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2010 WWE Draft-All getting pushes


The Icon
No, I'm not talking about the Supplemental Draft, I'm talking about the draft on RAW. All the people who were drafted on RAW seem to be in a big push right now or on the brink of a push, which is good for all the superstars (with the exception of Kelly Kelly, I personally think MVP should have gotten drafted on RAW instead of her).

-Edge: Edge is in one of the biggest feuds going on in the WWE right now with Randy Orton and could possibly be the next WWE Champion, do I need to say more?

-Chris Jericho: Chris Jericho is rumored to be behind the NXT Invasion, which is the biggest thing going on in the WWE right now, and even though he might be leaving soon, he's still in line for one more push

-R-Truth: Truth is getting some of the biggest pops of the night on RAW every week and just lost the United States Championship. Is a main event push in line for Truth?

-John Morrison: Morrison just got off an ankle injury, he hasn't been up to much, but is there a big push ahead for Morrison? Or possibly a feud with the Miz? What do yall think the road is for Morrisn?

-The Big Show: He instantly got in a feud for the World Title his first week on smackdown, does anymore need to be said?

-Kofi Kingston: He is the current Intercontinental Champion and gets a huge pop every night as well. Is he in line for the next World Title push?

Christian: Captain Charisma has been in a weird position since he got drafted, it's almost like the WWE doesn't know what to do with him until the current World Title program is over, and then maybe Christian gets that push that many hope he finally gets. Does he get that push he needs?

Now that we're about a month or two in from the Draft, what does everyone think of the Superstars who go drafted?
not all getting pushes. Well Cody Rhodes isn't getting any whatsoever.

However, wasn't this the goal of the draft anyways, change superstars brand to push them. I mean every brand has its own jobbers and since they are jobbers it doesn't matter who they are, so only the ones that would receive a push would get the draft
I'm talking about people who got drafted on the actual draft show on RAW, not the draft from wwe.com, and the people I listed above are the ones who were drafted on RAW
how can you say that all are getting pushes and then post that Morrison, Jericho, and Christian may be in line for a push? As of right now neither of these 3 have been pushed so the draft has not been a success for them... The other superstars (RTruth in particular) are definately riding a wave of success
Maybe I should have put a question mark in the title, but if you read what I put "All the people who were drafted on RAW seem to be in a big push right now or on the brink of a push, which is good for all the superstars" it clearly states that I didn't mean that they were all getting pushes this very instant.

Where do people see Morrison and Christian going from here?
In all honesty I just see Christian and Morrison where they've always been : Upper Midcard status...they may get the odd mainevent push but they will mostly be feuding for the undercard titles for the rest of their careers
-Edge: Edge is in one of the biggest feuds going on in the WWE right now with Randy Orton and could possibly be the next WWE Champion, do I need to say more?

Not going to be as big as he was on Smackdown as the alpha dog. Not even the top heel on the show anymore, that'd be Sheamus. Seems to be about on par with where's he's always been at though.

-Chris Jericho: Chris Jericho is rumored to be behind the NXT Invasion, which is the biggest thing going on in the WWE right now, and even though he might be leaving soon, he's still in line for one more push

Behind the NXT angle? Says who? Certainly not I. Jericho obviously isn't in as good a position as he was as the champ after Wrestlemania. Back to his usual spot on the card at the moment, which is just fine. He's not even on the card for the PPV today though, is he? What a shame.

-R-Truth: Truth is getting some of the biggest pops of the night on RAW every week and just lost the United States Championship. Is a main event push in line for Truth?

Truth has definetly prospered since the draft. Amazing that he went from being blown up by Macgruber to being the #3 face on Raw in only a few months. I doubt a main event push anytime soon, being a beast in the mid card isn't out of the question.

-John Morrison: Morrison just got off an ankle injury, he hasn't been up to much, but is there a big push ahead for Morrison? Or possibly a feud with the Miz? What do yall think the road is for Morrisn?

Nothing. He sucks. Next.

-The Big Show: He instantly got in a feud for the World Title his first week on smackdown, does anymore need to be said?

He's certainly done quite well for himself. Works nicely as a face, most would agree. Doubt he wins a World Title, but being in the picture is certainly a step up for him.

-Kofi Kingston: He is the current Intercontinental Champion and gets a huge pop every night as well. Is he in line for the next World Title push?

He's basically in the exact same position as Truth. Hell, they may even be the same person. He's around the #4 face on Smackdown and isn't getting a main event push in the near future. He'll do just fine in the midcard though. Has in the past, anyway.

Christian: Captain Charisma has been in a weird position since he got drafted, it's almost like the WWE doesn't know what to do with him until the current World Title program is over, and then maybe Christian gets that push that many hope he finally gets. Does he get that push he needs?

Many thought main event picture after he got drafted. Even me, for a fleeting moment. Then reality set in. Not going to happen, baring a few injuries to others. He's in a low end feud with Ziggler, which is a little odd. In fact, Christian has lost all of his momentum since going to Friday nights. Like I said, odd.

Now that we're about a month or two in from the Draft, what does everyone think of the Superstars who go drafted?

Draft seemed to work out well, didn't it? A lot of these guys needed a change in scenery/character and were able to accomplish it. I'd say overall most of the decision turned out for the best, although Orton on Smackdown still would've been nice.
Without a doubt Kingston, Truth, and Show are in better positions for a push.

Edge is still in a good position as always..either in a major feud or title pic.

Jericho as we all know is still Y2J even if he is on a losing streak. We can still expect something with him.

Christian and MVP on the other hand havent been doing much but I expect them to prosper on smackdown. Their both really over but there being used right now to help put over Hawkins and Archer.

Morrison had an ankle injury and the way the U.S. Champ 4way match ended last Raw I can expect a feud with either Truth( if he turns heel) or the Miz for him. Overall not a bad draft at all.
-Edge: Doesn't get pushes anymore. He hasn't had a push since he won his first WWE championship against Cena. Ever since then, he's been on top of the card. He just takes a break every once in a while, comes back, takes his title back.

-Chris Jericho: My favorite WWE star of all time, sadly to say is on his way out. He more than likely wont be getting a push before then. And he doesn't want one. He says he has done all there is to do in pro wrestling, and his job now is to put over the younger guys.

-R-Truth: I'm not sure what to say about Truth. He's gotten his push, and now I think it's back to Superstars for him. I've never really liked him in WWE. In TNA, I respected his main event status much more. Here, it's not as believable.

-John Morrison: This guy needs the push more than anyone right now. He's coming off an injury, and he needs some action. I think MITB this year will be Morrison's. He definitely has the potential.

-The Big Show: Needs to turn back heel. He has his comedic moments, but let's face it: he is inevitably going to turn back. Just like Edge. Sure, he has his moments, but we all know he will be back before the next big PPV.

-Kofi Kingston: Perfect where he is. IC Champ, feuding with Mr. McMahon's "Chosen One", and one of the most beloved characters Smackdown has.

Christian: The exact reason I hate the way they killed ECW. Guys like Christian have no where to go. Too many people for just two shows, not enough belts to compete for. Christian should always have gold around his waist, because he is Captain Charisma. Until McIntyre wins the belt back, I don't see Christian having any plausible feuds going on.
WWE has been doing a better job as of late with building new stars, or pushing their older ones that aren't quite in the top tier.

Edge and Jericho will never really have to be "pushed". All they need is a program and they'll make it golden. Christian is in a weird spot, and I'm not convinced that he'll go anywhere with Mysterio as the champion. MVP is another guy in a strange place, because he's not main event even though he's getting a good reaction.

I'm just enjoying that WWE is trying to push everyone they have right now. Everybody's got a program it seems like, and those who do not are being used to put others over.

Kingston, Bourne, McIntyre, Hardy, R-Truth, Miz, and Swagger have really been pushed since Wrestlemania, with all of them besides Bourne and Hardy holding a major championship. But beating Chris Jericho cleanly at a PPV is way better than being IC Champion, so Bourne's in a great place right now.

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