2011 is NOT the start of a new decade.


"Original Blade"
People are saying 2011 is the start of a new decade. Fucking no. 2010 was the start of the current decade.


Count that. 10 years. 2000 - 2009 was the decade. 2010 -2019 is the current decade.

Sorry, that's been annoying me for the last few days.
Didn't have a thread on this a couple of days ago?

Also, where have you been, Blade?
Can we all kindly shut the fuck up about this?

A decade is any span of ten years. So everyone is right. The argument is that since there was no 0 AD, the common era started at 1. If you count on your fingers, 10 years gets you to the year 10. Continue that trend and you will eventually get to 2001-2010. So going by the Gregorian calendar, 2011 is the start of the current decade.

On the other side of the argument, people usually refer to decades from the year ending in 0 to the year ending in 9, e.g. 1980-1989 were the '80s, 1990-1999 were the '90s. So 2010 is the start of the current decade to them.

Both are valid, since a decade is any period of 10 years. Technically, 2011 is the beginning of the next full A.D. decade. Colloquially, 2010, as with any other 0 year, is the beginning.
Where the Hell have you been lately!?

Drinking and getting sex.

So the first decade in history only had 9 years? LOLWUT?

Depends, techincally AD history began on 0 AD... I think.

Didn't have a thread on this a couple of days ago?

Also, where have you been, Blade?

Was it? I must have missed that. Also, see my answer to Dave.

Can we all kindly shut the fuck up about this?

A decade is any span of ten years. So everyone is right. The argument is that since there was no 0 AD, the common era started at 1. If you count on your fingers, 10 years gets you to the year 10. Continue that trend and you will eventually get to 2001-2010. So going by the Gregorian calendar, 2011 is the start of the current decade.

On the other side of the argument, people usually refer to decades from the year ending in 0 to the year ending in 9, e.g. 1980-1989 were the '80s, 1990-1999 were the '90s. So 2010 is the start of the current decade to them.

Both are valid, since a decade is any period of 10 years. Technically, 2011 is the beginning of the next full A.D. decade. Colloquially, 2010, as with any other 0 year, is the beginning.

Hi there.

A decade is a period of 10 consecutive years, so 2011 is technically the start of a new decade

Well yeah, obviously, but you can't use that logic. Otherwise, people could celebrate a century and millenium every year.
Depends, techincally AD history began on 0 AD... I think.


Nope. Year 1 AD.
The whole year/date thing is massively convoluted.

Because there was no Year 0, it means that the Gregorian calendar describes the year before it has passed eg. during the year 1582 only one thousand five hunderd and eighty-one full years years had passed (that is even before we take into account the potentially problems in the change over from the Julian calendar).

It would be like saying that you are 20 years old all the way through the twentieth year of your life even though you are not officially 20 years old until the end of that year.

Therefore, 2011 is in fact technically the beginning of the 201st decade AD in the Gregorian calender as the 200th only finished at midnight of 31/12/2010
Ah who gives a shit. You talk about all these Gregorians and Julian's when all along the Mayan's have been the ones that are right. Come December 2012 we all gon' die....or it's going to be a really awkward January 2013.

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