2011 Bound For Glory Series Announced


Occasional Pre-Show
As per the Impact Wrestling website..

On Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING on SpikeTV at 9/8c, the first-ever "Bound For Glory" series will be officially announced. There will be 12 Superstars participating in the ongoing competition, all leading to our biggest Pay-Per-View of the year in October!

As an online exclusive, the first three participants in the "Bound For Glory" series are as follows:

Rob Van Dam
AJ Styles

Tune into Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING for more details and participants for the "Bound For Glory" series!

Sounds rather interesting to me. Maybe from now until Bound For Glory, the 12 wrestlers will be able to pick up points on Impact (and maybe even Xplosion?). I assume the top 4 or 8 will get entered into something special at Bound For Glory.

What does everyone think about the first ever Bound For Glory Series?

You think it'll be where wrestlers will have to earn points on Impact up until October? Or do you think TNA will go a different route with this?

If done correctly, it has potential.
It is weird they are doing it now because wow we are not even close to October. I am sure the fans gonna automatically think Crimson gonna win the whole thing if they gonna continue this undefeated streak up until finally he gets beaten.

We gonna see The pope and few others that are on Xplosion, once they lose they go right back to Xplosion. I am just surprise they are going to do this till October. We got a long way to go. If build right with the right stars its gonna be good. I would say this, besides Crimson, who else earn their spot??I hope the winner is somebody who continue to be push properly
I don't get why people are down on Crimson and Gunner. Can we get more than 2 months of seeing these guys before we start judging the rest of their careers. I mean they are not even in any bigger angles/feuds yet because TNA is taking the build up with them slow. We have yet to see any actual promo work or background on these guys. It took Goldberg several months to get over.
I'm interested.

Hopefully it gets AJ Styles back where he belongs.

Gunner I like, I loved the fact he got a pin over Sting. Crimson.. well.. I really don't think he should have beat Joe.. hopefully Joe will be in this series and is the one to stop Crimson.

It was clear after Slammiversary that Crimson isn't ready for the main event, I don't think he's all that great in the ring... and thats fine.. he's young... he'll grow into a better wrestler... they all do... So no need to rush it with Crimson. Joe got buried by him.. that's enough...
im intersted it sounds like it might be a good idea the first 3 names announced i like it so far we all knw how good aj styles and RVD r in the ring and gunner has been intersting to me latley so im glad to see hes gonna do something besides his fued with EY.....i dont knw why a bunch of people are mentioning crimson for the winner of this whole thing...whos to say crimson will even be in this? theres nothing there tht says crimson will be in this tournament (im guessing thts what it is?) im hoping for guys like pope,daniels,kendrick, and kaz in this id like to see the winner of the whole thing get a title shot against anderson (or whoever the champ is come BFG) in the main event (depending on who it is,how good there built up etc.) but i can see tht being the prize the winner gets :shrug:
I doubt your going to see Kendrick or Kaz in it just because I don't think their going to take them from the X-Divison.

Maybe Kaz, not Kendrick. (not saying I wouldn't like to see them in it).

I'm thinking Robert Roode will get a spot in it. Daniels might. Pope might.

Styles is in.. that means Bully Ray almost has to be in.. he just did beat Styles.

Jarrett hopefully will just go away and quit taking up 1/4 of the shows TV time.

You'd have to assume Sting would be in it.
I doubt AJ Styles will go far in it as he will be tied up with Bully Ray Im guessing up till BFG.
a. why isn't slammiversary their biggest ppv?, right, anyone? b. seriously i agree w thtemp, Gunner?? i i just don't see whatever whoever does. waste of the returning F5 too!! Crimson, Rob Terry, Matt Morgan, or even the right xdivision guy to other x-d guys would be better suited w that move...
c. most importantly back on track (apologies ppl) the series has potential if its done right w the right stakes- rvd and styles yet not so much gunner indicate there will be some type of world title ramifications so i guess we'll see..
Does anyone see this playing out EXACTLY like last year?

Last year there was an innovative "top 10" list which determined the #1 contender for a few months, but the main thing with that list was Kurt Angle. He was running through the whole list and vowed to retire if he couldn't. We all figured he would culminate the run with a title win at Bound For Glory, but instead we got Jeff Hardy with the title joining Immortal.

Well, Immortal was cool for about an hour and then fizzled as fast as a high leaving Hardy's body. Unfortunately, Immortal lacked the volume of drugs that Jeff undoubtedly had or maybe still has. Still, the same men are in charge of the company this year so I can imagine that someone like Crimson will get close to winning and still be undefeated and will be screwed Goldberg Style as a new heel group emerges. Either that, or someone will win, only to lose to a fingerpoke to Hulk Hogan.

Ok, obviously the last part won't happen, but can't you see this being set up simply to screw someone? That seems to be the formula in TNA and while I'll never understand the draw of having your culminating Pay Per View of the year end in controversy as opposed to a great wrestling moment, that seems to be the MO.

I hope I'm wrong, but that's what I forsee happening. If they got with the nice moment, have Matt Morgan win his first title from this. He's much more deserving than Gunner or Crimson.
Three more names have been added..

Bully Ray
James Storm

For me, two of those three were expected. I'm kind of surprised to see James Storm listed. I was definitely expecting Robert Roode, but not James Storm. Half the field has already been announced, and to me, it looks pretty good. I'm excited to find out how it's going to work.
The final six participants have been added over the last two days. They are...

Matt Morgan
Scott Steiner
The Pope
Bobby Roode
Samoa Joe

Nothing too shocking here with the exception maybe being Devon. There's no X-Division guys in the contest. No Sting. No Angle. No Jarrett. No Abyss.

Everybody satisfied with the 12 participants? Anyone you were hoping to see not make the list?
I can`t fathom why Devon or Steiner got a spot. Where the hell is Desmond Wolfe? Amazing Red? Kaz?

The list looks good except for those two, so many more deserving people.

It`s cool to see Storm and Roode on the list seperately. Hopefully they`ll have a match.
I can`t fathom why Devon or Steiner got a spot. Where the hell is Desmond Wolfe? Amazing Red? Kaz?

The list looks good except for those two, so many more deserving people.

It`s cool to see Storm and Roode on the list seperately. Hopefully they`ll have a match.

EDIT: I meant to type Steiner but said Gunner instead.

Reality Check.

Devon and Steiner deserve it more than any of them, so you can't say they're more deserving people.

I'm fine with this.. it's a good mix of talent all itching to get to the top. Robert Roode's gonna win.
Well it COULD be good, but, this is TNA, so it will be shit.

Just as with the top ten, fucking right it could be damn good if ran the right way, with an air of legitimacy, just as the top ten couldve, but no, it wont.

Probably just be some hackneyed pointless bullshit we will have to suffer through and when the payoff finally comes, there will be some kid of swerve that will make it never ending.

TNA is great with starting new things, fucking awful at seeing them through, and finishing them.
Reality Check.

Devon and Steiner deserve it more than any of them, so you can't say they're more deserving people.

I'm fine with this.. it's a good mix of talent all itching to get to the top. Robert Roode's gonna win.

Devon hasn`t done shit to deserve it. Has he even been on Impact in the last 3 months? Desmond Wolfe is one of the most talented guys they have and he has been used like shit. He should be there instead.

I guess maybe Steiner has but it`s a long shot. He`s probably just there to put over Morgan.
Devon hasn`t done shit to deserve it. Has he even been on Impact in the last 3 months? Desmond Wolfe is one of the most talented guys they have and he has been used like shit. He should be there instead.

I guess maybe Steiner has but it`s a long shot. He`s probably just there to put over Morgan.

I guess you didn't know Wolfe had been out with a injury for a long time. If he is cleared to wrestle why would they bring him back when he hasn't wrestled in almost a year.
I guess you didn't know Wolfe had been out with a injury for a long time. If he is cleared to wrestle why would they bring him back when he hasn't wrestled in almost a year.

Well I didn`t know that, I figured he was on Xplosion or something like that. I suppose if he hasn`t wrestled in a while, he might as well shake off some ring rust before doing something like that.

Devon still shouldn`t be there though. Someone else should get that spot.
Devon hasn`t done shit to deserve it. Has he even been on Impact in the last 3 months? Desmond Wolfe is one of the most talented guys they have and he has been used like shit. He should be there instead.

I guess maybe Steiner has but it`s a long shot. He`s probably just there to put over Morgan.

So blood, sweat, and tears over the course of a 20 year career for both of those men... and they don't deserve it?
This sounds like a very great and unique idea to set up the main event of Bound For Glory. Most people push for the idea of a Royal Rumble-style match or a one night tournament, but this idea seems more efficient. It helps build many guys at once as Gunner is it and it wouldn't be so farfetched to expect a guy like Crimson or even Eric Young in it. Plus it brings great debate and speculation from here to then.

I seriously doubt it will end like last year's Top 10 concept. The Top 10 idea was not working well at all. This idea on the other hand is much simpler and interchangeable and only applies for one time a year. Could it end up being a 3 Way? yeah, but at least it's not gonna involve someone being mangled by a nail-covered piece of 2x4.

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