys like Swagger and Kofi have also been impressing me with their promo work.

As for my favourite for 2010 it would have to be Jericho’s line to Cole when reading the GM’s email. “Just shut up and read it!” – Classic (or should I say vintage) Jericho.
And hopefully, they keep it up. I'd rather have quality stuff than BS, since 1/3 the show is wrestling, 1/3 is commercials, and the other 1/3 is talking/etc.
It was last year, but Cody Rhodes going nuts after Husky was eliminated from NXT was just awesome, and i like alot of the stuff he does.

Other than that, most of what CM Punk has done as a part of Nexus has been great so far, and that promo Vickie and Dolph gave before the first Cena match i think it was, where Vickie couldn't even speak due to how much heat she was getting, was just amazing.

yes the cody rhodes promo was one of the first that popped into my head! i loved that promo

i was also thinking of the ones with orton and sheamus especially when orton said he would rko his own grandma haha

i guess any punk promo would fit well too
the PG era has ruined the inrensity of the promos to me...that being said i think the wrestlers are getting more comfortable & creative in the PG era & that is helping them improve there promo style now that they have had a little time to see what they can or can't do.

!!jUst 1 gUys opinion!!

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